Chaos Communication Congress

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Opening Event 35C3: Refreshing Memories
Episode overview
27, 2018
Hier geht es los.
The Precariat: A Disruptive Class for Disruptive Times.
Episode overview
27, 2018
The combination of the ongoing technological revolution, globalisation and what are usually called 'neo-liberal' economic policies has generated a global system of rentier capitalism in .. show full overview
The Rocky Road to TLS 1.3 and better Internet Encryption
Episode overview
27, 2018
Since a few months we have a new version of TLS, the most important encryption protocol on the Internet. From the vulnerabilities that created the need of a new TLS version to the .. show full overview
Locked up science
Episode overview
27, 2018
Restricting access to knowledge and science is not beneficial for society. So why are scientific results still locked up behind paywalls? Even though the answer to this question is .. show full overview
Artistic PCB Design and Fabrication
Episode overview
27, 2018
When a electrical device needs to be a piece of art or used as a mechanical component, a printed circuit board is more than a piece of fiberglass with wires embedded in it. In chemical .. show full overview
Going Deep Underground to Watch the Stars
Episode overview
27, 2018
Neutrinos are “ghost-like” elementary particles that can literally go through walls. They can bring information from places that are impossible to observe through other means. This .. show full overview
Mind the Trap: Die Netzpolitik der AfD im Bundestag
Episode overview
27, 2018
Die AfD-Bundestagsfraktion wird in der Öffentlichkeit vor allem mit ihren rassistischen Positionen wahrgenommen – mit ihren netzpolitischen Aktivitäten bleibt sie zumeist unter dem .. show full overview
Election Cybersecurity Progress Report
Episode overview
27, 2018
Recent attacks against elections in the U.S. and Europe demonstrate that nation-state attackers are becoming more aggressive, even as campaigning and voting are becoming increasingly .. show full overview
"The" Social Credit System
Episode overview
27, 2018
The Chinese Social Credit System (SCS) has been discussed a lot in Western media. However, we do not know currently how the system that is supposed to take nationwide effect by 2020 .. show full overview
Episode overview
27, 2018
While a lot of projects are currently developing their own processors, mostly as open source in Verilog, VHDL or even Chisel, we miss the free process that actually manufactures these .. show full overview
First Sednit UEFI Rootkit Unveiled
Episode overview
27, 2018
UEFI rootkits have been researched and discussed heavily in the past few years, but sparse evidence has been presented of real campaigns actively trying to compromise systems at this .. show full overview
Frontex: Der europäische Grenzgeheimdienst
Episode overview
27, 2018
Die EU-Grenzagentur Frontex nimmt eine Reihe neuer Überwachungsmethoden im Mittelmeer in Betrieb. Die Fähigkeiten zur Beobachtung des sogenannten Grenzvorbereichs gehören zum .. show full overview
Taming the Chaos: Can we build systems that actually work?
Episode overview
27, 2018
We rely on mainstream computer engineering every day, but it's insanely complex, poorly understood, unreliable, and, as CCC reminds us every year, chronically insecure. This talk will .. show full overview
Censored Planet: a Global Censorship Observatory
Episode overview
27, 2018
Six years ago the idea behind CensoredPlanet started, that is now launched at We had a simple (yet essential) guiding principle: measurements that may be politically .. show full overview
Datenschutz für Neulandbürger
Episode overview
27, 2018
Der Datenschutz ist als erst relativ frisch erkämpftes Abwehrrecht von Bürgern gegen Firmen und Staat ein wichtiges, aber häufig missverstandenes Rechtsgebiet. Zuletzt ist es durch die .. show full overview
Updates von der europäischen Außengrenze
Episode overview
27, 2018
Als Organisation für Menschenrechtsbeobachtungen geben wir Euch einen Überblick der aktuellen Entwicklungen an der EU-Außengrenze auf dem Mittelmeer. Mare Liberum betreibt ein Schiff .. show full overview
SiliVaccine: North Korea's Weapon of Mass Detection
Episode overview
27, 2018
Meet SiliVaccine – North Korea's national Anti-Virus solution. SiliVaccine is deployed widely and exclusively in the DPRK, and has been continuously in development by dedicated .. show full overview
Hunting the Sigfox: Wireless IoT Network Security
Episode overview
27, 2018
Sigfox is an emerging low-power wide-area network (LP-WAN) technology for IoT devices, comparable to LoRa. This talk recounts my analysis of Sigfox's radio protocol and presents an .. show full overview
How does the Internet work?
Episode overview
27, 2018
This Foundations talk explains the systems and protocols that make up the Internet, starting from a laptop with a Wi-Fi connection. No particular technical knowledge required. Many .. show full overview
Space Ops 101
Episode overview
27, 2018
After launching a spacecraft into orbit the actual work for mission control starts. Besides taking care of the position and speed of the spacecraft this includes e.g. detailed modeling .. show full overview
(Cyber-)Stalking: Wenn Grenzen verschwimmen
Episode overview
27, 2018
Von unerwünschten Nachrichten über Bedrohungen bis hin zum Intimizid. Allein im Jahr 2017 wurden rund 18.483 Fälle von Stalking polizeilich erfasst, die Dunkelziffer wird auf .. show full overview
Episode overview
27, 2018
In this talk @zelf invites to the world of Scuttlebutt, the decentralized P2P gossiping protocol, and how it can be transformative for society through decentralization of data and .. show full overview
Introduction to Deep Learning
Episode overview
27, 2018
This talk will teach you the fundamentals of machine learning and give you a sneak peek into the internals of the mystical black box. You'll see how crazy powerful neural networks can be .. show full overview
Stalking, Spy Apps, Doxing: Digitale Gewalt gegen Frauen
Episode overview
27, 2018
Digitale Formen von Gewalt gegen Frauen sind keine eigenständigen Phänomene, sondern in der Regel Weiterführungen oder Ergänzungen von anderen Gewaltformen. Stalking, Kontrolle, .. show full overview
Information Biology - Investigating the information flow in living systems
Episode overview
27, 2018
How to apply Shannon's information theory to biology. Cells, from bacteria to human cells, constantly take up, store, retrieve, communicate and make decisions based on information. .. show full overview
Episode overview
27, 2018
In this presentation we will take a look at how to break the most popular cryptocurrency hardware wallets. We will uncover architectural, physical, hardware, software and firmware .. show full overview
Digital Airwaves
Episode overview
27, 2018
Encoding or decoding random radio-waveforms doesn't need incredible expensive hardware anymore which offers new possibilities for building up over-the-air communication systems. There .. show full overview
Hackerethik - eine Einführung
Episode overview
27, 2018
Die Hackerethik ist die Grundlage für den Umgang mit den diversen ethischen Problemen, die sich beim schöpferisch-kritischen Umgang mit Technologie (auch "hacking" genannt) .. show full overview
Compromising online accounts by cracking voicemail systems
Episode overview
27, 2018
Voicemail systems can be compromised by leveraging old weaknesses and top of current technology. The impact goes way beyond having your messages exposed. Voicemail systems have been .. show full overview
Afroroutes: Africa Elsewhere
Episode overview
27, 2018
Let's think "Beyond Slavery": Afroroutes is a one-of-a-kind VR experience conceived as a journey through 3 displaced African heritages, immersing users in Rituals and Ceremonies to .. show full overview
"Das ist mir nicht erinnerlich." − Der NSU-Komplex heute
Episode overview
27, 2018
Sieben Jahre lang musste den Behörden jedes Stück der versprochenen Aufklärung des NSU-Komplexes abgerungen werden. Das Urteil im ersten NSU-Prozess zeigt: Deutschland ist nur sehr .. show full overview
Citzens or subjects? The battle to control our bodies, speech and communications
Episode overview
27, 2018
Technology is the solution: What is the problem? This seems to be the motto. Algorithms may be about to control our free speech while tracking technologies could control our bodies and .. show full overview
Venenerkennung hacken
Episode overview
27, 2018
Die Venenerkennung ist eine der letzten Bastionen biometrischer Systeme, die sich bisher der Eroberung durch Hacker widersetzt hat. Dabei ist sie ein lohnendes Ziel, schützt sie doch .. show full overview
Transmission Control Protocol
Episode overview
27, 2018
TCP/IP is the most widely used protocol on the Internet for transmitting data. But how does it work in detail? This talk will explain the TCP protocol, from handshake over established to .. show full overview
A Routing Interregnum: Internet infrastructure transition in Crimea after Russian annexation
Episode overview
27, 2018
This lecture tells the story of Internet infrastructure transformations in Crimea, the peninsula disputed between Russia and Ukraine between 2014 and 2018. It is based on an extensive .. show full overview
G10, BND-Gesetz und der effektive Schutz vor Grundrechten
Episode overview
27, 2018
Der Vortrag behandelt die Klage des Internetknotens DE-CIX gegen die strategische Fernmeldeüberwachung des BND vor dem Bundesverwaltungsgericht in Leipzig, was wir aus dem Urteil über .. show full overview
What The Fax?!
Episode overview
27, 2018
We all know what FAX is, and for some strange reason most of us need to use it from time to time. Hard to believe its 2018, right? But can FAX be something more than a bureaucratic .. show full overview
Chaos im Fernsehrat
Episode overview
27, 2018
Seit Juli 2016 darf ich – nominiert unter anderem vom CCC – den Bereich "Internet" im Fernsehrat des ZDF vertreten. Nach gut zwei Jahren ist es Zeit für eine Zwischenbilanz: Was macht .. show full overview
Exploiting Kernel Memory Corruptions on Microsoft Windows 10 RedStone 5
Episode overview
27, 2018
This talk is about new challenges in exploiting kernel memory corruptions on brand new Microsoft Windows RedStone 5. Each new version of Windows OS Microsoft enhances security by .. show full overview
A la recherche de l'information perdue
Episode overview
27, 2018
Performance lecture by Cornelia Sollfrank that makes a (techno-)feminist comment on the entanglements of gender, technology and information politics exemplified by the case of Julian .. show full overview
Genom-Editierung mit CRISPR/Cas
Episode overview
27, 2018
CRISPR/Cas hat die Genforschung revolutioniert und könnte bald in großem Stil gentechnisch eingesetzt werden. Aber was ist CRISPR und wie funktioniert es? Kurz gesagt: Teile des .. show full overview
All Your Gesundheitsakten Are Belong To Us
Episode overview
27, 2018
Plötzlich geht alles ganz schnell: Online-Behandlungen und elektronische Gesundheitsakten sind dieses Jahr für Millionen Krankenversicherte Wirklichkeit geworden. Zu einem hohen Preis: .. show full overview
Quantum Mechanics
Episode overview
27, 2018
An (almost) self-contained introduction to the basic ideas of quantum mechanics. The theory and important experimental results will be discussed. Quantum mechanics is one of the two .. show full overview
Open Source Firmware
Episode overview
27, 2018
Open Source firmware ist ein Begriff seit 1999 wo LinuxBIOS (coreboot) und u-boot als Projekt starteten. Heute nach fast 20 Jahren ist endlich Open Source firmware bei den Herstellern .. show full overview
Tactical Embodiment
Episode overview
27, 2018
During her talk “Tactical Embodiment,” artist and activist Angela Washko will present several different strategies for performing, participating in and transforming online environments .. show full overview
Modchips of the State
Episode overview
27, 2018
Hardware implants and supply chain attacks have been in the news recently, but how feasible are they and what can we do about them? In this talk we'll examine the design of a proof of .. show full overview
Episode overview
27, 2018
Heimatminister Horst Seehofer und seine Amtskollegen in den Ländern erweitern die Rechte der Polizeien und planen ein „Musterpolizeigesetz“. Damit handelten sie sich die größten Proteste .. show full overview
It Always Feels Like the Five Eyes Are Watching You
Episode overview
27, 2018
This talk will discuss all about the Five Eyes, the espionage alliance between Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. It is one of the largest .. show full overview
Hacking Ecology
Episode overview
27, 2018
As humans have a large negative impact on ecosystems all around the globe, we are approaching a major extinction event in which around 70% of all species will go extinct. This talk will .. show full overview
SD-WAN a New Hop
Episode overview
27, 2018
The software defined wide-area network is technology based on SDN approach applied to branch office connections in Enterprises. According to Gartner's predictions, more than 50% of .. show full overview
Inside the AMD Microcode ROM
Episode overview
27, 2018
Microcode runs in most modern CPUs and translates the outer instruction set (e.g. x86) into a simpler form (usually a RISC architecture). It is updatable to fix bugs in the silicon (see .. show full overview
Freude ist nur ein Mangel an Information
Episode overview
27, 2018
Nico Semsrott hat in Zeiten des globalen Rechtsrucks den überflüssigsten Job der Welt: Er ist Demotivationstrainer. Mit Powerpointpräsentationen und viel Pessimismus schafft er es, .. show full overview
Inside the Fake Science Factories
Episode overview
28, 2018
This talk investigates fake science factories; international twilight companies whose sole purpose is to give studies an air of scientific credibility while cashing in on millions of .. show full overview
Lightning Talks Day 2
Episode overview
28, 2018
Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, system or .. show full overview
Exploring fraud in telephony networks
Episode overview
28, 2018
Telephone networks form the oldest large scale network that has grown to touch over 7 billion people. Telephony is now merging many complex technologies (PSTN, cellular and IP .. show full overview
A farewell to soul-crushing code
Episode overview
28, 2018
A major part of software development is maintenance, i.e. tinkering with software that should already be completed but still somehow does not work as it should. Software developed by .. show full overview
C2X: The television will not be revolutionized
Episode overview
28, 2018
From Cyberfeminism to XenoFeminism - a short history of radical appropriations of media. This discussion will question how media is made (for whom and for what) and how meaning is .. show full overview
Jahresrückblick des CCC 2018
Episode overview
28, 2018
Biometrische Videoüberwachung, Hausdurchsuchungen, Polizeiaufgabengesetze, Staatstrojaner und ganz viel Cyber: Wir geben einen Überblick über die Themen, die den Chaos Computer Club 2018 .. show full overview
SymbiFlow - Finally the GCC of FPGAs!
Episode overview
28, 2018
The SymbiFlow project aims to be the "GCC of FPGAs" - a fully open source toolchain supporting, multiple FPGAs from different vendors. Allowing compilation from Verilog to bitstream .. show full overview
Modern Windows Userspace Exploitation
Episode overview
28, 2018
In this talk we will go through the different mitigations in Windows 10 and see how they affect modern userspace exploitation. We will explain the primary ones and the different ways to .. show full overview
The Urban Organism
Episode overview
28, 2018
This talk will engage the practises and protocols of hacking in the context of Hong Kong, drawing parallels from the stigmergic responses of the city (consensus network organisation) and .. show full overview
Explaining Online US Political Advertising
Episode overview
28, 2018
Over the summer Facebook, Google, and Twitter have started making transparent United States political ads shown on their platforms. We have been collecting and analyzing these political .. show full overview
The nextpnr FOSS FPGA place-and-route tool
Episode overview
28, 2018
Project IceStorm provides the first end-to-end open source FPGA toolchain, was originally presented at 32c3, and only targetted Lattice iCE40 FPGAs. nextpnr is the next big step for .. show full overview
Sense without sight: a crash course on #BlindNavigation
Episode overview
28, 2018
Learn to see the world without your eyes. Wonder what it's like to navigate while blind? Want to learn to use your everyday senses in ways you don't know you don't know? In this talk, .. show full overview
Reality Check! Basel/Lagos?? In virtual reality?
Episode overview
28, 2018
This talk will share the experience of a leading African extended reality lab - Imisi 3D. It will highlight this African journey to adopt augmented and virtual reality, the challenges .. show full overview
The Surveillance State limited by acts of courage and conscience
Episode overview
28, 2018
An update on the circumstances of the Snowden Refugees will be provided at the 35C3 event and venue in December 2018. There have been many significant events and incidents during .. show full overview
Verhalten bei Hausdurchsuchungen
Episode overview
28, 2018
Es ist 6 Uhr und ein Trupp uniformierter Polizisten steht vor deiner Wohnungstür. Was solltest du bis dahin getan haben und was solltest du jetzt tun?
How medicine discovered sex
Episode overview
28, 2018
Men with osteoporosis or depression, women with heart attacks - these are examples of diseases where medicine still shows a gender bias. Assuming that men and women have the same bodies, .. show full overview
Theater und Quantenzeitalter
Episode overview
28, 2018
Seit 2010 ist die Sehnsucht des Schauspiel Dortmund, ein gegenwärtiges und wagemutiges Schauspiel für ein Publikum des 21. Jahrhunderts zu schaffen, ein Volkstheater für die Digitale .. show full overview
Wind: Off-Grid Services for Everyday People
Episode overview
28, 2018
The internet has become essential services, and offline methods of sharing data are rapidly disappearing. Other possible networks are often better suited when connectivity is not .. show full overview
Smart Home - Smart Hack
Episode overview
28, 2018
More than 10,000 different device manufacturers from all over the world use the basic platform (WIFI module, cloud, app) of a single company to technically implement their smart home .. show full overview
How to teach programming to your loved ones
Episode overview
28, 2018
Teaching beginners how to program is often hard. We love building programs, and seeing our loved ones struggle with this is painful. Showing them how to copy-paste a few example programs .. show full overview
The good, the strange and the ugly in 2018 art & tech
Episode overview
28, 2018
What's been good, exciting, spooky and challenging in art and science/technology over this past year. With a short incursion into the ugly because even artists have the right to be awful.
Never Forgetti
Episode overview
28, 2018
Never Forgetti is a didactic live gaming lecture about the deaths of female video game characters and how their normative framing prevents them from developing agency to avert their .. show full overview
Projekt Hannah
Episode overview
28, 2018
Um das Entwickeln von eigenen Laufrobotern zu erleichtern, brauchen wir offene Alternativen zu bestehenden Plattformen. Am Beispiel unseres Projektes "Hannah" stellen wir euch .. show full overview
Feminist Perspectives
Episode overview
28, 2018
A variety of initiatives aims at encouraging female engagement in the hacker and maker scene. We present there some promising approaches and key learnings in a joint panel discussion.
The Enemy
Episode overview
28, 2018
The Enemy brings you face-to-face with combatants from three conflict zones: with the Maras in Salvador, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and in Israel and Palestine. Their .. show full overview
Computer, die über Asyl (mit)entscheiden
Episode overview
28, 2018
Welchen Dialekt spricht eine Geflüchtete aus Syrien? Was verrät das Handy eines Asylsuchenden aus dem Irak darüber, wo er herkommt? Und ist der Name Wasef eigentlich typisch für .. show full overview
Analyze the Facebook algorithm and reclaim data sovereignty
Episode overview
28, 2018
Facebook monopoly is an issue, but looking for replacements it is not enough. We want to develop critical judgment on algorithms, on why data politics matter and educate, raise awareness .. show full overview
Was schützt eigentlich der Datenschutz?
Episode overview
28, 2018
Beim Datenschutz geht es mitnichten um Privatsphäre, um das eigene Schlafzimmer oder um das Teilen privater Daten bei Facebook. Es geht gleichermaßen um den Erhalt einer demokratischen .. show full overview
Attacking end-to-end email encryption
Episode overview
28, 2018
In this talk, I’ll present several attacks that leak the plaintext of OpenPGP or S/MIME encrypted emails to an attacker. Some of the attacks are technically interesting, i.e. the two .. show full overview
Snakes and Rabbits - How CCC shaped an open hardware success
Episode overview
28, 2018
This talk will present a historical narrative of the background behind how the NeTV + Milkymist inspire the HDMI2USB then helped the NeTV2 projects and how they all became interlinked .. show full overview
A Christmas Carol - The Spectres of the Past, Present, and Future
Episode overview
28, 2018
With the beginning of last year, two major security vulnerabilities have been disclosed: Meltdown and Spectre. While mitigations in software and hardware have been rolled out right away, .. show full overview
Jailbreaking iOS
Episode overview
28, 2018
This talk aims to give a general overview of iOS Jailbreaking by starting at what jailbreaking was back in the days and how it evolved up until today, while also taking a quick look at .. show full overview
Schweiz: Netzpolitik zwischen Bodensee und Matterhorn
Episode overview
28, 2018
Datenreichtum, E-Voting, Massenüberwachung und andere netzpolitische Schauplätze in der Schweiz Der Kampf um die Freiheit im digitalen Raum wird auch in der Schweiz intensiver. Wir .. show full overview
Wallet Security
Episode overview
28, 2018
There are multiple different ways to store cryptocurrency secret keys. This talk will investigate advantages and disadvantages of different methods with regards to cryptographic backdoors known as kleptograms.
The Ghost in the Machine
Episode overview
28, 2018
Artificial Intelligence gives us a uniquely fascinating and clear perspective at the nature of our minds and our relationship to reality. We will discuss perception, mental .. show full overview
The Layman's Guide to Zero-Day Engineering
Episode overview
28, 2018
There's a certain allure to zero-day exploits. At the apex of the security industry, these elusive technologies are engineered by a persistent few to open doors of software systems that .. show full overview
Episode overview
28, 2018
Der nationale Höchstleistungsrechner SuperMUC-NG unterstützt die öffentliche Wissenschaft in Deutschland. Wie ist er aufgebaut, was kann man damit tun, und wo steht er im Vergleich mit den schnellsten Supercomputern der Welt?
Simulating Universes
Episode overview
28, 2018
In this talk I want to present the computational undertakings in the field of cosmological structure formation and galaxy formation. Here, sometimes gigantic simulations help us to .. show full overview
Episode overview
28, 2018
Through the hacking of surveillance techniques, machine learning, and big-data analytics, DISNOVATION.ORG’s trilogy of internet bots is uncovering and repurposing some of the influential and opaque operating systems of our online environment.
A deep dive into the world of DOS viruses
Episode overview
28, 2018
It is now 27 years since MS-DOS 5.0 was released. During its day there was the threat of viruses breaking your system or making it act in unpredictable ways. Due to its age and near .. show full overview
What is Good Technology?
Episode overview
28, 2018
The last years, we all have felt the impact of applying technologies like machine learning, social networks and data-driven decision making on a massive scale to our societies. Yet all .. show full overview
The year in post-quantum crypto
Episode overview
28, 2018
The world is finally catching on to the urgency of deploying post-quantum cryptography: cryptography designed to survive attacks by quantum computers. NIST's post-quantum .. show full overview
Episode overview
28, 2018
"Mondnacht" von Stanislav Lem. Das berühmte SF Rundfunk-Hörspiel als Lesung mit analogen und digitalen Mitteln.
Die EU und ihre Institutionen
Episode overview
28, 2018
Ein kurzer Grundlagenabriss über die Institution der Europäischen Union, insbesondere zur Funktionsweise und Zusammenarbeit
Meine Abenteuer im EU-Parlament
Episode overview
28, 2018
This event is not going to be recorded Bei der Europawahl 2014 wurde ich als Spitzenkandidat der Partei für Arbeit, Rechtsstaat, Tierschutz, Elitenförderung und basisdemokratische Initiative in das Europäische Parlament gewählt.
All Creatures Welcome
Episode overview
28, 2018
"All Creatures Welcome sketches a utopian image of society in the digital era. Accompanied by the appeal to “use hacking as a mindset,” the viewers immerse themselves, together with the .. show full overview
Die dreckige Empirie
Episode overview
29, 2018
Kann man empirischen Studien trauen oder nicht? Wie kann ich gute Studien von schlechten unterscheiden? Und was mache ich, wenn es zu einem Thema Studien mit gegensätzlichen Befunden .. show full overview
Lightning Talks Day 3
Episode overview
29, 2018
Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, system or .. show full overview
From Zero to Zero Day
Episode overview
29, 2018
In this talk I will share my story of how in a little over a year, a high school student with almost zero knowledge in security research found his first RCE in Edge.
Provable Security
Episode overview
29, 2018
Modern cryptography is based on security-proofs. We will demonstrate how these work, why they are desirable and what their limitations are.
Internet, the Business Side
Episode overview
29, 2018
Net neutrality, a big buzzword in the last years. It is not only a buzzword? There are economic reasons why it is a stake. This talk tries to give an overview and explain how money is made in the "internet" and how it is related to net neutrality.
Die verborgene Seite des Mobilfunks
Episode overview
29, 2018
Der Vortrag beleuchtet die Einflüsse auf den geheimnisvollen Teil des Mobilfunks – Störquellen im Uplink und deren Auswirkungen auf die Mobilfunk-Kommunikation sowie Praktiken zum .. show full overview
Kosmische Teilchenbeschleuniger und ihre Spuren in der Antarktis
Episode overview
29, 2018
Vor 5.7 Milliarden Jahren emittierte der Blazar TXS0506+056 eine große Menge schwach wechselwirkender Neutrinos. Von dem durch ein supermassives schwarzes Loch im Zentrum seiner Galaxie .. show full overview
Safe and Secure Drivers in High-Level Languages
Episode overview
29, 2018
Drivers are usually written in C for historical reasons, this can be bad if you want your driver to be safe and secure. We show that it is possible to write low-level drivers for PCIe .. show full overview
Transhuman Expression
Episode overview
29, 2018
The meeting point of art and science as a place of inspiration, exchange of knowledge and creation is the main focal point of the talk. Together with Prof. Oliver Deussen, the PhD .. show full overview
Best of Informationsfreiheit
Episode overview
29, 2018
Was für die Breitbandversorgung in Deutschland gilt, gilt auch für Transparenz: Überall Demokratie-Funklöcher, die man stopfen muss, am besten mit Klagen. Wir erzählen, was das .. show full overview
The Critical Making Movement
Episode overview
29, 2018
Critical Thinking + Making = Critical Making. Around the world, academics and grassroots communities alike are engaging in critical making. With roots in critical design and critical .. show full overview
MicroPython – Python for Microcontrollers
Episode overview
29, 2018
MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on .. show full overview
Self-encrypting deception
Episode overview
29, 2018
We have analyzed the hardware full-disk encryption implementation of several Self-Encrypting Drives (SEDs) from Samsung and Crucial (Micron) by reverse engineering their firmwares. The .. show full overview
Planes and Ships and Saving Lives
Episode overview
29, 2018
The death rate at Europes seaborder reached a historical record: One out of five trying for Europe drowned this September: Main reason is the crackdown on sea rescue by European .. show full overview
Archäologische Studien im Datenmüll
Episode overview
29, 2018
Jeder Nutzer hat das Recht bei seinen Dienstanbietern eine Kopie seiner Daten anzufordern. Doch wer macht das schon? Wir haben genau das getan. Das Ergebnis war nicht nur eine intensive .. show full overview
Viva la Vita Vida
Episode overview
29, 2018
Since its release in 2012, the PlayStation Vita has remained one of the most secure consumer devices on the market. We will describe the defenses and mitigations that it got right as .. show full overview
In Sowjet Russia Smart Card Hacks You
Episode overview
29, 2018
The classic spy movie hacking sequence: The spy inserts a magic smart card provided by the agency technicians into the enemy's computer, … the screen unlocks … What we all laughed about is possible!
Matrix, the current status and year to date
Episode overview
29, 2018
Matrix is an open standard for communication over the Internet. I will talk about the matrix standard, both the technical implementation and the reasons for its creation. We will focus .. show full overview
Episode overview
29, 2018
We are presenting an innovative technology, which allows verifying the authenticity, integrity and/or the physical state of an item by employing the propagation behaviour of .. show full overview
Truly cardless: Jackpotting an ATM using auxiliary devices
Episode overview
29, 2018
Pursuit of “good customers’ experience“ not only leads to new customers, but also attract criminals of all sorts. Presentation will give overview of current security situation of ATMs .. show full overview
Domain Name System
Episode overview
29, 2018
Whenever you enter a name into your computer, it resolves it to a numerical IP address. This resolution uses the Domain Name System (DNS), which is a hierarchical decentralised naming .. show full overview
Die Häuser denen, die darin wohnen!
Episode overview
29, 2018
Wir wenden uns gegen Gentrifizierung, Luxussanierung und Spekulation mit Häusern. Das Mietshäuser Syndikat ist ein bundesweiter Verbund linker, selbstverwalteter Hausprojekte mit dem .. show full overview
Episode overview
29, 2018
This presentation will start off with a simple problem (how do you clear memory that holds sensitive content). It explores numerous possible solutions, and presents real live facts and figures. bugs in common applications will be shown.
Sneaking In Network Security
Episode overview
29, 2018
Highly compartmentalized network segmentation is a long-held goal of most blue teams, but it's notoriously hard to deploy once a system has already been built. We leveraged an existing .. show full overview
Russia vs. Telegram: technical notes on the battle
Episode overview
29, 2018
It's time to highlight facts and epic fails that were observed on the wire during attempts to block Telegram in Russia.
Web-based Cryptojacking in the Wild
Episode overview
29, 2018
A cryptojacking website abuses the computing resources of its visitors to covertly mine for cryptocurrencies in the browser. In this talk, we explore this phenomenon and answer, amongst .. show full overview
Mehr schlecht als Recht: Grauzone Sicherheitsforschung
Episode overview
29, 2018
Reverse Engineering zum Aufspüren von Schwachstellen ist gängige Praxis. Umso überraschender kam für 2 Forschungsteams die Abmahnung durch Rechtsanwälte eines Herstellers. Sie hatten .. show full overview
Freedom needs fighters!
Episode overview
29, 2018
Der Talk gibt einen Überblick über die Arbeit der Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte (GFF): Wir klagen, um Grund- und Menschenrechte vor Gesetzgebern und Behörden zu schützen.
Attacking Chrome IPC
Episode overview
29, 2018
In this talk, I discuss how to reliably find bugs in the Chrome IPC system with the goal of escaping the sandbox. I show how to enumerate the attack surface, how to identify the weak .. show full overview
The Mars Rover On-board Computer
Episode overview
29, 2018
Mars Rover Curiosity is one of the most sophisticated pieces of hardware ever launched into space. Because of the communication delay from Earth to Mars, it needs to accomplish most of .. show full overview
Modeling and Simulation of Physical Systems for Hobbyists
Episode overview
29, 2018
This is a foundations talk about modeling and simulation as tools for development, testing and debugging systems. It requires very little previous knowledge to address all makers and .. show full overview
A Blockchain Picture Book
Episode overview
29, 2018
Where is the blockchain, how long is it, and what does it have to do with cryptography? And is it really something completely new? I spent a lot of time in pubs explaining to people what .. show full overview
Du kannst alles hacken – du darfst dich nur nicht erwischen lassen
Episode overview
29, 2018
Schon Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Putin wusste: "Hacker, das sind freie Menschen, so wie Künstler." Wie wollen dafür sorgen, dass es so bleibt.
Conquering Large Numbers at the LHC
Episode overview
29, 2018
We are going to outline the ingredients necessary to perform measurements at the LHC, starting from an ordinary bottle of hydrogen. Let us take you on a journey following the path of the .. show full overview
Remo2hbo -Robustes und reparierbares Vitalparametermonitoring
Episode overview
29, 2018
Moderne Medizintechnik ist teuer und wenn sie kaputt geht, dann kann man sie normalerweise nur durch Servicetechnikerinnen austauschen lassen. Designkriterien orientieren sich an den .. show full overview
Episode overview
29, 2018
Ich möchte euch zeigen, wie ich mir aus einem Raspberry PI ein Smartphone baue. Auf welche Probleme und Schwierigkeiten ich dabei gestoßen bin und welche Lösungen ich gefunden habe. .. show full overview
A WebPage in Three Acts
Episode overview
29, 2018
A Web Page in Three Acts is a live coding performance which combines principles of choreography within the formal structures of coding. An assemblage of semi-improvised visuals and .. show full overview
No evidence of communication and morality in protocols: Off-the-Record protocol version 4
Episode overview
29, 2018
OTRv4 is the newest version of the Off-The-Record protocol. It is a protocol where the newest academic research intertwines with real-world implementations. It is also one of the first .. show full overview
Hacking the Human Microbiome
Episode overview
29, 2018
The human microbiome is a diverse community of bacteria that lives inside us. Their contribution towards our personal well-being or sickness is controversially discussed within the .. show full overview
Media Disruption Led By The Blind
Episode overview
29, 2018
Visual culture dominates our societies, every day encouraging and rewarding corporations and their users to create more visual content to populate their digital spaces and build their .. show full overview
Electronic Evidence in Criminal Matters
Episode overview
29, 2018
The lecture will give an introduction into the "EC Proposal for a Regulation on European Production and Preservation Orders for Electronic Evidence in Criminal Matters (COM (2018) 225 .. show full overview
Funkzellenabfrage: Die alltägliche Rasterfahndung unserer Handydaten
Episode overview
29, 2018
Polizei und Geheimdienste sammeln per "Funkzellenabfrage" Tag für Tag Millionen von Standort-Daten. Netzbetreiber liefern den Behörden regelmäßig Datensätze aller Mobilfunknummern, die .. show full overview
Internet of Dongs
Episode overview
29, 2018
With great pleasure comes great responsibility. A responsibility, which is not taken enough into consideration by the smart sex toy manufacturers as they should, while handling extremely .. show full overview
Circumventing video identification using augmented reality
Episode overview
29, 2018
Video identification is the process of establishing the identity of a person via video chat. The person to be identified has to show his face as well as her official ID card to the .. show full overview
The foodsaving grassroots movement
Episode overview
29, 2018
When you're fighting for a cause, you need tools that reflect your values. While venture capital-backed tools are seductive, especially at the beginning of your movement, they can be .. show full overview
Desinformation und Fake News - Bekämpfung und Verifizierung leicht gemacht
Episode overview
29, 2018
Für Journalisten bieten soziale Netzwerke eine Vielzahl von Quellen und Informationen, in einem Ausmaß, das vor Jahren unvorstellbar war. Doch damit steigt auch das Risiko immer weiter, .. show full overview
#afdwegbassen: Protest, (Club-)Kultur und antifaschistischer Widerstand
Episode overview
29, 2018
Im Mai 2018 initiierte Reclaim Club Culture (RCC) in Berlin einen Protest gegen einen Aufmarsch der AfD und die AFDsierung der Gesellschaft. Zusammen mit mehr als 170 Techno Clubs, .. show full overview
How Facebook tracks you on Android
Episode overview
29, 2018
In this talk, we’re looking at third party tracking on Android. We’ve captured and decrypted data in transit between our own devices and Facebook servers. It turns out that some apps .. show full overview
Österreich: Überwachungsstaat oder doch nur Digitalisierung für Anfänger?
Episode overview
29, 2018
In Österreich regiert seit einem Jahr eine Koalition aus der rechtskonservativen ÖVP und der rechtsextremen FPÖ. Eine ihrer ersten Maßnahmen war eine vollkommen überzogene Verschärfung .. show full overview
Episode overview
29, 2018
Die Repaircafé-Bewegung rollt über unser Land herein. Wie können wir uns daran beteiligen und Synergien nutzen?
Episode overview
29, 2018
We let the technically ungifted build robots and to fight each other for the laughs.
Chaos Communication Slam
Episode overview
29, 2018
Chaos meets Poetry Slam. Der humoristische Dichterwettstreit mit Informatikhintergrund. Mitmachen ausdrücklich erwünscht.
What the flag is CTF?
Episode overview
30, 2018
Every year since 2011 on the 28C3 we organize a Capture the Flag contest for people on the Congress and from all over the world. This year we want to give you an overview about what a .. show full overview
Lightning Talks Day 4
Episode overview
30, 2018
Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, system or .. show full overview
Hacking how we see
Episode overview
30, 2018
We mostly see with the mind, and the mind is flexible. For the four hundred million people with amblyopia (lazy eye), their brain encountered an installation error when linking both eyes .. show full overview
Are machines feminine?
Episode overview
30, 2018
Why do navigation systems have feminine voices? We know Tay, Eliza, Siri not only as female names, but also as chatbots and software, which directly interact with humans. Although .. show full overview
Radical Digital Painting
Episode overview
30, 2018
Radical Digital Painting groups and presents several ideas and artifacts related to contemporary painting and contextualizes its connection to historical processes and digital .. show full overview
Microtargeting und Manipulation
Episode overview
30, 2018
Die Möglichkeiten des Microtargetings, aber auch der Desinformation mit Hilfe von Werbeplattformen wie Facebook sind vielfältiger, als man vor dem Cambridge-Analytica-Skandal vielleicht .. show full overview
Court in the Akten
Episode overview
30, 2018
Private Unternehmen müssen nicht so transparent sein wie Behörden - selbst wenn sie sich wie Behörden benehmen. Welche Mittel können wir nutzen, um trotzdem Lichts ins Dunkel der .. show full overview
Open Source Orgelbau
Episode overview
30, 2018
Spaß und ein kleines Bisschen Wissenschaft mit 3D-gedruckten Orgelteilen
Kernel Tracing With eBPF
Episode overview
30, 2018
Have you ever wanted to trace all syscalls or dump all IPC traffic across a Linux system? Until recently, doing so may have required some significant setup involving a half-baked tracing .. show full overview
Netzpolitischer Wetterbericht 2018
Episode overview
30, 2018
Das Jahr 2018 bietete wieder zahlreiche Beispiele für einen netzpolitischen Wetterbericht. Die Große Koalition lief sich mit der Bundesregierung warm und am Ende des Jahres droht man den .. show full overview
Let's reverse engineer the Universe
Episode overview
30, 2018
There is four times more dark matter and over fifteen times more dark energy than regular matter in the universe. And we have absolutely no idea what these invisible dark substances .. show full overview
Cat & Mouse: Evading the Censors in 2018
Episode overview
30, 2018
The deepening of global Internet infrastructure comes accompanied with an invigorated capacity and intent by adversaries to control the information that flows across it. Inextricably, .. show full overview
Augmented Reality: Bridging the gap between the physical and the digital world
Episode overview
30, 2018
There has been a lot of talk about Virtual Reality (VR), but still there are very little applications to enhance our everyday lives outside of entertainment. Augmented Reality (AR), the .. show full overview
Dissecting Broadcom Bluetooth
Episode overview
30, 2018
Broadcom's Bluetooth firmware on popular devices – such as Nexus 5, Nexus 6P, Raspberry Pi 3, and Raspberry Pi 3+ – shares the same firmware update mechanisms, which allows for local .. show full overview
Kickstart the Chaos: Hackerspace gründen für Anfänger
Episode overview
30, 2018
Laut Mythos wurde der CCC nur zu einem Verein, weil als einzige andere Rechtsform nur noch die kriminelle Vereinigung zur Alternative stand. Damit es bei euch nicht soweit kommt zeigen .. show full overview
Security Nightmares 0x13
Episode overview
30, 2018
Was hat sich im letzten Jahr im Bereich IT-Sicherheit getan? Welche neuen Entwicklungen haben sich ergeben? Welche neuen Buzzwords und Trends waren zu sehen?
35C3 Infrastructure Review
Episode overview
30, 2018
35C3 is run by teams of volunteers. In this event, they will provide some insight into the challenges they faced while building the GSM, DECT and IP networks, running video streams, or .. show full overview
Closing Event
Episode overview
30, 2018
Hier hört es auf.