Chaos Communication Congress

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Eröffnung: tuwat
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Tim Pritlove Daß sich mit Kleinkomputern trotzalledem sinnvolle Sachen machen lassen, die keine zentralisierten Großorganisationen erfordern, glauben wir. Daß die innere .. show full overview
Dude, you broke the Future!
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Charles Stross In this talk, author Charles Stross will give a rambling, discursive, and angry tour of what went wrong with the 21st century, why we didn't see it coming, .. show full overview
hacking disaster
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Sebastian Jünemann mit Krisenintervention den Kapitalismus hacken
Lobby-Schlacht um die ePrivacy-Verordnung
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Ingo Dachwitz Die EU hat die Wahl: Schutz von Menschen oder von Geschäftsmodellen?
Forensic Architecture
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Eyal Weizman Forensic Architecture is an independent research agency that undertakes historical and theoretical examinations of the history and present in articulating notions of public truth.
Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektroautos: Ausbau statt Sicherheit
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Mathias Dalheimer Wir retten das Klima mit Elektroautos — und bauen die Ladeinfrastruktur massiv aus. Leider werden dabei auch Schwachstellen auf allen Ebenen sichtbar: Von .. show full overview
Demystifying Network Cards
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Paul Emmerich Things you always wanted to know about NIC drivers.
End-to-end formal ISA verification of RISC-V processors with riscv-formal
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Clifford Wolf Formal hardware verification (hardware model checking) can prove that a design has a specified property. Historically only very simple properties in simple .. show full overview
eMMC hacking, or: how I fixed long-dead Galaxy S3 phones
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: oranav A journey on how to fix broken proprietary hardware by gaining code execution on it.
Uncovering British spies’ web of sockpuppet social media personas
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Mustafa Al-Bassam The Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG), a unit in one of Britain’s intelligence agencies, is tasked with creating sockpuppet accounts and fake .. show full overview
The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Assassination
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Saud Al-Zaid My talk explores the interconnected nature of war and culture. It does so through the context of technology and political discourse in contemporary art. With a .. show full overview
Gamified Control?
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Katika Kühnreich In 2014 China’s government announced the implementation of big data based social credit systems (SCS). The SCS will rate online and offline behavior to .. show full overview
Der netzpolitische Wetterbericht
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Markus Beckedahl Deutschland hat gewählt, man weiß nur noch nicht, wer regieren wird. Bis Weihnachten könnte ein Koalitionsvertrag verhandelt worden sein, vielleicht auch .. show full overview
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speakers: Agnes, Okhin France is part of the top countries trying to destroy encryption, especially through backdoor obligations, global interceptions, and effort to get access to .. show full overview
Squeezing a key through a carry bit
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Filippo Valsorda The Go implementation of the P-256 elliptic curve had a small bug due to a misplaced carry bit affecting less than 0.00000003% of field subtraction .. show full overview
How can you trust formally verified software?
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Alastair Reid Formal verification of software has finally started to become viable: we have examples of formally verified microkernels, realistic compilers, hypervisors etc. .. show full overview
Science is broken
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: hanno We're supposed to trust evidence-based information in all areas of life. However disconcerting news from several areas of science must make us ask how much we can trust scientific evidence.
How risky is the software you use?
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speakers: Tim Carstens, Parker Thompson Software vendors like to claim that their software is secure, but the effort and techniques applied to this end vary significantly across the .. show full overview
Unleash your smart-home devices: Vacuum Cleaning Robot Hacking
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speakers: Dennis Giese, DanielAW Did you ever want to run your own IoT cloud on your IoT devices? Or did you ever wonder what data your vacuum cleaning robot is transmitting to the .. show full overview
Algorithmic science evaluation and power structure: the discourse on strategic citation and 'citation cartels'
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speakers: J. Hartstein, Teresa Isigkeit, Franziska Sörgel Quantitative science evaluation, such as university rankings, rely on man-made algorithms and man-made databases. The .. show full overview
BBSs and early Internet access in the 1990ies
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: LaForge This talk explains how individuals were able to communicate globally in the 1990ies using self-organized networks of BBSsin networks like FIDO and Z-Netz, before .. show full overview
Die Lauschprogramme der Geheimdienste
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speakers: Hans-Christian Ströbele, Constanze Kurz Der NSA-BND-Untersuchungsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestags ist zu Ende. Da bietet es sich an, nun auf die gesammelten Geheimdienstskandale und die Reaktionen auf die Enthüllungen zurückzublicken.
Inside Intel Management Engine
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Artem Kondratenko Positive Technologies researchers Maxim Goryachy and Mark Ermolov have discovered a vulnerability that allows running unsigned code. The vulnerability can .. show full overview
1-day exploit development for Cisco IOS
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Artem Kondratenko Year 2017 was rich in vulnerabilities discovered for Cisco networking devices. At least 3 vulnerabilities leading to a remote code execution were disclosed. .. show full overview
Tightening the Net in Iran
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Mahsa Alimardani How do Iranians experience the Internet? Various hurdles and risks exist for Iranians and including outside actors like American technology companies. This .. show full overview
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Marc-Uwe Kling Willkommen in QualityLand, in einer nicht allzu fernen Zukunft: Alles läuft rund - Arbeit, Freizeit und Beziehungen sind von Algorithmen optimiert.
Bildung auf dem Weg ins Neuland
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speakers: benni, dorina, steffen An unseren Schulen besteht ein großes Defizit hinsichtlich der Vermittlung digitaler Mündigkeit. Da mittlerweile weitgehender Konsens besteht, dass an .. show full overview
iOS kernel exploitation archaeology
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: argp This talk presents the technical details and the process of reverse engineering and re-implementation of the evasi0n7 jailbreak's main kernel exploit. This work was done .. show full overview
Lets break modern binary code obfuscation
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speakers: Tim Blazytko, Moritz Contag Do you want to learn how modern binary code obfuscation and deobfuscation works? Did you ever encounter road-blocks where well-known .. show full overview
Der PC-Wahl-Hack
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speakers: Linus Neumann, Martin Tschirsich, Thorsten Schröder Hacker des Chaos Computer Clubs (CCC) haben eine in mehreren Bundesländern zur Erfassung und Auswertung der kommenden .. show full overview
Pointing Fingers at 'The Media'
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: alebey The German election in September 2017 brought a tectonic shift to the layout of German politics. With the AfD in parliament far-right illiberalism has reached the .. show full overview
Watching the changing Earth
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: manuel For a few decades by now, satellites offer us the tools to observe the whole Earth with a wide variety of sensors. The vast amount of data these Earth observations .. show full overview
Access To Bodies
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Nadja Buttendorf Cyborgs und Body Enhancement sind typisch männlich dominierte Thematiken (Terminator etc). Im Gegensatz dazu ist zB die weiblich konotierte Beautybranche .. show full overview
Low Cost Non-Invasive Biomedical Imaging
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Jean Rintoul An open source biomedical imaging project using electrical impedance tomography. Imagine a world where medical imaging is cheap and accessible for everyone! .. show full overview
Ecstasy 10x yellow Twitter 120mg Mdma
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speakers: !Mediengruppe Bitnik Shipped from Germany for 0.1412554 Bitcoins Artists !Mediengruppe Bitnik talk about recent works around bots and the online ecosystems that has been .. show full overview
Die Sprache der Überwacher
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speakers: Thomas Lohninger, Werner Reiter, Angelika Adensamer So intensiv wie 2017 wurde der Themenkomplex rund um Sicherheit und Überwachung in Österreich noch nie diskutiert. Das .. show full overview
Defeating (Not)Petya's Cryptography
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Sebastian Eschweiler In this presentation we will outline our findings about (Not)Petya's crypto flaws and how we were able to exploit them to decrypt infected computers.
Relativitätstheorie für blutige Anfänger
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Steini Raum, Zeit, Licht und Gravitation, wie hängt das zusammen? Jeder kennt sie, kaum jemand versteht sie wirklich, die vielleicht berühmteste Gleichung der Welt: E=mc^2 .. show full overview
Social Cooling - big data’s unintended side effect
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Tijmen Schep What does it mean to be free in a world where surveillance is the dominant business model? Behind the scenes databrokers are turning our data into thousands of .. show full overview
Die fabelhafte Welt des Mobilebankings
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Vincent Haupert Bisher wurden Angriffe gegen App-basierte TAN-Verfahren und Mobilebanking von betroffenen Banken eher als akademische Kapriole abgetan. Sie seien, wenn .. show full overview
Microarchitectural Attacks on Trusted Execution Environments
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Keegan Ryan Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs), like those based on ARM TrustZone or Intel SGX, intend to provide a secure way to run code beyond the typical reach of a .. show full overview
Catch me if you can: Internet Activism in Saudi Arabia
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Noujoum Activists in Saudi Arabia have been able to celebrate important victories like the recent lifting of the ban on women driving in September 2017 but have to fight on a .. show full overview
BootStomp: On the Security of Bootloaders in Mobile Devices
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Audrey Dutcher In our paper we present a novel tool called BootStomp able to identify security vulnerabilities in Android bootloaders (such as memory corruptions) as well as .. show full overview
DPRK Consumer Technology
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speakers: Will Scott, Gabe Edwards The DPRK has largely succeeded at hiding its consumer technology. While versions of the desktop operating system, Red Star, have leaked, the mobile .. show full overview
Doping your Fitbit
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speakers: jiska, DanielAW Firmware modifications faking you fitter tSecurity architectures for wearables are challenging. We take a deeper look into the widely-used Fitbit fitness .. show full overview
BGP and the Rule of Custom
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Caleb James DeLisle How the internet self-governs without international law. When bad actors can simply move servers from country to country, why does the internet remain .. show full overview
KRACKing WPA2 by Forcing Nonce Reuse
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Mathy Vanhoef We introduce key reinstallation attacks (KRACKs). These attacks abuse features of a protocol to reinstall an already in-use key, thereby resetting nonces and/or .. show full overview
The Ultimate Apollo Guidance Computer Talk
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speakers: Michael Steil, Christian Hessmann The Apollo Guidance Computer ("AGC") was used onboard the Apollo spacecraft to support the Apollo moon landings between 1969 and 1972. This .. show full overview
Practical Mix Network Design
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speakers: David Stainton, jeffburdges Strong metadata protection for asynchronous messaging We shall explain the renewed interest in mix networks. Like Tor, mix networks protect .. show full overview
Die göttliche Informatik / The divine Computer Science
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Rainer Rehak Die Informatik löst formale (mathematisch modellierte) Probleme ganz vorzüglich – doch nun soll sie alle anderen Probleme auch noch lösen / Computer science .. show full overview
All Creatures Welcome
Episode overview
27, 2017
Speaker: Sandra Trostel work in progress beta preview of the documentary !!! This event is not going to be recorded !!! ALL CREATURES WELCOME is a documentary film about the .. show full overview
Mobile Data Interception from the Interconnection Link
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: Dr. Silke Holtmanns Many mobile network operators rush to upgrade their networks to 4G/LTE from 2G and 3G, not only to improve the service, but also the security. The .. show full overview
Lightning Talks Day 2
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: gedsic, bigalex Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! .. show full overview
Social Bots, Fake News und Filterblasen
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: Michael Kreil Therapiestunde mit einem Datenjournalisten und vielen bunten Visualisierungen „Angriff der Meinungsroboter“ und „Gefangen in der Filterblase“ titelten die deutschen Medien. Doch was ist wirklich daran?
Visceral Systems
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: Sarah Grant Approaches to working with sound and network data transmissions as a sculptural medium. This talk considers the visceral relationship one can have towards .. show full overview
Making Experts Makers and Makers Experts
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: Daniel Wessolek, Isabelle Dechamps Over the past year, we have been developing open source wheelchair add-ons through user research, ideation, design, prototyping and testing. We present the outcome and insights from the process.
Beeinflussung durch Künstliche Intelligenz
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: Hendrik Heuer, KRN Über die Banalität der Beeinflussung und das Leben mit Algorithmen. Eine wissenschaftliche Perspektive auf die achtlose Anwendung der Algorithmen des .. show full overview
We should share our secrets
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: Daan Sprenkels Shamir secret sharing: How it works and how to implement it
Digitale Bildung in der Schule
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: Katja Bach „5.-Klässlerinnen, die über die Millisekunden für einen delay()-Aufruf diskutieren! Gibt es nicht? Doch, gibt es!“ Ein Modellprojekt mit sieben Schulen in Aachen .. show full overview
Deep Learning Blindspots
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: Katharine Jarmul Tools for Fooling the "Black Box" In the past decade, machine learning researchers and theorists have created deep learning architectures which seem to .. show full overview
Why Do We Anthropomorphize Computers?...
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: Marloes de Valk ...and dehumanize ourselves in the process? A talk on waiting for the technological rapture in the church of big data. The paralysing effect of hiding the .. show full overview
Reverse engineering FPGAs
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: MathiasL Dissecting FPGAs from bottom up, extracting schematics and documenting bitstream formats In this talk I describe the basic makeup of FPGAs and how I reverse .. show full overview
Think big or care for yourself
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: AKO, Hanna Wüller On the obstacles to think of emergent technologies in the field of nursing science In German nursing science the dominant position on emergent .. show full overview
The seizure of the Iuventa
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: Hendrik, Kathrin How search and rescue in the mediterranean was criminalized The ship „Iuventa“ of the organization „Jugend Rettet“ was seized on August 2nd 2017 by the .. show full overview
May contain DTraces of FreeBSD
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: raichoo Systems are getting increasingly complex and it's getting harder to understand what they are actually doing. Even though they are built by human individuals they .. show full overview
Jahresrückblick des CCC 2017
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: frank, Constanze Kurz, nexus, Linus Neumann Staatstrojaner, Vorratsdaten, automatisierte Biometriesammlungen, PC-Wahl – wir geben einen Überblick über die Themen, die den Chaos Computer Club 2017 beschäftigt haben.
Spy vs. Spy: A Modern Study Of Microphone Bugs Operation And Detection
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: Veronica Valeros, Sebastian Garcia In 2015, artist Ai Weiwei was bugged in his home, presumably by government actors. This situation raised our awareness on the lack of .. show full overview
Electromagnetic Threats for Information Security
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: @EMHacktivity, José Lopes Esteves Ways to Chaos in Digital and Analogue Electronics For non specialists, Electromagnetic Pulse weapons (EMP) are fantasy weapons in .. show full overview
Netzpolitik in der Schweiz
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: Kire, Patrick Stählin, Hakuna MaMate Die aktuellen Auseinandersetzungen über digitale Freiheitsrechte Gleich in drei Gesetzen drohen Netzsperren. Staatstrojaner und .. show full overview
Internet of Fails
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: Barbara Wimmer Expect current examples of IoT fails that I collected during my work as a journalist in regards of privacy and security. What do such fails mean for society? What are possible solutions and what can customers do?
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: overflo, muzy How to make a community project fly The Blinkenrocket is a DIY SMD Soldering Kit that was designed to teach different manufacturing and soldering .. show full overview
Free Electron Lasers
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: Thorsten ...or why we need 17 billion Volts to make a picture. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a microscope which allows scientists to map atomic details of viruses, film .. show full overview
Everything you want to know about x86 microcode, but might have been afraid to ask
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: Benjamin Kollenda, Philipp Koppe An introduction into reverse-engineering x86 microcode and writing it yourself Microcode is an abstraction layer on top of the physical .. show full overview
The Snowden Refugees under Surveillance in Hong Kong
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: Robert Tibbo, Edward Snowden A Rapidly Emerging Police State and Imminent Deportation to Sri Lanka and Philippines. The Snowden Refugees’ actions to protect the world’s .. show full overview
Inside Android’s SafetyNet Attestation: Attack and Defense
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: Collin Mulliner SafetyNet Attestation is the primary platform security service on Android. Until recently you had to use third party tools or implemented your own app .. show full overview
How to drift with any car
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: Guillaume Heilles, P1kachu (without your mom yelling at you) Lots of research are arising from the fairly unexplored world of automative communications. Cars are no .. show full overview
Console Security - Switch
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: plutoo, derrek, naehrwert Homebrew on the Horizon. Nintendo has a new console, and it's more secure than ever.
Taking a scalpel to QNX
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: Jos Wetzels, Ali Abbasi Analyzing & Breaking Exploit Mitigations and Secure Random Number Generators on QNX 6.6 and 7.0 In this talk we will present a deep-dive analysis .. show full overview
Financial surveillance
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: Jasmin Klofta, Tom Wills Exposing the global banking watchlist Faced with new responsibilities to prevent terrorism and money laundering, banks have built a huge .. show full overview
Humans as software extensions
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: Sebastian Schmieg Will You Be My Plugin? While technology is often described as an extension of our bodies, this talk will explore a reversed relationship: Bodies and .. show full overview
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: Inke Arns Afrofuturism, Telling tales of speculative futures Inke Arns will present speculative projections of the future and current developments in the field of digital .. show full overview
Intel ME: Myths and reality
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: Igor Skochinsky, Nicola Corna Many claims were made recently about purpose and capabilities of the Intel ME but with all the buzz it is not always clear what are facts and .. show full overview
Trügerische Sicherheit
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: Peter Schaar Wie steht es um die Sicherheitsversprechen, die mit dem Einsatz von neuen Überwachungsinstrumenten abgegeben werden? Welche Unterminierung der Sicherheit kann durch Überwachung eigentlich entstehen?
The making of a chip
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: Ari You are surrounded by ICs. Yet you probably don't know much about how such a chip is made. This talk is an introduction to the world of chip fabrication from .. show full overview
The Noise Protocol Framework
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: Trevor Perrin The Noise Protocol Framework is a toolkit for 2-party secure-channel protocols. Noise is used by WhatsApp for client-server communication, by the WireGuard VPN .. show full overview
Implementing an LLVM based Dynamic Binary Instrumentation framework
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: Charles Hubain, Cédric Tessier This talk will go over our efforts to implement a new open source DBI framework based on LLVM. We'll explain what DBI is used for, how it .. show full overview
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: djb, Tanja Lange, Nadia Heninger Fun with lattices in cryptography and cryptanalysis. Lattices are an extremely useful mathematical tool for cryptography. This talk .. show full overview
Opening Closed Systems with GlitchKit
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: ktemkin, dominicgs 'Liberating' Firmware from Closed Devices with Open Source Hardware. Systems that hide their firmware-- often deep in readout-protected flash or hidden .. show full overview
ASLR on the line
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: brainsmoke Practical cache attacks on the MMU. Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) is fundamentally broken on modern hardware due to a side-channel attack on the .. show full overview
Growing Up Software Development
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: Mike Sperber From Hacker Culture to the Software of the Future. Hacker culture overcomes limitations in computer systems through creativity and tinkering. At the same .. show full overview
All Computers Are Beschlagnahmt
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: Kristin Pietrzyk Zum Verbot von Indymedia linksunten. Im August 2017 wurde Indymedia linksunten vom Bundesinnenminister verboten. Rechtsanwältin Kristin Pietrzyk berichtet .. show full overview
Home Distilling
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speaker: lolnerd Theory and practice of moonshining and legal distilling. This talk covers the theory, legality and economics of home distilling. We present the theoretical .. show full overview
Uncovering vulnerabilities in Hoermann BiSecur
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: Markus Muellner, Markus Kammerstetter An AES encrypted radio system. Hoermann BiSecur is a bi-directional wireless access control system “for the convenient and secure .. show full overview
Schnaps Hacking
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: Nero Lapislucis, sir wombat from apple to schnaps -- a complete diy-toolchain. This talk covers the theory, the required tools and how to make them, and the process of .. show full overview
Robot Music
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: jacob remin, goto80 The Robots Play Our Music and What Do We Do? Once full automation hits, we will have a lot of free time on our hands. This project demonstrates early .. show full overview
Hacker Jeopardy
Episode overview
28, 2017
Speakers: Sec, Ray Zahlenraten für Geeks. The Hacker Jeopardy is a quiz show.
Methodisch inkorrekt!
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speakers: Nicolas Wöhrl, @ReinhardRemfort Die Wissenschaftsgala vom 34C3. Der IgNobelpreis ist eine Auszeichnung, um wissenschaftliche Leistungen zu ehren, die „Menschen zuerst zum .. show full overview
Lightning Talks Day 3
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speakers: gedsic, bigalex Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! .. show full overview
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: vavoida Taxation, the most "boring" #34c3 talk, but hey it's the economy stupid, and you pay for it! We will a provide a quick overview of the international taxation system. .. show full overview
Holography of Wi-Fi radiation
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Friedemann Reinhard Can we see the stray radiation of wireless devices? And what would the world look like if we could?
Bringing Linux back to server boot ROMs with NERF and Heads
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Trammell Hudson The NERF and Heads projects bring Linux back to the cloud servers' boot ROMs by replacing nearly all of the vendor firmware with a reproducible built Linux .. show full overview
Coming Soon: Machine-Checked Mathematical Proofs in Everyday Software and Hardware Development
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Adam Chlipala Most working engineers view machine-checked mathematical proofs as an academic curiosity, if they have ever heard of the concept at all. In contrast, activities .. show full overview
Designing PCBs with code
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Kaspar Is designing circuits with code instead of CAD the future of electronic design automation? Mod An overview and history of various tools and languages that allow you to use code rather than CAD software to design circuits.
Regulating Autonomous Weapons
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Anja Dahlmann The time travelling android isn’t even our biggest problem Event large Depending on the definition, autonomous weapon systems do not and might never exist, so .. show full overview
“Nabovarme” opensource heating infrastructure in Christiania
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speakers: Johannes Valbjorn, Emmerik Freetown Christiania´s digitally controlled/surveyed heating system. 350 users Project “Nabovarme” (meaning “neighbour heating”) has .. show full overview
History and implications of DRM
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Molly de Blanc From tractors to Web standards Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) is found everywhere from music to cars and, most recently, World Wide Web Consortium .. show full overview
Policing in the age of data exploitation
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speakers: Eva Blum--Dumontet, Millie Wood What does policing look like in the age of data exploitation? This is the question we at Privacy International have been exploring for the .. show full overview
Antipatterns und Missverständnisse in der Softwareentwicklung
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Fefe Eine Geschichte voller Missverständnisse. Anhand von Anekdoten aus 20 Jahren Softwareentwicklung versucht der Vortrag herauszuarbeiten, was in der Praxis zu scheiternden Projekten führt.
OONI: Let's Fight Internet Censorship, Together!
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Arturo Filastò (hellais) The Open Observatory of Network Interference. How can we take a stand against the increasing shadow of Internet censorship? With OONI Probe you can join us in uncovering evidence of network interference!
Net Neutrality Enforcement in the EU
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Thomas Lohninger After four years of advocacy and lobbying to enshrine net neutrality principles in law in Europe, we can now examine the first full year of enforcement of .. show full overview
Vintage Computing for Trusted Radiation Measurements and a World Free of Nuclear Weapons
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speakers: Moritz, ALX Eliminating nuclear weapons will require trusted measurement systems to confirm authenticity of nuclear warheads prior to their dismantlement. A new idea for .. show full overview
Saving the World with Space Solar Power
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speakers: anja, sjunk ... or is it just PEWPEW?! Space Solar Power station, such as SPS Alpha, could overcome some issues that renewable energy plants on Earth suffer of structural .. show full overview
Open Source Estrogen
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: maggic From molecular colonization to molecular collaboration. Collaborative and interdisciplinary research, Open Source Estrogen combines biohacking and artistic .. show full overview
Internet censorship in the Catalan referendum
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Matthias Overview of how the state censored and how it got circumvented. On October 1st the Catalan society held a referendum to decide if they wanted to stay part of the .. show full overview
Drones of Power: Airborne Wind Energy
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Christoph Airborne wind energy is the attempt to bring the digital revolution to the production of energy. It means that we convert the power of high-altitude winds into .. show full overview
cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, etc.: revolutionary tech?
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Zooko Bitcoin arrived eight years ago, and has now spawned a dazzling array of follow-on technologies, including smart contracts, censorship-resistant computation, trustless .. show full overview
Don't stop 'til you feel it
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: iamkat Artistic interventions in climate change. This talk will report on my current research in bringing to bear multiple knowledges on problem spaces around the .. show full overview
UPSat - the first open source satellite
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Pierros Papadeas Going to space the libre way. During 2016 Libre Space Foundation a non-profit organization developing open source technologies for space, designed, built .. show full overview
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: nsr Towards an open source binary firmware analysis framework. Avatar² is an open source framework for dynamic instrumentation and analysis of binary firmware, which was .. show full overview
SatNOGS: Crowd-sourced satellite operations
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Nikos Roussos Satellite Open Ground Station Network. An overview of the SatNOGS project, a network of satellite ground station around the world, optimized for modularity, built from readily available and affordable tools and resources.
Protecting Your Privacy at the Border
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speakers: Kurt Opsahl, William Budington Traveling with Digital Devices in the Golden Age of Surveillance. Our lives are on our laptops – family photos, medical documents, banking .. show full overview
A hacker's guide to Climate Change - What do we know and how do we know it?
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speakers: seyru, Sven Willner, Robert Gieseke An introduction to the basics of climate research and what we can do about climate change. Climate change has long ceased to be news .. show full overview
Inside AfD
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speakers:Felix Höfner, Lucia, Marek, Janosch, Slim !!! This event is not going to be recorded !!! Herbst 2017. Irgendwo in Deutschland. Die führenden Köpfe der AfD träumen von der .. show full overview
Resilienced Kryptographie
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speakers: ruedi, cforler Die Sicherheitsdesaster bei der Schlüsselgenerierung in TPM Chips und bei der Minix 3 basierten Intel ME Implementierung zeigen, dass das Vertrauen in .. show full overview
Are all BSDs created equally?
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Ilja van Sprundel A survey of BSD kernel vulnerabilities. In this presentation I start off asking the question „How come there are only a handful of BSD security kernel .. show full overview
On the Prospects and Challenges of Weather and Climate Modeling at Convection-Resolving Resolution
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: David Leutwyler The representation of thunderstorms (deep convection) and rain showers in climate models represents a major challenge, as this process is usually approximated .. show full overview
Zamir Transnational Network und Zagreb Dairy
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Wam (P.J.H.F.) Kat Das erste computer netzwerk in Krieg (Jugoslavia 1992-1997) Die Geschichte des ZAMIR Transnational Network und meines Zagreb-Diary .. show full overview
Tiger, Drucker und ein Mahnmal
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speakers: Stefan Pelzer, Philipp Ruch, Morius Enden Neues vom Zentrum für Politische Schönheit. Flüchtlingsfressende Tiger in Berlin, zum Diktatorensturz aufrufende Flugblätter in .. show full overview
Simulating the future of the global agro-food system
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Benjamin Leon Bodirsky Cybernetic models analyze scenarios of interactions between future global food consumption, agriculture, landuse, and the biogeochemical cycles of .. show full overview
Running GSM mobile phone on SDR
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speakers: Vadim Yanitskiy, ptrkrysik SDR PHY for OsmocomBB Since SDR (Software Defined Radio) becomes more popular and more available for everyone, there is a lot of projects based .. show full overview
How Alice and Bob meet if they don't like onions
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speakers: Tobias Mueller, Erik, Matthias Survey of Network Anonymisation Techniques. There exists no such thing as a perfect anonymity network with low latency, low bandwith .. show full overview
Closing the loop: Reconnecting social-technologial dynamics to Earth System science
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Jonathan Donges International commitment to the appropriately ambitious Paris climate agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in 2015 has pulled into .. show full overview
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speakers: Denisa Kera, yair reshef, Zohar Messeca-Fara Open Source Hardware for Smart Candies. Electroedibles is an experiment with “edible” hardware that explores the limits of .. show full overview
Decoding Contactless (Card) Payments
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Simon Eumes An Exploration of NFC Transactions and Explanation How Apple Pay and Android Pay work. This talk will dive into the techniques and protocols that drive .. show full overview
Ensuring Climate Data Remains Public
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: dcwalk How do we keep important environmental and climate data accessible amidst political instability and risk? What even counts as an “accessible” dataset? Could we imagine .. show full overview
Extended DNA Analysis
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: _Adora_Belle_ Political pressure for DNA-based facial composites. In 2017, the federal states of Baden-Wurttemberg and Bavaria suggested the extension of the law on the .. show full overview
Ein Festival der Demokratie
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speakers: Daniel Möring (TINT Kollektiv), h01ger,,, Oliver Gemballa Von Technik, Kollaborationen und Erreichtem zum G20-Gipfel .. show full overview
Es sind die kleinen Dinge im Leben II
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: André Lampe was alles geht und wie man anfängt, mit Mikroskopen. Jeder weiß ungefähr was man mit einem Mikroskop tun kann: Kleine Dinge ansehen. Aber wie geht das genau, .. show full overview
This is NOT a proposal about mass surveillance!
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Lisa Analysing the terminology of the UK’s Snooper’s Charter. In November 2016 the UK has passed the Investigatory Powers Act (aka Snooper’s Charter). This act .. show full overview
Deconstructing a Socialist Lawnmower
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Darsha Hewitt Obsolete Technologies + Critical Material Studies in Media Art. Darsha Hewitt is a Canadian artist working in new media and sound. She is known for her .. show full overview
Treibhausgasemissionen einschätzen
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Gunnar Thöle Wieviel CO2 macht <...>? Ungefähr? Alles was wir jeden Tag tun erzeugt Treibhausgase. Für eine vernünftige/moralische/ökologische Entscheidung, um mit anderen .. show full overview
Public FPGA based DMA Attacking
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speaker: Ulf Frisk Most thought Direct Memory Access (DMA) attacks were a thing of the past after CPU vendors introduced IOMMUs and OS vendors blocked Firewire DMA. At least until the .. show full overview
Nougatbytes 11₂
Episode overview
29, 2017
Speakers: Rainer Rehak, Benks Die geekige Wort- & Bilderrätselspielshau ist zuЯück. Zwei Teams mit rauchenden Köpfen und ein johlendes Publikum raten sich durch unsere dritte .. show full overview
Mietshäusersyndikat: den Immobilienmarkt hacken
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: Anita Hopes Wie man ein Haus kaufen kann ohne es zu besitzen. Das Mietshäusersyndikat ist eine nicht-kommerzielle Kooperative mit dem Ziel, Bereiche von selbstorganisiertem Wohnen zu schaffen, ohne selbst Vermieter zu werden.
Lightning Talks Day 4
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speakers: gedsic, bigalex Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! .. show full overview
International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) – Kulturinstitutionen schaffen interoperable Schnittstellen für digitalisiertes Kulturgut
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: Leander Seige Neue Standards wie IIIF ( ermöglichen es, digitalisiertes Kulturgut (Gemälde, Bücher, Handschriften, Fotografien, Karten u.s.w.) interoperabel .. show full overview
library operating systems
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: Mindy Preston reject the default reality^W abstractions and substitute your own. Traditional models of application development involve talking to an underlying operating .. show full overview
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: Arne Semsrott Informationsfreiheit trotz CSU. Wie umgehen mit politischer Ohnmacht? Das Informationsfreiheitsgesetz bietet einige Ansätze: Es macht es auch für juristische .. show full overview
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: friederb Walter Höllerer bei WikiPedia. Vorstellung der Dissertation "WHWP - Walter Höllerer bei WikiPedia". Es wurde ein einzelner Artikel in der deutschen WikiPedia .. show full overview
Modern key distribution with ClaimChain
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: prometheas A decentralized Public Key Infrastructure that supports privacy-friendly social verification. ClaimChain is a Public Key Infrastructure unique in that it can .. show full overview
TrustZone is not enough
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: Pascal Cotret Hijacking debug components for embedded security Blare big This talk deals with embedded systems security and ARM processors architecture. Most of us know .. show full overview
openPower - the current state of commercial openness in CPU development
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: Matteo Michel is there no such thing as open hardware? How does developing future processors with yesterdays capabilities work out today? CPU development is something out .. show full overview
Italy's surveillance toolbox
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: boter Research on Monitoring Italian Government Surveillance Capabilities by means of Transparency tools. This project aims to take advantage of the availability of public .. show full overview
0en & 1en auf dem Acker
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: Fritz - Dietrich Burghardt Was die Sensor & Automatisierungstechnik in der Landwirtschaft heute schon leisten kann – Ein Einblick. Die Dynamik der globalen Agrarmärkte hat .. show full overview
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: Torsten Grote Resilient P2P Messaging for Everyone. Briar is a peer-to-peer messaging app that is resistant to censorship and works even without internet access. The app .. show full overview
institutions for Resolution Disputes
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: Rosa Menkman Rosa Menkman investigates video compression, feedback, and glitches. The institutions of Resolution Disputes [iRD] call attention to media resolutions. While .. show full overview
Fuck Dutch mass-surveillance: let's have a referendum!
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: niinja Forcing the Netherlands to publicly debate privacy and the intelligence agencies. Dutch intelligence agencies will soon be allowed to analyse bulk data of civilians .. show full overview
Privacy Shield - Lipstick on a Pig?
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: Max Schrems In 2015 the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has overturned the EU-US data sharing system called „Safe Harbor“ over US mass surveillance, as .. show full overview
Organisational Structures for Sustainable Free Software Development
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: mo What kind of organisational structures exist for free software projects? What funding sources? How can you avoid pitfalls with funding, support volunteers, and stay a happy family?
Hardening Open Source Development
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: gronke This talk will discuss practical solutions for both technical and social challenges of collaboration.
The Internet in Cuba: A Story of Community Resilience
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speakers: Will Scott, kopek Get a unique tour of some of the world’s most unusual networks, led by a Cuban hacker. Internet access in Cuba is notoriously restrictive. ETECSA, the .. show full overview
34C3 Infrastructure Review
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: Leon How does the CCC run a conference? In this traditional lecture, various teams provide an inside look at how this Congress‘ infrastructure was planned and built. .. show full overview
Uncertain Concern
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: Allison McDonald How Undocumented Immigrants in the US Navigate Technology. Over 11 million undocumented immigrants live in the United States today. Immediately after .. show full overview
MQA - A clever stealth DRM-Trojan
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speakers: Christoph Engemann, A critical look on a new audio Format. Master Quality Authenticated (MQA) is a new audio format promising studio .. show full overview
Security Nightmares 0x12
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speakers: frank, Ron Was hat sich im letzten Jahr im Bereich IT-Sicherheit getan? Welche neuen Entwicklungen haben sich ergeben? Welche neuen Buzzwords und Trends waren zu sehen?
Tracking Transience
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: Hasan Elahi Hasan Elahi is an interdisciplinary artist working with issues in surveillance, privacy, migration, citizenship, technology, and the challenges of borders. An .. show full overview
Type confusion: discovery, abuse, and protection
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: gannimo Type confusion, often combined with use-after-free, is the main attack vector to compromise modern C++ software like browsers or virtual machines. Typecasting is a .. show full overview
SCADA - Gateway to (s)hell
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: Thomas Roth Hacking industrial control gateways. Small gateways connect all kinds of fieldbusses to IP systems. This talk will look at the (in)security of those gateways, .. show full overview
Episode overview
30, 2017
Speaker: sva #tuwat DE: Damit wir als Komputerfrieks nicht länger unkoordiniert vor uns hinwuseln, tun wir wat und treffen uns! EN: To keep us computer freaks from puttering about aimlessly any longer, we’re doin’ somethin’ and will meet!