Chaos Communication Congress

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31C3 Opening Event (#6561)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speakers: erdgeist, Geraldine de Bastion
31C3 Keynote - A New Dawn (#6571)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: alecempire
„Wir beteiligen uns aktiv an den Diskussionen“ - Die digitale „Agenda“ der Bundesregierung aus inhaltlicher, philologischer und linguistischer Perspektive (#6264)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: Martin Haase/maha Im Sommer 2014 wurde die sogenannte Digitale „Agenda“ vorgestellt, die als „netzpolitisches Regierungsprogramm“ bezeichnet wurde. Aus texttypologischer .. show full overview
Trustworthy secure modular operating system engineering (#6443)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: hannes, David Kaloper We present Mirage OS, a modular library operating system developed from scratch in the functional programming language OCaml. Each service, called .. show full overview
3D Casting Aluminum (#6417)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: Julia Longtin We use microwaves to cast aluminum from 3D printed objects. This gives us the ability to cast high quality 6040 aluminum pieces using a 3D printer and .. show full overview
Personal Tracking Devices and Online Identity (#6100)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: Silvia In the post-NSA world it is important to understand the magnitude of our online activities in order to take informative decisions on our ubiquitous shared lives. .. show full overview
SCADA StrangeLove - Too Smart Grid in da Cloud (#6010)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speakers: Sergey Gordeychik, Aleksandr Timorin For two years SCADA StrangeLove speaks about Industrial Control Systems and nuclear plants. This year we want to discuss Green Energy. .. show full overview
Mit Kunst die Gesellschaft hacken (#6584)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speakers: Stefan Pelzer, Philipp Ruch Ein Mahnmal gegen die Vereinten Nationen, 25.000 Euro Kopfgeld auf eine deutsche Waffenhändlerfamilie, eine falsche Kampagne für das .. show full overview
Reproducible Builds (#6240)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Software build reproducibility is the ability to use independent build machines to compile bit-identical binaries from program source code. In this talk, we will discuss the motivation .. show full overview
Let’s build our own personalized open textile production line (#6447)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: Hong Phuc Dang The talk is about our project to develop software and hardware tools for a fair and environment friendly garment and textile production and how we break down .. show full overview
Practical EMV PIN interception and fraud detection (#6120)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: Andrea Barisani This talks follows our previous EMV research uncovering new findings as well as a detailed analysis of Chip & PIN fraud markers in order to benefit .. show full overview
Revisiting SSL/TLS Implementations (#5960)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: Sebastian Schinzel We present four new Bleichenbacher side channels, and three successful Bleichenbacher attacks against the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) SSL/TLS .. show full overview
osmo-gmr: What's up with sat-phones? (#6267)
Episode overview
27, 2014
At 28C3 we introduced the very first steps of the osmo-gmr projects. During this talk, we will present the various advances that have been made in this project on various aspects (voice .. show full overview
How I Learned to Stop Reinventing and Love the Wheels (#6077)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: Andreas Bihlmaier An introduction to the Robot Operating System (ROS) for the home/hackerspace roboticist (if it physically interacts with the world through code, call it robot).
SS7: Locate. Track. Manipulate. (#6249)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: Tobias Engel Companies are now selling the ability to track your phone number whereever you go. With a precision of up to 50 meters, detailed movement profiles can be .. show full overview
Glitching For n00bs (#6499)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Despite claims of its obsolescence, electrical glitching can be a viable attack vector against some ICs. This presentation chronicles a quest to learn what types of electrical transients .. show full overview
Mein Bot, der Kombattant (#6184)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speakers: josch, arche3000 Der Vortrag bietet eine sprachwissenschaftlich informierte Perspektive auf den Informationskrieg mit Fokus auf operative Kommunikation in sozialen Medien. .. show full overview
The eXperimental Robot Project (#6234)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speakers: Norbert Braun, darthrake The talk is on the eXperimental Robot Project (XRP), a project to develop an open-hardware humanoid robot. More precisely, we are focusing on the .. show full overview
Mobile self-defense (#6122)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: Karsten Nohl We know that mobile networks can — and do — attack us on many fronts. As this talk will show, even 3G is attackable. It’s high time that we upgrade from complaining to self-defense.
Rocket science – how hard can it be? (#6180)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: David Madlener Three years have elapsed since the call for a "Hacker Space Program" during the Chaos Communication Camp 2011. In this lecture we will review the basics of .. show full overview
10 Jahre OpenStreetMap (#6255)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speakers: Thomas Skowron, ubahnverleih Seit nun über 10 Jahren gibt es OpenStreetMap. Besonders in den letzten drei Jahren war die Entwicklung überwältigend, sowohl was die Datenlage .. show full overview
Jugend hackt (#6559)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speakers: Fiona Krakenbürger, Maria Reimer, Philipp Kalweit, Max Nagy, Lukas, Nico Im September 2014 fand die Veranstaltung Jugend hackt statt: Ein Wochenende Hacken, Basteln und .. show full overview
Ich sehe, also bin ich ... Du (#6450)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: starbug Bei der Passworteingabe über die Schultern schauen? Die Mateflasche klauen, um an Fingerabdrücke zu kommen? Alles Technik von gestern. Der Vortrag zeigt, wie man .. show full overview
Space Hacker (#6142)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speakers: Karsten Becker, Robert At the 26C3 we first presented our vision of sending a rover to the moon. We're still in the pursuit of doing this and are closer than ever. Many .. show full overview
Code Pointer Integrity (#6050)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: gannimo Programs are full of bugs, leading to vulnerabilities. We'll discuss power and limitations of code-pointer integrity (CPI), a strong but practical security policy .. show full overview
Towards General Purpose Reconfigurable Computing on Novena (#6412)
Episode overview
27, 2014
The Novena open source laptop contains a FPGA, but free software support for FPGAs is lacking and requires root access to the hardware. Our work is on providing a framework and a .. show full overview
ECCHacks (#6369)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speakers: djb, Tanja Lange This talk will explain how to work with elliptic curves constructively to obtain secure and efficient implementations, and will highlight pitfalls that must .. show full overview
AMD x86 SMU firmware analysis (#6103)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: Rudolf Marek You definitely should care. The aim of this talk is to provide insight to the security, architecture and yes you guessed it, vulnerability of the AMD System Management Unit (SMU) firmware found in modern AMD x86 processors.
The Cloud Conspiracy 2008-2014 (#6195)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: Caspar Bowden In 2011 I started trying to warn EU institutions about what we now call PRISM, after working it out from open sources. Civil society, privacy regulators, and .. show full overview
(In)Security of Mobile Banking (#6530)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speakers: ericfiliol, Paul Irolla This talk presents a deep analysis of banking mobile apps available in the world. Based on static and dynamic analysis as well as on the analysis of .. show full overview
Crypto Tales from the Trenches (#6154)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speakers: Nadia Heninger, Julia Angwin, Laura Poitras and Jack Gillum Julia Angwin, Jack Gillum, and Laura Poitras will tell us stories about how they use crypto and privacy-enhancing .. show full overview
Rocket Kitten: Advanced Off-the-Shelf Targeted Attacks Against Nation States (#6575)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: tw, gadi Rocket Kitten is an advanced APT set of campaigns, with a twist - off-the-shelf malware that won’t shame a nation state. The talk will combine an assessment of the .. show full overview
From Maxwell to antenna arrays (#6361)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speaker: Friederike Maxwell's equations are four differential equations which form the foundation of classical electrodynamics, classical optics, and electric circuits. This talk will .. show full overview
SS7map : mapping vulnerability of the international mobile roaming infrastructure (#6531)
Episode overview
27, 2014
Speakers: Laurent Ghigonis and Alexandre De Oliveira SS7 has been shown repeatedly as an insecure protocol: spoofing, faking, crash through fuzzing, fraud. The main question of our .. show full overview
Citizenfour (#6581)
Episode overview
27, 2014
_______________________________ Opt-out! No stream/recording available! _______________________________ "Citizenfour" is Laura Poitras' documentary and a closeup view about .. show full overview
From Computation to Consciousness How computation helps to explain mind, universe and everything (#6573)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Joscha How can the physical universe give rise to a mind? I suggest to replace this confusing question by another one: what kind of information processing system is the mind, .. show full overview
Switches Get Stitches - Industrial System Ownership (#6196)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Eireann Leverett This talk will introduce you to Industrial Ethernet Switches and their vulnerabilities. These are switches used in industrial environments, like substations, .. show full overview
Uncaging Microchips - Techniques for Chip Preparation (#6084)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Peter Laackmann, Marcus Janke An entertaining, thrilling and educational journey through the world of chip preparation. Deep insight into amateur- as well as professional .. show full overview
Why is GPG 'damn near unusable'? An overview of usable security research (#6021)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Arne Padmos GPG has been correctly described as "damn near unusable". Why is this so? What does research into usable security tell us? This talk covers the history, methods, .. show full overview
Lightning Talks Day 2 (#6563)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: gedsic Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a .. show full overview
Beyond PNR: Exploring airline systems (#6308)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: saper Ever wondered what the cryptic QNY27R on your airline reservaton means? This talk explores typical computing environment as seen in the air transport industry. Discover .. show full overview
Serenität – Anleitung zum Glücklichsein (#6244)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speakers: Elektra, Andrea Behrendt - read & delete Die radikalen philosophischen Texte von Elektra W. haben das Ziel - seien wir offen und direkt - einen Headcrash des Ich-Erlebens .. show full overview
Tell no-one - A century of secret deals between the NSA and the telecom industry (#6600)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: James Bamford For nearly one hundred years, the NSA and its predecessors have been engaging in secret, illegal deals with the American telecom industry, with both virtually immune from prosecution.
Cyber Necromancy - Reverse Engineering Dead Protocols (#5956)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Joseph Tartaro, Matthew Halchyshak Reverse engineering is not all binaries and byte-code. The black art also extends to networks and unobtainable game servers. In this talk .. show full overview
Programming with dependent types in Idris (#6162)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: raichoo Idris is a relatively young research programming languages that attempts to bring dependent types to general purpose programming. In this talk I will introduce the .. show full overview
Security Analysis of Estonia's Internet Voting System (#6344)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: J. Alex Halderman Estonia is the only country in the world that relies on Internet voting in a significant way for legally-binding national elections — up to 30% of all .. show full overview
Das Transparenzportal Hamburg Inhalt und Umsetzung (#6582)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Lothar Hotz Im Vortrag wird die technische Umsetzung des Transparenzportals Hamburg vorgestellt.
GIFs: Tod eines Mediums. Und sein Leben nach dem Tod (#6325)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Felix Mütze Im Grunde sind GIFs Schnee von gestern. Es gibt zahlreiche Alternativen, die das, was ein GIF kann, besser können. Und trotzdem haben sich GIFs als Kulturtechnik .. show full overview
Safer playing with lasers (#6131)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Sarah How to play with lasers without injuring Yourself and others and how to design the safety circuits of a laser system.
The automobile as massive data gathering source and the consequences for individual privacy (#6265)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speakers: Jimmy Schulz, Dr. Rüdiger Hanig We report about a LOAD e. V. study regarding data collection of cars, future developments of this technology field, how this data is accessed .. show full overview
Finding the Weak Crypto Needle in a Byte Haystack (#6144)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Ben H. Using the same stream cipher key twice is known to be a Very Bad Idea, but keystream-resuse vulnerabilities are still very much a thing of the present - both in .. show full overview
Iridium Pager Hacking (#6236)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speakers: Sec, schneider The chronicles of reversing the Iridium pager system.
Krypto für die Zukunft - Verteidigung gegen Dunkle Künste (#6295)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: ruedi (K)ein kleiner Rant über Elliptische Kurven, Quantencomputer, Bitcoins und die NSA et al.
Long war tactics or how we learned to stop worrying and love the NSA (#6406)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Sacha van Geffen Referring to the seminal talk Dymaxion gave at the closing of the NoisySquare at OHM in 2013. This talk will explore what has happened and what has not in .. show full overview
Forging the USB armory (#6541)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Andrea Barisani The presentation will cover the journey that we have taken to develop the USB armory board from scratch, explaining the lessons learned and its prospected applications.
Hacking Ethics in Education (#6071)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Jeroen van der Ham Ethics in Computer Science is now finally gaining some well deserved attention. At the University of Amsterdam, we have started an ethical committee for .. show full overview
Information Control and Strategic Violence (#6358)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Anita Gohdes Simple access to social media and cell phone has widely been accepted as a positive tool for citizens to voice dissatisfaction with their government and .. show full overview
Mr Beam goes Kickstarter Lessons learned from crowdfunding a hardware project (#6589)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speakers: Teja Philipp, Philipp Engel Mr Beam was started as a hobby project aiming to get more experience in 3D printing. For fun we put it on Kickstarter and ended up in kind of a roller coaster.
Open-BCI DIY-Neuroscience Maker-Art Mind-Hacking open source DIY brain-computer-interfaces | technology and applications crash-course | 'BCI Mind-Hacking' intro (#6148)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: MeTaMiNd EvoLuTioN leading hackers and researchers from the worldwide hackerspace, universitiy, and DIY artist community, explain current technological possibilites in BCI, .. show full overview
Global Civil Society Under Attack - Reports from the Frontlines (#6399)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Michael Carbone An update to our Reports from the Frontlines talk at OHM 2013, we will provide the latest stories and figures from Access' digital security helpline that .. show full overview
Privacy and Consumer Markets - Reversing the Surveillance Business Model (#6202)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Reuben Binns The internet may be the nervous system of the 21st century, but its main business purpose is helping marketers work out how to make people buy stuff. This talk .. show full overview
Vor Windows 8 wird gewarnt - Und nichts (Secure) Bootet mehr? (#6294)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: ruedi Im Vortrag sollen technische und gesellschaftliche Konsequenzen der von Microsoft kontrollierten Windows-8-Secure-Boot-Architektur und mögliche Gegenmaßnahmen diskutiert werden.
The Invisible Committee Returns with 'Fuck Off Google' - Cybernetics, Anti-Terrorism, and the ongoing case against the Tarnac 10 (#6459)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speakers: Anonymous member of Tarnac Solidarity Committee, tarnac nine “There will be people who resist adopting and using technology, people who want nothing to do with virtual .. show full overview
»Hard Drive Punch« Destroying data as a performative act (#6595)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Aram Bartholl In general data is stored on technically sensitive systems and can easily be lost. At the same time files today appear often as indestructible once uploaded to the Internet.
Internet of toilets - Trends in the sanitarian territory (#6370)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: tbsprs A toilet is a toilet is a toilet ... was a toilet. Nowadays hackers discover a larger interest in doing more with toilets then just what they were designed for in the .. show full overview
Attacks on UEFI security, inspired by Darth Venamis's misery and Speed Racer (#6129)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speakers: Rafal Wojtczuk, Corey Kallenberg On modern Intel based computers there exists two powerful and protected code regions: the UEFI firmware and System Management Mode (SMM). .. show full overview
Mining for Bugs with Graph Database Queries (#6534)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: fabs While graph databases are primarily known as the backbone of the modern dating world, this nerd has found a much more interesting application for them: program analysis. .. show full overview
Preserving arcade games (#5997)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Ange Albertini Old-school arcade games were so protected that hacking is the only way to preserve them before all boards are dead, and the games are lost.
Reconstructing narratives - transparency in the service of justice (#6258)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speakers: Jacob and Laura Poitras Surveillance, cryptography, terrorism, malware, economic espionage, assassination, interventions, intelligence services, political prisoners, policing, transparency, justice and you.
Fernvale: An Open Hardware and Software Platform, Based on the (nominally) Closed-Source MT6260 SoC (#6156)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speakers: bunnie, Xobs We introduce Fernvale, a reverse-engineered, open hardware and software platform based upon Mediatek's MT6260 value phone SoC. The MT6260 is the chip that .. show full overview
Inside Field Station Berlin Teufelsberg - The story of the NSA listening post – told by an ex-SIGINT analyst who worked there (#6585)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Bill Scannell Of all the NSA's Cold War listening posts, their intelligence facility on top of Berlin's Teufelsberg was their most secretive.
Net neutrality: days of future past? - Taking stock after two years of net neutrality in the Netherlands (#6170)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speakers: Rejo Zenger, Thomas Lohninger Our talk will highlight the current debates surrounding net neutrality in Europe, the United States and other parts of the world. We will look .. show full overview
Too Many Cooks - Exploiting the Internet-of-TR-069-Things (#6166)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speakers: Lior Oppenheim, Shahar Tal TL;DR We unravel the story of a bug that would become one of the most important vulnerabilities released this year. Also, we have free cookies. .. show full overview
Doing right by sources, done right (#6291)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speakers: Sarah Harrison, gracefire Whistleblowing is becoming a progressively popular topic and ways to technically support anonymous submissions by journalistic sources are being .. show full overview
Superheroes Still Need Phoneboxes (#6175)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Ben Dalton This talk asks how we might plan for the continuation of a privacy sustaining internet in light of growing trends in enforced identity checking and demonisation of .. show full overview
Traue keinem Scan, den du nicht selbst gefälscht hast - 'Bei Kopierern kommt das raus, was man reinsteckt.' (#6558)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: David Kriesel Kopierer, die spontan Zahlen im Dokument verändern: Im August 2013 kam heraus, dass so gut wie alle Xerox-Scankopierer beim Scannen Zahlen und Buchstaben .. show full overview
The Matter of Heartbleed - What went wrong, how the Internet reacted, what we can learn for the future (#6321)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Zakir Durumeric The Heartbleed vulnerability took the Internet by surprise in April of this year. The vulnerability was one of the most consequential in the history of the .. show full overview
Heartache and Heartbleed: The insider’s perspective on the aftermath of Heartbleed (#6212)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speaker: Nick Sullivan Two weeks after the Heartbleed bug was announced, CloudFlare patched the Heartbleed bug, created a challenge to prove the bug could be used to find private keys .. show full overview
Fnord News Show - Wir helfen Euch die Fnords zu sehen (#6109)
Episode overview
28, 2014
Speakers: frank, Fefe Im Format einer lockeren Abendshow werden wir die Nachrichten-Highlights des Jahres präsentieren, die Meldungen zwischen den Meldungen, die subtilen Sensationen hinter den Schlagzeilen.
Freedom in your computer and in the net (#6123)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Richard Stallman For freedom in your own computer, the software must be free. For freedom on the internet, we must organize against surveillance, censorship, SaaSS and the war against sharing.
NSA Points of Presence in AT (#6430)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Erich Moechel - Station VIENNA in der US-Botschaft 1090 Wien - VIENNA ANNEX beim UNO-Sitz in Wien 1220 - Legacy Standort „NSA-Villa“ Wien 1180 - Relaystation .. show full overview
Security Analysis of a Full-Body X-Ray Scanner (#6332)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speakers: Eric Wustrow, Hovav Shacham Full-body scanners, also known as "naked scanners", are used in airports and other government facilities to detect metallic and nonmetallic .. show full overview
Why do we need an open food information platform (#6158)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Alexis We from EveryCook are building an open source computerized cooking device. At 29c3 I presented the idea of digital cooking and people gave me an awesome feedback. Now, .. show full overview
Jahresrückblick des CCC (#6583)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Frank Rieger, erdgeist, Linus Neumann, heckpiet, Constanze Kurz Auch das Jahr 2014 geht irgendwann vorbei. Deshalb werfen wir einen Blick zurück auf die für uns besonders .. show full overview
Let's build a quantum computer! (#6261)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Andreas Dewes I will explain why quantum computing is interesting, how it works and what you actually need to build a working quantum computer. I will use the superconducting .. show full overview
Lightning Talks Day 3 (#6579)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Theresa Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a .. show full overview
Damn Vulnerable Chemical Process (#6463)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Marmusha So you want to author a next Stuxnet (or even cooler than that). Here is the success recipe: forget what you have known about cyber security. When an attack .. show full overview
Correcting copywrongs - European copyright reform is finally on the horizon (#6350)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Julia Reda After years of debate, EU copyright law is finally being revisited. The Commission will present a proposal for reform within 4 months of 31c3. And it's high time: .. show full overview
Funky File Formats (#5930)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Ange Albertini Binary tricks to evade identification, detection, to exploit encryption and hash collisions.
Deine Rechte sind in diesen Freihandelsabkommen nicht verfügbar - Der Protest gegen TTIP und CETA (#6342)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Katharina Nocun Die Kritik am Freihandelsabkommen TTIP und CETA auf die Chlorhühnchen zu beschränken, greift viel zu kurz. Denn bei den beiden Abkommen zwischen der EU und .. show full overview
EMET 5.1 - Armor or Curtain? (#6161)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: René Freingruber EMET (Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit) is an application which can be used to further harden a Windows system by adding additional security .. show full overview
CAESAR and NORX (#6137)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speakers: Philipp Jovanovic, aumasson "Nearly all of the symmetric encryption modes you learned about in school, textbooks, and Wikipedia are (potentially) insecure." -- Matthew Green .. show full overview
The Only Thing We Know About Cyberspace Is That Its 640x480 (#6373)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: olia lialina Since 10 years I write about Vernacular Web and Digital Folklore, about early days of the web and web design before it became a profession. It is not that easy .. show full overview
DP5: PIR for Privacy-preserving Presence (#6140)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speakers: Ian Goldberg, George Danezis and Nikita Borisov In the wake of the Snowden revelations and the explicit targetting of address book and buddy list information, social service .. show full overview
What Ever Happened to Nuclear Weapons? (#6121)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Michael Büker An overview of 70 years of nuclear weapons, focusing on some of the underlying physics, the international politics that surround the topic, modern technology .. show full overview
Source Code and Cross-Domain Authorship Attribution (#6173)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speakers: Aylin, greenie, Rebekah Overdorf Stylometry is the study of linguistic style found in text. Stylometry existed long before computers but now the field is dominated by .. show full overview
Die Krise der Bilder ist die Krise der Politik (#6381)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Mareike Foecking Im Rahmen meiner Forschungsarbeit "Das Bild im digitalen Wandel" beschätige ich mich mit der Veränderung der Bilder im Rahmen der Veränderung der medialen .. show full overview
Thunderstrike: EFI bootkits for Apple MacBooks (#6128)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Trammell Hudson In this presentation we demonstrate Thunderstrike, a vulnerability that allows the installation of persistent firmware modifications into the EFI boot ROM of .. show full overview
The Maker movement meets patent law (#6043)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Natalia Lukaszewicz The Maker movement and patent law are like two planets moving on the orbit of innovations. Occasionally, they collide … because the Maker planet moves too .. show full overview
'Exploit' in theater post-existentialism is the question, not post-privacy (#6547)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speakers: cyphunk, nathan fain 3 theater projects that illustrate the false "California Ideology" and ask us to look at our slip into neoliberalism through the backdoor of technology and to consider the ethics in the protocol.
Es gibt viel zu tun - hau'n wir ab (#6124)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speakers: Robert Verch, Eva Olivin Eine Mietwohnung ist seit circa 20 Jahren verlassen, ihr Bewohner nicht auffindbar. Unveränderte Möblierung, Ausstattung und persönliche Hinterlassenschaften sind jedoch noch vorhanden und unberührt.
IFG – Mit freundlichen Grüßen (#6366)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Stefan Wehrmeyer Die interessantesten IFG-Geschichten des Jahres mit Anfragen und Ablehnungen, Klagen und Kampagnen. Außerdem: wie wir mit Hilfe des Journalismus der Informationsfreiheit neuen Antrieb geben werden!
Living Drones - From war pigeons in 1914 to cyborg moths in 2014 (#6275)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Anja Drephal During World War I, homing pigeons were used to carry messages and take photographs over enemy territory. Today, experiments are being conducted to .. show full overview
Axoloti - DIY audio signal processing (#6402)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Johannes Taelman Axoloti is an integrated platform for digital audio: its graphical editor is an easy-to-use toolbox for creating sound synthesis or processing algorithms. .. show full overview
Agri-tech and the Arts: From Barns to D-Space (#6135)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Richard Marggraf Turley What do the arts and literature have to contribute to urgent debates about the technization of food production? What can a play from 1605 tell us .. show full overview
The Magical Secrecy Tour - A Bus Trip into the Surveillance Culture of Berlin One Year After Snowden (#6596)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Leslie Dunton-Downer June 5, 2014 marked one year since leaks by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden began to be introduced to a worldwide public. On this date, transmediale .. show full overview
Computer Science in the DPRK A view into technology on the other side of the world (#6253)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Will Scott This talk will reflect on teaching Computer Science in Pyongyang over the last two years, and look at how technology has been integrated into civilian life in the .. show full overview
Eye Wear Computing - Augmenting the Human Mind (#6460)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Kai Kunze The talk gives an overview about the emerging field of smart glasses and how they can be used to augment our mind (e.g. how to improve our brain with technology). .. show full overview
The Time is Right - Ein Science-Fiction-Theaterstück (#6543)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Das c-atre collectivdrama präsentiert THE TIME IS RIGHT, ein Science-Fiction-Theaterstück nach einer Idee von yetzt. „Es geht um das große Ganze! Die Bewahrung von freiem Wissen, .. show full overview
The Perl Jam: Exploiting a 20 Year-old Vulnerability (#6243)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Netanel Rubin tl;dr EXPLOIT ALL THE PERL. We chained several of Perl’s ridiculous syntax quirks in order to create a surprisingly powerful attack, bringing down some of the .. show full overview
Trackography (#6299)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speakers: Maria Xynou, Claudio, vecna Have you ever wondered who is watching while you are reading your favourite media online? Whether we are reading the Guardian, the New York .. show full overview
Automatically Subtitling the C3 (#6554)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speakers: timobaumann, Arne Köhn Transcribing a talk comes relatively easy to fast typists, whereas turning a transcript into time-aligned subtitles for a video requires a much larger .. show full overview
MegaCode to facility gates (#6462)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Kévin Redon How do garage gate remotes work? It turns out the ones from MegaCode simply send a individual fixed code. And with little efforts if was possibly to clone them, send arbitrary codes, and record them all.
The Machine To Be Another (#6385)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: BeAnotherLab The Machine To Be Another is an open-source interactive system designed to explore the relationship between identity and empathy through interdisciplinary .. show full overview
UNHash - Methods for better password cracking (#5966)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Tonimir Kisasondi This talk will show a new method for password cracking called UNHash. UNHash as a tool uses rulefiles that are something in between of a DSL (Domain .. show full overview
Higher-Dimensional Geometry and Fractals (#6072)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Magnus Extending the common 3-space-to-2-space projections to 4D and higher and how certain types of fractals can be presented using these expansions. After that we‘ll have a closer look at Fractal Flames as used in Electric Sheep.
Infocalypse now: P0wning stuff is not enough (#6205)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speaker: Walter van Holst This speech about how the hacker scene is failing its own ideals and what questions must be addressed to make a real difference.
Snowden Effect vs. Privacy Paradox (#6455)
Episode overview
29, 2014
Speakers: Matthias Herz, Michael Johann „Vertrauen ist gut - Kontrolle ist besser.“ Dieses Idiom gilt mehr denn je, sofern man die Aktivitäten von Geheimdiensten bewerten mag. Wie .. show full overview
Googlequiz – 2015er Edition (#6226)
Episode overview
29, 2014
_______________________________ Opt-out! No stream/recording available! _______________________________ Speakers: Jöran Muuß-Merholz, Ralf Appelt, Blanche Fabri, it4n6, Martin .. show full overview
Low Cost High Speed Photography (5943)
Episode overview
30, 2014
This episode has no summary.
Podcasting with Podlove (#6550)
Episode overview
30, 2014
_______________________________ Opt-out! No stream/recording available! _______________________________ Speaker: Tim Pritlove The Podlove Project wants to lift podcast .. show full overview
The case of Chelsea Manning (#6602)
Episode overview
30, 2014
Speaker: Alexa O'Brien A discussion with U.S. Army private Chelsea Manning's attorneys Nanny Hollander, Ahmed Ghappour, and Chase Strangio. Moderated by journalist Alexa O'Brien.
The rise and fall of Internet voting in Norway (#6213)
Episode overview
30, 2014
Speaker: Tor E. Bjørstad In the parliamentary elections of September 2013, more than 250 000 Norwegians in selected municipalities were able to vote from home. They were taking part .. show full overview
Lightning Talks Day 4 (#6580)
Episode overview
30, 2014
Speaker: breakthesystem Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! .. show full overview
Attribution revolution (#6214)
Episode overview
30, 2014
Speaker: Jonas Öberg Re-using works licensed under Creative Commons seems pretty simple, but it can often be quite time consuming. One image might be okay, but keeping track of the .. show full overview
Diamonds are a quantum computer’s best friend (#6157)
Episode overview
30, 2014
Speaker: Nicolas Wöhrl The next revolution in data processing is Quantum computing. This talk is an entertaining “tour de force” starting with a brief introduction to the fascinating .. show full overview
Why are computers so @#!*, and what can we do about it? (#6574)
Episode overview
30, 2014
Speaker: Peter Sewell Computers have become ubiquitous and essential, but they remain massively error-prone and insecure - as if we were back in the early days of the industrial .. show full overview
Let's Encrypt (#6397)
Episode overview
30, 2014
Speaker: Seth Schoen As we've called for widespread use of HTTPS, the cost and complexity of the certificate system has been an obstacle.
State of the Onion (#6251)
Episode overview
30, 2014
Speakers: Jacob, arma The current state of the Tor network and community, covering important updates, discussions of the ecosystem of software, and include a longer Q&A than previous CCC talks!
31C3 Infrastructure Review (#6557)
Episode overview
30, 2014
Speaker: Leon 31C3 Infrastructure Review
Now I sprinkle thee with crypto dust (#6597)
Episode overview
30, 2014
Speakers: Ryan Lackey, Andres Erbsen, Jurre van Bergen, Ladar Levison, equinox When the Internet was designed, it was thought to be meadows full of daisies. As we now know, it's a .. show full overview
Paypals War on Terror (#6377)
Episode overview
30, 2014
Speakers: the_no, absolem We are the PayPal 14. For the last several years we've been restricted in what we could or couldn't say about our court case. Our sentencing is on December .. show full overview
Virtual Machine Introspection (#6297)
Episode overview
30, 2014
Speakers: Tamas K Lengyel, Thomas Kittel New methods and approaches for securing cloud environments are becoming increasingly more critical as traditional host security strategies are .. show full overview
Security Nightmares (#6572)
Episode overview
30, 2014
Speakers: frank, Ron Was hat sich im letzten Jahr im Bereich IT-Sicherheit getan? Welche neuen Entwicklungen haben sich ergeben? Welche neuen Buzzwords und Trends waren zu sehen?
Telescope Making (#5931)
Episode overview
30, 2014
Speaker: Madonius In this talk an introduction to amateur telescope making (ATM) will be provided. Starting from grinding the mirror, testing it and building the telescope around it.
Tor: Hidden Services and Deanonymisation (#6112)
Episode overview
30, 2014
Speaker: Dr Gareth Owen This talk presents the results from what we believe to be one of the largest studies into Tor Hidden Services (The Darknet) to date.
Premiere: We love surveillance (#6608)
Episode overview
30, 2014
#7reasons Premiere of the English version of the shortfilm "We love surveillance".
31C3 Closing Event (#6562)
Episode overview
30, 2014
Speakers: tomate, dodger 31C3 Closing Event