Chaos Communication Congress

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33C3 Opening Ceremony
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speakers: anna, elisa
The Global Assassination Grid
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Cian Westmoreland As they say in the Air Force, ‚No comms no bombs‘, – A technician’s insight into the invisible networks governing military drones and the quest for .. show full overview
Reverse engineering Outernet
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Daniel Estévez Outernet is a company whose goal is to ease worldwide access to internet contents by broadcasting files through geostationary satellites. Most of the software .. show full overview
What could possibly go wrong with -insert x86 instruction here-?
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speakers: Clémentine Maurice, Moritz Lipp Hardware is often considered as an abstract layer that behaves correctly, just executing instructions and outputting a result. However, the .. show full overview
Everything you always wanted to know about Certificate Transparency
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Martin Schmiedecker Certificate transparency - what is it, and what can be done with it? Certificate Transparency is the new kid on the block of TLS. Specified as RFC6962 .. show full overview
The Fight for Encryption in 2016
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Kurt Opsahl Both strong end-to-end communications encryption and device encryption are legal in most jurisdictions today, and remain widely available. Yet software .. show full overview
How Do I Crack Satellite and Cable Pay TV?
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Chris Gerlinsky Follow the steps taken to crack a conditional access and scrambling system used in millions of TV set-top-boxes across North America. From circuit board to .. show full overview
Building a high throughput low-latency PCIe based SDR
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speakers: Alexander Chemeris, Sergey Kostanbaev Software Defined Radios (SDRs) became a mainstream tool for wireless engineers and security researches and there are plenty of them .. show full overview
Exploiting PHP7 unserialize
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Yannay Livneh PHP-7 is a new version of the most prevalent server-side language in use today. Like previous version, this version is also vulnerable to memory corruptions. .. show full overview
Bootstraping a slightly more secure laptop
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Trammell Hudson Heads is an open source custom firmware and OS configuration for laptops and servers that aims to provide slightly better physical security and protection for .. show full overview
The DROWN Attack
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Sebastian Schinzel We present DROWN, a novel cross-protocol attack on TLS that uses a server supporting SSLv2 as an oracle to decrypt modern TLS connections. Using .. show full overview
Zwischen Technikbegeisterung und kritischer Reflexion: Chaos macht Schule
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: benni, Dorina Die Lebenswelt von Kindern und Jugendlichen sowie die der Schulen könnte in Bezug auf die Digitalisierung kaum gegensätzlicher sein: Schülerinnen und Schüler .. show full overview
Predicting and Abusing WPA2/802.11 Group Keys
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Mathy Vanhoef Mathy Vanhoef is a postdoctoral researcher at KU Leuven (Belgium). He finished his PhD on the security of WPA-TKIP, TLS, and RC4, in July 2016. His research .. show full overview
Law Enforcement Are Hacking the Planet
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Joseph Cox In early 2015, the Federal Bureau of Investigation hacked computers in Austria, Denmark, Chile, Colombia, Greece, and likely the United Kingdom and Turkey too. In .. show full overview
Check Your Police Record!
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: RA Ulrich Kerner Polizeibehörden und Geheimdienste sammeln Daten der Bürger – mehr als je zuvor. Der Bestand an unterschiedlichen Datenbanken ist enorm gewachsen und geradezu .. show full overview
Space making/space shaping
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Ulf Treger What are the politics and aesthetics of mapping? An introduction how cartography shapes cities and landscapes, creates borders and determines the perception of our .. show full overview
The Nibbletronic
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: ctrapp The NibbleTronic is a MIDI wind controller that features a novel user interface resulting in a unique tonal range. The standard configuration allows to precisely play .. show full overview
Shut Up and Take My Money!
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Vincent Haupert FinTechs increasingly cut the ground from under long-established banks’ feet. With a "Mobile First" strategy, many set their sights on bringing all financial .. show full overview
A Story of Discrimination and Unfairness
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Aylin Caliskan Artificial intelligence and machine learning are in a period of astounding growth. However, there are concerns that these technologies may be used, either with .. show full overview
Kampf dem Abmahnunwesen
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speakers: Beata Hubrig, erdgeist Im Spannungsfeld zwischen der Vorderfront der Computertechnik und einem Spezialbereich des Urheberrechts hat sich eine Industrie eine Nische .. show full overview
Anthropology for kids - What is privacy?
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Nika Dubrovsky I would like to present my project called Anthropology for kids and a specific book, that I am working on in the larger framework of this project. This book .. show full overview
Pegasus internals
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Max Bazaliy This talk will take an in-depth look at the technical capabilities and vulnerabilities used by Pegasus. We will focus on Pegasus’s features and the exploit chain .. show full overview
Geolocation methods in mobile networks
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Erik This talk presents the results of the technical analysis for the German Parliamentary Committee investigating the NSA spying scandal on geolocation methods in mobile .. show full overview
Routerzwang und Funkabschottung
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Max Mehl Nach drei Jahren wurde endlich die nutzerunfreundliche Praxis des Routerzwangs („Compulsory Routers“) gesetzlich für unzulässig erklärt, und aktuell treibt uns die .. show full overview
*CANCELLED* 0en & 1en auf dem Acker
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speakers: Fritz Herzrasen, Lisa Tschorn Die Dynamik der globalen Agrarmärkte hat sich in den letzten Jahren verstärkt und birgt neue Herausforderungen für die Landwirte. .. show full overview
What's It Doing Now?
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Bernd Sieker Legend has it that most airline pilots will at one time have uttered the sentence "What's it Doing now?", whenever the autopilot or one of its related systems .. show full overview
Make the Internet Neutral Again
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speakers: Thomas Lohninger, Christopher Talib After three years the EU has for the first time new Net Neutrality rules. What do they mean in practice? Which commercial practices by .. show full overview
Untrusting the CPU
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: jaseg It is a sad fact of reality that we can no longer trust our CPUs to only run the things we want and to not have exploitable flaws. I will provide an proposal for a .. show full overview
A Data Point Walks Into a Bar
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Lisa Charlotte Rost tl;dr: Mother Teresa said "If I look at the mass I will never act. If I look at the one, I will." I'll present ways that make us act when looking at the .. show full overview
Dieselgate – A year later
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Daniel Lange (DLange) At 32C3 we gave an overview on the organizational and technical aspects of Dieselgate that had just broken public three months before. In the last year .. show full overview
Bonsai Kitten waren mir lieber - Rechte Falschmeldungen in sozialen Netzwerken
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speakers: fraulutz, NoAverageRobot Auf der Hoaxmap werden seit vergangenem Februar Gerüchte über Geflüchtete und deren Widerlegungen gesammelt, sortiert und in Kartenform präsentiert. .. show full overview
Keys of Fury
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: raquel meyers Keys Of Fury is a brutalist storytelling about technology and keystrokes where text is used unadorned and roughcast, like concrete. I define my practice as .. show full overview
Software Defined Emissions
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Felix „tmbinc“ Domke A technical talk on how to reverse-engineer electronic control units in order to document what was left apparently intentionally undocumented by the .. show full overview
Nintendo Hacking 2016
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speakers: derrek, nedwill, naehrwert This talk will give a unique insight of what happens when consoles have been hacked already, but not all secrets are busted yet. This time we .. show full overview
Make Wi-Fi fast again
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Hendrik Lüth Mit steigendem Datenaufkommen und einer immer größer werdenden Zahl von Geräten muss auch das WLAN wachsen. Nach "ur WiFi sucks!!1!" ist dieser Talk eine kleine .. show full overview
Netzpolitik in der Schweiz 2016
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Hakuna MaMate Ein Überblick zur netzpolitischen Situation in der Schweiz. Wir geben einen umfassenden Rückblick auf das ereignissreiche Jahr 2016, in dem die Schweizer .. show full overview
Lockpicking in the IoT
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Ray "Smart" devices using BTLE, a mobile phone and the Internet are becoming more and more popular. We will be using mechanical and electronic hardware attacks, TLS MitM, .. show full overview
Deploying TLS 1.3: the great, the good and the bad
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speakers: Filippo Valsorda, Nick Sullivan Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3 is almost here. The protocol that protects most of the Internet secure connections is getting the biggest .. show full overview
Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speakers: Karsten Nohl, Nemanja Nikodijevic Travel booking systems are among the oldest global IT infrastructures, and have changed surprisingly little since the 80s. The personal .. show full overview
Netzpolitik in Österreich
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speakers: Thomas Lohninger, Alexander Czadilek Die Netzpolitik der österreichischen Bundesregierung hat sich im Jahr 2016 nicht besser dargestellt als die Jahre davor: Neue .. show full overview
Console Hacking 2016
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: marcan Last year, we demonstrated Linux running on the PS4 in a lightning talk - presented on the PS4 itself. But how did we do it? In a departure from previous Console .. show full overview
You can -j REJECT but you can not hide: Global scanning of the IPv6 Internet
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Tobias Fiebig In this talk we will explore and present various IPv6 scanning techniques that allow attackers to peek into IPv6 networks. With the already known difference .. show full overview
Woolim – Lifting the Fog on DPRK’s Latest Tablet PC
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speakers: Florian Grunow, Niklaus Schiess, Manuel Lubetzki
Visiting The Bear Den
Episode overview
27, 2016
Speaker: Jessy Campos Sednit, a.k.a Fancy Bear/APT28/Sofacy, is a group of attackers operating since at least 2004 and whose main objective is to steal confidential information .. show full overview
Nicht öffentlich. (theater/performance)
Episode overview
28, 2016
Ein Geheimdienst als Zeuge. Szenen aus dem NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss. Speakers: anna, Kai Biermann, Felix Betzin, Elisabeth Pleß, Johannes Wolf, vieuxrenard Der .. show full overview
Es sind die kleinen Dinge im Leben
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: André Lampe Jeder weiß ungefähr was ein Mikroskop ist und vielleicht hat man auch mal davon gehört das da immernoch dran geforscht wird – Stichwort Hochauflösungsmikroskopie .. show full overview
Der 33 Jahrerückblick
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speakers: maxigas, mel The proper relationship of technology and politics have been the subject of an evergreen debate on the floor of the Chaos Communication Congress. Rather than .. show full overview
A look into the Mobile Messaging Black Box
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speakers: Roland Schilling, Frieder Steinmetz Most of us use mobile messaging every day. We use certain apps that we chose for a number of factors, like our friends using it, good .. show full overview
International exchange of tax information
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: taxman The Common Reporting Standard is a multinational agreement signed by more than 80 nations, including all EU member states. The signatories promised to exchange bank .. show full overview
How physicists analyze massive data: LHC + brain + ROOT = Higgs
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: Axel Physicists are not computer scientists. But at CERN and worldwide, they need to analyze petabytes of data, efficiently. Since more than 20 years now, ROOT helps them .. show full overview
Syrian Archive
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speakers: Jeff Deutch, Hadi Al-Khatib Journalists and human rights groups need to find and use verified visual evidence in order to accurately report about what’s happening in .. show full overview
The Clash of Digitalizations
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: Saud Al-Zaid This talk discusses the representation of Arab males in video games and the adverse effect it has on the collective political imagination. Anonymous .. show full overview
Hacking the World
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: Claudio "nex" Guarnieri In this lecture I wish to reflect on the maturation of the security and hacking communities and their role in larger societal and political .. show full overview
Welcome to the Anthropocene?
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: KaLeiMai The Anthropocene is widely understood to mean the current "period of Earth's history during which humans have a decisive influence on the state, dynamics and future" .. show full overview
Lightning Talks Day 2
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speakers: gedsic, bigalex Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! .. show full overview
Tapping into the core
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speakers: Maxim Goryachy, Mark Ermolov Engaging universally available deep debug functionality of modern Intel cores, with zero software or hardware modifications required on the .. show full overview
Gone in 60 Milliseconds
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: Rich Jones More and more businesses are moving away from monolithic servers and turning to event-driven microservices powered by cloud function providers like AWS Lambda. So, .. show full overview
In Search of Evidence-Based IT-Security
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: hanno Applied IT security is largely a science-free field. The IT-Security industry is selling a range of products with often very questionable and sometimes outright .. show full overview
Wheel of Fortune
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speakers: Jos Wetzels, Ali Abbasi Secure random number generators play a crucial role in the wider security ecosystem. In the absence of a dedicated hardware True Random Number .. show full overview
Recount 2016: An Uninvited Security Audit of the U.S. Presidential Election
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speakers: Matt Bernhard, J. Alex Halderman The 2016 U.S. presidential election was preceded by unprecedented cyberattacks and produced a result that surprised many people in the U.S. .. show full overview
Haft für Whistleblower?
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: RA Ulrich Kerner Der neue Straftatbestand der Datenhehlerei gem. § 202d StGB kriminalisiert Whistleblower und droht mit Haftstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder Geldstrafe. Das .. show full overview
Von Kaffeeriechern, Abtrittanbietern und Fischbeinreißern
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: Michaela Vieser Aus ihrem Buch „Von Kaffeeriechern, Abtrittanbietern und Fischbeinreißern – Berufe aus vergangenen Zeiten“: es geht darin um Berufe, die einfach verschwunden .. show full overview
Die Sprache der Populisten
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: Martin Haase/maha Mit dem Erstarken der Rechtspopulisten (nicht nur in Deutschland) werden populistische Positionen immer häufiger hingenommen, obwohl es sich dabei um .. show full overview
Copywrongs 2.0
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: Julia Reda EU copyright reform plans threaten freedom of expression: Commissioner Günther Oettinger wants to make sharing even the tiniest snippets of news content subject to .. show full overview
No USB? No problem.
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: Xobs How to get USB running on an ARM microcontroller that has no built in USB hardware. We'll cover electrical requirements, pin assignments, and microcontroller .. show full overview
Hacking Reality
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: Kate Genevieve Inspired by a long history of bold reality hacks this talk considers the kinds of potentials opening up through emerging Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality .. show full overview
3 Years After Snowden: Is Germany fighting State Surveillance?
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speakers: anna, Andre Meister Germany has a good reputation for strong data protection. It also features the only parliamentary inquiry committee investigating the Snowden .. show full overview
Einführung zu Blockchains
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: vimja Blockchain ist die Technologie welche moderne Kryptowährungen ermöglicht. In dem Vortrag wird die Funktionsweise von Blockchains ganz allgemein erklärt. Anhand der .. show full overview
SearchWing - Drones to find refugees in Mediterranean Sea
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speakers: Steini, Ruben Neugebauer, benthor Refugees are dying in the Mediterranean Sea. Thousands of them. We are building fixed wing drones, autonomously searching for .. show full overview
Formal Verification of Verilog HDL with Yosys-SMTBMC
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: Clifford Yosys is a free and open source Verilog synthesis tool and more. It gained prominence last year because of its role as synthesis tool in the Project IceStorm FOSS .. show full overview
Stopping law enforcement hacking
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: Christopher Soghoian We didn’t win the second crypto wars. Governments merely made a strategic retreat and they’ll be back. Although they will likely give up on trying to .. show full overview
The Untold Story of Edward Snowden’s Escape from Hong Kong
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speakers: Lena Rohrbach, Sönke Iwersen, Robert Tibbo On June 9, 2013, Edward Snowden revealed massive civil rights abuses by the NSA. On June 10, Snowden didn’t know where to .. show full overview
On the Security and Privacy of Modern Single Sign-On in the Web
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speakers: Guido Schmitz (gtrs), dfett Many web sites allow users to log in with their Facebook or Google account. This so-called Web single sign-on (SSO) often uses the standard .. show full overview
A world without blockchain
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: Mark van Cuijk Instant money transfer, globally without borders and 24/7. That’s one of the promises of Bitcoin. But how does national and international money transfer work .. show full overview
Episode overview
28, 2016
!!! This event is not going to be recorded !!! Der Kampf der Hinterbliebenen um die Wahrheit --- Geride kalanların gerçekler için savaşı Fünf Jahre nach Bekanntwerden des .. show full overview
Build your own NSA
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speakers: Andreas Dewes, @sveckert When thinking about surveillance, everyone worries about government agencies like the NSA and big corporations like Google and Facebook. But .. show full overview
State of Internet Censorship 2016
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speakers: Will Scott, Philipp Winter 2016 has been marked by major shifts in political policy towards the Internet in Turkey and Thailand, a renegotiation of the responsibilities of .. show full overview
Downgrading iOS: From past to present
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: tihmstar This talk is about the iOS secure boot chain and how it changed throughout different iOS versions, while focusing on downgrading despite countermesures. It will .. show full overview
SpiegelMining – Reverse Engineering von Spiegel-Online
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: David Kriesel Seit Mitte 2014 hat David fast 100.000 Artikel von Spiegel-Online systematisch gespeichert. Diese Datenmasse wird er in einem bunten Vortrag vorstellen und .. show full overview
Intercoms Hacking
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: Sebastien Dudek To break into a building, several methods have already been discussed, such as trying to find the code paths of a digicode, clone RFID cards, use some .. show full overview
SpinalHDL : An alternative hardware description language
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: Dolu1990 Since too long we use VHDL and Verilog to describe hardware. SpinalHDL is an alternative language which does its best to prove that it is time to do a paradigm shift .. show full overview
Durchmarsch von Rechts
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: Friedrich Burschel Seit einigen Jahren formieren sich am rechten Rand der Gesellschaft explosionsartig neue rassistische, völkisch-nationalistische und offen nazistische .. show full overview
Shining some light on the Amazon Dash button
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: hunz This talk will explore the hard- and software of the Amazon Dash button. While the old hardware-revision of the button has already been analyzed and can be repurposed .. show full overview
ATMs how to break them to stop the fraud
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speakers: Olga Kochetova, Alexey Osipov How to stop the ATMs fraud? How to protect ATMs from attacks such as black box jackpotting? How to prevent network hijacking such as rogue .. show full overview
Code BROWN in the Air
Episode overview
28, 2016
Speaker: miaoski The talk is about the paging system, an old technology in the 90's, used in healthcare, ICS and government, a systematic review of security impacts that it brought to .. show full overview
Eine kleine Geschichte der Parlamentsschlägerei
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: Joachim Schautenbach, Pia Fortunata Der Vortrag gibt einen Abriss über die Geschichte der Parlamentsschlägerei, ordnet diese politisch und geografisch ein - um dann die .. show full overview
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: Fefe, frank Wenn mal wieder der Zensor pinkeln war, wenn DAMIT ja wohl NIEMAND rechnen konnte, wenn es um demokratisch legitimiertes Baumanagement oder um Stahlbälle geht, .. show full overview
Million Dollar Dissidents and the Rest of Us
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: Bill Marczak, John Scott-Railton In August 2016, Apple issued updates to iOS and macOS that patched three zero-day vulnerabilities that were being exploited in the wild to .. show full overview
radare demystified
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: pancake radare is a libre framework and a set of tools to ease several tasks related to reverse engineering, exploiting, forensics, binary patching, .. this year, the .. show full overview
How do we know our PRNGs work properly?
Episode overview
29, 2016
Pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) are critical pieces of security infrastructure. Yet, PRNGs are surprisingly difficult to design, implement, and debug. The PRNG vulnerability .. show full overview
CCC-Jahresrückblick 2016
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: frank, Linus Neumann, Constanze Kurz, nexus Wir werden einen Überblick über die Themen geben, die den Chaos Computer Club 2016 beschäftigt haben. Neben der Zusammenfassung .. show full overview
On Smart Cities, Smart Energy, And Dumb Security
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Netanel Rubin Smart City is an abstract concept everyone talks about but no one knows what it actually means. No one, except Energy utilities. In this talk we will explore .. show full overview
Lightning Talks Day 3
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: gedsic, bigalex Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! .. show full overview
Memory Deduplication: The Curse that Keeps on Giving
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: Ben Gras, Kaveh Razavi, brainsmoke, Antonio Barresi We are 4 security researchers who have collectively worked on 3 different attack techniques that all (ab)use memory .. show full overview
Dissecting modern (3G/4G) cellular modems
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: LaForge, holger Let's have a detailed look at some modern 3G/4G cellular modems and see what we can find out about their internals using undocumented debug interfaces and .. show full overview
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité... and privacy ?!
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: Agnes, Christopher Talib France is under a state of emergency since November 2015. Several laws and a more intrusive surveillance framework, infringing rights and freedoms, .. show full overview
Making Technology Inclusive Through Papercraft and Sound
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: bunnie The participation of women in computer education is low; undergraduate classrooms in Germany were only 10% female in 2000[1]. The picture at the primary school level .. show full overview
Machine Dreams
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Joscha Artificial Intelligence provides a conceptual framework to understand mind and universe in new ways, clearing the obstacles that hindered the progress of philosophy .. show full overview
Building Custom Pinball Machines
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: jab How to build a pinball machine? We introduce you to all basics and explain the different options for hardware and software. As an example, we show images of our own .. show full overview
Do as I Say not as I Do: Stealth Modification of Programmable Logic Controllers I/O by Pin Control Attack
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: Ali Abbasi, Majid Input/Output is the mechanisms through which embedded systems interact and control the outside world. Particularly when employed in mission critical .. show full overview
Dissecting HDMI
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Tim 'mithro' Ansell Ever wondered what is actually happening when a speaker can't get their laptop to project? While developing the FPGA-based open hardware for .. show full overview
Technologien für und wider Digitale Souveränität
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: ruedi, vgrass, Prof. Stefan Lucks ''Technologien für und wider Digitale Souveränität'' Die weltweite Vernetzung ist die tiefgreifendste Veränderung seit der industriellen .. show full overview
A New Dark Age
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: James Bridle James Bridle is a British writer and artist living in Greece. His work explores the impact of technology on society, law, geography, politics, and culture. His .. show full overview
Talking Behind Your Back
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: Vasilios Mavroudis, Federico Maggi In the last two years, the marketing industry started to show a fast increasing interest in technologies for user cross-device tracking, .. show full overview
No Love for the US Gov.
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: Jake Davis, Lauri Love, Mustafa Al-Bassam Lauri Love has never set foot in the United States, yet he is facing a potential century in jail if extradited for his alleged .. show full overview
An Elevator to the Moon (and back)
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Markus Landgraf Why is it so hard to go to the Moon? The curse of Newtonian Mechanics and Tsiolkovsky's Rocket Equation force us to build huge rockets to achieve any .. show full overview
Hochsicherheits-Generalschlüssel Marke Eigenbau
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: Michael Weiner, RFguy Die Verfügbarkeit preiswerter Maschinentechnik und Open Source CAD-Software hat den Aufwand des Herstellens eigener mechanischer Schlüssel signifikant .. show full overview
Decoding the LoRa PHY
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Matt Knight LoRa is an emerging Low Power Wide Area Network, a new class of wireless technology designed to connect everything from streetlights to intelligent mousetraps. I .. show full overview
The Moon and European Space Exploration
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Jan Wörner Since the early successes of moon missions in the Sixtie, mankind has moved on to the earth orbit and other deep space missions. But interest in the moon as a .. show full overview
The woman behind your WiFi
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Anja Drephal Used in cell phone technology, bluetooth devices, and WiFi, Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) is often said to have been invented in the early 1940s by .. show full overview
Berechnete Welt
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Karl Urban Wer all unsere Daten der Gegenwart mit selbstlernenden Algorithmen auswertet, wird die nahe Zukunft grob vorhersagen können. Die Instrumente dafür sind so weit, .. show full overview
Von Alpakas, Hasenbären und Einhörnern – Über Anerkennungskultur
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: Maria Reimer, Daniel Seitz, Paula Glaser, Robert Alisch Wie würdigen verschiedene Tech-Communities das ehrenamtliche Engagement ihrer Mitglieder? Wie lassen sich gewünschte .. show full overview
Interplanetary Colonization
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: Liz George, Peter Buschkamp The long term survival of the human species requires that we become an interplanetary species. But we must answer two big questions: where are we .. show full overview
Irren ist staatlich
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: Arne Semsrott Dieses Jahr feiert das Informationsfreiheitsgesetz (IFG) seinen zehnten Geburtstag – und niemand feiert mit. Zeit für eine Abrechnung. FOIA frei! Zehn Jahre .. show full overview
Saving the World with (Vegan) Science
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Benjamin Rupert Describing the science behind new high tech vegan foods which will replace animal agriculture. I will also discuss the potential impact to lessen the severity .. show full overview
From Server Farm to Data Table
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Ingrid Burrington Early digital computers were the size of rooms. While the devices have gotten smaller, because of the increasingly networked nature of technology the room .. show full overview
Lasers in the sky (with asteroids)
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Peter Buschkamp At 32C3 we shot lasers into space... now it's lasers in space! We look at space- and airborne laser platforms and what practical uses people have come up .. show full overview
What We Can Learn about Creativity from 3D Printing
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Sascha Friesike For the past three years we studied the world’s largest 3D printing community “Thingiverse”. We explored the remix-relationships—accessible due the .. show full overview
JODI - Apache is functioning normally
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speakers: DI, JO Joan Heemskerk and Dirk Paesmans, collectively known as JODI, are rightfully venerated for their countless contributions to art and technology, working as an artistic .. show full overview
Hacking collective as a laboratory
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Ezi Talk presents findings from sociological investigation on hacking collectives. I will try to answer the question whether hacking collectives are laboratories, as seen by .. show full overview
Eavesdropping on the Dark Cosmos
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Simon Barke Imagine, there is this huge data center but your user privileges allow you to access only 5% of the data. That is the exact same situation physicists face when .. show full overview
PUFs, protection, privacy, PRNGs
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Pol Van Aubel A physically unclonable function, or PUF, is some physical structure with properties that are easy to verify, hard to predict, and practically impossible to .. show full overview
Edible Soft Robotics
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Kari Love As a soft roboticist I am constantly searching for inspiration for novel soft actuators, and as a home cook and artist I consider eating an object to be a .. show full overview
The 12 Networking Truths
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Jonas Lund In *The 12 Networking Truths* Swedish artist Jonas Lund will discuss how he has attempted to subvert the contemporary art world system by using different types of .. show full overview
The Universe Is, Like, Seriously Huge
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Michael Büker Astronomers struggle to accurately measure distances in the vastness of the known universe. Get an insight into the sophisticated techniques and dirty tricks of .. show full overview
The Zcash anonymous cryptocurrency
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: pesco Zcash is the third iteration of an extension to the Bitcoin protocol that provides true untraceability, i.e. fully anonymous transactions. It is arguably the first .. show full overview
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Konfusius Join with your derpy bot to fight your nemesis! Push it off the table or knock the enemy over. No weapons. No advanced controllers. No tears. Don't take it serious. .. show full overview
Ethics in the data society
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: mayameme This talk presents the idea that ethics as logic that can be programmed into machines doesn’t seem to work; perhaps, ethics is something else. This talk is about .. show full overview
Corporate surveillance, digital tracking, big data & privacy
Episode overview
29, 2016
Speaker: Wolfie Christl Today virtually everything we do is monitored in some way. The collection, analysis and utilization of digital information about our clicks, swipes, likes, .. show full overview
Methodisch inkorrekt!
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speakers: Nicolas Wöhrl, @ReinhardRemfort Wer hat diese Jungs wieder reingelassen?! Nicolas Wöhrl und Reinhard Remfort sind eine Gefahr für Leib und Leben. Unter dem Deckmantel der .. show full overview
The Economic Consequences of Internet Censorship
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speaker: Toni Internet censorship today is widespread, both by governments and by private entities. Much of the discussion so far has focused on political and social effects of this .. show full overview
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speaker: Mitch Mitch Altman (born December 22, 1956) is a San Francisco-based hacker and inventor, best known for inventing TV-B-Gone, as featured speaker at hacker conferences, as .. show full overview
The High Priests of the Digital Age
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speaker: catchthewhistle The High Priests of the Digital Age Are Working Behind Your Back to Make You Confess, and Repent. Just as 18th century priests enforced total surveillance .. show full overview
Beyond Virtual and Augmented Reality
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speaker: Kai Kunze With recent development in capture technology, preserving one's’ daily experiences and one's’ knowledge becomes richer and more comprehensive. Furthermore, new .. show full overview
Genetic Codes and what they tell us – and everyone else
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speaker: _Adora_Belle_ The genome – the final frontier – or just a complex mess of letters? Somewhere in there, our eye or skin color is hidden. But also, diseases can be diagnosed or .. show full overview
Retail Surveillance / Retail Countersurveillance
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speaker: Adam Harvey From geo-magnetic tracking for smartphones to facial recognition for email marketing, from physical shopping cart fingerprinting to computer vision algorithms .. show full overview
Lightning Talks Day 4
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speakers: gedsic, bigalex Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! .. show full overview
Datenschutzgrundverordnung: Rechte für Menschen, Pflichten für Firmen & Chancen für uns
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speaker: derPUPE Ziel des Vortrages ist es, einen Überblick über die neuen aus der Datenschutzgrundverordnung entstehenden Rechte von Betroffenen (also Du mein*e junge*r Jedi) zu .. show full overview
Rebel Cities
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speaker: renataavila Cities are emerging as a space for local action and local change but also as dangerous spaces where social engineering, exclusion by design and privatised .. show full overview
The Transhumanist Paradox
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speaker: Xavier Flory How does a pluralist society – a society built to accommodate our irreconcilable differences – make a choice about the technological future of mankind? How can a .. show full overview
Warum in die Ferne schweifen, wenn das Ausland liegt so nah?
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speaker: Klaus Landefeld Der Vortrag stellt die in Deutschland zulässigen Überwachungsmaßnahmen des Internetverkehrs aus rechtlicher und operativer Sicht dar und versucht, die sich .. show full overview
Privatisierung der Rechtsdurchsetzung
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speaker: Markus Beckedahl 2016 drehte der Anti-Terror-Kampf in der EU auf. Nicht nur im Rahmen der Anti-Terror-Richtlinie wurde über neue Wege diskutiert, wie man das Netz verstärkt .. show full overview
Understanding the Snooper’s Charter
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speaker: Hendrik Obelöer The ‚Investigative Powers Bill‘ is about to become law in the UK. Its provisions, from looking up Internet connection records without a warrant to forcing .. show full overview
The Ultimate Game Boy Talk
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speaker: Michael Steil The 8-bit Game Boy was sold between 1989 and 2003, but its architecture more closely resembles machines from the early 1980s, like the Commodore 64 or the NES. .. show full overview
33C3 Infrastructure Review
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speaker: Leon NOC, POC, VOC and QOC show interesting facts and figures as an excuse to present all the mischief they’ve been up to this year.
Virtual Secure Boot
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speaker: Gerd Hoffmann Over the last two years secure boot support for virtual machines was added to qemu, kvm (linux kernel) and ovmf (edk2/tianocore). This talk covers the .. show full overview
Security Nightmares 0x11
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speakers: frank, Ron Was hat sich im letzten Jahr im Bereich IT-Sicherheit getan? Welche neuen Entwicklungen haben sich ergeben? Welche neuen Buzzwords und Trends waren zu sehen? Wie .. show full overview
Surveilling the surveillers
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speaker: mare In the last years, technology-savvy artists and technologists have taken over the art world with works addressing current societal and political issues. Their works are .. show full overview
33C3 Closing Ceremony
Episode overview
30, 2016
Speakers: Nicolas Wöhrl, @ReinhardRemfort