Chaos Communication Congress

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  • Documentary Game show News Reality Talk show



Opening Event
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speakers: Carina Haupt, Linus Neumann
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: Fatuma Musa Afrah
What is the value of anonymous communication?
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: greenstadt What does the fact that Tor users can’t edit wikipedia mean for the quality of the ``encyclopedia that anyone can edit?’’ How do captchas and blocking of anonymity .. show full overview
The mummy unwrapped
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speakers: nelles-al-badri Eine zweite Büste der ägyptischen Königin sei gefunden worden, meldete Ägyptens größte Zeitung. Der Fund war jedoch Teil einer Kunstaktion, die Museen und .. show full overview
Hacking EU funding for a decentralizing FOSS project
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: Holger Krekel FOSS and hacker culture meeting the EU buereaucracy. What can possibly come out of that? We'll discuss what is involved for FOSS projects and other interested .. show full overview
NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss: Zwischen Aufklärungswillen und Mauern aus Schweigen
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: Anna Im März 2014 wurde der NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss im Bundestag eingesetzt, der die Verwicklungen um die deutschen Geheimdienste aufklären soll. Ein Rück- und Ausblick: .. show full overview
Towards (reasonably) trustworthy x86 laptops
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: Joanna Rutkowska Can we build trustworthy client systems on x86 hardware? What are the main challenges? What can we do about them, realistically? Is there anything we .. show full overview
Avoiding kernel panic: Europe’s biggest fails in digital policy-making
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speakers: Kirst3nF, Walter van Holst In recent years, NGOs have been struggling to defend civil rights in Brussels. As human rights defenders, it is part of our job to detect failures .. show full overview
REXUS/BEXUS - Rocket and Balloon Experiments for University Students
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speakers: panic, sev The REXUS/BEXUS programme allows students from universities and higher education colleges across Europe to carry out scientific and technological experiments on .. show full overview
The exhaust emissions scandal („Dieselgate“)
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speakers: Daniel Lange (DLange), Felix "tmbinc" Domke Analysis of the emission scandal shaking the German automotive industry from a procedural, organizational and technical level. .. show full overview
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speakers: Sec, Schneider News about the rad1o half a year later – cool stuff that happened, and why you need an SDR. The rad1o was the badge for the Camp 2015. This talk will be a .. show full overview
Internet Landscapes
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: Evan Roth In Internet Landscapes, Evan Roth will discuss his work as it relates to visualizing, archiving and understanding the Internet and its effects on culture with a .. show full overview
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speakers: Maik Brüggemann, Ralf Spenneberg Unser Vortrag demonstriert einen PLC-only Wurm. Der PLC-Wurm kann selbstständig ein Netzwerk nach Siemens Simatic S7-1200 Geräten in den .. show full overview
A Free and Open Source Verilog-to-Bitstream Flow for iCE40 FPGAs
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: Clifford Yosys (Yosys Open Synthesis Suite) is an Open Source Verilog synthesis and verification tool. Project IceStorm aims at reverse engineering and documenting the .. show full overview
Hardware-Trojaner in Security-Chips
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speakers: Peter Laackmann, Marcus Janke Dr. Peter Laackmann und Marcus Janke zeigen mit einem tiefen Einblick in die Welt der Hardware-Trojaner, auf welchem Wege „Institutionen“ .. show full overview
Netzpolitik in der Schweiz 2015/16
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: vimja, ari, Patrick Stählin, Hakuna MaMate 2015 und 2016 sind wichtige Jahre für die Netzpolitik in der Schweiz, denn die Parlamente entscheiden sowohl die Revision des BÜPF .. show full overview
Lifting the Fog on Red Star OS
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speakers: Florian Grunow, Niklaus Schiess Angae means "Fog" in Korean. The term is widely used in parts of custom code used by the Red Star OS. We will lift the fog on the internals .. show full overview
How the Great Firewall discovers hidden circumvention servers
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: Philipp Winter Several years ago, the Great Firewall of China was silently upgraded to find and block circumvention servers that employ encryption to defeat deep packet .. show full overview
Windows drivers attack surface
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: Ilja van Sprundel This presentation covers windows kernel driver security issues. It'll discuss some background, and then give an overview of the most common issues seen in .. show full overview
Key-logger, Video, Mouse
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: Yaniv Balmas Key-Loggers are cool, really cool. It seems, however, that every conceivable aspect of key-logging has already been covered: from physical devices to hooking .. show full overview
Public Library/Memory of the World
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: Marcell Mars Public Library is the synergy of two efforts. First, it makes the case for the institution of public library and its principle of universal access to knowledge. .. show full overview
The Great Train Cyber Robbery
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: Sergey Gordeychik, Aleksandr Timorin, repdet For years SCADA StrangeLove team speaks about vulnerabilities in Industrial Control Systems. Now we want to show by example of .. show full overview
Beyond your cable modem
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: Alexander Graf Did you ever want to have access to a few hundred thousand network end points? Or a few hundred thousand phone numbers? A short look behind the curtains of how .. show full overview
What does Big Brother see, while he is watching?
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: Simon In the past years there has been a lot of discussion on the topic of state sponsored surveillance. But hardly any material can be accessed to support the general debate .. show full overview
The Ultimate Amiga 500 Talk
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: rahra The Amiga was one of the most powerful and wide srpead computers in the late 80's. This talk explains its hardware design and programming. The Amiga 1000 appeared in .. show full overview
Thunderstrike 2
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: Trammell Hudson Last year at 31c3 we disclosed Thunderstrike, the first firmware attacks against Macbooks. This year we’ve ported old UEFI vulnerabilities to the Mac and .. show full overview
Running your own 3G/3.5G network
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: LaForge Seven years after presenting „running your own GSM network“, we are back presenting about how to do the same for 3G (UMTS/HSPA) networks. Seven years ago, the now .. show full overview
Datahavens from HavenCo to Today
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: Ryan Lackey Datahavens have long been discussed as a solution to user security and privacy needs. Instinctively, the idea of physical locations where servers for .. show full overview
So you want to build a satellite?
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: INCO CubeSat are small standardized satellites typically flown as secondary and containerized payloads piggybacking on the launches of larger satellites. Their low entrance .. show full overview
When hardware must „just work“
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: David Kaplan Software design and testing is hard, but what happens when each bug fix can cost months of delay and millions of dollars? In this talk we’ll take a .. show full overview
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speakers: Karsten Nohl, Fabian Bräunlein, dexter Payment systems are old and have – unlike card protocols – seen little scrutiny so far. This talk enumerates design and implementation .. show full overview
New memory corruption attacks: why can't we have nice things?
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speakers: gannimo, Memory corruption is an ongoing problem and in past years we have both developed a set of defense mechanisms and novel attacks against those .. show full overview
Shooting lasers into space – for science!
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: Peter Buschkamp Light of astronomical objects gets distorted as it passes earth’s atmosphere. Adaptive optics can correct this distortion and create images that are as sharp .. show full overview
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speakers: djb, Tanja Lange Last year your friend Karen joined the alternative music scene and sent you a sound track. The government is recording everything, and this year announced .. show full overview
APT Reports and OPSEC Evolution, or: These are not the APT reports you are looking for
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speakers: Inbar Raz, Gadi Evron With the advancement of defensive security and the constant release of research papers into their toolsets, advanced threat actors have had to adapt .. show full overview
Console Hacking
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speakers: plutoo, derrek, smea In 2011 the Nintendo 3DS was released. Today it is the most popular current-gen handheld console, having sold more than 50 million units worldwide. The .. show full overview
My Robot Will Crush You With Its Soft Delicate Hands!
Episode overview
27, 2015
Speaker: Gianteye In this talk Matthew Borgatti, Lead Scientist at Super-Releaser, will take you through the process of turning a puddle of goo into a working soft robot. He will take .. show full overview
Die Asyl-Dialoge / The Asylum Dialogues
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: Bühne für Menschenrechte THIS EVENT IS NOT GOING TO BE RECORDED! Die ASYL-DIALOGE erzählen von Begegnungen, die Menschen verändern, von gemeinsamen Kämpfen in .. show full overview
Jahresrückblick des CCC
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: frank, Linus Neumann, erdgeist, Constanze Kurz, Falk Garbsch Wir werden einen Überblick über die Themen geben, die den Chaos Computer Club 2015 beschäftigt haben. Neben der .. show full overview
The state of Internet Censorship
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: Will Scott, The techniques to control access to the Internet, and the ability to bring transparency to those processes are both continuing to evolve. .. show full overview
Household, Totalitarianism and Cyberspace
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Julia Maria Mönig In my talk I am 1) discussing philosophical concepts of privacy, especially Hannah Arendt's philosophy. I am 2) explaining why in a liberal-democratic .. show full overview
Maker Spaces in Favelas - Lecture
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Miguel Chaves There are two lines of research in the world about decreasing poverty in low-income communities: (1) to create solutions and share them with people living in .. show full overview
Net Neutrality in Europe
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Thomas Lohninger After two years the fight for net neutrality in Europe about the Telecom Single Market Regulation has come to a close. In this talk we will analyse the new .. show full overview
Lightning Talks Day 2
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: gedsic, bigalex Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! .. show full overview
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Ed Schouten CloudABI is an alternative runtime environment for UNIX-like operating systems that is purely based on the principle of capability-based security. This makes it .. show full overview
Buffering sucks!
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Fredy Kuenzler Buffering sucks! Why we see regular buffering when watching online video. What internet service providers could do to reduce buffering and why big players .. show full overview
Cyber all the Wassenaars
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: Walter van Holst, Nate Cardozo, mlp, Richard Tynan Transposition of the Wassenaar Arrangement, which now also covers export controls on exploits and surveillance technology, .. show full overview
Jugend hackt 2015
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: Jugend hackt Auch in 2015 entstanden wieder zahlreiche Projekte bei Jugend hackt, die mit Code die Welt verbessern. Im Talk möchten die jugendlichen HackerInnen Einblick in .. show full overview
Software and business method patents: call for action
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: Iga Bałos, Benjamin Henrion (zoobab) Ten years after the rejection of the European software patent directive by the European Parliament, the software patent problem still is .. show full overview
Ein Abgrund von Landesverrat
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Markus Beckedahl Im Sommer kam heraus, dass der Generalbundesanwalt Ermittlungen gegen zwei Journalisten von in Gang gesetzt hatte. Das geschah, weil sich das .. show full overview
Sicherheit von 125kHz Transpondern am Beispiel Hitag S
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: Ralf Spenneberg, Hendrik Schwartke, Oguzhan Cicek Der Hitag S Transponder wird in verschiedensten Applikationen eingesetzt. Während Angriffe für den Hitag 2 bereits bekannt .. show full overview
Evolution of Brain-Computer Interfaces
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: fractalfox This talk is a brief recap into EEG / BCI for hackers, makers, researchers, and artists. It will give an overview of current consumer devices and their flaws, and .. show full overview
Profiling (In)justice
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Jeff Deutch This talk will focus on the potential ability of data disaggregated by race and ethnicity to reduce discriminatory policing in Germany. In the UK, data has been .. show full overview
(Un)Sicherheit von App-basierten TAN-Verfahren im Onlinebanking
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Vincent Haupert Neue App-basierte TAN-Verfahren sollen die etablierten Verfahren ablösen und Onlinebanking komfortabler machen. Die Notwendigkeit von dedizierter Hardware .. show full overview
Lessons learned: Freifunk für Geflüchtete
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Peter Löwenstein Initiative Freifunk, ein Projekt des Chaos Darmstadt e.V. - Wie kamen wir mit den Verwaltungen, den Verbänden und Parteien ins Gespräch, um freifunk für .. show full overview
apertus° AXIOM
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Matthias Tarasiewicz (parasew) AXIOM is the first professional, extendable, affordable and modular cinema camera platform based on Free ("libre") Software, Open Design, Open .. show full overview
Plunge into Proxy Politics
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: Vera Tollmann, Boaz Levin During this lecture presentation, Boaz Levin and Vera Tollmann, co-founders of the Research Center for Proxy Politics, will develop the proxy .. show full overview
One year of securitarian drift in France
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: taziden, Adrienne Charmet Earlier this year, following the tragic events of early January in Paris, the French governement pushed a bill to put a legal framework around .. show full overview
All Our Shared Spectrum Are Belong to Us
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Paul Fuxjaeger "Signal level is high but throughput is low" is a common experience in WLAN networks without central management. That causes a lot of frustration, mainly .. show full overview
Verified Firewall Ruleset Verification
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Cornelius Diekmann We develop a tool to verify Linux netfilter/iptables firewalls rulesets. Then, we verify the verification tool itself. Warning: involves math! This .. show full overview
Wie Jugendschutzprogramme nicht nur die Jugend schädigen
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Alvar Freude Das Nonplusultra für hauptamtliche Jugendschützer sind Filterprogramme, auch „Jugendschutzprogramme“ genannt. Doch was machen die Programme, welche Wirkungen und .. show full overview
Rowhammer.js: Root privileges for web apps?
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: Clémentine Maurice, Daniel Gruss "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein - Who did not live long enough to .. show full overview
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Gregor Ruttner „Never ever say no, act your first thought and learn to love mistakes“ – these are the basic rules of improv theatre. I will show how this can be adopted for .. show full overview
Vector retrogaming
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: Trammell Hudson, Adelle Lin In this talk I'll show how to build an open source vector gaming system with MAME, a microcontroller and an XY monitor or oscilloscope. Relive .. show full overview
Mobile Censorship in Iran
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Mahsa As Internet users increasingly connect to the Internet through smartphones, this has transformed Iran’s Internet ecology towards an increasing reliance and production .. show full overview
Let's Encrypt -- What launching a free CA looks like
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Roland Bracewell Shoemaker Let's Encrypt is a new free and automated certificate authority, that entered closed beta in October and has already issued a large number of .. show full overview
Ecuador: how an authoritarian government is fooling the entire world
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: Pedro Noel, Bethany Horne The Ecuadorian government received international visibility when in 2012 it agreed to grant Wikileaks founder Julian Assange political asylum and .. show full overview
Ling - High level system programming
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Nicolas Pouillard In this presentation I will present the experimental language Ling. We shall get an intuitive understanding of the language through familiar concepts from .. show full overview
The Perl Jam 2
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Netanel Rubin tl;dr EXPLOIT ALL THE PERL. AGAIN. After last year’s Perl crackdown, I decided I have to take the Perl abuse to the next level. This time I focused on Perl’s .. show full overview
Quantum Cryptography
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Christian Schaffner I will entertain the audience with a science talk about quantum cryptography, covering both some classics (Quantum Key Distribution) and the latest .. show full overview
Das Zahnrad aus Fleisch
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: agonarch, @fraufeli Kommentierendes im Internet ist neuerdings bedroht. Der unflätige Kommentierer hat den Pedonazi als Schrecken des Netzes abgelöst, als Strohmann für mehr .. show full overview
Hardsploit: A Metasploit-like tool for hardware hacking
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: Yann.A, Julien MOINARD, Gwénolé Audic It is clear that something is needed to help the security community to evaluate, audit and control the security level of hardware .. show full overview
Logjam: Diffie-Hellman, discrete logs, the NSA, and you
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: J. Alex Halderman, Nadia Heninger Earlier this year, we discovered that Diffie-Hellman key exchange – cornerstone of modern cryptography – is less secure in practice .. show full overview
Dissecting VoLTE
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: Dongkwan, Hongil Kim Newly adopted VoLTE requires changes in all associated parties, such as 3GPP standard, device, operating system, and cellular core networks. Therefore, .. show full overview
How hackers grind an MMORPG: by taking it apart!
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Rink Springer When an online game no longer captivates interest, what do you do? Grind on the network protocol, of course! How does it work, is it secure - and, how can you .. show full overview
Quantenphysik und Kosmologie
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Steini Unsere Welt ist nach allem was wir heute wissen im kleinsten Massstab völlig bizarr aufgebaut und im grössten also im kosmologischen Massstab besteht sie ziemlich .. show full overview
Iridium Update
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: Sec, schneider Listening to satellites and decoding is fun. We show interesting stuff we found, and how you can get into it. The Iridium satellite system provides voice .. show full overview
goto fail;
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Nick Sullivan Legend has it, the first iteration of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol was broken in ten minutes by Phillip Hallam-Baker and Alan Schiffman during a .. show full overview
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speakers: Marie Moe, Eireann Leverett Gradually we are all becoming more and more dependent on machines, we will be able to live longer with an increased quality of life due to .. show full overview
Sanitizing PCAPs
Episode overview
28, 2015
Speaker: Jasper Bongertz Sanitizing and anonymizing PCAP or PCAPng files is often necessary to be able to share information about attack vectors, security problems or incidents in .. show full overview
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speakers: Fefe, frank Wir helfen euch, die Fnords zu sehen, wenn nach einem klaren Fall von Selbstmord der Zensor pinkeln war und die Stahlbälle den maximalen Realitätsabstand .. show full overview
Methodisch inkorrekt!
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speakers: Nicolas Wöhrl, @ReinhardRemfort Nicolas Wöhrl und Reinhard Remfort sprechen über interessante aktuelle Forschung, Experimente und ihren wissenschaftlichen Alltag an einer .. show full overview
„Nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen“ – Floskeln in der Politik
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Martin Haase/maha, Kai Biermann In der politischen Rede sind immer wieder Floskeln zu beobachten, zum Teil gibt es Moden, wie im Zusammenhang mit dem so genannten .. show full overview
Beyond Anti Evil Maid
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Matthew Garrett In 2011, Joanna Rutkowska unveiled an easy-to-use tool for mitigating many attacks on system boot chains by using the TPM - the Anti Evil Maid. Unfortunately .. show full overview
(In)Security of Embedded Devices' Firmware - Fast and Furious at Large Scale
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Andrei Costin Embedded systems are omnipresent in our everyday life and are becoming increasingly present in many computing and networked environments. For example, .. show full overview
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: obelix How can be 3d printing a dual use technology? Print more things, produce less waste, save money! Each day 3D printers become cheaper and the internet gets filled .. show full overview
Tor onion services: more useful than you think
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speakers: Roger, David Goulet, asn We'll update you on what's going on with Tor onion services, aka Tor hidden services. In the past, onion services were mostly run by people who .. show full overview
Computational Meta-Psychology
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Joscha Computational theories of the mind seem to be ideally suited to explain rationality. But how can computations be subverted by meaning, emotion and love? Minds are .. show full overview
Lightning Talks Day 3
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speakers: gedsic, bigalex Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! .. show full overview
Graphs, Drones & Phones
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Christoph Engemann The military use of Drones has profoundly changed warfare and is a central aspect of the globalized war on terror. The public debate including the .. show full overview
State of the Onion
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speakers: Roger, Jacob, Mike Perry, Shari Steele, Alison Macrina Major changes are underway in the Tor Project, the Tor Network, and the Tor community. We want to tell you details and .. show full overview
Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor MITM… The State of Email Security in 2015
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Zakir Durumeric Is your email being sent in the clear? While PGP and S/MIME provide end-to-end encrypted mail, most users have yet to adopt these practices, and for users who .. show full overview
'Fluxus cannot save the world.'
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speakers: leomagnet, Markus Zimmermann The Fluxus movement came about in the early 1960ies and the talk will discuss its strenghts, dead-ends and promises for the creation of works .. show full overview
Say hi to your new boss: How algorithms might soon control our lives.
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Andreas Dewes Algorithms and „big data“ penetrate many aspects of our lives today. In the future, data collection and analysis will be even more ubiquitous and permeate our .. show full overview
Check your privileges!
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Fefe After defensive programming techniques and before attack method mitigations, the least privilege principle is our strongest weapon against exploitation. Much of the .. show full overview
Vehicle2Vehicle Communication based on IEEE 802.11p
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Bernd Lehmann This talk is about Vehicle2Vehicle (V2V) communication in Europe and in the U.S. Next to the introduction of some requirements for V2V communication, the basic .. show full overview
Gibberish Detection 102
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Ben H. DGAs (Domain Generation Algorithms) have become a trusty fallback mechanism for malware that’s a headache to deal with, but they have one big drawback – they draw a .. show full overview
Safe Harbor
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Max Schrems Introduction and consequences of the CJEU's "Safe Harbor" ruling, to invalidate the EU-US data sharing deal in the light of the revelations over US surveillance .. show full overview
The Price Of Dissent
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speakers: CAGE, Cerie Bullivant CAGE exists to highlight abuses of the War on Terror. It has uncovered many secrets of governments that they would like to remain secret, and is now .. show full overview
De-anonymizing Programmers
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Aylin Last year I presented research showing how to de-anonymize programmers based on their coding style. This is of immediate concern to open source software developers who .. show full overview
A Dozen Years of Shellphish
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speakers: Antonio Bianchi, Jacopo Corbetta, Andrew Dutcher How we built an automatic exploitation system and qualified for the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge. From a rag-tag .. show full overview
Ten years after ‚We Lost The War‘
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speakers: rop, frank The talk „We Lost The War“ was presented at Congress ten years ago, causing quite a stir. It was a prediction of a dark future that did not sit well with many .. show full overview
Prediction and Control
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Jennifer Helsby Mass quantities of data are being incorporated into predictive systems in an ever-broadening set of fields. In many cases, these algorithms operate in the .. show full overview
The architecture of a street level panopticon
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Dia Kayyali Street level surveillance technology, such as surveillance cameras and iris scanners, is now a pervasive part of the daily lives of city dwellers, with disastrous .. show full overview
3D printing on the moon
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Karsten Becker 3D printers are almost everywhere, but not on the moon yet. We want to change that and this talk gives you a little insight into the how and whys of 3D .. show full overview
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Henryk Plötz QR codes have rapidly overtaken rival 2D bar code symbologies and are becoming quite ubiquitous. Most uses are rather pedestrian though, and even the more .. show full overview
Reversing UEFI by execution
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Jethro Beekman This talk will be an overview of how to reverse-engineer Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) firmware, the replacement for BIOS. Various useful tools .. show full overview
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Darsha 20 OSCILLATORS IN 20 MINUTES is an experimental music performance/technical challenge/standup comedy act where I attempt to build twenty sound generating square wave .. show full overview
Media Coverage and the Public in the Surveillance Society
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speakers: Arne Hintz, Lina Dencik How have the media reported the Snowden revelations? Does the public care about surveillance, and how do people react? Do we need a ‚data justice‘ .. show full overview
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Gloria Spindle – Peng! Collective Giant billboard vans, drone-operated leaflet drops over an NSA building and calls to secret service agents, Intelexit explores all routes to .. show full overview
The plain simple reality of entropy
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Filippo Valsorda Entropy, the randomness used in many critical cryptography processes including key generation, is as important as it is misunderstood. Many myths are fueled .. show full overview
Free Software and Hardware bring National Sovereignty
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Tarek Loubani Free software and hardware are essential to sovereignty among developing nations, and can be used to secure infrastructure and information against sophisticated .. show full overview
Trust us and our business will expand!
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speakers: Andreas Zingerle, Linda Kronman The lecture outlines strategies by the "Artist against 419" online community that uses open source intelligence to gather data and file .. show full overview
Crypto ist Abwehr, IFG ist Angriff!
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Arne Semsrott Die Landesverrat-Affäre um hat gezeigt, wie wichtig es ist, nicht nur aus staatlichen Dokumenten zu zitieren, sondern sie im Original zu .. show full overview
Internet Cube
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speakers: taziden, kload Two years after the invitation to build your own iSP at 30C3, I'd like to invite everyone to take part in building a better Internet with the Internet Cube .. show full overview
Craft, leisure, and end-user innovation
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Susann Wagenknecht Hacking receives growing attention among social scientists during the last five years. Researchers particularly in the fields of Human-Computer Interaction .. show full overview
the possibility of an army
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: constantdull Using follower bombing as art performances, the artists Constant Dullaart continues the research into attention and identity as a commodity on social networks, .. show full overview
Building and Breaking Wireless Security
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: jiska This talk gives an overview on state-of-the-art wireless security concepts: How can we analyze wireless protocols? How can we build mechanisms that are secure even when .. show full overview
Österreich: Der Kampf gegen unkontrollierte Massenüberwachung
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speakers: Thomas Lohninger, Werner Reiter Im April 2015 hat die österreichische Bundesregierung einen Entwurf für ein "Polizeiliches Staatsschutzgesetz" vorgelegt. Damit soll ein .. show full overview
Stromtankstellen – eine neue öffentliche Infrastruktur
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Gunnar Thöle Landauf landab entstehen zur Zeit tausende öffentlicher Stromtankstellen. Diese neue Infrastruktur bietet viel Potential für kreative Nutzungen und hat eine .. show full overview
On Computing Numbers, with an Application to Problems of our Society
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Stefan Wehrmeyer Journalists, while structurally and economically under threat, are bringing computer science into their newsrooms. Their tools and techniques benefit from .. show full overview
Maritime Robotics
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: lilafisch This talk will have a look at maritime related robots and projects. It is not all that difficult and expensive - and there are truly still dragons to find! With .. show full overview
libusb: Maintainer fail
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Peter Stuge In 2010 I was asked by the second maintainer in a row to take over as new maintainer of the libusb project. The first time I had declined. The second time I .. show full overview
Technology and Mass Atrocity Prevention
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Nicolai Pogadl This lecture will give an overview on how technology can help and is helping to prevent or mitigate mass atrocity crimes. It focuses on the work and research .. show full overview
#GOIBlocks - Technical observations about recent internet censorship in India
Episode overview
29, 2015
Speaker: Kaustubh Srikanth On 17th December 2014, the Government of India's Ministry of Communications and Information Technology issued an order to all licensed Internet Service .. show full overview
Hacker Jeopardy
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speakers: Sec, ray The Hacker Jeopardy is a quiz show. The well known reversed quiz format, but of course hacker style. It once was entitled „number guessing for geeks“ by a German .. show full overview
Grundrechte gelten nicht im Weltall!
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speakers: anna, Constanze Kurz, cbass, Felix Betzin In den nunmehr Hunderte A4-Seiten füllenden Live-Protokollen des NSA-BND-Untersuchungsausschusses, die bei .. show full overview
“I feel like a criminal and I have to be god at the same time”
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speaker: Leonie Maria Tanczer News reports and political speeches are currently replete with references to hacking and hacktivism, i.e., politically motivated hacking. They often .. show full overview
Replication Prohibited
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speaker: Eric Wustrow Physical keys and locks are one of the oldest security mechanisms still employed today. In this talk, we will discuss how 3D printing keys enable attacks .. show full overview
The Magic World of Searchable Symmetric Encryption
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speakers: Tobias Mueller, Christian Forler In the last couple of years, cloud and web services have become more and more popular. Since Snowden we know for sure that intelligence .. show full overview
Katastrophe und Kommunikation
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speaker: Sebastian Jünemann Ob diktatorischer Despot, der seiner Bevölkerung die Kommuninaktionsrechte einschränkt, oder ein Erdbeben, das die Kommunikationsinfrastruktur zerstört: .. show full overview
Crypto Wars Part II
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speaker: Kurt Opsahl Governments around the world are seeking to put a stop to secure end-to-end encryption, from the UK’s Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act, to Australia’s .. show full overview
Top X* usability obstacles
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speaker: BoB Marvan What do you want? Did you build your web/app for humans or NSA robots? Let's make it usable for human beings. I'd like to show you some basic design mistakes and .. show full overview
Lightning Talks Day 4
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speakers: gedsic, bigalex Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! .. show full overview
A New Kid on the Block
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speaker: Katharina Nocun The leading social networks are the powerful new gatekeepers of the digital age. Proprietary de facto standards of the dominant companies have lead to the .. show full overview
DDoS mitigation EPIC FAIL collection
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speaker: dalmoz For the past 3 years I have been delivering a custom-tailored DDoS attacks for organizations that wanted to test out their DDoS defense systems. The client did give .. show full overview
When algorithms fail in our personal lives
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speaker: Caroline Sinders „Social Media Break Up Coordinator“ is a performance art piece and lecture performed by Caroline Sinders. Inspired by Facebook’s memories algorithms faux .. show full overview
How to contribute to make open hardware happen
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speaker: mclien What to do if you are neither a hardware- nor a software expert and want to contribute in effords of openess neverseless? A short overview about what I have done so .. show full overview
Breaking Honeypots for Fun and Profit
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speakers: DeanSysman, Gadi Evron, Itamar Sher We will detect, bypass, and abuse honeypot technologies and solutions, turning them against the defender. We will also release a global .. show full overview
How Open Source Software, second hand laptops and hackers helped stop Ebola (and stopped an apocalypse).
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speakers: Salton Arthur Massally, Harold Valentine Mac-Saidu, Francis Banguara, Emerson In the dark days of October 2014 an unprecedented Ebola epidemic wrecked havoc across Sierra .. show full overview
Wie man einen Blackout verursacht
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speaker: Mathias Dalheimer Der steigende Anteil der Erneuerbaren Energien an der Stromerzeugung und der zunehmende Handel mit Strom erhöht die Belastung der Stromnetze. Welche .. show full overview
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speaker: Michelle Proksell Since my move to China in 2012 I have actively engaged in the local art scenes of Beijing and Shanghai, focusing on collaborating with artists interested in .. show full overview
Predicting Crime in a Big Data World
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speaker: Whitney Merrill Yearly, the world is inundated with news about government data collection programs. In addition to these programs, governments collect data from third party .. show full overview
Sin in the time of Technology
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speakers: Matthew Stender, Jillian C. York Technology companies now hold an unprecedented ability to shape the world around us by limiting our ability to access certain content and by .. show full overview
Microsofts Windows 10 Botnet
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speaker: ruedi Nachdem viele Jahre vor den Angriffen auf die Wahlfreiheit von Windows-Nutzern gewarnt wurde, schalte Microsoft mit Windows 10 das Botnetz scharf. Botnetze sind .. show full overview
Compileroptimierungen für Forth im Microcontroller
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speaker: Matthias Koch Wie lassen sich Konstantenfaltung und ein Registerallokator für einen Forth-Compiler implementieren, der in einem Mikrocontroller läuft ? Wer gern mit .. show full overview
Security Nightmares 0x10
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speakers: Ron, frank Was hat sich im letzten Jahr im Bereich IT-Sicherheit getan? Welche neuen Entwicklungen haben sich ergeben? Welche neuen Buzzwords und Trends waren zu .. show full overview
Collect It All: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) for Everyone
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speaker: M. C. McGrath Governments post reports and data about their operations. Journalists publish documents from whistleblowers. But there is a third type of open data that is .. show full overview
Wireless Drivers: Freedom considered harmful?
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speaker: Felix Fietkau A review/rant about the progress that free software wireless drivers (especially on Linux) have made over the recent years, as well as the current challenges .. show full overview
32C3 Infrastructure Review
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speaker: Leon The traditional review event with presentations from various teams at congress. Learn how the 32C3 got Internet, video streaming, power and maybe more!
Closing Event
Episode overview
30, 2015
Speakers: Carina Haupt, Linus Neumann
State of the Internat AS201701 - Freifunk Rheinland e.V. Backbone
Episode overview
12, 2016
Speakers: Takt , Barbarossa , ThomasDOTwtf Lars The Backbone team from AS201701 (Freifunk Rheinland e.V.) gives an update about peering, future planning for 2016 and a summary about things going on in 2015.