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Season 1997
From Hare to Eternity
Episode overview
Air date
Jan 01, 1997
Yosemite Sam the pirate finds a treasure chest which belongs to Bugs Bunny. Bugs is determined to get it back, and boards Sam's ship- the H.M.S. Friz Freleng- to battle wits with Pirate Sam.
Pullet Surprise
Episode overview
Air date
Mar 26, 1997
Foghorn Leghorn catches Pete Puma trying to steal a chicken, and convinces Pete he wants all sorts of strange breeds of imaginary chickens such as the Mongolian Disappearing Chicken, and Irish Wrestling Chicken.
Blooper Bunny
Episode overview
Air date
Jun 13, 1997
This episode has no summary.
1997x4 Season finale
Father of the Bird
Episode overview
Air date
Nov 14, 1997
Sylvester meets up with an adorable new character named Cornbread.

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