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Season 1966
The Astroduck
Episode overview
Air date
Jan 01, 1966
Daffy Duck moves into a new house only to find it inhabited by Speedy Gonzales.
Shot and Bothered
Episode overview
Air date
Jan 08, 1966
Wile E. Coyote uses suction cups, a tennis net, TNT sticks on a rope, a skateboard, helium gas, and a bomb in his unsuccessful attempts to catch the Road Runner.
Out and Out Rout
Episode overview
Air date
Jan 29, 1966
Wile E. Coyote chases the Road Runner using a skateboard, a hunting falcon, two doves tied to his feet, a hot rod, a wind sail, and glue stuck on the road. The last scheme ends with .. show full overview
Mucho Locos
Episode overview
Air date
Feb 05, 1966
Speedy Gonzales and another mouse watch a broken television set in a junkyard using their imaginations to create a picture.
The Solid Tin Coyote
Episode overview
Air date
Feb 19, 1966
Wile E. Coyote uses scrap metal from a dump to build a huge, mechanical likeness of himself, and uses this robot to chase the Road Runner. It ends up as just another pile of scrap.
Mexican Mousepiece
Episode overview
Air date
Feb 26, 1966
Daffy Duck, who has mice living in his house, decides on a way to dispose of them; send them across the sea to starving cats to feast on.
Clippety Clobbered
Episode overview
Air date
Mar 12, 1966
Wile E. Coyote uses a chemistry set to try and catch the Road Runner. He mixes chemicals to yield invisible paint, a bouncy outer skin, and a jet-powered spray can, none of which are successful.
Daffy Rents
Episode overview
Air date
Mar 26, 1966
After Speedy Gonzales wreaks havoc and gets cats hospitalized, Daffy Duck is called to put a stop to it.
A-Haunting We Will Go
Episode overview
Air date
Apr 16, 1966
Daffy Duck's nephew is convinced he has seen a witch while trick-or-treating at an old house. So, Daffy goes to the house to investigate.
Snow Excuse
Episode overview
Air date
May 21, 1966
Speedy is freezing, so he tries to steal some wood from evil Daffy Duck to make a fire.
A Squeak in the Deep
Episode overview
Air date
Jul 19, 1966
Daffy Duck enters a boat racing contest and is frustrated constantly by Speedy Gonzales.
Feather Finger
Episode overview
Air date
Aug 20, 1966
Daffy Duck, desperately needing money, finds an offer for $15 to shoot a small moving target. The only problem is that the target is Speedy Gonzales.
Swing Ding Amigo
Episode overview
Air date
Sep 17, 1966
Speedy has a Go-Go Club that's in Daffy Duck's house.
Sugar and Spies
Episode overview
Air date
Nov 05, 1966
Wile E. Coyote finds a spy kit and uses its contents (sleeping gas, a mail bomb, explosive putty, and a gadget-filled spy car) in his unsuccessful attempt to catch the Road Runner.
1966x15 Season finale
A Taste of Catnip
Episode overview
Air date
Dec 03, 1966
Daffy Duck goes to a doctor after he realizes that he is starting to act like a cat.

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