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Season 1978
Bugs Bunny in King Arthur's Court
Episode overview
Air date
Feb 01, 1978
After tunneling to Georgia, Bugs was find and wrongly in the middle ages believing was Pitsburgh by a fire-breathing dragon, but he's meet by Sir Elmer of Fudd who mistaken like a .. show full overview
Bugs Bunny's Howl-Oween Special
Episode overview
Air date
Oct 26, 1978
Bugs Bunny celebrate Halloween with Witch Hazel for a trick-or-treat series, but Daffy Duck, Speedy Gonzales, Sylvester, Porky Pig and Tweety came in there party with a bunch of cartoons clips
1978x3 Season finale
How Bugs Bunny Won the West
Episode overview
Air date
Nov 15, 1978
In live-action, actor Devner Pyle tells how Bugs and Daffy pioneered the West

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