Keep track of air dates for all your favorite TV-shows in your personal calendar.
Get a detailed summary for all your shows including episode recaps and statistics.
Check off an episode once you’ve seen it to easily keep track of what to see next.
Currently holding over 20.000 shows from networks all over the world.
See which shows are trending, or our all time popularity chart.
See what your friends are watching.
Daily or weekly emails.
Instant updates in your favorite reader.
Just browse the site in your mobile.
(Currently in beta)
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Mark episodes
Probably EpisodeCalendar's best feature. Mark an episode when you've watched it to keep track of your TV life.
Hide episodes
There might be certain episodes you want to skip, and hide it from all views and statistics.
Email notifications
Get daily or weekly email notifications. Choose which shows you want to include, and if you're only interested in premieres.
Google calendar feeds
Prefer Google Calendar/Apple calendars? Import your episodes there instead. Note that the episodes don't have a correct air time at the moment. Read why in the FAQ.
RSS feed
Get your calendar's view as a RSS feed.
Archiving shows
Archiving a show means that its marked episodes will remain in your statistics, but the show will not be tracked on the website anymore. Useful when you've watched an entire show that has ended, or just stopped watching a show.
Mobile web version
Use EpisodeCalendar on the go, just browse the site in your phone or tablet. Note that new features might be added later than the desktop version. There are no native apps, read why in the FAQ.
Profile progress
See your total progress or how much time you've spent watching, and how many episodes you have watched.
Unwatched episodes summary
Been away? See which episodes you've missed, or just a convenient way to track shows not currently airing.
Add friends
Add your friends and see a summary of their activities on their profiles.
Get over 45 achievements when you interact with the page and when you track your progress.
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Ad free website
EpisodeCalendar is mostly financed by ads. Get Premium and never see ads again.
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Create custom lists
Basic accounts can only track
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View friend's calendars
View your friends calendars to see what they are watching and when
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Shows limit
Basic accounts can only track 20 shows at any time. Including Active, Ended, and Watch Later, but excluding your archived shows.
20 |
Unlimited |