
Byzantine Empire - Justinian and Theodora - From Swineherd to Emperor
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Justinian arose from humble roots, the nephew of an illiterate pig farmer named Justin. Justin joined the army and rose to become leader of the palace guard, then took his nephew under .. show full overview
Byzantine Empire - Justinian and Theodora - The Reforms of Justinian
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Justinian wanted to restore the glory of Rome, but many obstacles stood in his way. He brought on talented advisors to help him reform the tax system, the law code, and the military .. show full overview
Byzantine Empire - Justinian and Theodora - Purple is the Noblest Shroud
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A group of monks declared sanctuary for two hooligans from the demes (Constantinople's fanatical chariot racing factions) who had miraculously survived a hanging. The public wanted them .. show full overview
Byzantine Empire - Justinian and Theodora - Vanquishing the Vandals
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Thirty-nine days after the disastrous Nika Riots ended with the slaughter of 30,000 civilians, Justinian directed the city to rebuild the Hagia Sophia. Together, they built an even .. show full overview
Byzantine Empire - Justinian and Theodora - Impossible Burden of Fate
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The conquest of Carthage and the North African provinces was just the beginning for Justinian's ambition. He must have Rome. But like Carthage, he must find a reason to attack the .. show full overview
Byzantine Empire - Justinian and Theodora - Fighting for Rome
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Belisarius has only just taken Neapolis when the king of the Ostrogoths is overthrown. The new king, Vitiges, withdraws from Rome entirely to consolidate his power, allowing Belisarius .. show full overview
Justinian & Theodora - The Cracks Begin to Spread
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Belisarius had broken the siege around Rome. Now he wanted to push on to the Ostrogothic capital in Ravenna, so Justinian sent fresh troops with new commanders: Narses and John. .. show full overview
Justinian & Theodora - Bad Faith
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Mediolanum had fallen. Belisarius wrote a furious letter to Justinian explaining what happened, and the emperor immediately recalled Narses and reaffirmed Belisarius's leadership. His .. show full overview
Justinian & Theodora - Justinian's Rival
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A comet flew over the empire for forty days, heralding bad news to come. Raiders struck from the west, coming within mere miles of Constantinople. But the biggest threat lay in the .. show full overview
Theodora - This is My Empire
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The first recorded outbreak of the Bubonic Plague occurred in Pelusium, an isolated town in the Egyptian province, but soon it moved on to Alexandria. Alexandria was the breadbasket of .. show full overview
Justinian & Theodora - The Emperor Who Never Sleeps
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Theodora had kept the empire together, but it was deeply scarred. The Plague had killed a quarter of the citizens and imperial revenues were in dire straits. In Italy, the Gothic tribes .. show full overview
Justinian - Caesar I was, and am Justinian
Episode overview
Faced with a crumbling empire, Justinian remained determined to realize the dreams of his youth - even though he was now over 65 years old and without Theodora by his side. He worked .. show full overview
