
The Brothers Gracchi - How Republics Fall
Episode overview
Rome had doubled the size of its empire in a single generation, but such expansion came at great cost. The wars enriched the wealthy and impoverished the soldiers who fought in them. .. show full overview
The Brothers Gracchi - Populares
Episode overview
Tiberius Gracchus took up the cause of land reform, determined to restore property rights to the average citizen and curtail the abuses of the rich. But another tribune vetoed his .. show full overview
The Brothers Gracchi - Ochlocracy
Episode overview
To protect himself from retaliation for his populist policies, Tiberius Gracchus ran for tribune a second time. On election day, he sought protection from the crowd among rumors that .. show full overview
The Brothers Gracchi - Enter Gaius
Episode overview
Gaius Gracchus took up the mantle of his dead brother, overcoming resistance from the Senate and the elites to win the election for tribune. Although he had a hot temper, he shared his .. show full overview
The Brothers Gracchi - The Final Fall
Episode overview
The Senate stole credit for all Gaius's proposals, and stole his popular support. Once he failed to win re-election for tribune, the Senate repealed his reforms. Gaius organized a .. show full overview
Gracchus the Elder - Prequel: In His Footsteps
Episode overview
Before Tiberius and Gracchus got famous, their father led such a break-out political career that it must have seemed impossible to live up to his legacy. Yet, his success set the stage for their falls...
