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Saison 1
Date de diffusion
Sept 29, 1998
At her high school graduation, Felicity Porter works up the nerve to ask Ben Covington, her longtime crush, to sign her yearbook. On a whim, she decides to follow him to college in New
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At her high school graduation, Felicity Porter works up the nerve to ask Ben Covington, her longtime crush, to sign her yearbook. On a whim, she decides to follow him to college in New York City, abandoning long-established plans to study medicine at Stanford. Her parents try to convince her that she is making a huge mistake, and refuse to provide her with financial support. Felicity moves into the dorm and (eventually) meets roommate Meghan, a standoffish girl with a decidedly alternative lifestyle. Her resident advisor, Noel, is much friendlier; he quickly develops romantic feelings for her. Felicity befriends Julie, an aspiring guitar player; and confesses her reasons for coming to New York to Ben. He is flattered, but understandably frightened. Felicity tells him that she has realized how strange her behavior is, and just wants to be friends. Hoping to learn more about Ben and get closer to him, she uses her job at the university's records office to read Ben's application essay.
Date de diffusion
Oct 06, 1998
Felicity receives word that someone has requested a copy of her application essay. She believes the interested party is Ben (the topic of the composition), so she sends him a copy.
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Felicity receives word that someone has requested a copy of her application essay. She believes the interested party is Ben (the topic of the composition), so she sends him a copy. However, her parents have actually stayed in New York in a last-ditch attempt to convince her to drop out and enroll at Stanford. They requested the essay in the hopes of figuring out what she was thinking. Noel suggests that Felicity have them visit the dorm to see how she lives, but things don't go well. Felicity explains that she initially came to New York for Ben, but now sees the experience as an opportunity to break away and make her own life. Her mother is hurt, and Felicity fears that their relationship will never be the same. However, Mrs. Porter later comes to see Felicity and explains that she is just afraid of seeing her repeat her mistakes (by becoming too serious about a boy too quickly). The Porters eventually agree to accept Felicity's decision, and Dr. Porter insists on paying for her tu
Date de diffusion
Oct 13, 1998
The dorm plans a party. A student insists that she can handle the party planning alone, and introduces Noel to her cousins, who seem to be ""connected."" Noel asks Felicity to save him
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The dorm plans a party. A student insists that she can handle the party planning alone, and introduces Noel to her cousins, who seem to be ""connected."" Noel asks Felicity to save him a dance. Felicity excitedly plans to invite Ben to the party, and is upset when he hears about the event from Julie before she gets the chance to talk to him. Julie continues to resist Ben's advances. Meghan informs Felicity that something is obviously going on between the duo. Felicity sees the two together at the party, and confronts Julie. Julie sneers that she is tired of putting aside her feelings in order to protect Felicity. Felicity meets floormate Elena Tyler. A disc jockey accidentally plays one of Felicity's tapes to her friend Sally. Everyone hears a passage in which she talks about sex. She runs off, humiliated. Ben crashes in Felicity's room after getting locked out of his apartment. She stares at him while he sleeps. Felicity has difficulty locating the textbook for her inorganic chemist
Date de diffusion
Oct 20, 1998
While playing a game of Boggle in her room, Felicity and Noel kiss. Meghan walks in on them, and quickly spreads juicy rumors. Felicity is upset when Elena (her new lab partner) believes
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While playing a game of Boggle in her room, Felicity and Noel kiss. Meghan walks in on them, and quickly spreads juicy rumors. Felicity is upset when Elena (her new lab partner) believes that she is sleeping with Noel. Felicity accepts a ""maybe date"" with Noel. Just as she is beginning to realize her feelings for him, he reveals that he has a girlfriend. Felicity tells him off and storms out of the restaurant. Noel apologizes and explains his situation. Julie tells Ben that she only wants to be friends. She meets Zach, a freshman film student who earns the nickname ""Pink Guy"" after a laundry mishap. Julie upsets Zach with her critical comments about his film. Ben tries out for the track team. When he fails to make it, Ben--unaware that Felicity attended his try-out--tries to save face by telling her that he simply didn't have time to be part of the team.
Date de diffusion
Oct 27, 1998
En route to a study date, Ben and Felicity are robbed at gunpoint in his loft. Ben has trouble sleeping, and begins hanging out with Felicity in the middle of the night. They are drawn
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En route to a study date, Ben and Felicity are robbed at gunpoint in his loft. Ben has trouble sleeping, and begins hanging out with Felicity in the middle of the night. They are drawn closer by the experience, as he confides in her about his abusive father. They decide to dress as Frankenstein and the Bride of Frankenstein for a Halloween party at the loft. Ben forgets about their costume plans, and completely ignores Felicity during the party. She tells him off and accuses him of pushing her away because he felt awkward after sharing such personal recollections with her. He says that he is tired of having to live up to her expectations. He later apologizes and gives her a necklace to replace the one stolen during the robbery. Julie and Zach bond during a Halloween showing of ""The Exorcist."" Julie feels awkward after Zach kisses her, but later decides to begin seeing him. Elena sleeps with Blair, a guy she met at the party. Felicity takes a job at Dean & DeLuca, a coffee shop.
Date de diffusion
Nov 03, 1998
Felicity believes that she and Ben are growing closer. Ben asks her to proofread his English paper and hand it in. She rewrites it in the hopes of helping him get a better grade. The
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Felicity believes that she and Ben are growing closer. Ben asks her to proofread his English paper and hand it in. She rewrites it in the hopes of helping him get a better grade. The professor becomes suspicious and accuses Ben of cheating. Felicity confesses her actions to Ben. He is not only furious, but hurt that she seems to believe that he is stupid. He stubbornly refuses to allow her to turn herself in. Ben tries to learn the material in the paper before facing a hearing in front of faculty members. He eventually admits that he didn't write the paper. The professor saves Felicity and Ben from expulsion, but they both fail the assignment. (Felicity had gotten an A, and Ben's original paper would have received a B.) Julie prepares to see ""Solaris"" with Zach. She rents a copy beforehand because she is afraid that she will not understand the film. Blair constantly asks Elena for a date, while she dismisses their night together as a one-night stand.
Date de diffusion
Nov 10, 1998
Ben gives Felicity the cold shoulder after the cheating incident. She whines about the situation to Noel, who becomes very uncomfortable. He seeks advice from his fellow resident
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Ben gives Felicity the cold shoulder after the cheating incident. She whines about the situation to Noel, who becomes very uncomfortable. He seeks advice from his fellow resident advisors, pretending that it is one of his advisees who is in this predicament. They recommend that he bar Felicity from discussing Ben with him. Noel shares his decision with Felicity, but ends up leaving her hurt and angry. He repeatedly tries to rectify the situation, only to make things worse. The other resident advisors tell him to just be a good friend to Felicity for the time being, as there is no chance that she will ever date him unless they maintain their friendship. Blair learns that Elena may have to leave school. She will not open up to him, so he persuades Felicity to look in her file. They discover that Elena is experiencing financial problems, but discover a scholarship that will end all her worries. She angrily refuses because the scholarship recipient must be African American and of low
Date de diffusion
Nov 17, 1998
Felicity tells Noel about the rape in the hopes that he will have some idea of how to help Julie. Felicity offers Julie her support and accompanies her to the hospital for an exam. The
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Felicity tells Noel about the rape in the hopes that he will have some idea of how to help Julie. Felicity offers Julie her support and accompanies her to the hospital for an exam. The police ask Julie to file a report, but she declines for the time being. She claims to be fine and shuts down emotionally. Zach approaches her about another date, and has no idea that Julie is even upset with him. Felicity and Noel seek advice at the university health center. They learn that it is unlikely the case could be prosecuted by the police because it is a date-rape case involving alcohol. However, Julie can still file charges through the university. Noel reports Zach to his R.A., Darryl. Felicity is upset, but Noel points out that he has a responsibility for the safety of other students. After Darryl lays into him, Zach confronts Julie and insists that he did not rape her. Julie is angry with Felicity for interfering, and refuses her help. She believes that she is to blame for the rap
Date de diffusion
Nov 24, 1998
Felicity plans to fly home for Thanksgiving, but then decides to stay on campus so that Julie will not have to be alone. Julie is not yet ready to face her parents, as she cannot bring
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Felicity plans to fly home for Thanksgiving, but then decides to stay on campus so that Julie will not have to be alone. Julie is not yet ready to face her parents, as she cannot bring herself to tell them about the rape. Ben learns that his parents don't want him to come home for the holiday. Elena visits her father, who irritates her by revealing his plans to have Thanksgiving dinner with his girlfriend. Tired of being ignored, she returns to the campus. Noel entertains his visiting girlfriend, Hanna. He behaves very strangely around Felicity, and angers her by introducing her as one of the ""kids"" on his floor. Hanna announces that she may be moving to New York to enroll in a special music school. Noel agrees that it would be a good idea. Noel and a jealous Felicity have a confrontation in the bathroom. Ben catches them kissing. Hanna confesses that she has been seeing someone at Northwestern. Noel and Hanna decide to break up, but agree to remain friends. Felicity's lovably ecc
Date de diffusion
Déc 15, 1998
Before Felicity and Noel can deal with the repercussions of their kiss, he is called away on a family emergency. His uncle has been involved in a serious auto accident, and Noel must
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Before Felicity and Noel can deal with the repercussions of their kiss, he is called away on a family emergency. His uncle has been involved in a serious auto accident, and Noel must make all the arrangements. When he returns weeks later after his uncle's unexpected recovery, he and Felicity decide to put aside discussion of their relationship until after finals. Noel discovers that he picked up the wrong bag at the airport, leaving him without any of his notes. Felicity offers to help him. However, they spend most of their time making out instead of studying. An annoying guy named Richard, whom Noel had just reported for having a barbecue in his room, sees them kissing. He threatens to report Noel for fraternizing with an advisee unless he lets Richard do whatever he wants. Ben calls on Felicity to help him prepare for their poetry final. She agrees because she owes him after causing him to flunk the earlier essay. He tells her that he saw her kissing Noel in the bathroom, and Fel
Date de diffusion
Jan 19, 1999
Felicity returns from Christmas break and promptly announces that she wants to lose her virginity to Noel. She believes that she needs to have sex as soon as possible because she feels
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Felicity returns from Christmas break and promptly announces that she wants to lose her virginity to Noel. She believes that she needs to have sex as soon as possible because she feels like an outsider. Julie tells Noel that she and Ben have been ""hanging out"" a lot, as she is able to sleep better at his place. They are not officially a couple, but went away to Vermont together during vacation. Noel asks Julie not to say anything until after his big night with Felicity. Felicity seeks advice from many different sources--including books, a health care worker and Elena. The couple's first attempt goes awry when some guys walk in on them, and a dried-up Christmas tree catches fire in Noel's room. They reserve a hotel room, but Felicity calls Julie from the bathroom and senses that something is wrong. Noel tells Felicity about Julie and Ben. When she becomes upset, he declares that she is not over Ben. Elena has a talk with him and accuses him of using Felicity's feelings for Ben a
Date de diffusion
Jan 26, 1999
Felicity spies Blair kissing another girl in the library. Felicity plans to tell Elena, but keeps quiet when the girl turns out to be Elena's best friend, Tara. Blair tries to convince
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Felicity spies Blair kissing another girl in the library. Felicity plans to tell Elena, but keeps quiet when the girl turns out to be Elena's best friend, Tara. Blair tries to convince Felicity that he wasn't even at the library. He and Tara later confess to Elena, but claim that it was an accident. She is still mad, but elects to forgive them. Felicity talks with a guy with a photographic memory who frequents the library stacks. He has seen Blair and Tara make out on several occasions. Elena refuses to believe that Tara would betray her, and essentially orders Felicity to stay out of her business. She soon has a change of heart and backs out of a date with Blair, but tells him to go to the concert alone. She apologizes to Felicity, and they wait for the concert to let out. They discover that Blair gave Elena's ticket to Tara, whom he kisses outside the arena. Julie learns the identity of her birth mother, Carol Anderson. Ben comes along for moral support as Julie prepares to meet
Date de diffusion
Fév 09, 1999
Todd Mulcahy, a young man who attended summer school with Felicity when she was twelve, arrives unexpectedly. He declares that he and Felicity are soulmates, and announces that he has
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Todd Mulcahy, a young man who attended summer school with Felicity when she was twelve, arrives unexpectedly. He declares that he and Felicity are soulmates, and announces that he has come to New York to kiss her. Felicity seeks Ben's advice on how to deal with a stalker. She is annoyed when Todd manages to win everyone over with his charms. (He helps Noel with a computer problem, and turns out to be an old skateboarding buddy of Ben's.) Felicity finally takes Todd to dinner and orders him to leave her alone. As she walks home, he follows her and insists that they will be together. He gets hit by a bus. Felicity and Elena prepare for an important test. The students with the top twenty scores win the right to an interview with the professor for a seminar that is considered essential for those hoping to make it to medical school. Blair approaches Elena for a date, unaware that she knows that he is cheating on her. She punches his lights out. He later approaches and asks her for another
Date de diffusion
Fév 16, 1999
Todd gives Felicity an old note in which she speaks of her dreams of becoming an artist. Felicity experiences doubts about her future and blows her interview for the seminar by telling
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Todd gives Felicity an old note in which she speaks of her dreams of becoming an artist. Felicity experiences doubts about her future and blows her interview for the seminar by telling Dr. McGrath that she doesn't really want to be a doctor. Felicity visits the art studio, where a cute student invites her to hang out and work on her drawing. She stays at the studio working all night, blowing off a date with Noel. They argue because he is upset that she is not confiding in him about her identity crisis. Felicity visits Todd with a care package and gives him his kiss. He immediately experiences complications and has to be rushed into surgery. Felicity is surprised to learn that Todd is engaged. His fiancée gave him permission to go after Felicity because she didn't want to deny him a chance at happiness, but is devastated at the thought of losing him. The doctors are able to save Todd, and he leaves for a rehab hospital. Felicity is inspired by the experience and remembers why she
Date de diffusion
Fév 23, 1999
Javier faces deportation. Horrified by the prospect of being separated from his true love, Samuel, he asks Felicity to help him get a green card by marrying him. Felicity reluctantly
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Javier faces deportation. Horrified by the prospect of being separated from his true love, Samuel, he asks Felicity to help him get a green card by marrying him. Felicity reluctantly agrees to go through with it, although she could face jail time if their scheme is discovered. Javier calls off the marriage because of Samuel's objections. Samuel convinces his boss to transfer him to Spain so that he can stay with Javier. Noel's visiting brother Ryan announces that he is gay. Before Noel can come to grips with this news, Ryan introduces him to his boyfriend, whom he plans to marry. Ryan is infuriated when Noel proves to be less than supportive of his decision. They come to an understanding after Ryan shows up at a graphics exhibit where Noel has some work on display. The swim coach observes Ben's workout and asks him to try out for the team. He is reluctant; until one of the swimmers, Lynn, angers him by bringing up his failed track tryout in front of Julie. Ben competes against Lynn i
Date de diffusion
Mar 02, 1999
Hanna shows up at Dean & DeLuca to use the phone. She reveals that she has been attending school in New York for several months. She goes out to the bar with everyone, and seeks Noel's
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Hanna shows up at Dean & DeLuca to use the phone. She reveals that she has been attending school in New York for several months. She goes out to the bar with everyone, and seeks Noel's help in overcoming a block as she works on a musical composition. She kisses him as he sees her off at the end of the evening. Noel plans on returning her tape and moving on, but changes his mind after going to see her. Noel admits that he still has feelings for Hanna; he is considering getting back together with her. He ignores Felicity's wishes by accompanying Hanna back to her apartment. Felicity continues to frequent the art studio; and agrees to pose for a sketch with Eli, her art student friend. Noel nearly rekindles his romance with Hanna, but cuts things off and decides to go back to Felicity. Meanwhile, Felicity has sex with Eli. Julie becomes lonely as Ben spends more time with his swimmer friends. She initially despises his abrasive buddy Lynn, but discovers that he is actually a decent guy
Date de diffusion
Avr 20, 1999
Noel apologizes to Felicity for jeopardizing their relationship. He tells her that he ended things with Hanna, and that he did not sleep with her. Eli sends flowers to Felicity, which
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Noel apologizes to Felicity for jeopardizing their relationship. He tells her that he ended things with Hanna, and that he did not sleep with her. Eli sends flowers to Felicity, which she mistakenly believes are from Noel. She finally summons the courage to tell him about her night with Eli. Noel is furious. He ignores Richard's advice and decides to check out Eli. Felicity tells Eli that she has a boyfriend, and he is understanding. She continues to suffer from tremendous guilt. After learning that Eli isn't exactly serious about Felicity, Noel gets very drunk. He shows up in Felicity's room and makes a pass at her. They later have a talk and admit that they can't forgive each other's actions. They decide to break up. The dorm residents play a war game that is designed to force them to learn everyone's name. Elena becomes obsessed with victory. Julie reluctantly aids Sean as he tries to get a date with a student librarian. Ben goes out partying with Lynn every night, le
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Avr 27, 1999
The dorm plans a party for Julie's birthday. Carol stops by reveals that she is actually Julie's mother. She refuses to allow Julie to meet her family because she hasn't told her
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The dorm plans a party for Julie's birthday. Carol stops by reveals that she is actually Julie's mother. She refuses to allow Julie to meet her family because she hasn't told her husband that she has another child. Julie pleads with her to re-consider. Carol shows up at the bar to watch Julie sing. She explains that her husband is Julie's father. She had the baby while they were separated, and never told him about the pregnancy after they reunited and married years later. Carol forbids Julie from contacting her father. Julie secretly observes her parents and two siblings as they dine at a restaurant. She decides to cut ties with Carol and show more appreciation for her adoptive parents. Meghan asks Felicity to watch over her mysterious box while her parents are in town. Felicity is amazed as Meghan undergoes a complete personality transformation, trying to pass herself off as a sweet, innocent preppy. Noel considers moving out of the dorm because he feels uncomfortable around Felic
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Mai 04, 1999
Sean puts together a documentary about college life. He soon narrows the focus to a discussion of Felicity and Noel and their failed relationship. He interviews the duo and its friends
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Sean puts together a documentary about college life. He soon narrows the focus to a discussion of Felicity and Noel and their failed relationship. He interviews the duo and its friends and acquaintances. (Meghan describes life with Felicity as ""like living with a TV that's always playing Little House on the Prairie, only with more sweaters."") Noel, at Sean's recommendation, visits a hypnotist to deal with his unresolved anger about Felicity's fling with Eli. Noel believes that he was the only one who truly cared about the relationship. He is surprised when Sean plays back a portion of Felicity's interview, in which she admits that she loved Noel. Although Sean hopes for a happy ending, Felicity and Noel decide to take things slow. Ben tells Sean that his mother has finally left his father. Ben falls deeper into debt, and may be thrown out of school if he can't figure out a way to pay back his loans. He loses a bet and cannot cover it. When Lynn refuses to place another bet on his b
Date de diffusion
Mai 11, 1999
Abby, Dean & DeLuca's officious new manager, leaves Felicity in charge while she is away. If she does a good job, she will be promoted to assistant manager. Abby orders Felicity to
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Abby, Dean & DeLuca's officious new manager, leaves Felicity in charge while she is away. If she does a good job, she will be promoted to assistant manager. Abby orders Felicity to fire Danny, an irresponsible employee. Felicity does this, but Danny keeps showing up for work anyway. Ben is unable to pay off his debt to the campus bookie, who asks him to collect from others. He refuses to do this. Ben learns that he will soon be kicked out of school unless he can find a way to pay his tuition. Sean agrees to co-sign a loan, but the bank refuses to approve it because Sean owes money to one of his suppliers. When Julie learns of his problems, Ben angrily refuses her suggestion that he call his parents for help. Barry, the bookie, comes to the bar and harasses Ben. Ben embarrasses him by knocking him down in front of everyone, so the guy calls his frat brothers and has them beat up Ben. After the assault, Ben vanishes for 24 hours. He finally resurfaces on Felicity's doorstep. S
Date de diffusion
Mai 18, 1999
Meghan uses Felicity as her guinea pig as she practices her spells. Felicity doubts Meghan's powers, until she suddenly becomes very clumsy and forgetful, seeming as the result of the
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Meghan uses Felicity as her guinea pig as she practices her spells. Felicity doubts Meghan's powers, until she suddenly becomes very clumsy and forgetful, seeming as the result of the spells. Noel's friend Guy forces him to work on their group project outside a movie theater as he tries to secure tickets to ""Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace."" Ben has to find a new way home to Palo Alto because he must use the money his mom sent for a plane ticket to pay off his gambling debts. Felicity finds him a man who is willing to pay him to drive his car to San Francisco. Felicity, Ben, Noel and Julie plan to drive across the country together. Noel learns that he cannot make the trip because his internship starts earlier than expected. He decides that he must take the internship, even though the separation may hurt his chances of reconciling with Felicity. Lynn's girlfriend continually makes passes at Ben. He turns her down, but breaks up with Julie because he feels stifled by the r
Date de diffusion
Mai 25, 1999
Felicity concludes that it would be wrong to join Ben on the road trip, as she does not want to betray Julie. Noel offers her a ticket to Berlin, but she needs time to think it over.
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Felicity concludes that it would be wrong to join Ben on the road trip, as she does not want to betray Julie. Noel offers her a ticket to Berlin, but she needs time to think it over. After Ben kisses her, she runs out in a panic and immediately accepts Noel's offer. Elena and Ben both believe that she actually wants to go on the trip with Ben. Ben pleads with her to change her mind. When Felicity visits Ben to discuss the situation, Julie witnesses their flirtation. She realizes that Ben dumped her for Felicity. Julie spills the beans to Noel, who demands that Felicity return her ticket to Berlin. Ben begins his drive alone, but returns later and makes a final plea for Felicity to join him. He appears to have won her over...until she finds the plane ticket in her room, accompanied by a love letter from Noel. Elena sleeps with Dr. McGrath. She sneaks a peek at her exam and discovers that she didn't do very well. When she receives the paper in class the next day, she finds that the
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