

  • Why do EpisodeCalendar have ads?

    Short answer: Having ads will generate small income, which will allow me to continue improving the website!

    Long answer: EpisodeCalendar has been online since mid 2009. There hasn’t been any source of income at all, apart from a few donations. I’ve paid over $2000 on server costs since the release, not to mention hundreds of hours spent programming, designing and supporting the site, only during my spare time. Being the only developer on a big project like this is very fun, but also time consuming, more than I’ve ever expected.


  • Why do I have to pay for premium features?

    EpisodeCalendar has been online since mid 2009. There hasn’t been any source of income at all, apart from a few donations. I’ve paid over $2000 on server costs since the release, not to mention hundreds of hours spent programming, designing and supporting the site, only during my spare time. Being the only developer on a big project like this is very fun, but also time consuming, more than I’ve ever expected.

    I want to make this site the very best I can, but I need your help doing so. By purchasing a Premium account, you will help EpisodeCalendar become economically sustainable, as well as motivating me to keep improving the site.

    Regards, Kristian, the dude behind EpisodeCalendar.

  • I can't purchase a gift subscription for a friend

    In order to purchase a gift subscription for a friend or family. Make sure that you have them on your friends list. You will then be able to select them and purchase a gift for your friends!

Show / Episode information

  • Where is all data imported from?

    EpisodeCalendar fetches all information from an open database called TheTvDB.

    If a show doesn’t exist there, EpisodeCalendar won’t add it. No exceptions.

  • I can't find a show, can you add it?

    You can actually add missing shows yourself! The request page allows you to search for shows directly from our data source and add them to our system. Give it a go :)

  • Why is some show or episode information wrong?

    Since the imported data is managed by people just like you or me, it’s very hard to keep it 100% updated all the time.

    Incorrect data is usually corrected within a few days automatically. Please only contact us if a show is really messed up :)

  • Show times are wrong in my Google Calendar feed?

    The source where I’m importing all the data from have terrible data and quality when it comes to air times and time zones. I’m looking into possible ways to get this working, but it is actually harder than it seems. But for now there is nothing I can do about it, and the air time will be wrong (the same for all shows) until I come up with a good solution.

  • Why does my show appear on the wrong day?

    There are two possibilities:

    1) Please look to see if “+1 day please” is checked or unchecked under the “Time Zone” tab in Settings. 2) The TV show follows the USA air date.

  • Why do international shows have incorrect information or do not update?

    Even if our source has the non-English show that interests you, we currently do not support any international shows. Please look for your specific show but with an English title. For example, if you’re interested in “Le Visiteur du Futur”, then search for “The Visitor from the Future”.


  • Will there be mobile or tablet apps?

    No, however we will wrap the mobile web site in native apps, and probably add features like push notifications.

Site problems

  • Why am I getting an error when I'm trying to delete a show from the My Shows page?

    This is caused by popup blocking plugins in your browser. Find the settings for your plugin and make it allow


  • Do you accept credit cards?

    We only accept PayPal at the moment.

  • Do you offer any discounts?

    Sometimes we have seasonal sales. Make sure that you are subscribed to our newsletter to get those offers.