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In 1990 I Made a Bunch of Predictions About 2020...Here they Are
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I kept finding this and being like, "I need to safe this for 2020." And I swear, I almost forgot about it but I was cleaning my office this week and found it and was like, "OH THANK GOD YES YES YES I DIDN'T MISS IT!"
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In which John discusses 10-year-old Hank's prediction that the year 2012 would feature the emergence of Superior Fish Beings, and what exactly those Superior Fish Beings might be up to.
In Which Hank Worries for a Little Bit and then Looks at Microbes
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Did I record an entire video about voting rights and coups and leaders of this country thinking they could ride tigers without getting bitten by them? Yes! Yes I did. But as I was .. show full overview
My 2021 Vision Board
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In which John announces a new project despite not really knowing what a vision board even is. p.s. Lemmigs????
Influencers and Insurrectionists
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I keep hearing people talk about whether it was Facebook or Fox News or Donald Trump who led us down this deep mess of radicalization. But it's feeling more and more to me like those are .. show full overview
let's go on a parts adventure
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I Didn't Clean My Glasses for a Week and then I Put them Under a Microscope
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It turns out, from what I can tell, that the reason your glasses get harder to see through, is that globs of sebaceous oil somehow leap from your skin to the inside of your glasses. .. show full overview
The Sycamore Tree
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In which John plays the why game before discovering that he is in the vast shade of a sycamore tree.
The Gamestop Short Squeeze in 4 Minutes
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Am I qualified to make this video? No I am not. But are the people who manipulate our markets so that they can harm the economy for their own gain qualified to do that? ALSO NO!!!
I Predicted the Pandemic (over and over and over again)
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The Project for Awesome will be Different This Year!
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Lesser Known YouTube Channels I Love
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Doing Better
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When I say that things "are just this way" what I don't mean is that they had to be. We had plenty of chances to make this better along the way, and the US government did an extreme .. show full overview
A Lovely Winter Walk
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In which John, sporting a p4a-mandated mustache, takes a snowy walk in the woods while feeling exhausted and light-drenched in the wake of the 2021 Project for Awesome, which has now raised (can it be?) over $2,300,000 for charity.
Bean Meme Review
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Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the Project for Awesome last weekend. This wasn't even all of the memes! There were tons of great ones I couldn't fit in! It was a .. show full overview
A Little Joy and Color in an Otherwise Unbearably Bland Life
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In which John discusses his all-time favorite five-star review, endurance as art, the peculiarly modernist hell of repetition, and purple Sharpies.
Arbitrary but Useful
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I guess one other thing that I would say is that the frustration people like me sometimes have about how we don't all use the same systems of measurements or whatever is, like, I get it, .. show full overview
What's Not in the Frame
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In which John discusses the frame, and what's not in it. This isn't really a video; it's just a question.
How Much Hope is OK?
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In the video I describe a worry that it is selfish to feel nice in a world that remains full of bad things. I'm not sure if selfishness is the right word, but I don't know what the right word is?
Hank Rebranded Without Any of Us Noticing
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In which John discusses corndogs, his brother, the past which is never past, the death of Mr. Peanut, and necessity of change.
A Crisis of Branding
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When I say, "I don't have an authentic self" I don't mean, "I don't have innate tendencies or attributes." I definitely do. But it is definitely the case that "the real me" is a thing .. show full overview
How a Book Cover Gets Designed
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In which John discusses the process of designing the cover for The Anthropocene Reviewed.
How Will Post Pandemic Behavior Change?
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If you'd like to participate, it was a fun exercise and I think gives me a chance to make maybe /slightly/ better decisions in the short-term!
Why I'm Worried about 2021
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I might be worried to be worried about this...but I think there are scales of severity to all of these things and I think we're getting really good at not looking at things on scales and .. show full overview
I did it!
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In which John signs (and Lectrojogs) an actual ton.
John's World Record
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I dunno, maybe someone out there has written their name more times, it's certainly possible, but at this point it seems unlikely. It's also possible that I have drawn more fish than anyone else in the world, but I didn't want to brag.
How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?
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In which John discusses his all-time favorite meme, anxiety, shame, vaccine hesitancy, and how we're gonna get out of this.
A Thought is Not an Idea
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I've heard people talk a good deal about how ideas are useless without implementation, but I don't hear many people talking about the fact that an idea isn't even an idea if it doesn't have both an objective and a path to achieve that objective.
My Truly Mortifying Self-Talk
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In which John's watch goes rogue, and his friend Craig is kind, and a second shot is manifested.
Gene Editing and Intelligence: A Bad
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There was so much more I wanted to talk about here...it's a hard subject for 4 minutes. Obviously the bad thing being glossed over in the beginning is "Well, so we're going to create a .. show full overview
Breaking Ground!!!
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Young People and the COVID Vaccine
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What is my new book about?
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In which John does not know how to talk about his new book The Anthropocene Reviewed, but needs to figure it out soon.
Are We the Baddies?? A Quick Look at a Discourse
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When I started this video I thought it was just going to be about a tweet...the fact that it became about how a tweet about villains outlines that the thing we're angry about is kinda .. show full overview
What the Most-Viewed Vlogbrothers Videos Say about YouTube (and about us)
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In which John looks at fourteen years of vlogbrothers history while considering what exactly constitutes a successful YouTube video.
Are We The Same Person?
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I mean, at this point, it's worth asking. I feel like the more my identity is tied to small groups of people I know well, the happier I am. Having my identity tied to large groups I .. show full overview
I am a small boat. It's Question Tuesday.
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In which John answers questions about The Anthropocene Reviewed book, being Vince Vaughn's best friend, his favorite vlogbrothers inside joke, and more.
This Vlogbrothers Stat Blew My Mind
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This episode has no summary.
Saying What I've Needed to Say to Hank for a While
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In which The Anthropocene Reviewed book comes out and John says what he's been needing to say to Hank for a while.
The 19 Best Facts
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The thread has now received a further 900 replies, and includes many facts that I would have put in this list, including that astronauts on spacewalks often LOSE THEIR FINGERNAILS AND NO .. show full overview
The Anthropocene Animated
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In which John reads the first chapter of his new book, The Anthropocene Reviewed.
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Is it aliens? Probably not. Why? Because we don't know almost everything, and finding an explanation that could explain almost anything doesn't recognize that there is a whole lot we .. show full overview
My Two Favorite Books of the Year
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In which John discusses his two favorite reads of this year so far, both of which are out today.
Is Twitter Redeemable?
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Just know, going into this, that I do not have a good answer for this question. I know everyone's experience of Twitter is very different, and I also know that there are reasons to be .. show full overview
Feelings, Little Tunnels, and Oprah: It's Question Tuesday with Ashley C. Ford
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In which John and Ashley C. Ford, two gratefully vaccinated writer friends, gather to discuss trauma, hope, yacht rock, feelings, Oprah's blanket, writing, and more. Oh, p.s. I had to .. show full overview
My Greatest Tool Against Vaccine Misinformation
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I think there is a place for taking the time to fight against individual claims...but the thing you don't want to do is engage with the people who are not going to be convinced by .. show full overview
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In which Hank and John are in the same place at the same time for the first time in a very, very long while.
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In 2015 John and I competed in a 14 event competition called the Quadragocon with the intent of repeating it every four years. But then we didn't do that and then there was a pandemic .. show full overview
Mindblowers with Hank and John
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In which Hank and John, in their final reunion video for now, discuss the facts that blow their minds--from the lack of time before the Big Bang to the astonishing newness of recorded music.
The Surprising Origin of Crash Course
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Of course I know that the vast majority of people who are watching this won't be able to get a coin, but the small percent who can are making it so that this resource is available to all .. show full overview
Sneezing is not normal.
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In which John discusses the saga of Dr. NeverSneezer Scrooge, and how the ridiculous information we encounter shapes us and the world we share. Speaking of sharing ridiculous .. show full overview
So...Orange Juice isn't What it Seems...
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My favorite thing about the fact that all orange juices are flavored is how much the orange juice industry freaks about when people talk about it, so we'll see if I get a letter from .. show full overview
Wrong on the Internet
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I think we need to interface with the climate crisis like it is an emergency and taking personal action is a great way to both have a small impact on the world, but also to incorporate .. show full overview
The Vlogbrothers Videos I Didn't Make
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In which John discusses some vlogbrothers videos he didn't make, why he abandoned them, and what he learned along the way.
Should You Abandon Social Media?
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Did I make a video called "is twitter redeemable" last month? Yes I did. Do I think about Twitter a lot? Yes. Too much? Probably. Ultimately, the moments when I feel like I can't .. show full overview
Reviewing Reviews of My Reviews
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In which John goes Full Inception and reviews reviews of The Anthropocene Reviewed. Signed copies of TAR are still available in many places.
The Last 25 Questions I Asked Google
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It is very weird that Google remembers everything, but it is also kinda nice? I don't know what this will do to our lives and our brains, but when I type "When" into the search box and .. show full overview
Savoring: The Sunset Series Returns
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In which John watches the sun set over Lake Michigan and tries to slow and thicken time.
Can You Trust Science Too Much?
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Science is a human-created process that is undergoing constant revision and it is the best tool we have for uncovering truth. It's not a bunch of facts, it's not an ideology. It's .. show full overview
I L*** Hank
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In which John celebrates Esther Day 2021.
Remembering What's Special
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I mean, can you believe this? Like the idea that this is a "YouTube channel" is so preposterous. There isn't a name for what this is, and I'm OK with that. I recognize that the focus on .. show full overview
My Physicalmental Illness
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In which John discusses labyrinthitis, OCD, categories, the body in thought, and the body in pain.
How We Fix the Climate
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We should act as if this is an emergency, because it is. But part of that is understanding the tools and strategies countries are using to decarbonize and stabilize the climate. This is .. show full overview
Who Owns Nerdfighteria?
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In which John reads Jennifer Burek Pierce's book Narratives, Nerdfighters, and New Media and thinks about who captures the value of work done by sprawling collectives in virtual places--including online communities like nerdfighteria.
Question Tuesday Except I'm an AI
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In which Fake Hank and John answers Real Questions from Real Nerdfighters.
It's My Birthday. I Gave Myself This Video.
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In which John delivers himself an old-fashioned parts video for his birthday. Topics discussed include writing, getting older, living for a million years, moderate dystopias, The .. show full overview
Is it Better Not to Know?
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I think one of the difficult thing with how the world exists right now is that we're asked to care about, like, everything. I cannot care about everything and I SHOULD NOT care about .. show full overview
The Woman Who Invented Stuffed Animals
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In which John discusses the extraordinary life of Margarete Steiff and the invention of stuffed animals.
What the Heck am I doing?
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The Arizona State University collaboration is so exciting because it's really made clear to me a lot of failings of higher education. There are SO MANY PEOPLE whose higher ed experience .. show full overview
My Two Favorite Jokes
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In which John tells his two favorite jokes, both of which instruct as well as delight, and encourages you to leave your favorite joke in the comments. Long week. I could use a laugh.
The Most Important 10 Words a Stranger Ever Said to Me
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I am getting old...it is making me introspective...
I do this every. single. tuesday.
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In which John discusses doing things routinely, and where ideas come from.
The Top 10 Micro-Photos of 2021
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This was really an honor to be a part of. We started with thousands of images and we worked for a full two days to come up with the winners. There was also a video portion of the competition, so maybe I'll talk about that at sometime!!
how we spend our days
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is, of course, how we spend our lives. In which John talks about Annie Dillard, productivity, and the relative value of haircuts.
11 Great Books You Probably Haven't Read
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In which John recommends eleven excellent books that aren't bestsellers.
A Lie I Heard this Week
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One of the things it made me think and that I barely talk about in this video is that we are really good at saying "Boy, things sure are bad, but I know there is one thing that isn't .. show full overview
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In which John unboxes a huge variety of Pizza John-related goods.
Why the Heck am I on TikTok???
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I could obviously talk about TikTok all day long, and I'm not out here pretending I have a healthy relationship with any of this stuff. But here's what I know for sure...our world .. show full overview
Searching for Betsy in Brazil
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In which John goes to Brazil to deliver a pizzamas zine and some stickers. Along the way, I contemplate the meaning of life and recall the time I (sorta) met Kurt Vonnegut.
What if Facebook Disappeared?
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Usually I'm up in the description being like, "here are a bunch of things I wasn't really able to fit in the video" but actually...turns out, if you let me go for 20 minutes, I get most .. show full overview
On February 3rd, 2020, I Wrote a Video I Didn't Make. Here It Is.
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In which John returns to a script he wrote but did not film in early February of 2020 about uncertainty and "a feeling of impending doom."
The Fastest Things in the Universe (Entirely According to Me)
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Boy, the way, at the end of the video, I'm like, "actually speed doesn't exist" is wild. The fastest thing in the universe might actually be you...just depends on your frame of reference...
Fine, I'll take the bait.
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This episode has no summary.
The Web of Care
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Only Two Pizzamas Videos Left?! 0_o I think I mostly got to the point I wanted to get to here. Of course, there are a lot of other important thoughts that stem from .. show full overview
Pizza Sized Johns or John Sized Pizza? It's Question Thursday
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In which John answers real questions from real nerdfighters. Topics discussed include breathing, writing, memory, and living with 100 tiny neurotic people.
What is Pizzamas? ...and a New Friend
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The unpredictability and lack of precedent for the path we are on can feel unnerving at times, but having these recurring times to help us understand where we're headed is really .. show full overview
Cat Names: The Authoritative Guide
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As you can probably tell, I had a lot of fun making this. In which John combs through literary and scientific history in search of absolute, top-drawer cat names to help Hank and his family name their adorable new kitten.
A Tool with No Blood on It
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The weirdest swerve when it comes to vavilovian mimics is that some weeds got so good at imitating crops that they made their seeds really big an nutritious and BECAME CROPS. Both rye .. show full overview
Why Avocados Still Exist
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In which John discusses the strangely hopeful history (and future?) of avocado trees and their extraordinary fruit. It's a tale of coevolving with mammals that no longer exist, and yet finding a way to go on.
The Earth is an Alien Planet
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I just think this is really really cool... Also, it's a great way to teach about how evaporation and condensation work in a way that is terrifying and very memorable.
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In which John wonders whether enough is actually enough.
We Have Invented Something Marvelous
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Hank Green's Million Dollar Ideas
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In which John discusses some of Hank Green's epically bad million dollar ideas, and also an actual million dollar idea, the awesome socks club: http://awesomesocks.club/vb (100% of profits go to charity.)
Everything a Normal Person Needs to Know About Helium
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Helium is so great...and we are running out of it, but also we are not running out of it.
Orbital Sunrise: The First Art Made in Space
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Original Title: See What You'll Never See: The Orbital Sunrise In which John Green considers the orbital sunrise, why humans make art, and why the cosmonaut Alexei Leonov drew home. .. show full overview
How do We Get Anything Done At All?
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We can't decide on the pronunciation of GIF but we can make water come out of holes in our homes on demand and build pocket computers and create vaccines and build a global communications infrastructure.
I have been playing a small trick on you.
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In which John reveals the ruse, and the reasons for it. Greetings from October. Hope you're doing well.
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In which John and Hank are absolutely delighted to find themselves in the same place at the same time.
Loving the Loves of Your Loves
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This episode has no summary.
John and Hank at the Cemetery
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I gotta say, I very much like making videos with my brother...good news is...while we were together....WE RECORDED TWO MORE! Get ready for more reunions next week!!!
Reading Hank's Decade-Old Tweets
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In which John digs very deep into the past to uncover the piping hot, frozen cold takes of 2011 Hank Green.
What Was Early YouTube Like? (with Hank and John)
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It's two old YouTubers talking about old YouTube, what else could you want!?
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In which John discusses what he has (re)learned about writing--including how all writing is rewriting, and why many of the most enjoyable parts of writing a story do not involve writing the story.
What State of Matter is Fire
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This question has been bugging me for about 20 years. And, ultimately, it still bugs me...
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...and other thoughts from a short day in a long year. In which John discusses why personality is not destiny (or even necessarily permanent), the naming of The Anthropocene .. show full overview
29 Days of Astronomical Terror
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The James Webb Space Telescope wants to examine the universe in ways that are simply impossible without tremendous feats of engineering. The bad news is...that means a terrifyingly .. show full overview
