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Is bronchitis contagious? Is black a color?
Episode overview
In which John asks google questions beginning, "Is b....?"
Homeless Man with a Golden Voice Gets a Job
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In which Hank discusses the homeless man with the Golden Voice, the fact that he's not doing song wednesdays, the new dftba,com, runs around in the snow, instructs John in proper .. show full overview
CONCUSSED Question Friday
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In which John, despite giving himself a (very) mild brain jostling and/or concussion midway through filming this video, answers real questions from real nerdfighters.
Top 5 Ridiculous Conspiracy Theories
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Bringing you the Top 5 most bizarre conspiracy theories of all time. It must be pretty scary to have lost touch with reality so completely.
Top Six Conjoined Twin Pairs in History
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In which John creates a list of the six most important conjoined twin pairs in history (in his humble experience) while also discussing his massive zit. Twins discussed include Chang and .. show full overview
Top 5 Actual Conspiracies
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Yes, it seems like the word "conspiracy" is always paired with the word "theory" but, in fact, there are quite a few actual conspiracies with implications that can boggle the mind. Does .. show full overview
Cheating Cheaters of Cheatery: The Amazing Story of Brazil's Cotton War with the U.S.
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In which John Green discusses the insane story of how the United States of America ended up subsidizing the cotton industry in Brazil so that America could continue its own illegal .. show full overview
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We are almost always wrong, maybe not all the way wrong, but at least a little bit. Even the simplest questions have vast complexities built into them, and understanding that we never .. show full overview
Looking for Alaska Five Years After the Printz Award
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In which John discusses, exactly five years after winning the Michael L. Printz Award for Looking for Alaska, the complex series of collaborations involved in creating a book. By the .. show full overview
The 1200% Increase in my Prescription Drug Costs
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In which Hank is pissed off because the price of his prescription drugs went up 1200% in one month. So he asks nerdfighteria to write a nice letter to Roger Boissonneault at .. show full overview
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In which John purchases stock in Warner Chilcott, the pharmaceutical company that is trying to ruin his brother's life. You can contact Warner Chilcott here: http://ir.wcrx.com/contactus.cfm
Is Hank Green Batman?
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In which Hank actually has good news!
Revolution in Egypt: A 4-Minute Introduction
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In which John discusses the Egyptian protests, which may become a burgeoning revolution in Egypt or may just descend into rioting and looting. Included in the discussion are Egypt's .. show full overview
Top 5 Awesome Things About the Webb Telescope
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The James Webb Space Telescope is the successor to the Hubble's throne. In order to pick up extremely faint infra-red signals from extremely distant stars and galaxies, the JWST has to .. show full overview
QUESTION FRIDAY: Spelling is Hard Edition
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In which John answers questions.
Cancer Sniffing Dog
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In which Hank celebrates the Packers, Rants about Coke, is pleased with a labrador, and announces The Agents of Awesome.
NERDFIGHTERS UNITE! (in your pants)
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In which John reveals a terrifying mustache and discusses community, nerdfighteria, and your pants.
200 People in Your Pants
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http://yourpants.org/ That's really all you need to know. Except that Charlie totally showed me up with the "show you around my place" video
CHUBBY BUNNY...blergh!
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In which John discovers toward the end of a game of Chubby Bunny that it is Valentine's Day and then discusses love while walking around the mall.
This Video Brought to you by Nyquil
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A Vlogbrothers first...BED VLOG!!! Well...there was that time John vlogged from a hospital bed actually. We're pretty hardcore about this. I will be playing shows in Seattle and .. show full overview
Thoughts from Places: Small Town America
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In which John Green visits the small town of Knightstown, Indiana (and its cemetery), which makes him think about trees, art, graveyards, and the unpredictable future.
Hank Interviews His Mayor
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Yes, I really did call my Mayor's office and ask if I could talk to him on camera and, yes, I really did do it. Started out as brain crack, as these things generally do, and then I had to make it real in order to get it out of my head.
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In which John attempts to carbon neutralize brotherhood 2.0 for the first time in three and a half years, leading to a discussion of the complexity of carbon neutrality in a world where .. show full overview
Gussie Manlove UNCOVERED!
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In which Hank tells the full and fascinating story of Gussie Brown née Manlove née Gowen née Horsey.
Harry Baals & Dick Trickle: The Funniest Names in History
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In which John discusses the funniest and most unfortunate names in history, including race car driver Dick Trickle, philanthropist Ima Hogg, composer Chris P. Bacon, singer Shanda Lear, former Fort Wayne mayor Harry Baals, and inventor Hymen Lipman.
How to Name Your Baby Properly
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In which Hank discusses the do's and don't's of naming a child. Quick list.
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In which John takes you on an amazing tour through contemporary psychosis by sharing quotes from Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and Two and a Half Men star Charlie Sheen. It's up to you to decide who said what; it's harder than you'd imagine.
This Machine Pwns n00bs Video LP
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Hank just wanted you to be able to listen to his whole album whenever you want...and be able to share songs as YouTube embeds whenever you wanted to share them. The album is available .. show full overview
Why is Haiti Poor?
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In which Hank attempts (and more or less fails) to answer an old question about why Haiti is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere while its neighbor, the Dominican Republic, is fairly affluent.
DANDY LIONS! It's Question Day
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In which John Green answers questions about dandy lions, dandelions, Looking for Alaska, Libba Bray, his new (infuriatingly untitled) novel, video games, and more.
Superhero Creation Myths
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In which Hank discusses Superhero creation myths, and how the stories we tell about superheroes reflect contemporary fears and fascinations--from Wolverine to Captain America to Spiderman to Batman to Dr. Who.
Thoughts from Places: Los Angeles after the Earthquake
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In which John Green walks and drives around Los Angeles in the wake of the devastating earthquake in Japan. He visits the beach, the Venice canals, some pet turtles, and goes to a fancy wedding reception in Beverly Hills.
Why Did Fukushima Explode?
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In which Hank explains nuclear power and the situation at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in Japan. In short, fission products continually decaying in both active and spent fuel .. show full overview
Episode overview
In which John discusses the career of Ivan IV, aka Ivan the Terrible, Russia's first self-declared Tsar (or czar depending on your transliteration). Further proof that history is fun!
Helping Haiti
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Thanks to Erin, Laura, Neil and everyone else who made it possible to tell this story. I'm looking forward to telling more soon.
Why Does My Dog Eat Poop?
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In which John answers questions people ask google beginning, "Why does my..."
Hank is an Adorable, Drunk Princess
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In which Hank rambles on the floor of a hotel room.
Participatory Geometry
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In which John discusses the Butler Bulldogs astonishing second consecutive run to the NCAA Men's basketball Final Four while also discussing a bunch of other things, including his books .. show full overview
The Ice Cream Changes
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Slipknot to Ritchie Valenz, for some reason the I vi IV V chord progression just sounds amazing. I don't know why certain combinations of tones sound nice to us, nor why progressing .. show full overview
Many Truths, 1 Lie!
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In which John discusses Ivan the Terrible's lost library, Marie Curie, Hank as a tomato, and various other April Foolery.
Thoughts from The Well
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In which Hank goes on a walk to the spring where the people of Savann Tabak get their water.
Tales of Nerd Love!
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In which john discusses some of the best stories of nerdfighterlike and gets champagne in his pants. May nerd love continue to spread through the world!
Live on YouTube
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In which Hank announces that he and John will be doing live streams on YouTube!
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In which Hank goes to the Googleplex and talks about his trip to LA!
Is My Boyfriend Gay? Is He Cheating?
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In which John answers the top 10 questions people ask google beginning "Is my b...," including: Is my boyfriend gay? Is my boyfriend cheating on me? Is my blood pressure high? Is my baby .. show full overview
31 Jokes for NERDS!
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In which Hank tells some seriously nerdy jokes. Harry Potter, theoretical physics, Star Trek, Star Wars, Chemistry, Engineering, Philosophy, Math, Computer Science...it's all fair game.
Humpy Hank
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In which animations of Hank humping an astonishing variety of people and animals (and himself) are collected into a single music video for your enjoyment and Hank's embarrassment.
2D Glasses! Take the Headache out of 3D
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In which Hank talks about why and how he created 2d glasses.
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In which John takes you to Amsterdam to discuss the tulip mania that overtook the Netherlands in the 17th century, culminating with the famed flower bubble of 1636 and 1637, the original irrational exuberance. (Or was it irrational?)
500,000 Subscribers (Almost...and Thank You)
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In which Hank rambles, says thanks, talks about posters, The Cheat, pennies, duct tape, portal 2...just rambling.
Meeting Greg Mortenson
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In which John recalls the time he met Greg Mortenson, the embattled author of Three Cups of Tea and Stones into Schools. I was once a featured author at a dinner along with Mortenson, and...well...hilarity ensued.
NASA: Increasing Awesome
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In which Hank talks about the 0.45% of the federal budget devoted to space education, and what NASA is doing with that money. In which Hank talks about the 0.45% of the federal budget .. show full overview
Peanut Butter Face Question Tuesday
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In which John and his peanut butter face answer questions about romance, books, living (temporarily) in Amsterdam, speaking Dutch, his fancy new iphone that doesn't work, pirates, and who the eff Hank is, among other things.
Osama Bin Laden is Dead
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In which Hank talks about how great his Sunday was...and how America killed its top priority military target.
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In which John talks about Hanko de Mayo 2011 (Hank Green's 31st birthday), and his astoundingly productive 30th year, which included creating VidCon, 2-d glasses, publishing EcoGeek, .. show full overview
Happy Birthday To Me!
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In which Hank has a happy day after his birthday.
Trading Underwear for Rice Crispy Treats: Queens Day in Amsterdam (Thoughts from Places)
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In which John takes the thoughts from places video series back to Amsterdam for the massive party / garage sale / birthday celebration known here in the Netherlands as koninginnedag.
1990's Sim Games. SO GOOD!
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In which Hank talks about the lessons he learned growing up playing simulation games (and does a very good job of not complaining about how mindless gaming has become.) Sim Games taught .. show full overview
Winkels to the Left, Winkels to the Right: Thoughts from Places, Antwerp
Episode overview
In which John takes the slow train to Antwerp, Belgium in order to spend a day with no Internet working on the revision of his new novel (which comes out in March). During his brief time in Antwerp, he visits the zoo.
Grab It By The Testicle
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A poem for the college and high school graduates of the year 2011 (and future years as well...I believe it all applies.) Also, past years, if we can ever figure out how make YouTube .. show full overview
The Education Continuum WARNER CHILCOTTED
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In which John explains the education continuum and why math and literature both help us understand the universe in surprisingly similar ways.
How to Vlog: From the Vlogbrothers
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So I've been making video blogs for like four years now and people say I'm pretty good at it. I also see a lot of people who could be a lot better if they just took some very simple advice.
Eating the Unicorn
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In which John Green discusses eating the unicorn, the tactility of Gus Is a Bug, his new novel and the need to resist spoiling it, and tumblr.
Thoughts from a Battlefield
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In which Hank talks about the Nez Perce war and the Battle of the Big Hole. Katherine and I stopped by the Big Hole Battlefield on the way home from a mini-vacation.
Older Than Gravity In Bruges: Thoughts from Places
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In which John Green visits Bruges (or as the Belgians and Dutch call it, Brugge) for a day, seeing the famous Belfort and other beautiful buildings along the way before meeting up with .. show full overview
Horatio, the Newest Member of our Family
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In which Hank talks...about...hrmm...zits and haiti and friends and scary stuffed animals.
The Evil Baby Orphanage Returns...for George Washington?
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In which John discusses slavery, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, George Washington, and the evil baby orphanage from Venice.
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In which Hank discusses what it means to be a good person and pretty much proves that he, in fact, is not one.
Men Running on Tanks and the Truth about Book Editors
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In which John discusses the editorial process involved in the creation of his new book (still no official title!) and also his previous books Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of .. show full overview
Punishments, Floods, and Pink Hitler Babies
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In which Hank vlogs from a riverbank about Hitler, Shaq, floods, rocks, ants, ice cream, sexy back, punishments, sandwiches, dolphins...I mean, you really aren't gonna get much from the description...it's a weird video.
Then I Took Off My Bra
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In which John discusses Amsterdam, replaces curse words with the names of British romantic poets, talks about the This Star Won't Go Out foundation, asks your help in designing a great .. show full overview
Google Is Alive!
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In which Hank attempts to define what life is, argues that Google is in fact alive (albeit poorly) and then proves that individual lives have no (or extremely little) value for their own sake...with mouthwash.
Question Tuesday! Paula Deen Riding Me (and critical reading)
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In which John discusses books, inspiration, reading, Europe, the Let It Snow movie deal, and being ridden by celebrity chef Paula Deen.
Top 7 Tips for LIFE
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This episode has no summary.
On Religion
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In which John talks about religion and nihilism. Let's continue this conversation in your pants: http://www.yourpants.org
Do You Believe in God?
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In which Hank discusses that all too common question and why he doesn't like it and so rarely answers it.
On Religion (Redux)
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In which John finished up what turned out to be Religion Theme Week here in nerdfighteria by discussing the complexity of religious identity and why we must reconcile ourselves to living .. show full overview
My Hairy Ball of Anxious Anxiety
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In which Hank talks about his anxiety surrounding: 1. Ellen Hardcastle, his new Album 2. Officiating a Wedding 3. VidCon: http://vidcon2011.com 4. Making a Video for NASA 5. Play a Show with Harry and the Potters!
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In which John does his happy dance because his new book, The Fault in Our Stars, is #1 on Amazon and Barnes and Noble's bestseller lists thanks to the indefatigable awesome of .. show full overview
Humping the Town
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In which Hank congratulates John and then...yeah, wow.
How to Turn Your Dumb Summer Job Into $162,000
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In which John celebrates financial independence by explaining how minimum-wage summer jobs can become incredibly lucrative if only you save some of your money in a retirement account. In .. show full overview
John Green is an IDIOT! And so are you.
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In which Hank talks about how freaking stupid we are, and why. Though I would like to have gone into more detail...it's a complicated topic.
Kill the Dollar Bill!
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In which John discusses the denomination effect and argues that we should stop printing one-dollar bills and transition to one-dollar (and two-dollar) coins, which according to the .. show full overview
Hank Talks to NASA About the Space Shuttle
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So the Space Shuttle program is ending after more than 30 years. I grew up in Orlando, regularly watching the shuttle take off. It had a huge effect on me. Now, with the program .. show full overview
Episode overview
In which John and Hank reunite at LeakyCon 2011 to discuss Hank's new album, Ellen Hardcastle, which is out today. Nerdfighters, sorry I didn't talk about Gatsby today; I've been sick!
Harry Freaking Potter
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So I watched Deathly Hallows part 2, of course, yesterday, and I want t talk about it, but I have a hard time doing it without crying at least a bit. It was really amazing to see it with .. show full overview
Gatsby's American Dream: Reading The Great Gatsby Critically, Chapter 1
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In which John Green discusses the first chapter of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby, including thoughts on the role that the ideas of the self-made man and the American dream .. show full overview
Episode overview
In which Hank shares every song on Ellen Hardcastle in about a minute, talks about LeakyCon and VidCon and manages not to break down upon realizing that nerdfighters helped his album get on the billboard charts!
Your Yard Is EVIL
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In which John discusses the absolute insanity of front yards. Turf grass is the biggest irrigated crop in the US; we irrigate grass almost exclusively with drinkable water; also, you .. show full overview
I Am Not a P#$$Y - this video contains mild swear words.
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In which Hank rants about being taunted while riding his bike (which is, btw, very unsettling) and then talks a bit about bullying and he he dealt with it (he didn't) and how you should deal with it (survive.)
150,000 Autographs
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In which John announces that thanks to the awesomeness of nerdfighteria, his book The Fault in Our Stars will be published sooner than previously thought: January 10, 2012. Also, I'll .. show full overview
I Love My Brother
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In which Hank puts off the inevitable but then just tears off the band-aid. No talk about VidCon...Esther day only comes once per year! Looking forward to your punishment .. show full overview
Vidcon: Thoughts from Places
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In which John writes a love letter to vidcon 2011 and his brother Hank. Thanks for making so much awesome stuff for us, Hank.
Hackers, Cyber crime, and a New Kind of War.
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In which Hank talks briefly about the fundamental shift in espionage, warfare, crime, and activism that may re-define our age.
Understanding America's Debt Problem
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In which John discusses the U.S. public debt, our dangerously high debt to GDP ratio, the S&P's downgrade of America's credit rating, and why our debt may not be as unmanageable as it .. show full overview
The Fair: Testacular!
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In which Hank enjoys the Western Montana Fair, then talks about ReadIt1st.com, brain crack, and a secret project (for John!)
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In which John and Hank reunite in beautiful Missoula, Montana in order to discuss punishments, gallbladder removal, video games, and Hanklerfish.
Hank's Question Tuesday DEBUT!
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In which Hank and John answer real questions from real nerdfighters. Hank's question tuesday debut! We didn't get through many questions...but it was fun...really fun. So fun that we're going to have to do an out-takes video at some point.
Outtake Insanity and NERD FACTOR
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In which John shares some outtakes from Hank and John's previous reunion video and then announces Nerd Factor, an idea stolen from Michael Buckley. If you're making awesome videos you .. show full overview
Thoughts from a Butterfly Hatch
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In which Hank talks about butterflies, which were hatching like crazy in the Bitterroot valley this weekend. So yeah, it was really amazing. They were constantly landing on us. They .. show full overview
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In which Hank presents John with the present that Nerdfighteria made for him and tells him about the future of the idea.
Will He Kiss You? Am I a Muggle? It's Question Friday.
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In which John answers questions about The Fault in Our Stars, Looking for Alaska, whether and when that boy you're dating will kiss you, his muggle nature, Scotland's national animal .. show full overview
A Letter to the Aliens
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In which Hank puts together some thoughts for the intelligent life forms that almost certainly isn't listening. But if you know any aliens, please do forward this video to them.
How to Become An Adult
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In which John talks about the crushing monotony and paralyzing terror of one's first years entering the post-school world of grown-ups, and how getting a mentor, like the one John found in the author Ilene Cooper, can get you through.
Tattoo Typos, Senses, Posters and Bad Movies
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In which Hank rants THREE TIMES! But also gets excited about the new posters, available now at http://www.dftba.com
The Great Gatsby: Living the Dream in the Valley of Ashes
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In which John discusses critical readings of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, including metaphors and symbols like the color yellow, the green light at the end of the dock, the .. show full overview
10 Years after September 11th, and Diablo III
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In which Hank talks about september 11th, posters, becoming a musical instrument, the Mink Car Cover project, playing Diablo 3, and how much he loves tumblr.
Adorable Baby and Insufficient Cartography
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In which Henry learns some words, and John discusses a Sunday with family, the insufficiency of all maps (and all videos), and the awesome of nerdfighteria.
How to Make Ideas Real: Readit1st.com
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In which Hank talks about the attitiudes and resources he has now that make it easier to make cool things exist.
Narrowly Avoiding Arrest: Some Airport Insanity
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In which John vlogs from a couple airports and is politely interrogated by an understandably curious police officer.
Fifth Anniversary with The Katherine
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In which Hank interviews his wife on the occasion of their fifth anniversary (or thereabouts.)
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In which John announces six winners of Nerd Factor, an idea blatantly stolen from the great Michael Buckley: http://www.youtube.com/whatthebuckshow There were hundreds of great videos we .. show full overview
The Improbability of Place - Thoughts from the San Juans
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In which Hank talks about how infinitely improbable we are, but how that's not actually what makes us special. Sorry for the Dr. Manhattan thing if you've not read or seen Watchmen, I felt like it was important to my point.
Awesome Bankers?
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In which John discusses job creation, small businesses, how the work of bankers can actually decrease worldsuck (contrary to popular belief), and how credit crunches affect economies .. show full overview
Cup Stacking and Glasses Picking
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In which Hank discusses the international peculiarity of Cup Stacking, the undeniable skill of Steven Purugganan, the subjective value of most things and asks you to help him pick his new glasses.
YouTube Survey: Balls and First Kisses
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In which John answers the YouTube survey of Alex Day, aka Nerimon. He also discusses secret sister Maureen Johnson's amazing new book The Name of the Star, which came out yesterday. You can get it here: http://dft.ba/-ZGF
The LHC and Alex's Survey
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In which Hank takes Alex Day's survey and talks about his interview this morning with Joe Incandela of the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider.
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In which John discusses the business of signing more than 70,000 books in less than a month and tells a cute story about his baby. Thank you, nerdfighteria, for giving me signing madness.
Steve Jobs and a Song
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In which Hank sings a song that was written to a track that's a loop that was made with the sounds that he made with his mouth. And then he talks for a bit about the glory of not being special, and the death of Steve Jobs.
Animal Mating and Librarian Talking
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In which John goes to a meeting of Medical Librarians and then shares with you a truth or fail on the subject of animal mating. Okay, I have to get back to looking for TFiOS errors now.
Coming Out and Sperm Spikes
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In which Hank talks about his personal struggles with his sexuality and confusing his gender identity with his sexual orientation...and he does it all using quantum mechanics as an .. show full overview
Defying Wadsworth!
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In which John defies the so-called Wadsworth Constant, which maintains that the first 30% of all YouTube videos can safely be skipped, by giving you Halloween pumpkin tips, some quotes .. show full overview
VidCon 2012!!!
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Sorry folks who can't come, but I had to make a video announcing VidCon 2012, I just HAD TO!
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In which John answers questions about his new book The Fault in Our Stars, his publisher's surprising willingness to allow a nerdfighter to design the next cover of An Abundance of .. show full overview
Signing Psychosis, BlizzCon, TFiOS, Awesome Adventures, and URLatron
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In which Hank covers a surprising amount of topics while (for the most part) standing outside of the Anaheim Convention Center surrounded by WoW players.
Signing Psychosis Takes Over
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In which John goes well and truly mad from signing and then discusses the ruins of Indianapolis.
7,000,000,000 People
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The world population, as you watch this video, is about to hit an arbitrary landmark. But, still, the growing world population is not an insignificant issue, nor is the explosion in resource use in the developing world. But overall...I'm optimistic.
Reading Chapter One of The Fault in Our Stars
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In which John reads the first chapter of his new book, The Fault in Our Stars, to you in lieu of making a real video today. I hope you like it, and that it's not too awkward hearing a 34-year-old man pretend to be 16-year-old Hazel Grace Lancaster.
Pumpkin Slashing, Sexy Watermelons, and Zombie Tools with Jayne
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I which Jayne Cobb destroys some pumpkins with the guys from Zombie Tools to the music of Dr. Noise.
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In which John celebrates the amazing Lectrojog of Amazing and announces the forthcoming reconstitution of the Foundation to Decrease Worldsuck. All of our royalties from sales of the .. show full overview
You CAN Judge a Book by its Cover!
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But should you? Of course not. But can you stop? Probably not. Physiognomy...it's fascinating and a little bit true...we can know things about people just by looking at them, and fashion makes it all so much simpler.
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In which John happy dances through town before landing in...heaven? And then announced two new exciting vlogbrothers projects, Crash Course and SciShow. At long last, nerdfighteria, we .. show full overview
27 Part Video
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This video comes to you in Twenty-Seven Parts! Man...this was a pretty dang difficult video to make...I can't even remember what it's about....a lot of stuff.
The Bank of Nerdfighteria
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In which John reports on the state of the Bank of Nerdfighteria, comments on Hank's goatee, and explains just what the Bank of Nerdfighteria is. (Since a couple of people have asked, no, .. show full overview
T-Shirt and Jeans - A Song
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In which Hank sings a song about his favorite outfit. I wrote this after a debate with Tom Milsom. A debate which, to be clear, I was not the winner of. I actually think that fashion is .. show full overview
Top 5 Zombie Apocalypses OF ALL TIME
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In which John counts down his top five favorite zombie apocalypses of all time, from video game zombies to novelistic zombies to vampire zombies to movie zombies to...well, you get the .. show full overview
Top 5 Reasons ████ ██ ██████
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By attempting to control the internet, Congress can't help but do anything but screw it up. They want to create a system whereby any website in America could be turned off at a moment's .. show full overview
Old Man Narrates Young Girl
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In which John discusses narrating one version of The Fault in Our Stars audiobook, the unusual and good-hearted conversations with Brilliance Audio that made it possible, how copyright .. show full overview
Why are Barns Red and Kardashians Famous
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And 23 other questions answered. The ones I missed were: H: Why are hydrocarbons insoluble in water: Because hydrocarbons are non-polar and water is polar and, y'know, like dissolves .. show full overview
Chapter TWO of The Fault in Our Stars
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In which John Green's publisher agrees to let him read you the second chapter of his forthcoming book, The Fault in Our Stars. If you want to listen to me read this entire thing (with .. show full overview
Stuffed with STUFF!
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In which Hank gives an update on all of the things going on.
Honey Badgers: The Crazy Truth
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In which John digs deep into the insane story of nature's craziest mammal, the honey badger, which has become famous for its fearlessness but should be more widely appreciated for its .. show full overview
F#*%? An Explanation of Curse Words
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An introduction to curse words, why they exist, where they come from, how they function, and why they are, in fact, different from other sorts of words. And, yes, I really did say .. show full overview
5 Worst Typos of History
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In which John, having discovered an (inevitable) mistake in The Fault in Our Stars, discusses his list of the five worst typographical errors and grammatical mistakes in the history of the English language, from the Bible to Shakespeare.
World's Stupidest Dog
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A video about my dog, Lemon, who is a retired racing greyhound, a cuddlebear, a fart face, and a herp-a-derp-apotomus. Katherine and I spent all day yesterday thinking of these: If .. show full overview
Puppies and The Tour de Nerdfighting 2012
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In which John reveals that he, Hank, the Katherine, and occasionally the Yeti will again be piling into a vehicle and making nerdfighteria IRL in January of 2012 to celebrate the release .. show full overview
Our Grandfather
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So, bad news... http://www.projectforawesome.com
Greek Phallic Disco Golf Balls: A Free Association Game
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In which John and Hank play a silly game of word association instead of making a real video. Thank you for all your kind messages of sympathy regarding the loss of our grandfather. .. show full overview
Project for Awesome Logistics
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In which Hank goes over the details of the Project for Awesome. His P4A video will go up tomorrow at noon!
We Built a Well in Haiti
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In which Hank continues the story of Savann Tabak, a village in Haiti where a bunch of cool people live. And the story, at this point, has a happy ending.
Sharpie Face and Little Hank: The Project for Awesome's Aftermath
Episode overview
In which John discusses the 2011 Project for Awesome and shows off some excellent pictures of Hank. Thanks to effyeahnerdfighters, http://www.effyeahnerdfighters.com, for their .. show full overview
2011 Presidential Anagrams!!
Episode overview
In which Hank delves into the mystery of the Republican presidential hopefuls using the inescapably useful and magical tool of the anagram!
There Will Be NO SPOILERS!!!
Episode overview
In which John discusses the unfortunate and accidental leaking of his new novel The Fault in Our Stars, and his readers' amazing and generous response.
Project for Awesome and Truth or Fail
Episode overview
In which Hank reveals which charities will be receiving over $14,000 each!
Goats Mating
Episode overview
In which John witnesses his parents' goats having sex, including all of the weird foreplay that precedes goat sex, like the part where the male goat urinates on his own beard and then .. show full overview
How to Tip Properly
Episode overview
In which Hank shares his personal rules for tipping, discusses why we do it, and how it kills time lords...and then he says the word Poohster.
