Aaron Mahnke's Cabinet of Curiosities

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Deep Dive
Episode overview
As you pass through the Cabinet today, keep your eyes on that spot where the sky meets the ocean. Amazing things can come from both.
The Little Giant
Episode overview
Some people break through barriers with the power of their will, while others rise above in the more literal sense. Either way, they make great additions to the Cabinet of Curiosities.
Small Wonders
Episode overview
This tour of the Cabinet will expose visitors to things so small they're barely visible, and sounds so deadly they shouldn't be heard.
Pour One Out
Episode overview
Some Curiosities are delightful and happy, but not on this tour. Today, we meet human cruelty and suffering head-on, but walk away richer for it.
Wedged In
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On today's tour of the Cabinet, we are given a chance to examine a object that exists without explanation, and then learn about something else that changed history without ever being seen.
Pros and Cons
Episode overview
One of a kind objects are on display today, but not all of them were acquired through the most typical of methods. In fact, one of them wasn't even acquired at all.
High and Low
Episode overview
Some tales from the Cabinet reveal the true importance of people, while others hint at a true story we may never be able to reveal. Today we'll enjoy one of each.
Seeing Red
Episode overview
Some of the most amazing tales in history are about artwork, and today's tour of the Cabinet will reveal a couple that you'll never forget.
Space Case
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Not every story has a tidy ending. Often times, it's the journey that's more important than the destination, as both of our tales reveal today.
The Little Things
Episode overview
Today your tour guide will show you some amazing tales made possible by the brilliant work of talented people. Prepare to be amazed!
Episode overview
On today's tour of the Cabinet, one person delivers on their promise, while another stays right where they are. Either way, these tales are sure to entertain.
Dressed Down
Episode overview
Sometimes the place you live is home to astounding natural features, while other times your country is responsible for something new.
Darkness Falls
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Whether it's a battle for historical heritage, or a fight against Mother Nature, everyone on today's tour has had to endure some kind of struggle.
Episode overview
Unique individuals can be both an inspiration and a warning. Let's see if you can figure out which is which on today's tour through the Cabinet.
Happy Accident
Episode overview
Accidental discoveries are on display today in the Cabinet of Curiosities. Your journey is bound to leave you astounded.
Lake Placid
Episode overview
Today's tour through the Cabinet is all about hidden things, so there won't be much to look at. Even still, the tour is sure to be entertaining.
Episode overview
Two amazing individuals are on display in the Cabinet today, and both are know for amazing claims that had unexpected endings. Buckle up for a curious ride.
The Divine Tragedy
Episode overview
Sometimes it's hard to believe the things we see with our own eyes, while other times we have to trust our ears to reveal the truth. Both of these tricky moments are on display in the Cabinet today.
Bad Omen
Episode overview
Many of the objects inside the Cabinet are one of a kind, or at least very rare. Today's tour will expose you to two more stories that will fit that mould perfectly.
Stone Cold
Episode overview
Death can be pretty eventful—either by the way it happens, or by what happens once it has arrived. We'll look at one of each on today's tour of the Cabinet.
Out of Tune
Episode overview
Humans have created some amazing things over the years, but few have left people feeling as confused and nervous as the two objects you'll see on today's trip through the Cabinet of Curiosities.
Dig Deep
Episode overview
Our tour today will reveal an object designed to show us where to go, and a place no one knew how to get to. Hopefully all your questions will be answered inside the Cabinet!
Dearly Departed
Episode overview
Many of the pieces in the Cabinet are unique, but some are truly valuable. On today's tour, we'll revisit lost loved ones before exploring one man's deep obsession.
By A Hair
Episode overview
Some of the most bizarre additions to the Cabinet are relics from a taboo source: the human body. Thankfully, their stories are a lot less contentious.
By George
Episode overview
Some folks create things that are difficult to believe. Today's tour features two such tales. Just remember: seeing isn't always necessary for believing.
Tall Order
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How things are built can inspire wonder and awe, as this trip through the halls of the Cabinet will surely reveal.
Mummy Dearest
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Some people are extraordinary during their lifetime, while others manage to leave a mark long after they're gone. Today's tour through the Cabinet will introduce you to one of each.
Whiskey Soured
Episode overview
Whether it's a ridiculous disagreement, or an unbelievable source of information and warning, there are amazing events to ponder on today's tour through the Cabinet.
By A Hare
Episode overview
Not everything is as it seems on today's tour through the Cabinet, but unexpected armies and cursed components provide quite the entertainment.
Episode overview
Today we explore the lives of two amazing individuals. One was known for what he could see in reverse, while the other managed to see what was ahead. Both are fantastic additions to the Cabinet.
It's Alive
Episode overview
Some human accomplishments are frightening, and others are hilarious. I hope you don't mind if the tour guide shows you one of each today as you pass through the Cabinet.
Bombs Away
Episode overview
Most stories have something big and powerful at their core that gives them meaning, but it's often the little details that make them memorable. Both of today's tales fit that bill nicely.
Over A Barrell
Episode overview
Life rarely goes the way we plan it. Some people aim for fame and miss the target, while others attract it without trying. In either case, what happens next is worth re-telling.
Stormy Weather
Episode overview
Today's tour through the Cabinet will introduce you to a pair of tales that began life a bit over our heads. And to be honest, they're still a bit of a mystery today.
Kid Icarus
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The line between humans and animals is on full display today in the Cabinet. We're just unsure which side of the line is more amazing.
Wall Crawler
Episode overview
On display in the Cabinet today are two unusual items. The first is mysterious for what we don't know about it, while the second is unique because of what we do know. We hope you find them both highly entertaining.
Washed Up
Episode overview
Today's tour is all about identity. One tale is about a man without one, while the other is about a man who invented a new one. Either way, they make for great additions to the Cabinet.
Episode overview
History has taken over the Cabinet today. Both items were lost to time, only to be dusted off and given new life—making them perfect additions to the tour.
Ships Ahoy
Episode overview
Some things happen despite being difficult to explain, while others look simple on paper but never materialize. Let's explore one of each on today's tour through the Cabinet.
Ocean Commotion
Episode overview
Some of the most unusual objects in the Cabinet have come from beneath the surface, and today's tour will introduce you to a couple more of them.
Float or Flight
Episode overview
Today we visit two special places. One is accessible but small, and the other is impossible to visit while also being almost larger than life. And you're going to enjoy both visits.
One Trick Penny
Episode overview
Our tour through the cabinet today is all about dodging the bullet, figuratively and literally. Either way, they are escapes worth putting on display.
Mole Man
Episode overview
On today's tour through the Cabinet, we meet two unique individuals. One is famous for how well-traveled he was, while the other is known for being reclusive. Either way, their stories are more than a little curious.
Bone to Pick
Episode overview
Sometimes history vanishes beneath a layer of dirt and needs to be rediscovered. Other times, though, history is alive right in front of you. We'll explore both types of history on today's tour.
Early Adopters
Episode overview
Some amazing things last forever, while others are here for just a moment. Either way, they are always curious, and worthy items to visit in the Cabinet.
Sky Fall
Episode overview
Today’s tour through the Cabinet offers a good variety: a tale of mystery, and a tale of achievement. Both of them, though, leave us with the same sense of wonder—perfect for the Cabinet of Curiosities.
Time Warp
Episode overview
Today's tour is all about time. Some wish they could go back and change their past, while others never give up on making their dreams come true no matter how late in the game it may be.
Guardian Angels
Episode overview
Two fantastic tales await visitors to the Cabinet today, exploring some of the most pivotal moments in modern history.
Love Notes
Episode overview
Two remarkable individuals are the centerpiece of our tour today, and hopefully their stories will fill you with awe and wonder.
No Man Band
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One item on the tour today can fit in your room, while the other takes up an entire community. Both of them, however, are worth the price of admission.
AM Radio
Episode overview
Mysterious signals and unexplainable crimes are on full display in the Cabinet today. We hope you enjoy your tour.
Prince of Whales
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The items on display in the Cabinet today were both dug up a long time ago. But the stories they've invited us into have managed to stay strong ever since.
Episode overview
Today we visit a palace fit for an Emperor, but destined to disappear. Then we hear about a man with a unique teaching skill.
Big Mistake
Episode overview
On today's tour, we'll hear tall tales and forgotten origin stories. Perfect items for exhibit in the Cabinet of Curiosities.
Royal Treatment
Episode overview
Today, we meet a woman who survived a chilling ordeal, and take a look at a list of people that seems far too good to be true.
Great Escape
Episode overview
The world is full of clever individuals, and some of them are featured on the tour today. One group crafted a language no one else can understand, while the other seems to speak one that's incredibly universal.
Homeward Bound
Episode overview
Today's tour of the Cabinet takes us outside the expected. One man takes far too long to make it back home, while another dreams of something so out of this world that it's difficult to believe.
Cave of Wonders
Episode overview
Some things get lost beneath the soil and rocks of our world, while others disappear beneath the sands of time. Either way, they make great additions to the Cabinet.
Season of the Witch
Episode overview
Every item on today's tour is about story. One place, one person, but both of them are guaranteed to thrill.
Windy City
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The natural world is on full display in today's tour of the Cabinet. And where there's power, there's good story.
Quiet Riot
Episode overview
Our stories today are all about time. One subject just didn't get enough of it, while the other seems to have had a bit too much. Either way, their tales are curious.
Disc Men
Episode overview
Sometimes we struggle to peer into the past and unlock its secrets, while other times it is the future that seems mysterious. Our tour today will explore both of those topics, with a heavy dose of wonder.
Living A Dream
Episode overview
Sometimes the most amazing stories are about people who found a way to stand out in a crowd, and both of the subjects of today's tour certainly fit that bill.
Monster Mass
Episode overview
As we pass through the Cabinet today, you'll bear witness to a man who had an incredible run of luck, and a monster that chilled an entire community. Enjoy the tour!
Shark Attacked
Episode overview
Today we meet two very unusual individuals, although the things these people were famous for couldn't be more different. Either way, they're both great additions to the Cabinet.
Stubborn Neighbors
Episode overview
On our tour today, we'll meet one subject known for what he built, and another known for what he accomplished—and both of them deliver a curious journey.
Eddie's Monster
Episode overview
Today's trip through the halls of the Cabinet will take us past two very unique individuals, both of whom made a name for themselves in their respective fields.
Killer Act
Episode overview
Some shows are difficult to believe until you see them, while other things are impossible to believe even after you've laid eyes on them. Today's tour will introduce visitors to one of each.
Clowning Around
Episode overview
Today's tour through the Cabinet will introduce you to a pair of very unique individuals. One went on to inspire a lasting image, while the other was the very image of the odd and unusual.
Episode overview
Our trip through the Cabinet today will explore ghostly houses and dusty libraries, two places were curious stories are born. Enjoy the tour!
Rat Race
Episode overview
Today we meet both halves of an incredible legal battle, and one half of a popular entertainer. We promise, it will all make sense by the end.
Shapes Shifted
Episode overview
Both of today's stories are out of this world, and are guaranteed to stretch your mind.
Roman Justice
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Today's curiosities will quench your thirst and make you laugh, the things that are difficult to say no to.
Double Trouble
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Our trip through the Cabinet today will introduce us to a smart girl and a persistent teacher. But nothing is as simple as it appears.
Nightmare Fuel
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Whether you're looking for a dream come true, or just want to set the record straight, today's tour through the cabinet will deliver what you need.
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Today's tour will give us all a chance to enjoy some music and a good book. But the experience won't be what you expect it to be.
Duke of Hazzard
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This tour is full of tales about the darker side of humor, and how some jokes can go horribly wrong. And it's certainly worth the price of admission.
Dream Job
Episode overview
Some discoveries alter the way we view the world forever, while others only change it for a time. Today's tour will give you a glimpse into both kinds of stories.
Drunk History
Episode overview
Today's tour through the Cabinet is all about dreams. Some people dream big, while others are haunted by theirs. Either way, you'll enjoy their stories.
Stable Genius
Episode overview
While some people are clever, there are always those who go a bit too far. Whether at home or abroad, today's tales will entertain you.
Hot Wheels
Episode overview
Some mysteries might never be solved, but others already have. Thankfully, the journey in both of today's tales is entertaining enough to make anyone curious.
Ship of Fools
Episode overview
While they are more difficult to put inside a cabinet of curiosities, the amazing things that humans are capable are equal parts inspiring and astonishing. Today's tour features two such stories.
Flying High
Episode overview
Today's tour through the Cabinet takes place off the ground. But what we'll see is entirely unexpected.
Episode overview
We'll dig into the past today for a glimpse at the origins of incredible things. We hope you enjoy your guided tour.
The Naming of the Shrew
Episode overview
Sometimes unbelievable things are all the rage, while others are lost in the shuffle of life. Today's tour will give you a glimpse into both kinds of curiosities.
Burning Mad
Episode overview
It's time to enjoy some tall tales, both of which are perfect for inclusion in the Cabinet of Curiosities.
Ghost in the Machine
Episode overview
What better way to celebrate the week of Halloween than a tour through the Cabinet, complete with ghosts and ghouls.
Mind's Eye
Episode overview
Some people have skills that sound too good to be true, while others have talents that are far worse than we'd feared. Either way, they make great additions to the Cabinet of Curiosities.
Shook Up
Episode overview
Sometimes a person comes along who can change the world, but other times the world does the changing for us. Today's tour will help you see both sides of that story.
Episode overview
There's a difference between a trick and a hoax, but both of them can have powerful consequences. Let's take a little tour to see just how that might work.
Seeing Red
Episode overview
Some stories are too crazy to believe because we can't see the proof, while others are unbelievalbe despite the physical evidence. Both of those stories will be great additions to today's tour through the Cabinet.
Lost World
Episode overview
Today we'll take a tour through a pair of stories that feature unbelievable objects. Just don't rock the boat.
Heavy Metal
Episode overview
Objects are always a great addition to the Cabinet of Curiosities. Some aren't what they claim to be, while others don't even exist. But their stories are amazing.
Time Warp
Episode overview
Nothing is more powerful than the human imagination, whether its creating something new or hiding something old. Thankfully, today's tour through the Cabinet will cover both of those topics.
Cave of Wonders
Episode overview
Whether they are right beneath our feet, or taken thousands of miles from home, tales of the curious make for fun trips through the Cabinet.
20,000 Winks
Episode overview
Two remarkable tales of things that should not be possible, one Cabinet to hold them all. Enjoy the tour!
Carved Up
Episode overview
Today's tour through the cabinet will feature a space so large it's difficult to wrap your head around it, and a head so imperfect that it's easy to be curious. Care to get a head start?
Dead and Loving It
Episode overview
Whether it's their words or actions, some people can be more than a little irritating. Today's journey through the cabinet will introduce you to both situations.
Shore Thing
Episode overview
Sometimes it's the story that's larger than life, and sometimes it's the location the stories are based on. Either way, they make for great additions to the Cabinet.
Shell Shocked
Episode overview
Setting an incredibly record is a great way to be included in the Cabinet of Curiosities, and both of our stories today manage just that.
On a Short Lease
Episode overview
Today's visit to the Cabinet includes a a haunted house and a con-woman, perfect tales for a winter night.
Ghost in the Machine
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Today's tour through the Cabinet of Curiosities might make you hungry, or it might turn your stomach. We'll let you decide.
Tuff Enough
Episode overview
Sometimes you have to look a story right in the face and decide for yourself whether it's true or not. Today's trip through the Cabinet will give you two chances to do just that.
Episode overview
An incredible person and an incredible object are both part of the tour on today's journey into the Cabinet.
True Genius
Episode overview
Sometimes you have to look a story right in the face and decide for yourself whether it's true or not. Today's trip through the Cabinet will give you two chances to do just that.