Aaron Mahnke's Cabinet of Curiosities

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Employee of the Month
Episode overview
There's some very creative thinking on display for today's tour through the Cabinet.
Burning Rubber
Episode overview
Success and failure often hinge on chance and opportunity, and it's easy to feel a bit deflated.
Unsung Hero
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Origin stories are often curious, and these two tales are guaranteed to entertain.
Stranger Than Fiction
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More origin stories, because nothing is more curious than unusual beginnings to familiar characters.
Get A Grip
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Life at home can offer some curious distractions, from television to pets. These two tales should serve as perfect proof.
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The beginning rarely looks like the end, but once you dig into these curious lives, you'll start to notice the shape of greatness.
Strike A Pose
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Curiosity is often found in the center of unusual stories. Let's see what bounty today's tour brings us, shall we?
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Crappy situations often lead to curious endings.
So Fancy
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A single moment can define a person. Some will try for years to move past it, while others are happy to hang their laurels on it and call it a day. Today's tour should demonstrate how.
Die Hard
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Today's tour will give us a glimpse into the curiosity of war, and the unique individuals who played their part.
Quite A Character
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Let's take a look as some crooked characters today on a tour through the Cabinet.
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Unexpected behavior is on full display on today's Cabinet tour.
Fill In the Blankenship
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Surprising origins are full of delight, as today's tour through the Cabinet should demonstrate.
The Right Word
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You can accomplish anything if you set your mind to it. Although, that could be good or bad, depending on which story you hear.
Ship of Screams
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Some of the best curiosities are created by imaginative people, and today's tour should make that unbearably clear.
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It's amazing how many curious things can be uncovered if only we took the time to do a little digging.
Oh, Baby
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Men and their unusual offspring are on display today. And believe me, this is a bigger deal than you'd expect.
Tree Huggers
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Some stories only gather an air of curiosity after enough time has passed. Thankfully for these two tales, time delivers some spectacular results.
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One thing's for certain: managing a community is hard work. Every generation has its challenges, too—along with their own curious solutions.
Another Banger
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The inventiveness of people will never stop being a major curiosity for us to enjoy. But today's stories have more than a healthy dose of surprise.
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Legends always look simple and shiny on the surface. But if you dig a little deeper, the stories you can uncover are more than curious.
Picture Perfect
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Ancient history might be far in the past, but the wonderful gems it contains are as timeless and delightful as ever.
A Little Iconic
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There are some surprising stories behind common ideas and creations. Today's tour will leave you begging for more.
Lunch Break
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Folks at the top of their game often generate some amazing stories. This pair of tales won't disappoint.
Leading Lady
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This pair of stories is gritty and real, like the legends they have become.
A Cut Above
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Life at the edge of death is a curious thing. These two incredibly individuals made that abundantly clear.
Get Out
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So many curious stories can be found at the root of everyday things we take for granted today. Let's explore two of them here.
Ugly Duckling
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Curiosity takes flight today. We hope you enjoy the journey.
Morning Shot
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Unusual characters from the pages of history always bring a bit of delight to our ears. Today's tour should be no exception.
Quiet Time
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Let's visit some special locations, and the individuals who visited them.
Head of the Class
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Two stories that both feature elements way ahead of their time. And in each case, that makes them more than a little curious.
Keep Your Pants On
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For our 400th episode, we take you on a fun and bizarre tour of hidden things. Trust us, though...it's not what you think. Thanks for listening, and stay curious!
Everyone's Doing It
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We go to great depths today to give you curious tales. Enjoy!
Making A Splash
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It's sink or swim on today's tour through the Cabinet.
Medal of Funk
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War often brings out the best in people in response to the worst situations. These two tales should serve as curious evidence.
Super Fruit
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We're serving unusual dining experiences today. Pull up a chair and dig in!
Working for Peanuts
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Unlikely characters make an appearance on today's tour through the curious.
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Some of history's most curious moments come in small packages.
Miss Piggies
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Some legends are born that way. These two stories approach that idea from two very different, very curious angles.
Maul Me Once
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Some people change the world for the better, and others make it worse. Either way, they make for curious stories.
Ship Happens
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Creative solutions to difficult problems often make for very curious results.
Bean There, Done That
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More human ingenuity is on display on today's tour of the Cabinet.
Told You So
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Governments can do some pretty curious things, and today's tour is a great example of how.
No Loose Threads
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Some people have accomplished great things and had their names carved forever in the record books. Others labored anonymously. Either way, though, you'll find their tales to be more than curious.
Keep the Tip
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Let's discuss some rather curious people and their unusual creations.
Shrunken Head
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Plots to do dastardly things is on the tour today, complete with all sorts of curious characters.
Captain's Orders
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Clever thinking has led to some curious stories, as these two tales demonstrate for us today.
Prison Break
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Sometimes people just don't stay where they belong, which leads to some very curious situations.
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Some folks get lots of attention for bad ideas, while those who make an impact get forgotten. The world of science is certainly curious.
To Be
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On paper, a lot of ideas sound seem ridiculous—whether intensionally or not.
You've Got Mail
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On today's tour through the Cabinet, we explore some surprising developments that struck the world as a bit...well, curious.
Blowing Up
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We often refer to fame as "blowing up", and these two famous individuals both experienced that. To one degree or another.
Mamma Mia
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Curious moments frequently happen when expectation is flipped on its head.
When Pigs Fly
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Some curiosities are serious business, while others are worth a good chuckle. Here's a matching set!
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Today's tour through the Cabinet explores crime on both large and small scales.
Going Medieval
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Sometimes curiosities are built, as today's tour will show.
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Today's tour features two individuals who lived life against the grain, although the causes they fought for couldn't have been more different.
Arm Candy
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Let's take a trip Down Under for today's Cabinet tour.
Oh, the Humanity
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Today's tour will teach you about some things that might seem difficult to believe. Whether you are right or not...well, you can be the judge.
Rock and Roll
Episode overview
Sometimes you can find what you're looking for, and sometimes you can't. Either way, the process can be a little curious.
Itsy Bitsy
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Some people are inventive, while others can't seem to get it together. How their stories play out, though, can always be curious.
Wonder Drug
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One curiosity in our world is how minds change over time. And the two exhibits on our tour today should help you understand why that's so easy to love.
Rattled Out
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We humans always try our best to understand the world around us. Sometimes that leads to new benefits, and sometimes it leads to misunderstandings.
Walk the Walk
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The world is out there, waiting for us to take control and explore it. How people have done that in the past, however, was sometimes a little curious.
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Today's curious adventure will require setting foot on a boat or two, but the journey will be worth it.
Good Boy
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There's a lot of extraordinary adventure hidden behind the lives of two individuals with plain, ordinary names.
We'll Be Back
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Often times, it's not uniqueness that makes people curious, but their similarities. Today's tour should reveal exactly what we mean.
Make Hay
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Let's tour a pair of curious stories that are joined by a simple element: human language.
Florida Man
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Some individuals have tried very hard to stand out on the pages of history, and many have succeeded in very unique ways.
Sweet Tooth
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Curious people tend to rise to the top. Today's subjects are no exception.
The Scenic Route
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Great amounts of time and distance are spanned in this tour of curious personalities.
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You might be surprised by just how powerful a bit of history can be, as these curious tales attest.
High Tech
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Let's take a curious tour of some amazing inventions.
Brain Waves
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The brain works in mysterious ways, as is demonstrated by both exhibits on our tour of the Cabinet today.
Can You Dig It?
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It's difficult to know exactly what's going on inside the minds of the people around us. But if these Cabinet stories are any indication, perhaps we should be a bit worried?
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Extraordinary beginnings for some commonplace bits of our culture. Today tour should be painless.
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Some traditions are held onto a bit more tightly than others—both literally and figuratively.
The Talking Dead
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Some academicsThe Talking Dead discover groundbreaking concepts, while others become them. Today's tour should explain exactly what we mean.
Missing, Presumed Dead
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Humans have been around on the planet long enough that one of the most eerie things to experience is the absence of other people. Today's tour puts two such moments on display.
Waking Up
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The lives we live can often leave a mark on the world. Sometimes that's due to our accomplishments, and sometimes it's all about what we've forgotten.
When in Rome
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One of our goals at the Cabinet is to help you view old things in a new light. And today's tour will do just that
Double Jeopardy
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Sometimes we take two swings and miss both times. And sometimes both are hits. It should all make sense once you hear today's tour of the Cabinet
Fright Night
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Bats and spooks feature heavily in today's midnight tour.
Daily Double
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Things get very weird on today's tour through the Cabinet
The Best Thing
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After today's tour of the Cabinet, you'll never look at your kitchen the same way again
Gangs of Paree
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Sometimes the most curious thing about us is our clothing - a target that today's featured stories aim straight at the heart of
Taking Root
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Today's tour through the Cabinet will introduce you to some wonderful characters. Enjoy!
Home Weird Home
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Making things is challenging. Making memorable things is even harder. But these two curious creations are well worth the price of admission
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Some of the most curious stories are found on the edge of society. These might be painful tales, but they are necessary as well
Colorful names
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Today's stories are bound to give you chills. Bundle up for this colorful tour through the Cabinet
A Happy Accident
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The two stories on display today illustrate just how much we can learn about something if we spend enough time digging for the truth
Hocus Pocus
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Legendary battles and tales of revenge. Those are our focus on today's tour through the Cabinet
Bucket List
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You came for some curious exhibits, and today's tour won't disappoint. Just keep and eye on your favorite bucket
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Legendary characters will be cast in a new light on today's tour through the Cabinet of Curiosities.
Good Parenting
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Dealing with tricky situations can often require a heroic heart, and that's what's on display on today's tour of the Cabinet
Can You Dig It?
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We dig holes for a variety of reasons, two of which can be found on today's curious tour.
A Leg Up
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Our tour today features two characters remembered for very different things.
Episode overview
Things we take for granted often have unusual origin stories, which clear make them great additions to our Cabinet of Curiositites
Homeward Bound
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Two amazing individuals, one who wanted to disappear and another who refused to be left behind.
Pea Soup
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Something events are baffling and incredible at first blush, but once the fog is blown away by a bit of context, the curious truth comes shining through
Death's Icey Grip
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Today's tour through the Cabinet features some cool stories with some hot takes
No Cigar
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Trickery abounds on today's tour through the Cabinet!
Grin and Bear It
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If these two stories are any indication, some pretty curious things have taken place in the woods
Returning the Favor
Episode overview
It's delightful to learn something new about things that feel so familiar, and today's tour through the Cabinet aims to deliver on that