This American Life (Radio)

  • : 1995
  • : 854
  • : 1
  • Podcast (All Platforms)
  • Documentary News


635 - Chip in My Brain
Episode overview
12, 2018
A boy who can’t dribble gets a coach, a new best friend, and something to believe in.
636 - I Thought It Would Be Easier
Episode overview
19, 2018
A year into Trump’s presidency, stories of politicians—of both parties—unable to accomplish tasks that seem pretty straightforward.
637 - Words You Can't Say
Episode overview
02, 2018
People who say the “wrong” thing and suffer the consequences.
638 - Rom-Com
Episode overview
09, 2018
Stories about surviving the mishaps of love.
639 - In Dog We Trust
Episode overview
23, 2018
Exactly how much are the animals that live in our home caught up in everyday family dynamics?
640 - Five Women
Episode overview
02, 2018
A different kind of #MeToo story, about several women who worked for the same man.
641 - The Walls
Episode overview
16, 2018
Stories from border walls all over the world, and of the strange ecosystems that arise around them.
642 - The Impossible Dream
Episode overview
06, 2018
Before he leaves the Senate for good, Republican Jeff Flake is trying to get a bill passed.
643 - Damned If You Do…
Episode overview
13, 2018
People having to make a choice, when no good options exist.
644 - Random Acts of History
Episode overview
27, 2018
Stories about people who accidentally bump into unsettling facts of history.
645 - My Effing First Amendment
Episode overview
04, 2018
Conservative students don't feel like their ideas are welcome on campus. So they're fighting back.
646 - The Secret of My Death
Episode overview
18, 2018
The clues people find when trying to make sense of a death.
647 - LaDonna
Episode overview
25, 2018
A security guard at the airport notices something going wrong on the tarmac, and takes it upon herself to fix it. 
648 - Unteachable Moment
Episode overview
08, 2018
People trying to learn something when no one is clear what the lesson is supposed to be. 
649 - It's My Party and I'll Try If I Want To
Episode overview
22, 2018
Before Democrats slug it out with Republicans, they’re slugging out with each other.
650 - Change You Can Maybe Believe In
Episode overview
29, 2018
Radical change comes to an Argentinian talk show.
651 - If You Build It, Will They Come?
Episode overview
13, 2018
A young preacher opens a new church.
652 - ICE Capades
Episode overview
20, 2018
Dispatches from a government agency in its tumultuous teenage years. 
653 - Crime Scene
Episode overview
03, 2018
Every crime scene hides a story. 
654 - The Feather Heist
Episode overview
10, 2018
A flute player steals a million dollars worth of dead birds. 
655 - The Not-So-Great Unknown
Episode overview
24, 2018
What happens when an astronaut who's not really into outer space goes to the moon.
656 - Let Me Count the Ways
Episode overview
14, 2018
The quiet bureaucratic war that’s even targeting legal immigrants.
657 - The Runaways
Episode overview
21, 2018
A bunch of teenagers go missing from a town in Long Island. 
658 - The Unhappy Deciders
Episode overview
05, 2018
Zoe Chace followed Senator Jeff Flake as he decided to force the Senate to delay its vote on Judge Kavanaugh.
659 - Before the Next One
Episode overview
12, 2018
People taking what they’ve learned from school shootings and try to use that knowledge to save others.
660 - Hoaxing Yourself
Episode overview
02, 2018
Stories of people who tell a lie and then believe the lie more than anyone else does. 
661 - But That's What Happened
Episode overview
09, 2018
Stories of women in unsettling situations, who are told that there’s nothing unsettling at all.
662 - Where There Is A Will
Episode overview
16, 2018
Stories of people who believe there is always a way. And also those who don't.
663 - How I Read It
Episode overview
07, 2018
Documents you don't normally think of, showing you things you didn't expect.
664 - The Room of Requirement
Episode overview
30, 2018
This episode has no summary.