This American Life (Radio)

  • : 1995
  • : 854
  • : 1
  • Podcast (All Platforms)
  • Documentary News


372 - The Inauguration Show
Episode overview
16, 2009
On the eve of Obama's inauguration, we sent reporters out to talk to people about how they're feeling.
373 - The New Boss
Episode overview
30, 2009
Stories about what happens when someone new takes over—someone with a vision of how things ought to be.
374 - Somewhere Out There
Episode overview
13, 2009
Of the billions of people in the world, what are the odds that any two people are a real match?
375 - Bad Bank
Episode overview
27, 2009
We tackle a very tough subject: Trying to explain exactly what a bank is and does.
376 - Wrong Side of History
Episode overview
13, 2009
Stories of people with wildly popular or unpopular views for one moment in time, and how those views stand up years later.
377 - Scenes From a Recession
Episode overview
27, 2009
We highlight the unusual circumstances our economic drought has left us in.
378 - This I Used to Believe
Episode overview
17, 2009
Stories of people forced to let go of their firmly held beliefs.
379 - Return to the Scene of the Crime
Episode overview
01, 2009
A live episode of the radio program, including stories told on stage by Dan Savage and Mike Birbiglia.
380 - No Map
Episode overview
15, 2009
Stories of people who find themselves in situations far from the beaten path, without guidelines or useful precedents.
381 - Turncoat
Episode overview
22, 2009
A well-known activist is accused of spying on other activists for the FBI.
382 - The Watchmen
Episode overview
05, 2009
Where were the regulators and watchdogs who were supposed to be overseeing the banks and the finance industry?
383 - Origin Story
Episode overview
19, 2009
Little-known and surprising stories of how all sorts of institutions began.
384 - Fall Guy
Episode overview
26, 2009
When things go wrong, it's easy to pin it all on one person and watch them go down in flames.
385 - Pro Se
Episode overview
10, 2009
It's tempting to act as your own lawyer, to argue your own cause.
386 - Fine Print
Episode overview
24, 2009
Stories where the fine print changes everything, whether you read it or not.
387 - Arms Trader 2009
Episode overview
07, 2009
The U.S. government spent two years on a sting operation trapping an Indian man suspected of being an illegal arms dealer.
388 - Rest Stop
Episode overview
04, 2009
Nine radio producers. Two days. One rest stop on the New York State Thruway.
389 - Frenemies
Episode overview
11, 2009
Tales of estranged sisters, BFFs breaking up, and how reality stars walk the fine line between making friends and getting famous.
390 - Return To The Giant Pool of Money
Episode overview
25, 2009
We mark the anniversary of the economic collapse.
391 - More Is Less
Episode overview
09, 2009
An hour explaining the American health care system—specifically, why it is that costs keep rising.
392 - Someone Else's Money
Episode overview
16, 2009
A deeper look inside the health insurance industry and the dark side of prescription drug coupons.
393 - Infidelity
Episode overview
30, 2009
Stories of cheating, cheaters and the cheated.
394 - Bait and Switch
Episode overview
06, 2009
The story of man who tries to investigate a neighborhood crime and ends up in jail himself.
395 - Middle of the Night
Episode overview
27, 2009
Stories of people who are up while the rest of us are sleeping.
396 - #1 Party School
Episode overview
18, 2009
The show goes to Penn State to report on tailgating, frat parties, and other alcohol-induced mayhem.