This American Life (Radio)

  • : 1995
  • : 854
  • : 1
  • Podcast (All Platforms)
  • Documentary News


149 - Bedside Diplomacy
Episode overview
14, 2000
In the hospital, we're in a place that has its own rules and its own language and its own customs.
150 - Kids As Adults
Episode overview
21, 2000
Stories of kids trying to act like adults—some by choice—some because they're forced to
151 - Primary
Episode overview
28, 2000
Stories from the New Hampshire primary. We hear from voters who've found candidates they love. And we hear what those voters are seeing that the rest of us aren't.
152 - Crush
Episode overview
11, 2000
What if you held onto a high-school crush? Under what conditions would it never go away? Tobias Wolff reads a short story called "Kiss."
153 - Dolls
Episode overview
03, 2000
The story of the book The Lonely Doll and its author, and how the author's life came to resemble something from her book.
154 - In Dog We Trust 2000
Episode overview
10, 2000
Exactly how much are the animals that live in our home caught up in everyday family dynamics?
155 - Hoaxing Yourself 2000
Episode overview
17, 2000
Stories of people who tell a lie and then believe the lie more than anyone else does.
156 - What Remains
Episode overview
31, 2000
Stories of people revisiting what happened, and who they were back when.
157 - Secret Life of Daytime
Episode overview
14, 2000
All those people you see in the middle of the workday, in coffee shops and bookstores—why aren't they at work?
158 - Mob Mentality
Episode overview
05, 2000
The pleasure and the terror of being in a rampaging, angry mob.
159 - Mother’s Day
Episode overview
12, 2000
Stories of moms: How they treat us, how we treat them.
160 -Character Assassination
Episode overview
19, 2000
David Foster Wallace reports on a turning point in the 2000 presidential primary.
161 - Million Bubbles
Episode overview
02, 2000
A look at what's going on inside the individual glass and steel worlds of our cars.
162 - Moving
Episode overview
23, 2000
Stories of people who did not want to move but circumstance forced their hands.
163 - Can You Fight City Hall…If You Are City Hall?
Episode overview
30, 2000
Stories of people who stand up alone for what's right, damn the consequences.
164 - Crime Scene 2000
Episode overview
07, 2000
Crime scenes and the stories they tell.
165 - Americans In Paris
Episode overview
28, 2000
David Sedaris takes Ira on a tour of his favorite spots in Paris.
166 - Nobody's Family Is Going to Change
Episode overview
11, 2000
Does anyone's family ever change?
167 - Memo to the People of the Future
Episode overview
08, 2000
Stories of people who are trying to control how they'll be seen by generations to come.
168: The Fix Is In
Episode overview
15, 2000
We go inside the back rooms of one multinational corporation and hear the intricate workings of how they put the fix in.
169 - Pursuit of Happiness
Episode overview
29, 2000
What does it mean to grow up in a country with an inalienable right to pursue happiness?
170 - Immigration
Episode overview
13, 2000
We look at a 1996 immigration law that is too obscure for most of us to have heard of, but which affects tens of thousands of lives in huge ways.
171 - Election
Episode overview
03, 2000
Stories for the eve of the 2000 presidential election, in which we try to look beneath the candidates' soundbites.
172 - 24 Hours at the Golden Apple
Episode overview
17, 2000
One day in a Chicago diner.
173 - Three Kinds of Deception
Episode overview
15, 2000
A story of self-deception, a story about deceiving others, and a story about accidental deception.
174 - Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Milestones
Episode overview
29, 2000
A live show taped for our fifth anniversary.