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  • Documentary Talk show


Future Computers Will Be Radically Different
Episode overview
Original Title: We're Building Computers Wrong (for artificial intelligence) Digital computers have served us well for decades, but the rise of artificial intelligence demands a totally new kind of computer: analog.
How Horses Save Humans From Snake Bites
Episode overview
Alternate Title: "Milking The World's Most Venomous Snake" To make antivenom, you first need to collect venom from the world’s most deadly snakes.
The Man Who Accidentally Killed The Most People In History
Episode overview
One scientist caused two environmental disasters and the deaths of millions.
How Electricity Actually Works
Episode overview
This episode has no summary.
Why It Was So Hard To Take This Picture (Very Long Baseline Interferometry)
Episode overview
Original Title: A Picture of the Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole This is an image of the supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A*, at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.
The Absurd Search For Dark Matter
Episode overview
Astronomers think there should be 5 times as much dark matter as ordinary matter – a shadow universe that makes up most of the mass in the universe. But after decades of trying, no experiments have found any trace of dark matter – except one.
The Riddle That Seems Impossible Even If You Know The Answer
Episode overview
The 100 Prisoners Riddle feels completely impossible even once you know the answer.
The Man Who Killed Millions and Saved Billions
Episode overview
Fritz Haber is the scientist who arguably most transformed the world.
The 4 things you need to be an expert
Episode overview
Which experts have real expertise?
World's Highest Jumping Robot
Episode overview
This tiny robot can jump higher than anything else in the world.
How Dangerous is a Penny Dropped From a Skyscraper?
Episode overview
This episode has no summary.
The Remarkable Story Behind The Most Important Algorithm Of All Time
Episode overview
The Fast Fourier Transform is used everywhere but it has a fascinating origin story that could have ended the nuclear arms race.
What If A Star Explodes Near The Earth?
Episode overview
People have witnessed supernovae for millennia, but what threat do they pose to life on Earth?
The world depends on a collection of strange items. They're not cheap
Episode overview
The US Government Sells Human Poop This government warehouse keeps our entire society up to standard.
Inside The Navy's Indoor Ocean
Episode overview
The US Navy has an indoor ocean that can simulate any wave in the world.
How To Measure The Tiniest Forces In The Universe
Episode overview
This lab measures the tiniest forces in the universe.
I tested the US Military’s secret space weapon
Episode overview
An engineer came up with a plan to drop tungsten telephone poles from space - the idea has been seriously considered on multiple occasions, so we tested it.
3 Ways Of Seeing Invisible Air Flow
Episode overview
In this lab, they use different flow visualization techniques to help detect contraband, residues, and develop trace particle detection methods. Alternative Title: This fake dog nose makes chemical sensors 18x better
