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The Absurdity of Detecting Gravitational Waves
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A head-vaporizing laser with a perfect wavelength detecting sub-proton space-time ripples.
The Real Moral Dilemma of Self-Driving Cars
Episode overview
We talk about all the potentially challenging situations autonomous cars could get into but not about how human drivers are not very good. Tens of thousands die on the roads every year .. show full overview
Electromagnetic Levitation Quadcopter
Episode overview
Spinning magnets near copper sheets create levitation!
3 Sources of Water on the Moon
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Original Title: Water on the Moon? For a long time we thought the Moon was completely dry, but it turns out there are actually three sources of lunar water.
The Science of Thinking
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How the brain works, how we learn, and why we sometimes make stupid mistakes.
Does Water Swirl the Other Way in the Southern Hemisphere?
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The definitive answer about the direction water swirls in two hemispheres
How To Update Your Beliefs Systematically - Bayes’ Theorem
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I didn't say it explicitly in the video, but in my view the Bayesian trap is interpreting events that happen repeatedly as events that happen inevitably. They may be inevitable OR they .. show full overview
4 Revolutionary Riddles
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Can you solve these four rotation-related riddles?
4 Revolutionary Riddles Resolved!
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The solution to 4 rotation-related riddles, including the mystery cylinder, bike pedal pulling puzzle, track problem, and train part going backwards. Thank you to everyone who responded, liked, shared, or made a video response.
The Sun Sneeze Gene
Episode overview
I have the photic sneeze reflex so I sneeze when I look at bright light.
Fire in ZERO-G!!
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In a zero-g plane I experimented with flames and slinkies with surprising results.
Is America Actually Metric?
Episode overview
Original Title: The American Kilogram The US signed the metre convention and bases all customary units on SI standards. As an aside, the Utah constitution from 1895 required the .. show full overview
Mars 2020: Nasa's Next Mission To Mars
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Original Title: The Next Mission to Mars: Mars 2020 In 2020, NASA will send a new rover to the Martian surface with one of its objectives to search for evidence of ancient life on the .. show full overview
World's Heaviest Weight
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How do you measure big forces accurately? By calibrating your force transducer on the world's biggest weight - 1,000,000 pounds of force. This machine ensures planes don't break apart, .. show full overview
NEW Gravitational Wave Discovery!
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Scientists have JUST published this new observation. On January 4th, 2017 they detected the merger of two black holes 3 billion light-years away. This marks the furthest detection .. show full overview
Sandwich Bag Fire Starter
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The intensity of sunlight on Earth is about 1300 Watts per square meter. When you focus the sun's rays using a magnifying glass (or in this case sphere of water) you can increase the .. show full overview
How To See Air Currents
Episode overview
Original Title: Seeing the Invisible This is what the world would look like if you could see invisible air currents, temperature gradients, and differences in pressure or composition of the air.
Hydrodynamic Levitation!
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On a stream of water you can levitate light balls of all sizes and even disks and cylinders. The mechanism is not the Bernoulli effect...
How We're Redefining the kg
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In 2018 the kg will be defined by Planck's constant, not a hunk of metal.
Total Solar Eclipse (2017)
Episode overview
Original Title: ECLIPSE 2017 The total solar eclipse from Madras, Oregon on August 21, 2017. As the moon passed in front of the sun turning day to night and revealing the sun's corona, apparently all I could think to say was 'Oh my goodness!'
Schlieren Imaging in Color!
Episode overview
How Schlieren imaging works in color, black and white and slow-mo.
Neutron Star Merger Gravitational Waves and Gamma Rays
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Original Title: First Ever Light & Gravitational Wave Cosmic Event! The merging of two neutron stars was detected by gravitational waves and then by telescopes in all parts of the .. show full overview
Your Body's Molecular Machines
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Original Title: Your Amazing Molecular Machines These are the molecular machines inside your body that make cell division possible.
World's First Car!
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I got to drive the world's first car (replica), patented by Benz in 1886
This Particle Breaks Time Symmetry
Episode overview
Increasing entropy is NOT the only process that's asymmetric in time.
