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  • Documentary History


The First New Deal: Stemming the Tide of Depression in 1933
Episode overview
The First New Deal: Stemming the Tide of Depression in 1933
Lockheed D-21 - The Drone Version of the SR-71
Episode overview
Lockheed D-21: The Drone Version of the SR-71
SETI - The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Episode overview
SETI: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Execution - Finding An Ethical Way to Kill
Episode overview
Execution: Finding An Ethical Way to Kill
The Davy Crockett - America's Tactical Nuclear Weapon
Episode overview
The Davy Crockett: America's Tactical Nuclear Weapon
The Hanford Site - Powering the Manhattan Project
Episode overview
The Hanford Site: Powering the Manhattan Project
Bathyscaphe Triest - The Quest to Actually Dive 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Episode overview
Bathyscaphe Triest: The Quest to Actually Dive 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
The Hunt for the Unabomber
Episode overview
The Hunt for the Unabomber
ICBMs - Enabling the End of the World
Episode overview
ICBMs: Enabling the End of the World
Operation Black Buck - The UK's Mega Bombing Runs in the Falklands War
Episode overview
Operation Black Buck: The UK's Mega Bombing Runs in the Falklands War
The World Trade Centre - The Tragic Story of New York's Twin Towers
Episode overview
The World Trade Centre: The Tragic Story of New York's Twin Towers
The Arecibo Telescope - Puerto Rico's Iconic Instrument (That Didn't Survive 2020)
Episode overview
The Arecibo Telescope: Puerto Rico's Iconic Instrument (That Didn't Survive 2020)
SOSUS - Spying on Soviet Submarines
Episode overview
SOSUS: Spying on Soviet Submarines
Skunk Works - The Dream Factory for War
Episode overview
Skunk Works: The Dream Factory for War
The Golden Gate - San Francisco's Iconic Bridge
Episode overview
The Golden Gate: San Francisco's Iconic Bridge
Drilling for Climatology - Antarctica's Deep Bore Ice Cores
Episode overview
Drilling for Climatology: Antarctica's Deep Bore Ice Cores
Chichen Itza - Mexico's Mayan Wonder
Episode overview
Chichen Itza: Mexico's Mayan Wonder
The Establishment of Jamestown - Staving Off Death in England's First Permanent American Settlement
Episode overview
The Establishment of Jamestown: Staving Off Death in England's First Permanent American Settlement
The Boeing Everett Factory - The Biggest Building in the World (By Far)
Episode overview
The Boeing Everett Factory: The Biggest Building in the World (By Far)
The B-29 - America's Flying Superfortress
Episode overview
The B-29: America's Flying Superfortress
The AK-47 - The Most Reliable Killing Machine in Modern History
Episode overview
The AK-47: The Most Reliable Killing Machine in Modern History
The Space Shuttle - NASA's Astronaut Pod
Episode overview
The Space Shuttle: NASA's Astronaut Pod
The SS United States - A Throwback Ocean Liner That Refuses to Die
Episode overview
The SS United States: A Throwback Ocean Liner That Refuses to Die
The DB Cooper Case - The Only Successful Skyjacking in U S History
Episode overview
The DB Cooper Case: The Only Successful Skyjacking in U S History
Railguns - The Kinetic Future of Warfare
Episode overview
Railguns: The Kinetic Future of Warfare
Hadrian’s Wall - The Mysterious 38th Parallel for Roman Legionaries and British Barbarians
Episode overview
Hadrian’s Wall: The Mysterious 38th Parallel for Roman Legionaries and British Barbarians
Airbus A300 - The European Jet That Challenged Boeing's Air Supremacy
Episode overview
Airbus A300: The European Jet That Challenged Boeing's Air Supremacy
The James Bay Project - Three Gorges Dam of the West
Episode overview
The James Bay Project: Three Gorges Dam of the West
SR-72 - The Son of Blackbird
Episode overview
SR-72: The Son of Blackbird
The V-3 Cannon - Hitler's Unfinished Mega-Gun
Episode overview
The V-3 Cannon: Hitler's Unfinished Mega-Gun
The Seawise Giant - The Middle Eastern Oil Tanker That Refused to Die
Episode overview
The Seawise Giant: The Middle Eastern Oil Tanker That Refused to Die
The Paris Gun - Germany's Infamous Artillery Weapon from World War I
Episode overview
The Paris Gun: Germany's Infamous Artillery Weapon from World War I
Apollo 13 - Houston, We Have a Problem
Episode overview
Apollo 13: Houston, We Have a Problem
The New Coastal Road - Building a Highway Around an Island
Episode overview
The New Coastal Road: Building a Highway Around an Island
The US Capitol - America's Legislative Center
Episode overview
The US Capitol: America's Legislative Center
The V-1 Flying Bomb - The Nazi Cruise Missile
Episode overview
The V-1 Flying Bomb: The Nazi Cruise Missile
The Ho Chi Minh Trail - How the Vietnam War was Won
Episode overview
The Ho Chi Minh Trail: How the Vietnam War was Won
The Lewis and Clark Expedition - How the USA Discovered Its Eventual Western Borders
Episode overview
The Lewis and Clark Expedition: How the USA Discovered Its Eventual Western Borders
The Human Genome Project - The 13-Year Quest to Chart the Mysteries of Human Genetics
Episode overview
The Human Genome Project: The 13-Year Quest to Chart the Mysteries of Human Genetics
The Symphony of the Seas - The World's Largest Cruise Ship
Episode overview
The Symphony of the Seas: The World's Largest Cruise Ship
The T35 - The Soviet Union's Land Based Battleship
Episode overview
The T-35: The Soviet Union's Land Based Battleship
Russia's Road of Bones - The Eastern Highway That's Literally Built on Corpses
Episode overview
Russia's Road of Bones: The Eastern Highway That's Literally Built on Corpses
Zumwalt Destroyers - Three Next-Generation US Stealth Ships (That Kind of Look Like Ironclads)
Episode overview
Zumwalt Destroyers: Three Next-Generation US Stealth Ships (That Kind of Look Like Ironclads)
The Stargate Project - When the CIA Dabbled with the Psychic
Episode overview
The Stargate Project: When the CIA Dabbled with the Psychic
The Nazi Sun Gun - Remembering That Time When Hitler Wanted a Death Star
Episode overview
The Nazi Sun Gun: Remembering That Time When Hitler Wanted a Death Star
The Enigma Machine - The Totally, Definitely, Absolutely Unbreakable Sequence of German War Codes
Episode overview
The Enigma Machine: The Totally, Definitely, Absolutely Unbreakable Sequence of German War Codes
The Forbidden City - The Magnificent Imperial Palaces of Dynastic China
Episode overview
The Forbidden City: The Magnificent Imperial Palaces of Dynastic China
The V2 Rocket - How Nazi Germany Created The World's First Guided Ballistic Missile
Episode overview
The V-2 Rocket: How Nazi Germany Created The World's First Guided Ballistic Missile
The US Interstate System - More than 40,000 Miles of Open Road
Episode overview
The US Interstate System: More than 40,000 Miles of Open Road
Soviet TU160 - The Supersonic 'White Swan' of Russian Aircraft
Episode overview
Soviet TU-160: The Supersonic "White Swan" of Russian Aircraft
Seawolf Class Submarine - Hunting the Soviet Typhoon
Episode overview
Seawolf Class Submarine: Hunting the Soviet Typhoon
The Death Rail - The SiamBurma Railway Route That Was Built By Japanese Prisoners in World War II
Episode overview
The Death Rail: The Siam-Burma Railway Route That Was Built By Japanese Prisoners in World War II
Voyager 1 - The Furthest Man-Made Object From Earth
Episode overview
Voyager 1: The Furthest Man-Made Object From Earth
The Tsar Bomba - Building the World's Biggest Nuke
Episode overview
The Tsar Bomba: Building the World's Biggest Nuke
The Harrier Jump Jet - How Cold War Anxiety Inspired a Vertical Takeoff
Episode overview
The Harrier Jump Jet: How Cold War Anxiety Inspired a Vertical Takeoff
The Nuclear Arms Race (And Its Decline)
Episode overview
The Nuclear Arms Race (And Its Decline)
The Porcelain Tower of Nanjing
Episode overview
The Porcelain Tower of Nanjing
Walls of Constantinople - The Last Great Ancient Fortification
Episode overview
Walls of Constantinople: The Last Great Ancient Fortification
Operation Bodyguard - The Absolutely Crazy (And Successful) Plan to Fool Hitler Before D-Day
Episode overview
Operation Bodyguard: The Absolutely Crazy (And Successful) Plan to Fool Hitler Before D-Day
Boeing X37 - America's Secret Space Plane
Episode overview
Boeing X-37: America's Secret Space Plane
India's Railway System: Carrying 8 Billion People Every Year
Episode overview
This episode has no summary.
The Event Horizon Telescope - Taking a Picture of a Black Hole
Episode overview
The Event Horizon Telescopes: Taking a Picture of a Black Hole
Westminster Palace - One Thousand Years of History
Episode overview
Westminster Palace: One Thousand Years of History
The Snowy Mountains Scheme - Bringing More Water to Australia from On High
Episode overview
The Snowy Mountains Scheme: Bringing More Water to Australia from On High
Amundsen vs Scott - The Race to the South Pole
Episode overview
Amundsen vs Scott: The Race to the South Pole
The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
Episode overview
The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
The Colt Single Action Army Revolver - The Gun that Won the West
Episode overview
The Colt Single Action Army Revolver: The Gun that Won the West
The Syracusia - Archimedes' Massive Sailing Ship
Episode overview
The Syracusia: Archimedes' Massive Sailing Ship
The Suez Canal - The Desert Ditch Ferrying 1 Billion Tons of Goods Every Year (When It's Not Blocked)
Episode overview
The Suez Canal: The Desert Ditch Ferrying 1 Billion Tons of Goods Every Year (When It's Not Blocked)
USS Nautilus - The First Nuclear Powered Submarine
Episode overview
USS Nautilus: The First Nuclear Powered Submarine
NASA's Crawler Transporter - How Does the US Spaceship Get Set Up Before Blastoff
Episode overview
NASA's Crawler Transporter: How Does the US Spaceship Get Set Up Before Blastoff?
Lockheed AC-130 - The Angel of Death
Episode overview
Lockheed AC-130: The Angel of Death
The Louvre - The Largest Art Museum in the World
Episode overview
The Louvre: The Largest Art Museum in the World
The German Autobahn System - The Benefits of Unlimited Speed
Episode overview
The German Autobahn System: The Benefits of Unlimited Speed
The London Underground - How 'The Tube' Became the First Modern Subway System
Episode overview
The London Underground: How 'The Tube' Became the First Modern Subway System
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter - The Flying Coffin
Episode overview
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter: The Flying Coffin
The 1970s Soviet Mission to Mars
Episode overview
The 1970s Soviet Mission to Mars
Australia's Highway 1 - The Longest National Highway in the World
Episode overview
Australia's Highway 1: The Longest National Highway in the World
The James Webb Space Telescope - Evolving Hubble for the 21st Century
Episode overview
The James Webb Space Telescope: Evolving Hubble for the 21st Century
Char 2C - The Largest (Operational) Tank Ever Made
Episode overview
Char 2C: The Largest (Operational) Tank Ever Made
Acoustic Kitty - The CIA's Plan to Spy... with Cats
Episode overview
Acoustic Kitty: The CIA's Plan to Spy... with Cats
Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar - The Spaceplane With a Silly Name
Episode overview
Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar: The Spaceplane With a Silly Name
Hunting Nazis - How Israel Captured Adolf Eichmann
Episode overview
Hunting Nazis: How Israel Captured Adolf Eichmann
New York's Subway System - The Most Expensive Railway Ever Constructed
Episode overview
New York's Subway System: The Most Expensive Railway Ever Constructed
The Dissolution of the USSR
Episode overview
The Dissolution of the USSR
The Great Alaska Pipeline
Episode overview
The Great Alaska Pipeline
Essex Class Aircraft Carriers - Revolutionizing Modern Warfare
Episode overview
Essex Class Aircraft Carriers: Revolutionizing Modern Warfare
The Hong Kong Express Rail Link - The Most Expensive Infrastructure in Hong Kong's History
Episode overview
The Hong Kong Express Rail Link: The Most Expensive Infrastructure in Hong Kong's History
Nazi Germany's Nuclear Weapons Program
Episode overview
Nazi Germany's Nuclear Weapons Program
The MQ-8 Fire Scout - America's Unmanned Robot Helicopter
Episode overview
The MQ-8 Fire Scout: America's Unmanned Robot Helicopter
The Hunt for Osama Bin Laden
Episode overview
The Hunt for Osama Bin Laden
The Eradication of Polio
Episode overview
The Eradication of Polio
Perseverance - NASA's 2020 Mission to Mars
Episode overview
Perseverance: NASA's 2020 Mission to Mars
Rebuilding Japan after World War II
Episode overview
Rebuilding Japan after World War II
The YAK-41 - The Soviet Attempt at a VTOL Aircraft
Episode overview
The YAK-41: The Soviet Attempt at a VTOL Aircraft
Africa's Great Green Wall - Stopping the Spread of the Sahara
Episode overview
Africa's Great Green Wall: Stopping the Spread of the Sahara
Hypersonic Aircraft - Breaking Mach-5 With Next-Generation Jets
Episode overview
Hypersonic Aircraft: Breaking Mach-5 With Next-Generation Jets
The Atlantic Wall - The Nazi Defence of Europe
Episode overview
The Atlantic Wall: The Nazi Defence of Europe
Black Gold - The Rapid Rise of Saudi Arabia
Episode overview
Black Gold: The Rapid Rise of Saudi Arabia
The White Sea–Baltic Canal - Stalin's Western Industrial Project That Cost 250,000 Lives
Episode overview
The White Sea–Baltic Canal: Stalin's Western Industrial Project That Cost 250,000 Lives
The F-35 Lightning - Jack of All Trades, or Master of None
Episode overview
The F-35 Lightning: Jack of All Trades, or Master of None?
The Rise and Quick Fall of Chaco
Episode overview
The Rise and Quick Fall of Chaco
The Wright Flyer - The Spectacular Birth of Modern Flight (That Many People Believed Was Fake)
Episode overview
The Wright Flyer: The Spectacular Birth of Modern Flight (That Many People Believed Was Fake)
The Buran - The Soviet Union's Suspiciously Familiar-Looking Space Shuttle
Episode overview
The Buran: The Soviet Union's Suspiciously Familiar-Looking Space Shuttle
The British Empire - The Good, Bad, and Ugly Details of The World's Largest Empire
Episode overview
The British Empire: The Good, Bad, and Ugly Details of The World's Largest Empire
The Parker Solar Probe - Firing Sensors into the Sun
Episode overview
The Parker Solar Probe: Firing Sensors into the Sun
Making Maps - The Story of the UK's Ordnance Survey
Episode overview
Making Maps: The Story of the UK's Ordnance Survey
The Antonine Wall - The Other Great Roman Wall
Episode overview
The Antonine Wall: The Other Great Roman Wall
The Lockheed Have Blue - First in Stealth
Episode overview
The Lockheed Have Blue: First in Stealth
The Satan-2 - Vladimir Putin's Hypersonic Nuke
Episode overview
The Satan-2: Vladimir Putin's Hypersonic Nuke
The Defence of Stalingrad
Episode overview
The Defence of Stalingrad
Building Dubai - The City in the Desert
Episode overview
Building Dubai: The City in the Desert
The Oresund Bridge - Connecting Sweden and Denmark
Episode overview
The Øresund Bridge: Connecting Sweden and Denmark
After 9/11 - Rebuilding After America's Worst Terrorist Attack
Episode overview
After 9/11: Rebuilding After America's Worst Terrorist Attack
Sputnik I - How the First Soviet Artificial Satellite Caused an American Panic
Episode overview
Sputnik I: How the First Soviet Artificial Satellite Caused an American Panic
The Long March - The 9,000 Kilometer Retreat that Led to Mao's Communist Victory
Episode overview
The Long March: The 9,000 Kilometer Retreat that Led to Mao's Communist Victory
The Thames Tunnel - The World's First Underwater Passage
Episode overview
The Thames Tunnel: The World's First Underwater Passage
Kansai Floating Airport - Japan's Popular Aquatic Airport (That's Sinking into Osaka Bay)
Episode overview
Kansai Floating Airport: Japan's Popular Aquatic Airport (That's Sinking into Osaka Bay)
The Iron Dome - Israel's Ultimate Missile Defence
Episode overview
The Iron Dome: Israel's Ultimate Missile Defence
Building Britain's Canals - How the UK Powered Up for the Pre-Railroad Industrial Revolution
Episode overview
Building Britain's Canals: How the UK Powered Up for the Pre-Railroad Industrial Revolution
I-400 - The Japanese Submarine... That Was Also An Aircraft Carrier
Episode overview
I-400: The Japanese Submarine... That Was Also An Aircraft Carrier
The Rolls Royce Merlin - Powering History's Most Famous Fighters
Episode overview
The Rolls Royce Merlin: Powering History's Most Famous Fighters
The Kremlin - The Fortress Behind Russian Power
Episode overview
The Kremlin: The Fortress Behind Russian Power
Angkor Wat - Cambodia's Magnificent City of Temples
Episode overview
Angkor Wat: Cambodia's Magnificent City of Temples
The Tu-95 - Dropping Russian Bombs for 100 Years
Episode overview
The Tu-95: Dropping Russian Bombs for 100 Years
Prelude FLNG - The Largest Offshore Facility Ever Created
Episode overview
Prelude FLNG: The Largest Offshore Facility Ever Created
Eradicating Smallpox - The Horrific Disease We Destroyed
Episode overview
Eradicating Smallpox: The Horrific Disease We Destroyed
The Akron and Makon Airships - That Time the USA Decided they Wanted a Hindenburg…
Episode overview
The Akron and Makon Airships: That Time the USA Decided they Wanted a Hindenburg…
The Battleship Bismarck - Challenging British Naval Supremacy with a Super-Armoured Ship
Episode overview
The Battleship Bismarck: Challenging British Naval Supremacy with a Super-Armoured Ship
Yuri Gagarin and The First Human Mission Into Space.... Or Was It
Episode overview
Yuri Gagarin and The First Human Mission Into Space.... Or Was It?
The Great Mosque of Mecca - The Largest (And Holiest) Mosque in the World
Episode overview
The Great Mosque of Mecca: The Largest (And Holiest) Mosque in the World
Wascally Wabbits - The Rabbit-Proof Fence That's Sealing Off Australia
Episode overview
Wascally Wabbits: The Rabbit-Proof Fence That's Sealing Off Australia
Formula 1 - A Short History of the Pinnacle of Racing
Episode overview
Formula 1: A Short History of the Pinnacle of Racing
Mir Space Station - The Original Space Habitat
Episode overview
Mir Space Station: The Original Space Habitat
Falcon 9 - SpaceX's Reusable Rocket
Episode overview
Falcon 9: SpaceX's Reusable Rocket
B-47 Stratojet - A Danger to Enemies, a Danger to Fly
Episode overview
B-47 Stratojet: A Danger to Enemies, a Danger to Fly
The Soviet Nuclear-Powered Lighthouses
Episode overview
The Soviet Nuclear-Powered Lighthouses
The Black Dragon M1 Howitzer - The WWII Superheavy Artillery That's Still Relevant in Taiwan
Episode overview
The Black Dragon M1 Howitzer: The WWII Superheavy Artillery That's Still Relevant in Taiwan
The Temple of Artemis - The Great Wonder of Ephesus (That Kept Getting Destroyed)
Episode overview
The Temple of Artemis: The Great Wonder of Ephesus (That Kept Getting Destroyed)
Railway Mania! Building the Victorian Railways in Britain
Episode overview
Railway Mania! Building the Victorian Railways in Britain
Churchill Falls - Canada's Incredible Underground Power Station of the 1960s
Episode overview
Churchill Falls: Canada's Incredible Underground Power Station of the 1960s
HMS Vanguard - The Royal Navy's Largest Battleship
Episode overview
HMS Vanguard: The Royal Navy's Largest Battleship
Reunification - Re-Absorbing East Germany After the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Episode overview
Reunification: Re-Absorbing East Germany After the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Nord Stream - The Longest Sub-Sea Pipeline in the World
Episode overview
Nord Stream: The Longest Sub-Sea Pipeline in the World
GPS - How Satellites Revolutionized Our Mastery of Geography
Episode overview
GPS: How Satellites Revolutionized Our Mastery of Geography
Operation Downfall - The Allies' Plan for an Invasion of Japan
Episode overview
Operation Downfall: The Allies' Plan for an Invasion of Japan
The Presidential Compound - Turkey's Insane Presidential House
Episode overview
The Presidential Compound: Turkey's Insane Presidential House
Millau Viaduct - The World's Tallest Bridge
Episode overview
Millau Viaduct: The World's Tallest Bridge
Saturation Diving - The Incredible World of Underwater Construction
Episode overview
Saturation Diving: The Incredible World of Underwater Construction
Northrop YF-23 - The Grey Ghost
Episode overview
Northrop YF-23: The Grey Ghost
The Lockheed C-5 Galaxy - Moving the US Military
Episode overview
The Lockheed C-5 Galaxy: Moving the US Military
The Forth Bridge - An Incredible 19th Century Achievement
Episode overview
The Forth Bridge: An Incredible 19th Century Achievement
Sky City - The Skyscraper China Tried (and Failed) to Build in 90 Days
Episode overview
Sky City: The Skyscraper China Tried (and Failed) to Build in 90 Days
RMS Olympic - The Titanic That Didn't Sink (Right Away)
Episode overview
RMS Olympic: The Titanic That Didn't Sink (Right Away)
The North American X-15
Episode overview
The North American X-15
The A-10 Warthog
Episode overview
The A-10 Warthog
The Union Pacific GTEL Locomotives
Episode overview
The Union Pacific GTEL Locomotives
The Iron Curtain - The Cold War's Deadly Line of Demarcation
Episode overview
The Iron Curtain: The Cold War's Deadly Line of Demarcation
