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The International Space Station: A Remarkable Feat of Human Cooperation
Episode overview
This is the first ever episode of Megaprojects. I hope everyone enjoys it.
Chernobyl's New Safe Confinement: The World's Largest Movable Object
Episode overview
I got to visit Chernobyl a couple of years ago and see this remarkable building in person, so I thought it would be interesting to learn more about it, and share that here :). I hope you enjoy.
Boeing B-52 Stratofortress: 100 Years of Service
Episode overview
Boeing B-52 Stratofortress: 100 Years of Service
Three Gorges Dam: The Largest Dam in the World
Episode overview
It's a big one. And pretty controversial too.
Dyson Sphere: The Megaproject that Requires an Entire Solar System...
Episode overview
I've wanted to make a video about these things since the 90s when I first saw Star Trek TNG episode Relics. I hope this video does them justice. Enjoy.
Kola Superdeep Borehole: The Deepest Hole Ever Made
Episode overview
A video about a really deep hole. But it's actually interesting.
Crossrail: London's Biggest Construction Project... That You Can't See
Episode overview
Delays, over budget, but when it's done it's going to be pretty darn cool.
Typhoon Class Submarine: The Largest Submarine Ever Built - Megaprojects
Episode overview
And yes... It totally has a swimming pool on-board :D.
Concorde: The Plane of the Future
Episode overview
This episode is PART 1 of a two-parter, with what my editor, Jen, describes at "Concordski" (aka Soviet Concorde) coming early next week :).
The Tu-144: The Soviet Union's Concorde
Episode overview
AKA Concordski. It took everything for me to not just title the video that ;). Second of a two parter on these two commercial super sonic planes!
The Channel Tunnel: Planned Since 1802
Episode overview
Yep, someone first wanted to do this in 1802. It only took two world wars to finally make it happen.
The H-4 Hercules: Howard Hughes's Behemoth of a Plane
Episode overview
This is a cool plane. You might find it cool too.
Delta Works: An Example for the Rest of Us
Episode overview
The Delta Works are an incredible flood prevention system that we can all learn from. And will need to learn from.
The Big Dig: An Unending Stream of Mishaps
Episode overview
This has been one of the most popular viewer suggestions, and I'm glad I finally made it.
Biosphere 2: The Martian Colony We Made on Earth... And How it Went Wrong
Episode overview
Biosphere 2: The Martian Colony We Made on Earth... And How it Went Wrong
The Manhattan Project: The Destroyer of Worlds
Episode overview
Not what it wanted to be known by, but that's the title I went for.
Ancient Rome's Sanitation System: Centuries Ahead of It's Time
Episode overview
Yep, taking a dump was pretty good, then it got really bad, then it became good again.
The Large Hadron Collider: The Largest Machine in the World
Episode overview
And so far it has made absolutely zero world destroying black holes!
Hyperloop: The Future of Transport, or Just a Dream?
Episode overview
I hope that its the former. Trains faster than planes sounds like a great way to get around.
Liberty Ships: Extraordinarily Ordinary
Episode overview
That's a tongue twister of a title. And this is the most requested video ever. Hope you all enjoy. You legends
The Transatlantic Telegraph Cable: A Tale of Extraordinary Perseverance
Episode overview
I'm pretty persistent, but I'd have given up for sure.
The Trans-Siberian Railway: The Russian Route East
Episode overview
The Trans-Siberian Railway: The Russian Route East
Chuo Shinkansen: Japan's Incredible Rail System
Episode overview
Note: The Trans-Siberian video actually came out before this one, so you can enjoy that already... or maybe you already have :).
Saturn V: The Largest Rocket Ever Made
Episode overview
Saturn V: The Largest Rocket Ever Made
The Lockheed U2: Spying Before Satellites
Episode overview
Worth knowing about for the way it takes off and lands alone...
Schwerer Gustav: It's a Really Big Gun
Episode overview
The Soviet Ekranoplan: The Ultimate Flying Boat
Episode overview
Flying should really be like "flying". But the clickbait is less strong like that, so here we are.
The Nimitz Class: The Nuclear Powered Supercarrier
Episode overview
The Nimitz Class: The Nuclear Powered Supercarrier
The A-12 Archangel: Faster, Lighter, Higher than the SR-71
Episode overview
Also what Elon Musk's kid is named after...
Antonov An-225 Mriya: The Heaviest Aircraft Ever Built
Episode overview
Almost as heavy as your mum.
The Empire State Building: Risen from the Ashes of the Great Depression
Episode overview
And remained the worlds tallest building for decades. Incredible.
Ancient Rome's Road System: The Rise and Fall of Rome
Episode overview
Ancient Rome's Road System: The Rise and Fall of Rome
The Lighthouse of Alexandria: One of the Ancient World's Most Impressive Buildings
Episode overview
Spoiler alert: It fell down.
The Transcontinental Railroad: The Track that Built America
Episode overview
Well first they had to build the track that built America, but you probably get my meaning.
The Crystal Palace: An Omen of Things to Come
Episode overview
The Crystal Palace: An Omen of Things to Come
The Colosseum: A Painful History
Episode overview
Cool building, but lots of bad things went down there.
The Maginot Line: An Impervious Line of Defence (Sort of)
Episode overview
The Maginot Line: An Impervious Line of Defence (Sort of)
Dubai's Artificial Islands and Their Extraordinary Costs
Episode overview
Dubai's Artificial Islands and Their Extraordinary Costs
The N-1: The Soviet Moon Rocket
Episode overview
The N-1: The Soviet Moon Rocket
The MiG-29 The Soviet's Answer to the F-16
Episode overview
The MiG-29 The Soviet's Answer to the F-16
Yamato Class: The Heaviest Battleships Ever Constructed
Episode overview
Not as heavy as yer mum though.
The Olympic Class Ocean Liners - Greatest Liners of Their Generation
Episode overview
More than just the Titanic, this is the incredible story of three ships, which served, and sank.
South-to-North Water Transfer Project: China's Redistribution of Natural Resources
Episode overview
What should you do when all of your country's water is in the south, but all of your country's people are in the north?
Magnitogorsk: The Soviet City Built from Scratch
Episode overview
In the 1930s, the Soviet government decided it wanted to build a perfect modern industrial city. Magnitogorsk would be a fully realized socialist utopia that could revolutionize the economy of the young USSR.
Qinghai–Tibet Railway: The Highest Railway in the World
Episode overview
Pop quiz: which country spent USD 3 billion to build a railway on top of a massive permafrosted plateau?
R-23M Kartech: The Only Space Cannon Ever Made
Episode overview
Set your phasers to stun, and program your Xxcha GPS for Mecatol Rex. Today, we're not just talking about weapons... WE'RE TALKING SPACE CANNONS, BABY.
Project Azorian: The Secret US Mission to Recover a Soviet Submarine
Episode overview
Project Azorian: The Secret US Mission to Recover a Soviet Submarine
the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: How China is Reconstructing Pakistan
Episode overview
China's $62 billion economic development plan is a strategic expansion for Chinese interests and a huge boon to Pakistani infrastructure... well, until the bill comes due, anyway.
Mil Mi-26: The Biggest Helicopter Ever Built
Episode overview
Mil Mi-26: The Biggest Helicopter Ever Built
V-22 Osprey: Both a Plane AND a Helicopter
Episode overview
V-22 Osprey: Both a Plane AND a Helicopter
Union Pacific Big Boy: The Behemoth Train that Tamed the Rockies
Episode overview
Check out Squarespace: for 10% off on your first purchase. This video is #sponsored by Squarespace. Simon's Social Media: Twitter: .. show full overview
The CN Tower: Breaking Records for Decades
Episode overview
Toronto's CN Tower was the world's tallest freestanding building for more than three decades, and Canadian witnessed a
The Hindenburg: Rise and Fall of the World's Greatest Airship
Episode overview
In the early 1900s, airships were the next big thing, with wealthy Europeans crossing the Atlantic inside of a huge floating ball of gas. An explosion that has become synonymous with .. show full overview
XB-70 Valkyrie: The Cold War's Experimental Nuclear Aircraft
Episode overview
Amid the heat of the cold war, both the US and Russia experimented with several different types of advanced nuclear jets, including a variant that was actually powered by a nuclear .. show full overview
Gotthard Base Tunnel: The World's Longest Railway Tunnel
Episode overview
Why travel over the Alps when you can just ride right
The Svalbard Seed Vault
Episode overview
In the words of the wise philosopher Afroman, "Roll, roll, roll my joint | Pick out the seeds and stems | And send them to Svalbard" Simon's Social Media: Twitter: .. show full overview
After Bhopal: Cleaning up the World's Worst-Ever Industrial Disaster
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Get Surfshark VPN at and enter promo code MEGA for 83% off and 3 extra months for free! Simon's Social Media: Twitter: .. show full overview
The Civilian Conservation Corps
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We're *so* excited to review the comment section for this video and discover exactly how much we love socialism. Simon's Social Media: Twitter: .. show full overview
The Amber Room: Imperial Russia's Priceless Art Installation
Episode overview
Do: use 10,000 pounds of amber to create a stunning golden room. Do not: use amber (in any amount) to treat infantile teething. I mean... we're not doctors, but this seems pretty .. show full overview
Skylab: The First US Attempt at a Space Station
Episode overview
And you thought going to the gym on Earth was hard. Simon's Social Media: Twitter: Instagram: Simon's .. show full overview
MiG-31: Intercepting the SR-71
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Get your first audiobook and access to Audible Originals for free when you try Audible for 30 days visit or text "MEGA" to 500 500! Simon's Social .. show full overview
China's Great Belt and Road Economic Initiative
Episode overview
Last month, we told you about the highs and lows of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Today, we're zooming out to profile the entire Chinese global infrastructure development plan .. show full overview
Fractional Orbital Bombardment System
Episode overview
The Cold War is the conflict that keeps on giving -- especially for Mega Projects. In today's investigation of yet another ridiculous, horrifying tool of nuclear war, the Soviets decided .. show full overview
Troll A Platform: The Heaviest Structure Ever Moved
Episode overview
Not to be confused with Troll B Platform. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME, AND THE NORWEGIANS WON'T LET US FORGET IT. Simon's Social Media: Twitter: .. show full overview
The First Soviet Five Year Plan
Episode overview
This episode has no summary.
The Hubble Space Telescope
Episode overview
The first 100 people to go to are going to get unlimited access for one week to try it out. You’ll also get 25% off if you want the full .. show full overview
D-Day: The Planning and Execution of the Allied Invasion of Europe
Episode overview
This video is sponsored by Newsvoice. Download Newsvoice for free: June 6, 1944. Normandy. Omaha Beach. The 101st Airborne. You know the date. You know .. show full overview
Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk: The Futuristic Ghost Plane
Episode overview
The F-117 Nighthawk was a super-secret Lockheed project that stayed secret throughout the course of its secrecy so that the US could secretly execute air missions in secret. Simon's .. show full overview
Project Babylon: Mega-Guns, Assassinations, and Saddam Hussein
Episode overview
Project Babylon: Mega-Guns, Assassinations, and Saddam Hussein
The Establishment of the European Union
Episode overview
The Establishment of the European Union
Boeing 747: The Original Jumbo Jet
Episode overview
Boeing 747: The Original Jumbo Jet
The Beast: Evolution of the US President's Bulletproof Car
Episode overview
The Beast: Evolution of the US President's Bulletproof Car
NORAD and The Cheyenne Mountain Complex
Episode overview
NORAD and The Cheyenne Mountain Complex
Project Orion: America's Cold War Plan for Nuclear-Powered Space Exploration
Episode overview
Project Orion: America's Cold War Plan for Nuclear-Powered Space Exploration
The Marshall Plan: Rebuilding Europe In the Shadow of Communism
Episode overview
The Marshall Plan: Rebuilding Europe In the Shadow of Communism
The Taj Mahal: India's Mughal Masterpiece
Episode overview
The Taj Mahal: India's Mughal Masterpiece
Project Horizon: America's Military Outpost on the Moon
Episode overview
Project Horizon: America's Military Outpost on the Moon
MOAB: The Mother of All Bombs
Episode overview
MOAB: The Mother of All Bombs
The Palace of the Soviets: The Glorious Moscow Monument that Ended Up as a Swimming Pool
Episode overview
The Palace of the Soviets: The Glorious Moscow Monument that Ended Up as a Swimming Pool
The Great Society Plan: America's War on Poverty
Episode overview
The Great Society Plan: America's War on Poverty
SS Great Eastern: Too Big To Sail
Episode overview
SS Great Eastern: Too Big To Sail
Project HARP: America's Quest to Shoot Its Way Into Outer Space
Episode overview
Project HARP: America's Quest to Shoot Its Way Into Outer Space
Northrop B-2 Spirit: America's Stealth Bomber
Episode overview
Northrop B-2 Spirit: America's Stealth Bomber
The Avro Arrow: Canada's Favorite Delta Wing
Episode overview
The Avro Arrow: Canada's Favorite Delta Wing
Undersea Communication Cables
Episode overview
Undersea Communication Cables
Nuclear Icebreakers: Russia's Atomic Fleet of Arctic Ice Busters
Episode overview
Nuclear Icebreakers: Russia's Atomic Fleet of Arctic Ice Busters
Supermarine Spitfire: Fending Off the Nazis in the Battle of Britain
Episode overview
Supermarine Spitfire: Fending Off the Nazis in the Battle of Britain
Sagrada Familia: Barcelona's Infamous Unfinished Church
Episode overview
Sagrada Familia: Barcelona's Infamous Unfinished Church
Air Force One: The US President's Hyper-Customized Airplane
Episode overview
Air Force One: The US President's Hyper-Customized Airplane
The DeHaviland Comet: The First Passenger Jet
Episode overview
The DeHaviland Comet: The First Passenger Jet
The Hindenburg Line: Germany's Final Defense in World War I
Episode overview
The Hindenburg Line: Germany's Final Defense in World War I
The Pentagon: America's Command Center
Episode overview
The Pentagon: America's Command Center
After Fukishima: Cleaning up Japan's Nuclear Disaster
Episode overview
After Fukishima: Cleaning up Japan's Nuclear Disaster
The Greenhouses of Almeria: The Garden of Europe
Episode overview
The Greenhouses of Almeria: The Garden of Europe
Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus: The Heaviest Tank Ever Built
Episode overview
Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus: The Heaviest Tank Ever Built
Monumento A La Revolucion: Remembering the Mexican Revolution
Episode overview
Monumento A La Revolucion: Remembering the Mexican Revolution
The Drive for Healthcare: Establishing the UK's National Health Service
Episode overview
The Drive for Healthcare: Establishing the UK's National Health Service
The Erie Canal: Traversing the American Midwest Before Railroads
Episode overview
The Erie Canal: Traversing the American Midwest Before Railroads
The Father of All Bombs: Russia's Fiery MOAB
Episode overview
The Father of All Bombs: Russia's Fiery MOAB
High Speed 2: The UK's £100 Billion Rail Project
Episode overview
High Speed 2: The UK's £100 Billion Rail Project
MQ-1 Predator Drone: The Eye in the Sky
Episode overview
MQ-1 Predator Drone: The Eye in the Sky
The Raven Rock Mountain Complex: The Pennsylvania Bunker for US Officials
Episode overview
The Raven Rock Mountain Complex: The Pennsylvania Bunker for US Officials
Salisbury Cathedral: Gothic Home of the Magna Carta
Episode overview
Salisbury Cathedral: Gothic Home of the Magna Carta
Rockwell B-1 Lancer
Episode overview
Rockwell B-1 Lancer
Yucca Mountain: The USA's Nuclear Dump
Episode overview
Yucca Mountain: The USA's Nuclear Dump
