The Nature of Things

  • :
  • : 1057
  • : 14
  • CBC
  • 20
  • Documentary


Vanishing Peoples: Lacandons, The Mayas of Mexico
Episode overview
Season opener: The Lacandons, the last surviving descendants of the Mayas, live in the rain forest of southern Mexico and cling to ancient beliefs and traditions. Narration is by Mia Anderson and the voice of Chan K'in is by Chief Dan George.
The Sexes (1)
Episode overview
Examines male and female roles in society and presents a scientific study of the known biological facts about sex differences in humans.
The Sexes (2)
Episode overview
This program looks at hormonal changes during puberty, and the socially originated attitudes leading to differences between the sexes.
Episode overview
This ancient and traditional art of healing has been widely practiced in China for over 5,000 years. Its recent rebirth as a successful treatment for many diseases is explored in this program
Ice Lovers (R)
Episode overview
A life history of the harp seal, examining the behavior and physiology of this unique little Arctic mammal and its unusual 800-mile migration each year from Hudson Strait to the Gulf of St. Lawrence
Think Before You Eat
Episode overview
A surprising look at the eating habits of Canadians; food and nutrition, the so-called well-balanced diet and problems of over-eating are analyzed.
Stockholm '72: Politics for Survival
Episode overview
A fascinating "retrospective look" at last summer's World Conference on The Human Environment, held in Stockholm and attended by delegates of nearly every country of the world.
Cities for People
Episode overview
A film about recent changes in urban planning in Toronto, Montreal and other major Canadian cities and the return of the modern urban centre into a place for people, culture and .. show full overview
Migration: Animals in Cycle
Episode overview
This program takes a look at the migratory habits of birds and animals, with recent findings in animal studies reinforced with fascinating film footage of many species in their natural habitats.
Old Enough
Episode overview
A black comedy .. . an unusual departure from this series' regular format, this film depicts obvious absurdities in a subjective interpretation of a 1970 M.I.T. computer study .. show full overview
Recycling: The Garbage Ouroboros
Episode overview
The Garbage Ouroboros. A comprehensive examination of the form of pollution fast becoming public enemy number one in North America: garbage. Recycling, a universal process of nature, .. show full overview
