The Adventures of Robin Hood

  • :
  • : 143
  • : 3
  • ITV1
  • Action Adventure Children Family



The Salt King
Episode overview
In the days of Robin Hood, various essential goods were in short supply, and certain lords held monopolies on them. One such commodity was salt, and Lord Guthrie is plotting with the .. show full overview
A Tuck In Time
Episode overview
Edgar, Friar Tuck's twin brother, has returned from the East with a deadly machine, and is prepared to sell it to Prince John. But Robin and Tuck plan to stop him.
Episode overview
Robin becomes involved in the fortunes of a Byzantine princess, Irene, who has been held hostage in England.
The Charter
Episode overview
Lord Greenwald is seriously ill in his castle, and he is the only person who knows the hiding place of a Charter which will limit Prince Johns' power, should he become king. Marian .. show full overview
Change Of Heart
Episode overview
Friar Tuck, now living in Tintern Abbey, sends for Robin's help against Lord Humphrey, who is planning to expel the Celts from the Forest of Dean, where they have lived for centuries.
Brother Battle
Episode overview
Brother Wootan, a great believer in education, has been banished many times for teaching the children of serfs to read. Robin allows him to start a school in the forest, and one of the .. show full overview
My Brother's Keeper
Episode overview
Sir Loren is caught ill-treating a blacksmith, and is banished from his home by his father. Then Loren kills his young brother in the forest. Robin and Little John are the only .. show full overview
An Apple For The Archer
Episode overview
Mary Quartermaine, according to her father's will, has to marry the best bow-man in the land. Robin plays cupid when he teaches Timothy Cox to shoot an arrow well enough to win the lovely young woman as his bride.
The Angry Village
Episode overview
Robin and Little John, while hunting in the forest, come across villagers hiding grain to avoid it being confiscated. But the grain is discovered, and treachery is suspected.
The Mark
Episode overview
Barnaby Church is being rebuilt, creating much interest on Nottinghamshire. Walter, the master mason, is proud of his work, but Sir Blaise, plotting to turn the church into a fortress, meets with unexpected opposition.
The Bride Of Robin Hood
Episode overview
A girl, who has run away from her home to avoid a marriage to Walter, proves herself a valiant archer in defence of Robin. In return for her service in a dangerous situation, he grants .. show full overview
To Be A Student
Episode overview
Prince John is levying troops from among young men of suitable age. Peter Larkin, a brilliant student that Friar Tuck is preparing for university, tries to escape this traitorous service.
The Christmas Goose
Episode overview
Young Davey has a pet goose, who is very attached to him. One day it saves him from a flogging from Sir Leon's men, but in so doing is caught and, as a punishment, sentenced to become Sir Leon's Christmas dinner.
The Challenge Of The Black Knight
Episode overview
Will Dale, as a special birthday treat, is brought by his father to the forest. There, he goes hunting with Robin and the outlaws, but they get into a fight with Sir Roger Fitzwilliam, who kidnaps Will.
The Rivals
Episode overview
Trouble begins when the Sheriff tries to levy yet another tax to raise money. His lieutenant advises against this, and they plan to start a band of outlaws to compete with Robin's men.
The Profiteer
Episode overview
The village of Lotham is without food, because of the failure of the grain crop. The Lord of the Manor refuses to help, but Robin hears about it, and agrees that Andrew, a serf from Lotham, shall buy food with money from the outlaws.
Knight Errant
Episode overview
Marian wants to speak to Robin urgently. She tries to tell him that Sir Jack of Southwark has her father's permission to marry her. But Robin is so engrossed in his archery practice that .. show full overview
The Healing Hand
Episode overview
Little John is a good man in a fight, but not so good when brains are needed. Oswald of the Healing Hand, a 'quack' doctor, finds him easy to deceive, when he suffers from indigestion.
One Man's Meat
Episode overview
Squire Woodstock has discovered a form of bran, which he calls his 'universal food', and which he thinks will replace all other food. Robin and Friar Tuck do not share the squire's enthusiasm when they have to eat it for dinner.
Too Many Robins
Episode overview
Alma, an innkeeper's daughter, hero-worships Robin. But to gain her love, Tom the Thatcher tells her he is Robin. But she wants proof.
The Crusaders
Episode overview
Robin has a rendezvous with four knights with whom he fought in the crusades, and in keeping it he falls into a trap set by the Sheriff. At last it seems the Sheriff has won - but Robin has got out of difficult and dangerous situations before.
Castle In The Air
Episode overview
The impoverished knight and friend of the outlaws, Sir Richard of the Lea, loses a game of dice against Sir Adrian. Robin relaises the game was rigged. But so does the Sheriff, who is determined to turn it to his advantage.
The Double
Episode overview
Bolbec, a sworn enemy of Robin Hood, arrives at Nottingham Castle to see the Sheriff. He has, he tells the Sheriff, a foolproof plan to trap the outlaw leader, involving Luke Tanner, who is the exact double of Robin.
Roman Gold
Episode overview
Dr. Quince, an antiquarian friend of Robin's, is excavating the site of an old Roman villa. Robin and his men agree to lend a hand, in the hope of finding Roman gold. He is very .. show full overview
The Ghost That Failed
Episode overview
Local farmers believe that the land belonging to surly Simon Dexter is haunted. Robin and Friar Tuck realise that this is Simon's way of scaring his neighbors off his land, and decide to see what they can do about it.
At The Sign Of The Blue Boar
Episode overview
A miserly Nottingham tailor, designing to own the 'Bue Boar' inn, consults with the Sheriff. Together they work out a plan to get control of the inn and lay a trap for Robin.
Quickness Of The Hand
Episode overview
With the end of the tournament season, three knights decide to try to make some money by capturing Robin Hood and claiming the reward. By posing as strolling players, they enter the outlaws' camp and work a neat trick.
The Elixir Of Youth
Episode overview
Sir Boland, in desperate need of money, promises the hand of his ward Melissa to Sir Louis, an elderly Norman, in spite of her being in love with Sir Boland's squire. When Friar Tuck hears of the young girl's plight, he asks Robin for help.
The Genius
Episode overview
Nicodemus, a brilliant mathematician, aware that Prince John covets the giant catapult that he has invented, escapes from the power of the Prince into Sherwood Forest, only to discover .. show full overview
The Youthful Menace
Episode overview
Marian is disappointed to find that Edwin, her nephew that she has not seen for ten years, and who has just arrived from France, is scornful of Robin Hood and his band of outlaws.
The Minstrel
Episode overview
With the help of a song, Robin and a minstrel named Roland manage to spoil Prince John's hopes of an alliance with the Prince of Aragon.
The Doctor
Episode overview
Little John breaks his leg escaping from the Sheriff's men. Robin and Friar Tuck carry him to the home of Sir George Woodley, who is being visited by a foreign doctor.
The Lottery
Episode overview
The Sheriff finds a neat and foolproof way of raising money for Prince John, by organising raffles. Foolproof that is, until Robin comes on the scene.
The Fire
Episode overview
During a lengthy drought, Little John and Derwent are cornered in a cave. The Sheriff, in trying to smoke them out, starts a fire which forces him to seek help from Robin.
Lincoln Green
Episode overview
Robin, Marian and Little John visit Master David of Lincoln to buy Lincoln Green cloth. The Sheriff follows, hoping for a chance to capture them, which he finds when Master Shanks, David's assistant, turns traitor.
Woman's War
Episode overview
Robin agrees to let two of his men accompany Ann de Brissac, a noblewoman, to a place where gold for King Richard is hidden. But Marian then arrives at the camp to explain that Ann is a .. show full overview
Little Mother
Episode overview
A trap is laid to catch Little John when he receives a message that his mother, a serf of the Duke of Retford, is very ill. But the brawny outlaw brings the house down about the plotter's ears.
Marian's Prize
Episode overview
Robin's name is entered for an archery contest in the village of Northeave, but owing to his absence from camp, Marian has to go instead, in disguise.
Farewell To Tuck
Episode overview
The Sheriff has long suspected that Friar Tuck is in league with Robin Hood, and seizes an opportunity to get rid of him, when the archbishop arrives in Nottingham, looking for a good man to take over a parish in Sussex.
