Love on the Spectrum

  • :
  • : 14
  • : 103
  • ABC (AU)
  • 20
  • Documentary Reality


Cast on Autism and Love
Episode overview
The participants of Love on the Spectrum share the challenges they've encountered on their search for companionship: including misreading social cues, bullying and loneliness.
Cast on Dating Do's and Don'ts
Episode overview
There are rules when it comes to dating and the Love on the Spectrum cast have some handy tips.
What Makes An Ideal Partner?
Episode overview
The participants of Love on the Spectrum outline the qualities that are important to them in a partner.
The Importance of Finding Love
Episode overview
Love means a lot to the participants of Love on the Spectrum who have the same needs of love and belonging as everyone else.
Mark tries Online Dating
Episode overview
Mark takes on the world of online dating one smile at a time, with his encouraging dad in the wings.
How to Make Sex on the Beach
Episode overview
Andrew gives us a mixology course, revealing how to make the perfect Sex on the Beach cocktail.
Date Prep
Episode overview
In preparation for a date, Michael pays a visit to his hairdresser where he gets some useful dating advice.
Extended Dating Bootcamp
Episode overview
This is an extended scene featuring the dating bootcamp run by Dr Elizabeth Laugeson. Featuring evidence based teachings, this is a useful tool for anyone who is keen to learn some dating skills.
Sharnae with Mum
Episode overview
Over a cup of tea, Sharnae's mum gives her some practical advice about moving in with her partner.
Kelvin at Work
Episode overview
During another busy day in the office, Kelvin takes the opportunity to acknowledge the support of his supervisor in an impromptu speech to his colleagues.
The Photo Shoot
Episode overview
It's a wrap! The participants of Love on the Spectrum meet for the first time to get dolled up for a professional photo shoot. They discuss wardrobe, friendship and the trials and tribulations of dating.
Where Are They Now?
Episode overview
The cast of Love on the Spectrum tells us what they've been up to since the series, their dreams for the future, and their thoughts on love.
Finding Love + The Ideal Partner
Episode overview
The cast of Love on the Spectrum have the same needs of love and belonging as everyone else. They outline why it's so important to them to find love and what they're looking for in an ideal partner.
Misconceptions of Autism + Being On The Spectrum
Episode overview
Young people talk about the common misconceptions that people have about what it means to live with autism.
The Hardest Thing About Dating + Dating Do's and Don'ts
Episode overview
The participants of Love On The Spectrum explain what the hardest thing about dating is for them and the rules for dating they have picked up along the way.
Future Hopes and Dreams
Episode overview
The participants of Love On The Spectrum share their hopes and dreams for the future.