History Channel Documentaries

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  • : 551
  • : 16
  • History
  • Documentary


Desert Storm: The Ultimate War
Episode overview
Seven years after the fact, the true story of Desert Storm is coming into view. Despite the dominance of the Coalition victory, the outcome was by no means certain when the fighting .. show full overview
Most Decorated: The Nisei Soldiers
Episode overview
History Sunday Presents: Most Decorated: The Nisei Soldiers. It was on December 8th 1941, one day after Pearl Harbor that the United States declared war on Japan. That was also the .. show full overview
Japan War Crimes - Murder Under The Sun
Episode overview
The battles against the Japanese were among the deadliest in military history. But Allied soldiers fighting against the Empire of Rising Sun had a 17.5% better chance of surviving than .. show full overview
The Hindenburg
Episode overview
The history of lighter than air transportation culminating in the Hindenburg explosion which gets thoroughly covered and analyzed.
Heroes Hispanos: Two Centuries of Valor in American History
Episode overview
A battle history of Hispanic Americans involved in every major conflict in American history.
The History of Dow Jones
Episode overview
Discover the story of the men behind one of the oldest and most renowned financial service organizations in the world in this documentary from the filmmakers at The History Channel. .. show full overview