• :
  • : 1045
  • : 309
  • PBS
  • 21
  • Documentary


Computers, Spies & Private Lives
Episode overview
NOVA examines possible threats of modern computers on privacy rights. Discussed are nationwide databanks and the thieves who hack into them, telecomputers and smart cards, and the .. show full overview
Why America Burns
Episode overview
OVA examines outdated fire codes and flammability-testing methods that may be part of the reason why more people die in fires in the U.S. than in any other industrialized country. Also .. show full overview
The Great Violin Mystery
Episode overview
A search for the secret of the Amati and Stradivarius violins of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and a look at the work of physicist Jack Fry who's using modern science to uncover this mystery.
Cosmic Fire
Episode overview
X-ray astronomy is helping scientists to better understand our universe, including neutron stars, exploding galaxies, black holes, quasars and the sun's corona.
Locusts: War Without End
Episode overview
Using macrophotography, NOVA explores deadly locust swarms and their transformation from harmless grasshoppers. Also revealed are the latest attempts to get rid of this destructive force.
Did Darwin Get It Wrong?
Episode overview
A look at the current debate from science to religion, over Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
Artists in the Lab
Episode overview
Computers and lasers take focus in this episode of NOVA. Producers bring their cameras into the studios of some twentieth-century artists who used new technology to create their .. show full overview
Notes of a Biology Watcher: A Film with Lewis Thomas
Episode overview
Notes of a Biology Watcher aired on November 22, 1981. Featuring eminent biologist and scientific author, Dr. Lewis Thomas, the film presents an array of astonishing facts about the .. show full overview
City Spaces, Human Places
Episode overview
City Places, Human Spaces aired on November 29, 1981. William H. Whyte's extensive study of city parks and green spaces explains why some parks are lackluster while others seem inviting .. show full overview
Episode overview
Nova spotlights genetics in this episode, taking a look at identical twins and the scientific research surrounding their genetic codes. The episode starts with the lesson on how twins .. show full overview
Salmon on the Run
Episode overview
NOVA captures the breathtaking power and determination of these amazing creatures and examines how business and technology are changing the fishing industry—and the salmon itself.
Test-Tube Babies: A Daughter for Judy
Episode overview
NOVA presents a dramatic, exclusive film of the first "test-tube" baby born in America, Elizabeth Jordan Carr. NOVA follows the pregnancy from the start, presenting the only view on .. show full overview
Field Guide to Roger Tory Peterson
Episode overview
NOVA takes an intimate look at Robert Tory Peterson, the man whose best-selling guide books to ornithology have played a pivotal role in turning birdwatching into a mass sport.
The Hunt for the Legion Killer
Episode overview
One of the biggest investigations in medical history began when a mysterious killer disease broke out during independence celebrations in Philadelphia in 1976: Legionnaire's Disease. .. show full overview
Finding a Voice
Episode overview
What is it like not to be able to communicate with others? NOVA explores the severest of speech disabilities with Dick Boydell—born with cerebral palsy, confined to a wheel chair and .. show full overview
The Television Explosion
Episode overview
NOVA explores the past, present, and future of American television including the potential of cable, the Columbus, Ohio, two-way TV experiment, the array of new techniques and their .. show full overview
Life: Patent Pending
Episode overview
NOVA shows how scientists go about creating new forms of life, and investigates the impact of the gene bonanza on industry, medicine, and the universities themselves. NOVA reveals that .. show full overview
Palace of Delights
Episode overview
NOVA visits San Francisco's Exploratorium—part laboratory, part school, part three-ring circus—run by an unlikely collection of physicists and high school students.
Animal Imposters
Episode overview
In this vivid study of mimicry and camouflage NOVA shows dramatically how snakes, butterflies, fish, turtles and many other kinds of animals, both predators and their intended victims, .. show full overview
Aging: The Methuselah Syndrome
Episode overview
What is aging? Why does it happen? Can it be stopped? NOVA presents a startling report on research into the processes which make us age and how to control them.
The Case of the UFOs
Episode overview
For the first time on television a rigorous, scientific investigation into the fact, fiction, and hoax of unidentified flying objects. With vivid film and accounts from several .. show full overview
The Fragile Mountain
Episode overview
The Himalayas, highest peaks in the world, are crumbling. People are making them crumble, and people are the victims, as NOVA reveals in this breathtaking documentary.
Goodbye Louisiana
Episode overview
NOVA reports on the staggering water problems of Southern Louisiana—where the mighty Mississippi is threatening to change its course, and where last year 49 square miles of coastline disappeared into the Gulf of Mexico.
Here's Looking at You Kid
Episode overview
Of the 70,000 Americans hospitalized annually for severe burns, one-third are children. NOVA tells the story of extraordinary personal resilience in an 11-year-old boy's fight to recover from burns suffered over 73 percent of his body.
Adventures of Teenage Scientists
Episode overview
NOVA introduces some of the winners of the 1982 Westinghouse Science Talent Search: high school students whose interests range from silkworms to solar cells. With education facing a .. show full overview
The Cobalt Blues
Episode overview
An investigative report on US dependence on foreign sources of strategic minerals, vital to the aerospace and steel industries, which examines and questions Reagan Administration policies toward those international sources.
Whale Watch
Episode overview
NOVA follows the great grey whales along their annual marathon migration from the Acrtic to the Mexican coast and reveals little known facts about the mating and feeding habits of the gentle giants.
Tracking the Supertrains
Episode overview
While America's passenger-train service deteriorates, trains in Japan and Europe are speeding ahead at over 150 miles per hour. NOVA reports that the super-fast trains are finally coming to America.
