• :
  • : 1045
  • : 309
  • PBS
  • 21
  • Documentary


Percy Julian: Forgotten Genius
Episode overview
Against all odds, African-American chemist Percy Julian became one of the greatest scientists of the 20th-Century.
The Last Great Ape
Episode overview
Scientists return to the jungles of Congo to further explore the peaceful lives of bonobos.
Cuttlefish: Kings of Camouflage
Episode overview
NOVA explores the lives of cuttlefish. Not actually fish, these cephalopods can change their shape and color, they can put on dazzling light shows, and they're surprisingly intelligent.
First Flower
Episode overview
In the remote mountains of China, scientist come closer to understanding the origins of flowers.
Saved By The Sun
Episode overview
NOVA explores solar energy and its contribution towards getting humanity off of fossil fuels.
Pocahontas Revealed
Episode overview
The recent archeological discovery of the Native American Powhatan village of Werowocomoco, sheds new light on the Jamestown story of Pocahontas.
Bone Diggers
Episode overview
NOVA follows a group of paleontologists to a cave in southwestern Australia where the fossils of a meat-eating marsupial lion, and other extinct giant animals, have recently been discovered.
The Great Inca Rebellion
Episode overview
In collaboration with National Geographic Television, NOVA explores new evidence about the last days of the Inca Empire.
Secrets of the Samurai Sword
Episode overview
NOVA follows the long and exacting centuries-old process of making a Japanese samurai sword, from smelting the ore to the finished katana.
Ghost In Your Genes
Episode overview
Experts investigate how a mysterious "second genome" helps determine our biological fates.
Marathon Challenge
Episode overview
13 amateurs train for the 26.2 mile Boston Marathon.
Sputnik Declassified
Episode overview
Using previously classified documents, NOVA uncovers the secret history of U.S. space programs in the 1950's and how those aspirations were given a boost in 1957 when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik I.
Judgment Day: Intelligent Design On Trial
Episode overview
In this two-hour special, NOVA captures the turmoil that tore apart the community of Dover, Pennsylvania in one of the latest battles over teaching evolution in public schools. Featuring .. show full overview
Master Of The Killer Ants
Episode overview
The Mofu people of northern Cameroon have a close relationship with insects, in particular, the red driver ants which they use to combat termites.
Missing In MiG Alley
Episode overview
In the early 1950s, epic battles unfolded in the skies over North Korea as American and Russian fighters faced off in history's first jet war. This program explores the Korean War's .. show full overview
