Achievement Hunter - Let's Play GTA

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Put Your Cookie Down and Get in the Plane - GTA V: Cayo Perico Heist (#2)
Episode overview
We're taking setups and preparations for the Cayo Perico Heist very seriously in this GTA 5: Online gameplay.
Don't Worry About the Landing - GTA V: Cayo Perico Heist (#3)
Episode overview
We're taking setups and preparations for the Cayo Perico Heist very seriously in this GTA 5: Online gameplay.
Are You Part of This Heist? - GTA V: Heist F*around (#4)
Episode overview
We are ridiculously productive in this Heist prep f* around in this GTA5: Online gameplay.
Finishing the Preps in Style - GTA V: Cayo Perico Heist (#5)
Episode overview
We are ridiculously productive in this Heist prep f* around in this GTA5: Online gameplay.
How to Heist in GTA V: Final Lesson
Episode overview
Gavin and Fiona have reached the end of their GTA V journey. The plan is set. The radio is loud. Let's heist.
One Day We'll Listen - GTA V: Cayo Perico Heist (#6) Finale
Episode overview
It's finally heist time! So get your island shirts, a gun or two and try not to die.
Playing With Guided Missiles - GTA V: Airport F**karound
Episode overview
We've unlocked guided missiles and see what they can do GTA 5 Online gameplay.
The Dumbest Game Type We've Ever Played? - GTA V: Sumo
Episode overview
We're playing Sumo maps in this GTA5: Online gameplay. The rules are simple: there are no rules.
We’re Making Memories | GTA V - Offense Defense w/ James Buckley
Episode overview
Join Achievement Hunter with special guest James Buckley as they battle it out in this GTA V live gameplay. This stream originally aired on November 9, 2020.
Can You Take Us Down? - GTA V Grab Bag w/ Community
Episode overview
It’s time for some more GTA V! Join Achievement Hunter as they battle it out with the community in a variety of games to see who can come out on top. This stream originally aired on February 22, 2021.
Hooking Go-Karts on a Jet Plane - GTA V: Airport F***around
Episode overview
We're playing with go-karts in this GTA 5: Online gameplay, and we're trying to hook them on a jet.
The Most Dangerous Game With Missiles - GTA V
Episode overview
We're playing the most dangerous games with missiles and rocket bikes in this GTA:5 Online gameplay.
How Much Bullying Can Go-Karts Take in GTA V?
Episode overview
Everyone chooses a vehicle to "kick" Matt up the map in GTA5: Online, while Matt drives a go-kart. Who will win?
Cheesy Stunts Around the World - GTA V: Cunning Stunts
Episode overview
This GTA 5 online gameplay is quite bland and slightly sweet. We're doing some cunning stunts around the world!
Polite Racing RAGE - GTA V
Episode overview
We take on the longest, rage-inducing race we've ever seen in GTA5: Online. This stream originally aired on March 22, 2021.
Don't Stop The Bus! - GTA V: Trading Cards #1
Episode overview
We're going on a field trip and collecting trading cards in this GTA V: Online gameplay.
Get in or Get Got - GTA V - Trading Cards #2
Episode overview
We're grabbing more trading cards, and that means way more chaos than necessary in this GTA 5 online gameplay.
We Were Born in the Deadline - GTA V
Episode overview
Only Trevor has ever played a GTA 5: Online game type called Deadline, and he helps teach the gang his tricks.
And Then He Destroyed His Own Bus - GTA V: Trading Cards 3
Episode overview
How many buses will we go through collecting more trading cards in the city in this GTA V: Online gameplay?
This Bus Is Our Fat Batmobile: GTA V: Trading Cards (Finale)
Episode overview
We're collecting the last of the trading cards in this GTA5: Online Gameplay, and mass destruction is just part of the game.
Bullying Sneaky Go-Karts in GTA V
Episode overview
We're bullying more Go-Karts again in this GTA5: Online Gameplay.
We Bully Cabs with Insurgents - GTA V: Offense Cabfense
Episode overview
We're hiring some very unlucky cab drivers to race to the top of the map in this GTA V: Online gameplay.
The Most Insane GTA V Offense Defense Yet
Episode overview
Yes, we have more cabs and more chaos in this GTA5: Online gameplay.
We Get Big Air With Lowriders in GTA V: Airport F*ck Around
Episode overview
We're going back to the airport, and find out you can do insane things with low riders in GTA5 Online.
Low Riders on Mt. Chiliad Do Not Mix - GTA V: Let's Fail
Episode overview
There are low riders, explosions, cargo bobs, more explosions, titans, and yes more explosions.
Skeet Shooting Cars With a Tank in GTA V
Episode overview
We got a tank, some vigilantes, and a whole bunch of vehicles to destroy on the beach in this GTA 5: Online gameplay.
Viscous Spinal - GTA V: New Cunning Stunts
Episode overview
The team rev up their engines and slam head first into the new cunning stunt maps.
Murder is More Fun Than Surviving - GTA V: Deadline
Episode overview
We're playing Matt's favorite GTA 5 game, Deadline and the gang finds out murdering is really fun.
Three Way Collisions in the Air - GTA V: Cunning Stunts
Episode overview
We're playing some more new cunning stunts races in this GTA V: online gameplay.
Playing Classic GTA5 Games with Ky - GTA V: Frogger & Splat
Episode overview
We are playing new deadline maps in GTA 5 Online. Everyone is choosing a favorite.
New Deadline Maps! - GTA V
Episode overview
We are playing new deadline maps in GTA 5 Online. Everyone is choosing a favorite.
Lifting a Submarine With Tanks and Cargobobs - GTA V: Let's Fail
Episode overview
We've got tanks and cargobobs and with these ingredients we try to lift a submarine!
Become Real To Die - GTA V: New Deadline Maps
Episode overview
This isn't the new bond film, it's the rest of the new GTA5: Online Deadline Maps!
The Most Wild Ramp Jumps in GTA V: Overtime Rumble
Episode overview
The gang introduces Ky to GTA 5 game Overtime Rumble, and we're all going for points or wild ramp jumps.
GTA5 Races With the Community!
Episode overview
We're playing GTA 5 races with the Achievement Hunter community!
Baby Driver in GTA V: Los Santos Tuners Contracts
Episode overview
The Dusk Boys and Matt are playing the Los Santos Tuners contracts and have a few well planned heists and driving scenes.
The Rise of the Rail Brothers - GTA V: Los Santos Tuners Contracts
Episode overview
Matt, Jack, Alfredo, and Trevor play out the Fast and the Furious in more of the Los Santos Tuners contracts.
The Ecu Job - GTA V: Los Santos Tuner Missions
Episode overview
This episode has no summary.
PLEASE Just Get in the Plane - GTA V: Los Santos Tuners Contracts
Episode overview
Matt, Lindsay, Alfredo, and Trevor continue the Los Santos Tuners contracts and there are no complications whatsoever.
Musical Chairs but With a Moped and Machetes - Scoot Scoot
Episode overview
We're playing Scoot Scoot on the PC, so buckle up and get ready for some chaos.
What Happens When It's Juggernaut VS Juggernaut? - Matt Bag
Episode overview
We're doing a Matt Bag, which means game types we haven't seen as well as classics we love like Top Fun!
How Much Money Can You Make in 40 Minutes in GTA V
Episode overview
The team has 40 minutes to make as much money as possible to see who wins this Money Game.
One Go-Kart VS Everyone Else
Episode overview
We're bringing back the game where we bully Go-Karts in GTA5, AKA the chaos doesn't end.
There is No Escaping Semi Trucks
Episode overview
The crew dive into the trenches on bicycles to try and out manuver a pair of deadly semi-trucks. Can they outrun these terminators?
Pumpkin Man Gives Us a Halloween Scavenger Hunt in GTA V
Episode overview
The pumpkin man has made a scavenger hunt for the GTA 5 Trick or Treaters, who complete it in very creative ways.
The Dumbest Things We Can Do On the Subway
Episode overview
We've created our own team game in this GTA V gameplay. One team is on the subway train as the other team chases. If the chasing team can kill everyone aboard the subway, they win!
Pedal Faster than a Jet!
Episode overview
Where can the crew hide when planes rain from the sky?
The Dumbest Game Type Just Got Dumber
Episode overview
We've gathered eight willing participants to, after a failed round of Come Out to Play, throw down in the most intense game of Sumo you've ever seen in your life.
Transform Races No One Wins
Episode overview
The crew run a few transformation races and put guest BlackKrystel in a position of too much power.
What If We Were Ghostbusters?
Episode overview
The Fake AH Crew are busting out trying a new profession: Ghost Hunting.
Can Bacon Egg & Cheese Be Our Greek Life? - Deadline
Episode overview
Gavin, Trevor, Matt and Ky play GTA 5 game type Deadline while discussing the Time Gun, future Slow Mo Guys episodes, steak preferences, social media trends, and which video Achievement Hunter was demonetized for singing to close to the original.
That Car Is Full of Lead - Sumo
Episode overview
Special guest GoofyWise joins the Achievement Hunters for a little GTA 5 Sumo Remix! Bubbles burst and cars crumble as they slam into each other for an ever shrinking safe zone.
Infinite Tank Glitch
Episode overview
The crew test out a Grand Theft Auto 5 glitch that spawns an endless amount of scuba tanks.
Holiday Scavenger Hunt
Episode overview
Mr. Trevor ""Santa"" Holidays has a list of things he needs the Fake AH Crew to scrounge up to bring cheer and joy to the world.
Delivering Chaos to the Kids of Los Santos
Episode overview
The Fake AH crew want to fill the children of Los Santos' stockings with holiday cheer and highspeed motor vehicles. Can they pack their trusty MULE with gifts with only minor explosions and injury?
