Achievement Hunter - Let's Play GTA

  • :
  • : 455
  • : 0
  • Rooster Teeth
  • 0
  • Adventure Animation


Tales From The Internet #2
Episode overview
AH takes on two more popular GTA V stunts from around the internet!
Tales from the Internet #2 - Alternate Views & Outtakes
Episode overview
Alternate takes and outtakes from Let's Play - GTA V - Tales From The Internet 2.
Episode overview
AH plays a little high-stakes Bingo in GTA V!
Tow Trucking
Episode overview
AH finally earns their trucker hats!
Lindsay's Heist
Episode overview
AH sees if they have what it takes to pull off Lindsay's heist!
Episode overview
It's too extreme. No title even fits. Look up extreme in the dictionary, then burn it in the flame of Saturn V rocket and it might be close to explaining the extreme-ness.
AC130 or Airbus
Episode overview
AH tries to arm a titan and solve problems with the Los Santos public transit system.
Chopper VS Chopper
Episode overview
We had so much fun with the VS we decided to try it 3 V 3! Special guest star - the diseased, mutated and partially re-animated GTA V character Michael & Geoff made for Kerry
Cops N Crooks
Episode overview
AH tries another version of Cops N Crooks by Crab Soul!
The Trojan Bar Heist
Episode overview
The AH crew strikes again! We take another crack at the Heist we originally attempted during Let's Play Live!
The Fleeca Job
Episode overview
Michael and Gavin, under the tutelage of Geoff and Ryan, attempt the first of Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto V Online Heists!
The Prison Job Part 1
Episode overview
The AH Crew is back with another heist with "The Prison Job."
The Prison Job Part 2
Episode overview
Part 2 of AH's Prison job heist!
The Prison Job Part 3
Episode overview
The dramatic [Technical Difficulties] conclusion [Technical Difficulties] to the Prison Job Heist!
Humane Labs Raid Part 1
Episode overview
Michael, Ray, Gavin & Ryan run the Humane Labs Raid!
Sunday Driving in GTA V - How Muddy Do You Like It?
Episode overview
Geoff takes the crew "Muddin"!
Humane Labs Raid Part 2
Episode overview
Ray, Gavin, Michael and Ryan are back for part 2 of the Humane Labs Raid! Check back Wednesday for the last part in a special mid-week GTA!
Humane Labs Raid Part 3
Episode overview
Gavin, Ray, Michael and Ryan go a raiding in the final part of the Humane Labs Heist!
Series A Funding Part 1
Episode overview
Michael, Geoff, Gavin, Ryan and sometimes Batman attend a fancy yacht party for Trevor!
Series A Funding Part 2
Episode overview
Geoff, Ryan, Gavin and Michael (Batman got busy with that whole Superman business) continue cleaning up the city in part 2 of the Series A Funding Heist.
Series A Funding Part 3
Episode overview
Geoff, Michael, Ryan and Gavin continue learning about all the different types of snatchable drugs in Los Santos!
The PC Grind
Episode overview
Michael, Ryan, Jack and special guest filler players Kerry, Jeremy, and Matt experience life back at level 1 in the first AH GTA V PC Let's Play!
Freeplay Hydra
Episode overview
The first video of AH's fan-selected content week! You guys picked free play, which is basically a AH podcast. We talk about socks and fly hydras.
Series A Funding Finale
Episode overview
The dramatic... hmm... thrilling? No, not that. End? Yeah, sure... End. The End of the Series A Heist with Geoff, Ryan, Michael, and Gavin.
Heists - The Pacific Standard Job
Episode overview
Geoff, Michael, Ryan and Jack kick off the last of the GTA V heist missions!
The Pacific Standard Job Part 2
Episode overview
AH continues their relentless and totally legit professional prep for the last GTA Heist!
The Pacific Standard Job Part 3
Episode overview
The Last Star Fighter, Gary Busey, and AH wrap up the prep work for the last heist!
The Pacific Standard Job Finale
Episode overview
The dramatic conclusion of the Pacific Standard Job! How much of the 1.2 million will the crew escape with?
Free Play Ill Gotten Gains
Episode overview
Geoff, Ryan, Michael, Jack and a special guest have some free play time with the new GTA DLC Ill Gotten Gains!
DLC Missions
Episode overview
Geoff, Jack, Michael, and Jeremy deliver some cars, steal some coke, and destroy some trucks in these three new missions.
Sunday Driving in GTA V - The Married Life
Episode overview
Griffon gets deep and personal about filling Geoff's life full of joy.
Alphabet Assassins
Episode overview
Geoff, Gavin, Jack and Michael run a few more Missions and see if they can kill their way through the alphabet. Also they rack up some Arkham Knight achievements. Somehow.
Chopper vs. Chopper X
Episode overview
AH tries out a new version of Chopper Vs Chopper! But can they overcome their short attention spans and inability to read long enough to properly play it?
Hasta La Vista
Episode overview
Geoff, Michael, Jack and Ryan have a magical time squishing the life out of each other in the Hasta La Vista game type!
Bounty Hunters
Episode overview
Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Michael and Gavin finally completed their mail correspondence course in bounty hunting! To celebrate, they take to the road to bring some cold hard justice to the lawless.
Guest Stars & Explosions
Episode overview
Geoff, Ryan, Jack, Jeremy, Michael and special guest star Colton Dunn play some GTA!
6-way AHasta La Vista Part 1
Episode overview
We had such a good time with Hasta La Vista we decided to make our own 6 player version!
6-way AHasta La Vista Part 2
Episode overview
The crushinating continues as AH smashes it's way through some more Hasta La Vista!
Episode overview
Achievement Hunter tries out a twist on Hasta La Vista... but since those pesky semi trucks were so slow we replaced them. With jets. The result is unspeakably awesome.
Maximum Multiplayer
Episode overview
AH decides to embrace the chaos with a few games with as a many community members as we could un-safely cram in!
Titan VS Dump
Episode overview
AH battles it out as slowly as possible in hardcore Titan VS Dump action!
Hunting Pack
Episode overview
AH and Funhaus see who owns the road in the new Hunting Pack game mode!
Free Roaming
Episode overview
AH has a leisurely podcast style Let's Play while trying to hit some of the new free roam events and check out Michael's new toy!
On the Prowl
Episode overview
AH plays another few rounds of Hunting Pack to determine if Jack is faster escaping with a taco truck or running one down!
Snipers Vs Stunters
Episode overview
It's like shooting acrobats with high powered rifles! You'll never see one of the MVPs of this one coming...
User Map Play Day
Episode overview
AH runs through a collection of user created maps popular on the social club!
Splat with Funhaus
Episode overview
Funhaus is in town so naturally the AH crew take them to great heights just to jump out of helicopters and dodge planes.
Episode overview
The boys check out the new GTA V Halloween Surprise update in the new gametype Slasher!
Episode overview
The boys ride low and take it easy in their new Lowriders. Featuring about 15,000 randoms from online!
Offense Defense
Episode overview
3 teams, a chaser, a blocker, and a lot of yelling. The guys try out the Offense Defense gametype in GTA V. English
Slasher 2
Episode overview
We're back in the GTA 5 Slasher gametype, and this time we're breaking out the machetes! It's darker, scarier, and
Offense Defense: The Wreckoning (#2)
Episode overview
This week we're bumping and grinding, we're also playing GTA! Name of the game: Don't let Geoff win!
Running Back
Episode overview
Red rover, red rover, send that smart car right over... annnnd we're wedged.
Adder Addiction
Episode overview
The guys get addicted to speed... Not the drug. Like speeding.. in a car. You know what I don't have to defend them!
Offense Defense: Close Encounters (#3)
Episode overview
Just another night of bumping and grinding for the boys of Achievement Hunter. I mean that in all the ways one could mean that.
