
Robinson Crusoe Isle
Episode overview
07, 1935
This episode has no summary.
The Hillbilly
Episode overview
01, 1935
Historian Tom Klein speculates this short to be an uncredited Tex Avery-directed effort.
Two Little Lambs
Episode overview
11, 1935
Two little lambs steal Oswald's airplane and take a wild joyride at and through an air-meet. They soon drive the other contestants out of the sky and the race and win the meet for Oswald who has managed to get on board by lassoing the airplane.
Do a Good Deed
Episode overview
25, 1935
Oswald is running a boy's camp and has taught the boys do do a good deed a day. This is borne out as wise advice when a bear attacks the camp, and the many animals, birds and bees befriended by the boys come to their rescue and run the bear away.
Episode overview
22, 1935
It's the story of a young boy who can't sleep because he wants candy. The sandman is busy putting everyone to sleep until he meets the boy's father who is kept up late at night by his constant crying...
Elmer the Great Dane
Episode overview
29, 1935
This episode has no summary.
Springtime Serenade
Episode overview
27, 1935
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Rabbit are preparing their summer home, confident that winter has ended. Professor Groundhog, unable to see his shadow, predicts several more weeks of cold weather. .. show full overview
Towne Hall Follies
Episode overview
03, 1935
Historians Joe Adamson and Tom Klein speculate this short to be an uncredited Tex Avery-directed effort.
At Your Service
Episode overview
08, 1935
This episode has no summary.
Three Lazy Mice
Episode overview
15, 1935
The King of Mouseland issues an edict that all of his Mouse subjects must work for their cheese. But three mice, too lazy to work (and too scared to steal) put on dark glasses and claim .. show full overview
Bronco Buster
Episode overview
05, 1935
This episode has no summary.
Amateur Broadcast
Episode overview
26, 1935
This episode has no summary.
The Quail Hunt
Episode overview
23, 1935
Oswald and his dog go bird hunting.
Fox and the Rabbit
Episode overview
30, 1935
A child rabbit is sent to school by his mother. On the way, he passes a carrot patch, which is actually a trap set by a hungry wolf. He remembers what his mother told him before he left; .. show full overview
Monkey Wretches
Episode overview
11, 1935
This episode has no summary.
Case of the Lost Sheep
Episode overview
09, 1935
The bunny highway patrol- motorcycle cop Oswald Rabbit and his sidekick Humpty Dumpty- are called in when Bo Peep's two small sheep run off and begin a crime spree. They even steal a full pie truck, and wreak havoc with the pies.
Doctor Oswald
Episode overview
30, 1935
It's a dark and stormy night when Elmer The Great Dane gets sick and Oswald has to nurse him back to health.
