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  • News Talk show


#235 - Heavy Trip, Robin Hood, Ben is Back, Bandersnatch, Polaroid, Kalte Füße
Episode overview
10, 2019
0:02:07 - Was hast Du zuletzt gesehen?, 0:02:17 - Unbreakable, 0:12:33 - Deliverance, 0:13:24 - Saving Private Ryan, 0:26:13 - Bandersnatch, 0:31:37 - Kinostarts:, 0:33:00 - .. show full overview
#236 - Glass, Capernaum, Der Spitzenkandidat, Fahrenheit 11/9, Mary Stuart, Ghostbusters 3
Episode overview
17, 2019
0:01:33 - Along with the Gods, 0:08:14 - Matrix-Trilogie, 0:15:18 - Spider-Man: A New Universe, 0:19:09 - Kinostarts der Woche, 0:20:36 - Maria Stuart, 0:25:02 - Der .. show full overview
#237 - Creed 2, The Favourite, Beautiful Boy, Der Junge muss an die frische Luft, Broadchurch
Episode overview
24, 2019
0:02:35 - American Crime Story, 0:10:54 - Broadchurch, 0:16:48 - The Last Laugh, 0:19:32 - Kinostarts:, 0:20:56 - Dragon Ball Super: Broly, 0:24:35 - The Favorite , 0:30:29 - Chaos .. show full overview
#238 - Green Book, The Mule, Oscars 2019, Plötzlich Familie, Big Fish & Begonia
Episode overview
01, 2019
0:02:41 - Schindlers Liste, 0:09:23 - Alita: Battle Angel Gewinnspiel, 0:13:51 - Dragon Ball Super: Broly, 0:18:23 - Kinostarts der Woche, 0:18:37 - Velvet Buzzsaw, 0:28:30 - .. show full overview
#239 - The Lego Movie 2, Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht 3, The Prodigy, Liam Neeson
Episode overview
07, 2019
0:01:02 - Alita Battle Angel, 0:02:59 - Guardians of the Galaxy 2, 0:04:42 - Matrjoschka, 0:09:44 - Widows, 0:18:08 - Nancy Drew, 0:23:03 - Scary Stories, 0:26:08 - .. show full overview
#240 - Alita: Battle Angel, Sweethearts, Ailos Reise, Happy Deathday 2U
Episode overview
14, 2019
0:02:33 - Eden Lake, 0:04:54 - Velvet Buzzsaw, 0:09:28 - Luz/Truth or Dare, 0:23:10 - Billig oder willig, 0:23:32 - Friedhof der Kuscheltiere, 0:24:52 - US , 0:29:52 - Ailos .. show full overview
#241 - Mein Bester & Ich, Vice, Der goldene Handschuh, Can You Ever Forgive Me?, One Cut of the Dead
Episode overview
21, 2019
0:01:30 - Terrified, 0:06:17 - Wrong Turn, 0:13:54 - Apocalypto, 0:20:01 - Kinostarts, 0:21:30 - Die Winzlinge, 0:25:53 - Lords of Chaos, 0:32:40 - Mein Bester & Ich, 0:37:08 - .. show full overview
#242 - Hard Powder, Escape Room, The Hate U Give, Asche ist reines Weiß, Yardie
Episode overview
28, 2019
This episode has no summary.
#243 - Captain Marvel, mid90s, White Boy Rick, The Sisters Brothers, Hi, Ai
Episode overview
07, 2019
This episode has no summary.
#244 - Triple Frontier, Avengers: Endgame, Trautmann, Asterix und das Geheimnis des Zaubertranks
Episode overview
17, 2019
0:01:17 - Berlinale, 0:17:18 - zuletzt gesehen: Captain Marvel, 0:24:10 - Kinostarts, 0:25:42 - Was Männer wollen, 0:26:55 - Vakuum, 0:32:54 - Trautmann, 0:42:04 - .. show full overview
#245 - Wir, Wintermärchen, Free Solo, Die Goldfische, Iron Sky: The Coming Race
Episode overview
21, 2019
0:01:47 - Horrorfilme, 0:04:13 - Head Full of Honey, 0:14:10 - Coherence, 0:19:07 - Gewinnspiel „Hellboy“, 0:21:57 - Kinostarts, 0:22:57 - The Highwaymen, 0:28:41 - Iron Sky: The .. show full overview
#246 - Apple TV+, Unser Team – Nossa Chape, Dumbo, Beach Bum, Interview mit Robert Zemeckis
Episode overview
28, 2019
0:01:16 - The Midnight Meat Train, 0:05:58 - Galaxy Quest, 0:09:03 - Sekiro Shadows Die Twice, 0:19:21 - Ein Gauner und Gentleman, 0:23:54 - Dumbo, 0:34:00 - Willkommen in .. show full overview
#247 - Shazam, Friedhof der Kuscheltiere, Birds of Passage, Unheimlich perfekte Freunde
Episode overview
04, 2019
0:02:40 - Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase, 0:07:21 - Batman Returns, 0:12:29 - The Dirt, 0:18:47 - Head full of Honey-Diskussion, 0:24:54 - Kinostarts, 0:26:21 - .. show full overview
#248 - Hellboy – Call of Darkness, Border, Nolan, Tipps zum Fantasy Filmfest, Genrenale
Episode overview
11, 2019
0:01:14 - About Time, 0:08:52 - 12 Monkeys, 0:15:39 - Die sagenhaften Vier, 0:26:23 - After Passion, 0:34:15 - Wunder Park, 0:40:49 - Berlin Bouncer, 0:47:21 - Border, 0:51:26 .. show full overview
#249 - Lloronas Fluch, Mega Time Squad, Supa Modo, Ayka, Der Fall Collini
Episode overview
18, 2019
This episode has no summary.
#250 - Avengers: Endgame, Fighting with My Family, Im Netz der Versuchung, Sonic the Hedgehog, One Cut of the Dead
Episode overview
03, 2019
0:17:30 - John Wick 3 & Cild's Play, 0:22:25 - Child's Play, 0:33:54 - Das schönste Paar, 0:39:46 - Im Netz der Versuchung, 0:46:41 - The Hole in the Ground, 0:50:04 - One Cut of .. show full overview
#251 - Pokémon Meisterdetektiv Pikachu, Ende der Wahrheit, Stan & Ollie, Tarantino bei Netflix
Episode overview
09, 2019
0:19:30 - Supercut, 0:20:20 - Stan & Ollie, 0:26:55 - Kleine Germanen, 0:34:55 - Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy, 0:37:50 - Das Ende der Wahrheit, 0:44:00 - Meisterdetektiv .. show full overview
#252 - The Silence, The Sun is also a Star, Antiporno, Dave Made a Maze
Episode overview
16, 2019
0:01:16 - Zuletzt gesehen, 0:26:47 - Kinostarts, 0:28:10 - The Sun is also a Star, 0:33:47 - Maquia, 0:42:57 - Das Familienfoto, 0:48:20 - Antiporno, 0:52:14 - Greta, 1:07:32 - .. show full overview
#253 - John Wick 3, Aladdin, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Jonathan, The Wild Boys
Episode overview
23, 2019
0:02:30 - Triple Frontier, 0:09:40 - Netflix-Streaming-Diskussion, 0:23:10 - Miracle Workers, 0:24:55 - Chernobyl, 0:31:50 - Kinostarts der Woche, 0:34:04 - Peter Pfister - Der .. show full overview
#254 - Godzilla II: King of the Monsters, Rocketman, Mirai, Ma, Roads, Mr. Link, High Life
Episode overview
30, 2019
0:02:02 - Take me to the River, 0:03:15 - Bad Times at the El Royale, 0:05:11 - Booksmart, 0:09:58 - Leid und Herrlichkeit, 0:21:30 - Mirai - Das Mädchen aus der Zukunft, 0:26:31 - .. show full overview
#255 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix, Burning, TKKG, Robert Pattinson als Batman, Geheimtipps
Episode overview
06, 2019
0:06:14 - Godzilla II: King of the Monsters, 0:13:12 - Die Jagd, 0:18:06 - The Mustang, 0:21:20 - Rambo 5: The Last Blood, 0:25:12 - Le Mans 66: Gegen jede Chance, 0:29:46 - .. show full overview
#256 - Men in Black: International, The Dead Don’t Die, Sunset, Bailey 2
Episode overview
14, 2019
This episode has no summary.
#257 - Brightburn, Long Shot, Drei Schritte zu Dir, Verachtung, Tolkien
Episode overview
20, 2019
0:06:55 - Transparenz mit Spencer & Hill, 0:13:00 - Mein Bester und ich, 0:18:06 - The Act, 0:28:15 - City of God, 0:36:04 - Long Shot, 0:46:49 - 3 Schritte zu Dir, 0:51:01 - O .. show full overview
#258 - Pets 2, Ein Becken voller Männer, Five Fingers For Marseille, Wo ist Kyra?
Episode overview
27, 2019
0:01:37 Creepshow, 0:13:34 Jessica Jones S03; 8 Tage, 0:17:10 Long Shot, 0:26:30 Five Fingers For Marseille, 0:29:35 Wo ist Kyra?, 0:32:00 Reise nach Jerusalem, 0:34:20 Ein Becken .. show full overview
#259 - Spider-Man: Far From Home, Annabelle comes Home, Tel Aviv on Fire
Episode overview
04, 2019
This episode has no summary.
#260 - Yesterday, Apocalypse Now Final Cut, Kursk, Rebellinen, Vorfreude auf 2019
Episode overview
11, 2019
0:01:39 - König der Löwen, 0:07:16 - Abbattoire, 0:10:31 - Mission Impossible 3+4, 0:14:03 - Life, 0:22:52 - Spider-Man: Far From Home, 0:30:28 - Gewinnspiel, 0:31:53 - The Dark .. show full overview
#261 - Der König der Löwen, Child’s Play, Anna, Apocalypse Now – The Final Cut
Episode overview
18, 2019
0:03:09 - Late Night, 0:07:13 - Beginners, 0:11:51 - Easy Rider, 0:18:44 - Apocalypse Now, 0:36:17 - Kinostarts, 0:37:41 - Messer im Herz, 0:45:03 - Anna, 0:56:21 - Child’s .. show full overview
#262 - Vox Lux, Leid und Herrlichkeit, Cleo, Dragonball Super: Broly, Abikalypse
Episode overview
25, 2019
0:02:19 - Book of Monsters, 0:07:44 - Große Freiheit Nr. 7, 0:11:46 - Der Leichenverbrenner, 0:17:03 - Avengement - Wir schweifen ab!, 0:25:09 - Cleo, 0:39:21 - Auf ein .. show full overview
#263 - Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw, Drag Me to Hell, Comic Con, Blade, Rango
Episode overview
01, 2019
0:01:24 - Mission Impossible 6, 0:01:52 - Batman vs Ninja Turtles, 0:05:03 - Midsommar, 0:18:29 - Blinde Wut, 0:22:52 - Drag me to hell, 0:28:00 - Videodrome, 0:32:56 - American .. show full overview
#264 - Killerman, Fisherman’s Friends, Und wer nimmt den Hund?, Berlin, I Love You
Episode overview
08, 2019
0:05:07 - There will be Blood, 0:07:54 - Sorcerer, 0:09:50 - Cruising, 0:12:10 - The Boys, 0:13:14 - Gone Girl, 0:18:54 - Billig oder will ich, 0:26:13 - Kinostarts:, 0:27:35 - .. show full overview
#265 - Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, A Toy Story: Alles hört auf kein Kommando
Episode overview
12, 2019
0:02:50 - Wall Street, 0:10:50 - Mandy, 0:13:38 - Conductor, 0:14:41 - Kir Royal/ Monaco Franze, 0:20:01 - Blinded by the Light, 0:22:51 - Good Boys, 0:25:01 - Endzeit, 0:29:18 .. show full overview
#266 - Late Night, Little Monsters, Angel Has Fallen, James Bond 007: No Time to Die, Matrix 4, Systemsprenger, Golden Twenties
Episode overview
29, 2019
0:04:24 - Kampf/Zorn der Titanen, 0:09:14 - Wonderstruck, 0:12:08 - Tyrel, 0:16:54 - Simon does Internet, 0:30:50 - Iris: A Space Opera by Justice, 0:31:51 - Golden .. show full overview
#267 - Der Dunkle Kristall, Brotherhood, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Bad Boys 3: For Life, Billig oder will ich: The Death of Dick Long und Joker, Diego Maradona, Es Kapitel 2, Talk zu Es 2
Episode overview
05, 2019
0:02:08 - Netflix Dark Crystal, 0:07:02 - Brotherhood, 0:10:55 - Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, 0:16:18 - Mindhunter, 0:17:23 - Hateful 8, 0:20:19 - Bad Boys for Life, 0:28:15 - .. show full overview
#268 - Mindhunter, Joker, Gut gegen Nordwind, Rambo-Reihe, Screenshot-Raten, Einsendungen Tarantino-Gewinnspiel
Episode overview
12, 2019
0:05:06 - Serien-Talk: Mindhunters, 0:14:06 - Brick, 0:15:12 - Die Körperfresser kommen, 0:17:55 - Peeping Tom, 0:22:51 - Carrie-Remake, 0:25:09 - Joker, 0:35:38 - .. show full overview
#269 - Spider-Man: Far From Home, Ad Astra, Rambo: Last Blood, Systemsprenger, Angry Birds 2
Episode overview
19, 2019
0:04:20 - American Horror Story: Apocalypse, 0:10:52 - Trailer: Raising Dion, 0:14:19 - US-Stand-Up-Comedy, 0:20:19 - Spider-Man: Far From Home, 0:30:50 - Billig oder will .. show full overview
#270 - Ad Astra, 3 from Hell, Gelobt sei Gott, Léon, Ready or Not, Midsommar
Episode overview
26, 2019
0:01:42 - Ad Astra – Zu den Sternen, 0:09:19 - Wings of Hope, 0:13:58 - Wir – Der Sommer, als wir unsere Röcke..., 0:18:49 - Gemini Man, 0:31:45 - Billig oder will ich?, 0:32:01 - .. show full overview
#271 - In the Shadow of the Moon, The Peanut Butter Falcon, 1917, We Have Always Lived in the Castle, Enzo und die wundersame Welt der Menschen, Deutschstunde, Gemini Man, Skin, Ronny & Klaid
Episode overview
03, 2019
0:04:36 - In the Shadow of the Moon, 0:10:25 - The Peanut Butter Falcon, 0:17:12 - Featurette zu 1917, 0:27:32 - Kinostarts, 0:29:11 . We Have Always Lived in the Castle, 0:32:20 .. show full overview
#272 - Joker-Spezial
Episode overview
10, 2019
This episode has no summary.
#273 - Maleficent 2, Parasite, Ich war noch niemals in New York, Momo
Episode overview
17, 2019
0:02:15 - Nina Wu, 0:09:00 - Overnight, 0:16:27 - El Camino A Breaking Bad Movie, 0:26:04 - Terminator 2, 0:28:34 - Momo, 0:32:52 - Maleficent: Mächte der Finsternis, 0:35:07 - .. show full overview
#274 - Die Addams Family, Dolemite Is My Name, Brittany Runs a Marathon, Penguin Highway, Zwei Missionare, Terminator 6: Dark Fate, Blood Machines, Jallikattu, Tatort: Angriff auf Wache 08
Episode overview
24, 2019
0:03:34 - Marriage Story, 0:05:24 - Batman, 0:13:57 - Casablanca, 0:19:19 - Midsommar, 0:21:28 - Eli, 0:22:46 - Die Geldwäscherei, 0:32:38 - Zwei Missionare, 0:39:02 - Die Addams .. show full overview
#275 - Halloween Haunt, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, Das perfekte Geheimnis
Episode overview
31, 2019
0:07:36 - Es war einmal das Leben, 0:12:31 - Der Leuchtturm, 0:18:58 - Shivers-Festival , 0:28:48 - Community-Screening „Le Mans 66“, 0:33:03 - Kinostarts, 0:34:29 - Das perfekte .. show full overview
#276 - Zombieland 2, Midway, Lara, Martin Scorsese vs Marvel
Episode overview
07, 2019
0:00:54 - Der Shots-Podcast, 0:09:04 - Was hast du zuletzt gesehen?, 0:09:11 - The Gallows - Act 2, 0:10:47 - V wie Vendetta, 0:13:06 - Good Boys, 0:13:20 - Für immer .. show full overview
#278 - Doctors Sleeps Erwachen, Marriage Story, Die Eiskönigin 2, Klaus
Episode overview
21, 2019
0:01:02 - Alles steht Kopf , 0:01:10 - Save the Green Planet, 0:05:23 - Villanelle, 0:07:18 - Watchman, 0:11:39 - Modern Love, 0:30:57 - Kinostarts, 0:31:52 - Die Eiskönigin .. show full overview
#279 - Hustlers, Der Leuchtturm, Mishima, Yung, The Good Liar
Episode overview
28, 2019
0:00:59 - Kurzvorstellung Thomas, 0:09:35 - The Farewell, 0:11:58 - Rambo: Last Blood, 0:16:31 - Spell, 0:21:44 - Lost Soul, 0:30:02 - Kinostarts, 0:31:20 - Yung, 0:36:49 - Mein .. show full overview
#280 - A Rainy Day in New York, Zwei Päpste, Auerhaus und Stream it!
Episode overview
05, 2019
0:01:44 - Michael-Jackson-Musical, 0:07:11 - Das hält kein Jahr...!, 0:10:45 - Serendipity/Weil es Dich gibt, 0:11:33 - High Fidelity, 0:13:43 - Killing Eve, 0:18:20 - Robin Hood .. show full overview
#281 - Jumanji: Next Level, The Farewell & Weathering with you
Episode overview
12, 2019
0:00:59 – Begrüßung & News, 0:07:45 – Diskussion über Kurzfilme, 0:14:40 – Zuletzt gesehen: One Cut of the Dead, 0:16:38 – Black Christmas, 0:16:50 – Joker und Marriage .. show full overview
#282 - Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker - Unser XXL-Fazit zu Star Wars 9
Episode overview
19, 2019
0:02:03 - Billig oder will ich: Top Gun Maverik, 0:12:21 - The Rise of Skywalker, 1:35:59 - Star Wars - Ein Blick zurück
