3x1 #94 - The Revenant, Til Schweigers Tatort, Morgen hör ich auf, mit Simon Verhoeven, Unfriend, Diskussionen übers Filmbusiness Episode overview
07, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x2 #95 - Moritz Bleibtreu und Stephan Rick, Die dunkle Seite des Mondes, Golden Globes, Creed, The Big Short Episode overview
14, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x3 #96 - Sicario, Die Hure, James Bond 007: Spectre, Point Break, Anomalisa, Daddy's Home, Brooklyn, Ride Along, Deadpool, Netflix, Die Oscars 2016, David Bowie, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Batman v Superman Episode overview
21, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x4 #97 - Martyrs Remake, The Hateful Eight, Wie Brüder im Wind, Dope, Conan, Shrew's Nest, Labyrinth 2, Ghost In The Shell, The Foot Fist Way, The Chickening Episode overview
28, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x5 #98 - The Hateful Eight, The Forest, Gänsehaut, Tschiller: Off Duty, The Something, Alien: Covenant, Ghostbusters, Star Wars: Rogue One, The Green Room, The Boy and The Beast Episode overview
04, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x6 #99 - Der Blitz, The Martian, Comics und Filme, Old Boy, Captain America: Civil War, Deadpool, Sisters, Dirty Grandpa, 69 Tage Hoffnung, Tubeheads: Star Wars-Special Episode overview
3x8 #101 - Nilz Bokelberg, Where to Invade Next, Der geilste Tag, Spotlight, Pacific Rim 2, Baywatch, Pete's Dragon Episode overview
25, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x9 #102 - Kim Speer, Watchmen - Directors Cut, Vom Winde verweht, Oscars 2016 Recap, Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank, El Clan, Zoomania, Der Dunkle Turm, Ironfist, Finding Dory, Taboo Episode overview
03, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x10 #103 - Ghostbusters-Trailer, The Rock, Bad Boys, Con Air, Der Spion und sein Bruder, Trumbo, Son of Saul, London has Fallen, Darth Maul Apprentice, Geschichten von Set Episode overview
10, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x11 #104 - Christians Filmblick, Ben Hur, Herbert, Auferstanden, Kung Fu Panda 3, Raum, Star Wars VIII, Kandidaten für Han Solo-Film, Captain Future, DVD-Tipps von Alvart Episode overview
17, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x13 #106 - Zodiac, David Fincher als Regisseur, Gewinnspiel-Auflösung, The Finest Hour, Eddie the Eagle, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Fantasy Filmfest Nights, Dragonball, Batman v Superman, Lego Batman Episode overview
31, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x14 #107 - Edes Freestyle Rap, Serientalk, Hardcore-Event, Ip Man 3, The Huntsman & The Ice Queen, Swiss Army Man, Bladerunner, The BFG, Zoombies (The Asylum), Neuer Tim-Burton-Film Episode overview
07, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x15 #108 - The Invitation, Yakuza Apocalypse, Godzilla Resurgence, The Invitation, Godzilla Resurgence, A War, The Jungle Book, Hardcore-Event, Batman, Spider-Man, Edge of Tomorrow 2, EZO-1... Episode overview
14, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x16 #109 - Spoilerdebatte, Civil War?!, Peanuts, The Screening Room, Der Schamane und die Schlange, Visions, The Boss, Gods of Egypt, Beyond the Bridge – Interview, Die glorreichen Sieben, Jason Bourne Episode overview
21, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x17 #110 - In Gedenken an Arne Elsholtz, Schrotten, Ratchet & Clank, Ein Hologramm für den König, Bauernopfer, Captain America 3: Civil War – Analyse Episode overview
28, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x18 #111 - Alien-Gewinnspielauflösung, FlakedAlien-Gewinnspielauflösung, Flaked, A Bigger Splash, Bad Neighbors 2, Triple 9, Star Wars Rogue One, Peanuts, Captain America 3: Civil War... Episode overview
05, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x19 #112 - Geil und Schmutzig, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Snoopy-Verlosung, Poesie des Unendlichen, Angry Birds, Victor Frankenstein + Interview, Lethal-Weapon-Serie, Power Rangers, Space Jam 2... Episode overview
12, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x20 #113 - Ghostbusters, Seitenwechsel, Monsieur Chocolat, The Witch, X-Men: Apocalypse, Star Wars: Rogue One, Synchronicity, Legend, MacGyver, Lethal Weapon, Toni Erdmann... Episode overview
19, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x21 #114 - Layer Cake, FiSH Filmfestival, James Bond, Sing Street, Warcraft: The Beginning, Der Nachtmahr, Money Monster, The Nice Guys, Ready Player One, Dark Tower... Episode overview
26, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x22 #115 - Darth Maul: Apprentice, Wild, Der Nachtmahr, Erlösung, Keanu, Stolz und Vorurteil und Zombies, ES-Remake, Pacific Rim 2, Ghost in the Shell, Film-Bilderrätselspiel Episode overview
10, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x23 #116 - Lieblings-Filme Special: Vielleicht lieber morgen, Brothers Bloom, Memento, Buckaroo Banzai, Sieben, Ernest & Célestine, Kikujiros Sommer, The Wrestler, The Big Year, Pumping Iron, Captain Phil Episode overview
23, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x24 #117 - Green Room, 8mm – Acht Millimeter, Väter und Töchter, Ice Age – Kollision voraus!, High-Rise, The Assassin, Götz George, Bud Spencer, Anton Yelchin... Episode overview
30, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x25 #118 - Pentathlon, Warcraft: The Beginning, Verräter wie wir, Tangerine L.A., Attack on Titan, Wreck-it Ralph 2, Michael Cimino, Unfriend, Bunker of the Dead, Weird Al Yankovic – UHF Episode overview
07, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x26 #119 - Silicon Valley, Banshee, Batman v Superman, Toni Erdmann, Independence Day: Wiederkehr – Roland Emmerich im Interview, Battlefield-Serie, Saw 8?, Pokémon-Realfilm, The Human Centipede 4... Episode overview
14, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x27 #120 - Netflix-Serie: Hush, Don’t Breathe, Doom, Das Ding aus einer anderen Welt, Star Trek Beyond, BFG – Big Friendly Giant, Garry Marshall verstorben, 50 Jahre Star Trek: Gerhard Raible... Episode overview
21, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x28 #121 - Trainspotting – Neue Helden, Batman-Filme, Seefeuer, Pets, Legend of Tarzan, The Division, Stranger Things, Comic Con-Recap: Justice League, Wonder Woman, Doctor Strange, Hunt For The... Episode overview
28, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x30 #123 - Suicide Squad, Jason Bourne, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Barbershop, Suicide Squad Interview u. a. mit Will Smith, Margot Robbie und David Ayer Episode overview
12, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x31 #124 - Ben Hur, Mein ziemlich kleiner Freund, Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates, Interview mit Uwe Boll, Rampage: President Down, Best of Uwe Boll Episode overview
04, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x32 #125 - Uwe-Boll-Einschätzung, Sleep Tight, Conjuring 2, The Light Between Oceans, Absolutely Fabulous, Don’t Breathe, Nerve, Oscar für Jackie Chan, Ready Player One, Gewinnspielauflösungen Episode overview
08, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x33 #126 - X-Men: Apocalypse, Shocktober: Top Horrorfilme, SMS für Dich, Tschick, The Purge: Election Year, Eigener Bibel-Film für Brad Pitt?, The Toxic Avenger, Film-Soundtracks Episode overview
15, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x34 #127 - Hausaufgabe, Tschick, Train to Busan mit Schröck, Die Glorreichen Sieben, Snowden, Bad Moms mit Schröck, Emmy Gewinner, Mission Impossible 6, Luke Cage Preview, The thin red Line Episode overview
23, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x35 #128 - Blair Witch, Schocktober, Findet Dorie, Raving Iran, Attack on Titan, Silence, König der Löwen, John Carpenter, Horror Plauschangriff, King Cobra Episode overview
30, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x36 #129 - L'Odyssée, Westworld, Narcos, Billig oder will ich?, Blair Witch, Sausage Party, Insel der besonderen Kinder, Gätjens großes Kino auf ZDF, Alte Männer in Hollywood Episode overview
06, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x37 #130 - Star-Wars-Poster, Billig oder will ich – Kung Fu Yoga, Inferno, American Honey, Swiss Army Man, Die Welt der Wunderlichs, Affenkönig, Predator, Evil Dead Episode overview
13, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x38 #131 - John Wick 2, Guardians Of The Galaxy 2, Don’t Breathe, Schneider vs. Bax, Trolls, Bridget Jones’ Baby, Das kalte Herz, YouTube-Red-Serien, Silence, The Irishman, Terror, Mulan Episode overview
20, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x39 #132 - Westworld, Bad Moms, People Of Earth, Doctor Strange, Oasis: Supersonic, Störche, 31, Girl on the Train, Nirgendwo, Logan Episode overview
27, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x40 #133 - Star Trek Beyond, The Infiltrator, The Handmaiden, Morris aus Amerika, Willkommen bei den Hartmanns, Die Tänzerin, Trainspotting 2, Deadpool 2, Split, Alien: Covenant Episode overview
03, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x41 #134 - High Maintenance, Billig oder will ich: Star Trek Beyond, Jack Reacher 2, Café Society, Before I Wake, Bad Boys 3, Rogue One Intro ohne Lauftext?, American Werewolf Remake, Manchester by... Episode overview
10, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x42 #135 - Marvel-Filme, Assassin’s Creed, Phantastische Tierwesen, Paterson, Amerikanisches Idyll, WonderBoys, Jackie Chan, Star Wars 9, Deadpool 2, Ghost in the Shell, Valerian Episode overview
17, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x43 #136 - Independence Day, Sharknado 4, Billig oder will ich - Monster Trucks, Bad Santa 2, Deepwater Horizon, Reisebericht Ghost in the Shell, Filme raten, Monster Hunter, Hard Boiled, Scene it? Episode overview
25, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x44 #137 - Billig oder will ich: Nicht erschienene Filmfortsetzungen, Sully, Underworld 5: Blood Wars, Die Hände meiner Mutter, Rogue One: Findet Darth Vader, Annie Awards, Netflix-Download... Episode overview
02, 2016
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This episode has no summary.
3x45 #138 - Planet der Affen 3, Transformers 5, Dunkirk, Captain Future, Netflix, Golden Globes, Star Wars: Rogue One, Gewinnspiele Episode overview