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Temporada 4
Fecha de emisión
Ene 08, 2003
Surfing Cat Believe It or Not, Sweetie the cat surfs the waves of Hawaii's famed Waikikii beach.
Baby Shaq Auri Allen stands 6 ft. 8 inches and weighs 301 pounds... and believe it
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Surfing Cat Believe It or Not, Sweetie the cat surfs the waves of Hawaii's famed Waikikii beach.
Baby Shaq Auri Allen stands 6 ft. 8 inches and weighs 301 pounds... and believe it or not, he's only 12-years old!
Biking Cards Baseball cards are being replaced with bikini cards. Believe it or Not, Gina Lee Nolin and PinUp Queen Cindy Margolis are just two famous faces on these Bench Warmer Trading Cards.
Trial Chair This carved wood chair is the centerpiece of tribal justice in Ghana, West Africa. At a trial, the accuser and the accused were forced to sit side by side during the proceedings. Whoever was eventually declared a liar was immediately beheaded, right where he sat.
Mountain Board Jump Believe It or Not, Jason Lee has designed a Mountain Board that will allow him to set a long distance world record.
Youngest Sailor Fifteen-year-old Sebastian Clover crossed the Atlantic by himself in a sailboat in only 25 days, making him the youngest sailor to ever sail the Atlant
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Ene 15, 2003
Record Board Breaker Believe it or not, Mike Reeves will break 500 one inch boards in less than 1 minute.
Homemade Monorail Believe it or not Kim Pedersen is so obsessed with
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Record Board Breaker Believe it or not, Mike Reeves will break 500 one inch boards in less than 1 minute.
Homemade Monorail Believe it or not Kim Pedersen is so obsessed with monorails that he's built one in his own backyard.
Clock Tower Tree Miraculously, this tree has been growing without soil or water for 132 years and -believe it or not- it's rooted on the roof of a clock tower!
Beauty Buffet Before they are married, these girls go to fat houses and believe it or not, are stuffed with food to make them more desirable.
Gray Lady Believe it or not, Rosemary Jacobs skin is no longer flesh colored, it's gray!
Golfball Eating Alligator What makes this specimen unbelievable is what was found inside this gator's gut. And the apparent cause of its death was a diet that included over 200 indigestible golf balls!
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Ene 22, 2003
Great Rope Escape The world's strongest man will twist and contort Michael Griffin's body and then tie him with 200 feet of rope... leaving little room for movement... And believe it
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Great Rope Escape The world's strongest man will twist and contort Michael Griffin's body and then tie him with 200 feet of rope... leaving little room for movement... And believe it or not, he will escape.
Open Ocean Snowmobile Alexander Karason is going to ride his snowmobile for 15 miles from his home town straight into the open ocean and back again!
PowerPlank This is the ""Power Plank,"" the world's first motorized snowboard. This 170 pound monstrosity can power ""up"" a snow covered mountain as well, maxing out at about 45 mph!
Ash Bath Believe it or not, after a member of the tribe is cremated, these holy men bathe in the remaining ashes!
Scalpless In India Believe it or not, after getting her hair caught in a ferris wheel, seven year old Roopavani's entire scalp was ripped from her head!
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Ene 29, 2003
Mr. Backwards Believe it or not, Roger Riddell is going to jump 60 feet over cars on a motorcycle while riding backwards!
Land Mine Obsession Believe it or not, Aki Ra is so
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Mr. Backwards Believe it or not, Roger Riddell is going to jump 60 feet over cars on a motorcycle while riding backwards!
Land Mine Obsession Believe it or not, Aki Ra is so obsessed with land mines, he travels the country defusing them so he can add them to his collection of thousands!
Real Life Bam Bam Josh Campo is a record breaking weight lifter -- believe it or not -- he's only six years old!
Hobbling Horse Barnaby the horse was about to be put to sleep after having part of his leg amputated, but was given a second chance when -believe it or not- he received the only prosthetic leg for a horse in the world!
Tongue Tailor Believe it or not, despite the tragedy of being without the use of her arms or legs, Sapna Goel is able to thread a sewing machine needle and sew clothing, using just her tongue!
Stretchable Stewardess Emma Richards is so determined to become a flight attendant, she's had her legs surgically stretched in order to make the airline height requirement!
Fecha de emisión
Feb 05, 2003
Human Cannonball Return Human cannonball Ermes Zamperia overshot an inflatable air cushion by 25 feet and crashed headfirst into a fence. Ripley's will be there when he gets back into
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Human Cannonball Return Human cannonball Ermes Zamperia overshot an inflatable air cushion by 25 feet and crashed headfirst into a fence. Ripley's will be there when he gets back into his cannon for the first time.
Taxidermy Art Tia Resleure is so obsessed with animals that when they die she stuffs them, dresses them and lives with them in her home!
Beetlejuice Town Peter & Sally Lee are so obsessed with their hometown, they are recreating every building in the city in miniature, at their home.
The Faster Pastor Rev. Paul Sinclair is the only minister who transports the coffins of his ""late"" parishioners to their final resting place in the sidecar of his motorbike, believe it or not
Rubber Girl Because of a rare medical condition this 14-year-old is just over 2 feet tall. This disease has also caused the bones of her body to become brittle and elastic allowing her a range of motion that is impossible in normal people.
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Feb 12, 2003
Worm Feast Mark Hogg will be buried to his nose in an acrylic cylinder filled with more than 10,000 slimy nightcrawlers. And believe it or not, he will attempt to eat his way to
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Worm Feast Mark Hogg will be buried to his nose in an acrylic cylinder filled with more than 10,000 slimy nightcrawlers. And believe it or not, he will attempt to eat his way to freedom.
Dr. Dribble Believe it or not, Joseph Odhiambo is going to attempt a new Ripley's record of juggling 3 basketballs while trying to make 39 lay-ups in one minute.
Typewriter Portrait Believe it or not, Guruprasad Vanalkar will create an amazingly accurate, life-sized, colored portrait of Dean Cain -- on a typewriter!
Cowboy Crazy Believe it or not, England's Steve Smart is so obsessed with the wild west he dresses as a cowboy and built a full western town and ponderosa ranch in his front yard!
Sleep Standing Up Mihai Jarpen does everything standing up: eating, traveling, watching television, and believe it or not, even sleeping.
Arm Grows Nose Dr. Peter Ayliffe will reconstruct the face of Madina Yusaf, a woman severely disfigured by a flesh-eating disease, by growing a new nose in her arm!
Fecha de emisión
Feb 19, 2003
Barefoot Ski and Drive Tony Castro will drive his ski boat while, believe it or not, barefoot water skiing.
Girls on Nails Anna Kinison will lie down on a bed of 4 eight inch nails
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Barefoot Ski and Drive Tony Castro will drive his ski boat while, believe it or not, barefoot water skiing.
Girls on Nails Anna Kinison will lie down on a bed of 4 eight inch nails and believe it or not, her female partner will stand on top of her.
Christmas Obsession Believe it or not, Andy Park is so obsessed with Christmas he's been celebrating it every day for 10 years!
Balloon Sculpture Believe it or not, Larry Moss has created a 40 foot sculpture of 2 soccer players. It's the largest in the world, made out of 40,781 small party balloons!on a typewriter!
Bird Spit Soup Believe it or not, this soup from birds' nests is such a valued delicacy that people risk their lives, scaling deadly cliffs to get its main ingredient!
Fecha de emisión
Feb 26, 2003
Belly Button Bottle Opener Joel Freeborn is a human bottle opener. Believe it or Not, he opens the bottles with his belly
Frisbee Ashes Ed Headrick, who is the father of the modern
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Belly Button Bottle Opener Joel Freeborn is a human bottle opener. Believe it or Not, he opens the bottles with his belly
Frisbee Ashes Ed Headrick, who is the father of the modern day Frisbee, is so obsessed with the sport that believe it or not, he's going to have his cremated ashes cast into the flying discs to give to his family and friends.
Matchstick Apartment Istvan Kalincsak has covered every square foot of his apartment with matches.
Lingerie Shark Dive The women's scuba diving club called ""Mystic Blue"" is planning a dive in shark-infested waters to raise money for a children's charity. Believe it or not, the women will do this wearing no protective gear.
Senior Skier Mary Murphy wants to set the world record for water-skiing 62-miles from Long Beach to Catalina Island and back. Believe it or not, Mary is 84 years old!
Bone Furniture Suciu Nicolae has been collecting animal bones for years. Believe it or not, he has built furniture and decorated his entire home wit
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Mar 05, 2003
Foil Boarding Believe it or not, Laird Hamilton is the only person to ever create a surfboard that allows him to surf 2 feet above the water!
Blind Skier Bart Bunting is a
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Foil Boarding Believe it or not, Laird Hamilton is the only person to ever create a surfboard that allows him to surf 2 feet above the water!
Blind Skier Bart Bunting is a competitive skier who reaches speeds up to 60 mph and -- believe it or not -- he's blind!
Underwater Bike Believe it or not, this man has invented a lead bike that allows him to ride at the bottom of the sea!
Indian Bone Eating Ritual As part of a religious ceremony -- believe it or not -- these people dig up bodies and chew on human bones!
Fastest Fingers Bob Arno has the world's fastest fingers, believe it or not, he can take your tie off your neck without you even knowing it!
Gladiator School Regular guys shed their jeans and become Roman gladiators, complete with real weapons, historically accurate armor and flesh wounds. And Ripley's is there to see this ancient sport come to life!
Checkered Man Matt Gone loves checkered patterns so much that not only is his whole apartment decorated like a checker
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Mar 12, 2003
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
Fecha de emisión
Mar 19, 2003
World's Biggest Rubber Band Ball Tony Evans has created the world's biggest ball of rubber bands -- six million of them! For Ripley's Tony will drop the giant ball out of an airplane
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World's Biggest Rubber Band Ball Tony Evans has created the world's biggest ball of rubber bands -- six million of them! For Ripley's Tony will drop the giant ball out of an airplane to see how high it will bounce!
Skydive Record Believe It or Not, 300-people are coming from all over the world to jump from 5-different airplanes at the same time to break a skydiving world record.
Wheelchair Climb Paralympic athlete Jeff Adams will climb the 1,776 stairs of the CN tower -- the world's tallest freestanding structure -- in, believe it or not, his wheelchair!
Canal Vaulting A three hundred year old tradition has been turned into a competitive sport as players vault themselves 60+ feet in the air to cross ancient Dutch canals!
World's Tallest Stilt Walk Believe it or not, Jeff Jay will break the record for walking on the tallest pair of stilts -- over 60 feet high!
Naked Bladers Believe it or not, there is a group of rollerblading babes who bare it all before hitting the streets
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Ago 06, 2003
Mountain Bike Speed Record Believe it or not, Eric Barone will break a land speed world record on a bicycle, by pedaling downhill at an unbelievable 107 miles per hour.
Mini Mozart
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Mountain Bike Speed Record Believe it or not, Eric Barone will break a land speed world record on a bicycle, by pedaling downhill at an unbelievable 107 miles per hour.
Mini Mozart Noah Gray-Cabey is an accomplished Concert Pianist who Believe it or Not is only 7-years old.
Army Troop Sled The year is 1945 and American soldiers in Italy come up with this makeshift sled as a safer way to cross the battlefield. It's a torpedo tube cut in half which can protect up to 12 soldiers at a time.
Sand Man In an attempt to show humans are one with the earth, this man will pour sand directly into his open eyes!
Snake Eats Stomach Believe it or not, Dave Weathers was bit by a cobra and the poisonous venom literally ate a hole through his stomach!
World's Most Unbelievable Animal This week Ripley's goes to Los Angeles on their continuing search for America's most unbelievable animal!
Face Breaker Jim Guercio and Mike Miller will face off in this Ripley's Challenge to see who can brea
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Ago 13, 2003
Skateboard Loop Believe it or not, Bob Burnquist is the only skateboarder in the world who can perform ""The Loop of Death""!
Whiz Kid Abby Julo is a political whiz. She knows the
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Skateboard Loop Believe it or not, Bob Burnquist is the only skateboarder in the world who can perform ""The Loop of Death""!
Whiz Kid Abby Julo is a political whiz. She knows the names of our 43 presidents, and over 50 world leaders.....and believe it or not, she's only 4 years old!
Buffalo Dung Delicacy Believe it or not, as a source of protein, these people eat flies and larvae living inside buffalo patties.
Backwards Leg Boy 10 year old Patrick German is no different from his friends, except that, Believe it or Not, his left leg and foot were literally turned backwards to save his life.
World's Most Unbelievable Animal This week Ripley's goes to Orlando, Florida on their continuing search for America's most unbelievable animal!
Camera Car Believe it or not, this one of a kind van created by Harrod Blank has over 2000 cameras and light meters!
Electric Bike In 1967 Russel Win invented an electric bike that traveled at 30 mph
Rattlesnake Bath Believe it or not, two cha
Fecha de emisión
Ago 20, 2003
Vertical Plane Stall Believe it or not, Kirby Chambliss is the only pilot in the world who can defy gravity and bring his plane to a vertical standstill just seven feet off the
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Vertical Plane Stall Believe it or not, Kirby Chambliss is the only pilot in the world who can defy gravity and bring his plane to a vertical standstill just seven feet off the ground!
Wakeboard Wonder Phillip Soven is the world's youngest professional wakeboarder. Believe it or not, he's only thirteen years old and he is the only person in the world can do a front toe-side roll while spinning blind 540-degrees in mid-air!
Toe Cocktail Believe it or not, as a sort of rite of passage in the Yukon, you must consume a cocktail that actually contains a severed human toe! All you have to do is let the toe touch your lips to become a part of this Yukon tradition that boasts more than 16,000 members!
Boomerang Egg Believe It or Not, Barnaby Ruhe is so accurate with a boomerang, he can throw it and hit an egg sitting on top of his own head.
Legless Marathon Man Believe It or Not, Bob Wieland who lost his legs in Vietnam, completed the Los Angeles Marathon...on his hands!
World's Most
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Ago 27, 2003
Mountain Board Jump Believe It or Not, Jason Lee has designed a Mountain Board that will allow him to set a long distance world record.
Youngest Sailor Fifteen-year-old Sebastian
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Mountain Board Jump Believe It or Not, Jason Lee has designed a Mountain Board that will allow him to set a long distance world record.
Youngest Sailor Fifteen-year-old Sebastian Clover crossed the Atlantic by himself in a sailboat in only 25 days, making him the youngest sailor to ever sail the Atlantic Ocean solo! Believe it or not!
Child Marriage Two people are getting married and believe it or not, they haven't even reached the age of ten.
Nose Bubble Believe it or not, Joyce Samuels can blow a bubble twice the size of her head -- using her nose!
Wacko Jacko Wannabe Believe It Or Not, Emmanuel De Reyghere is so obsessed with Michael Jackson, he's transforming himself to look exactly like Wacko Jacko.
World's Most Unbelievable Animal This week Ripley's goes to Dallas, Texas on their continuing search for America's most unbelievable animal!
Jet Helicopter Believe it or not, this historic army chopper set speed records in 1967 with its 500 horsepower jet engine rocketing
Fecha de emisión
Sept 03, 2003
Pocket Bike Speed Record: Believe it or not, Jonathan Law will set a new speed record on a pocket bike, the smallest racing motorcycle in the world!
Human Beehive: Believe it or
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Pocket Bike Speed Record: Believe it or not, Jonathan Law will set a new speed record on a pocket bike, the smallest racing motorcycle in the world!
Human Beehive: Believe it or not, fifteen-year-old Mallika Seth will cover her body with 100,000 stinging bees!
Nose Pull: to teach their children strength and agility, these women sit back to back with a piece of a string around their faces and pull as hard as they can.
Paraglide Hanger: Tim Nelson will fly his paraglider into a spiral dive while his wife hangs from a rope 15-feet below him.
Prosthetic Jaw: 16 year old Mandy Kemp is the first person to ever receive a prosthetic jaw.
World's Most Unbelievable Animal: This week Ripley's goes to San Antonio, Texas on their continuing search for Americas most unbelievable animal!
Giant Web: Believe it or not, tiny spiders spun a 60 acre sized web on a farmer's field in Canada!
Pool Shark: Believe it or not, Jeremy Jones and Johnny Archer will compete against each other in th
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Sept 10, 2003
Balloon Skywalker: Believe It or Not, Mike Howard will walk a 20 ft. plank from one hot air balloon to another - 3000 ft. above the ground without any safety equipment!
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Balloon Skywalker: Believe It or Not, Mike Howard will walk a 20 ft. plank from one hot air balloon to another - 3000 ft. above the ground without any safety equipment!
Child Supermodel: Gerren Taylor is the fashion industry's hottest new face. But believe it or not, this top runway model is only 12-years-old!
World's Largest Lasso: Believe It or Not, Kimberly Mink will rope a herd of twenty steer using 80 feet of rope, creating the world's largest lasso!
Rain Ritual: Believe it or not, these women live day to day with their own wrists bound together hoping for rain in their drought-ridden village.
Microphone Stand Baby: Jessie Wickham survived being impaled on a microphone stand and believe it or not, she was 8 1/2 months pregnant!
Fly Powered Airplane: It's no ordinary paper airplane, this is the latest in insect aviation...a ""Fly powered"" airplane!
World's Most Unbelievable Animal: This week Ripley?s goes to Ocean City, Maryland on their continuing search for America?s
Fecha de emisión
Sept 17, 2003
Billboard Human Crazy Straw George McArthur is the world's first human neon sign. He will loop 47 feet of surgical tubing through his nose like a pretzel and out of his mouth.
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Billboard Human Crazy Straw George McArthur is the world's first human neon sign. He will loop 47 feet of surgical tubing through his nose like a pretzel and out of his mouth.
Surfing Sisters Carissa and Cayla Moore will surf ""Pipeline,"" the most powerful and dangerous waves on Hawaii's north shore. They are only 10 and 5 years old.
Tree Babies In the village of Dumka, India, a herd of wild elephants demolished everything in sight while Duli Maharani gave birth on a man-made platform 25-feet high in a tree.
Scorpion Eater Brad Beyers and Adam Beardon have been best friends for life. But tonight, they will face off to see who can fill their mouths with the most poisonous scorpions.
Man With Two Hearts Castelio Campos is the only person in the world with two hearts. He was diagnosed with a serious lung condition and weak heart. A heart surgeon theorized that Campos might survive if he had two working hearts and it worked.
Worlds Most Unbelieveable Animal (St. Augustine) Debor
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Sept 24, 2003
Billboard Water Hotel - Tim Yarrow will be locked in a dunk tank and try to spend at least one full day underwater without coming up for air.
Extreme Skateboard Kids - Mitchie Brusco is
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Billboard Water Hotel - Tim Yarrow will be locked in a dunk tank and try to spend at least one full day underwater without coming up for air.
Extreme Skateboard Kids - Mitchie Brusco is only six years old and is already a top professional skateboarder. Nicknamed ""Little Tricky,"" Mitchie is the youngest skater every to appear in the Gravity Games.
Elephant Man Feet - Lee McGuire was born with malformed feet which made it almost impossible for him to walk until a special medical procedure reshaped his feet.
World's Most Unbelievable Animals (Wisconsin Dells) - Roman Piska is a three-year-old snake handler.
Metal Mosquito - Jim Opasik creates animal structures out of junk he collects from flea markets.
Uphill Motorcycle - In 1958, in Modesto, CA, motorcyclists try to climb a steep hill that at one point is almost 70 degrees.
Wing Hanger - Eve Rockney will try to hang between two bi-planes 5,000-feet in midair. At any point, the planes could fly too close together and crush him or fly too
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Oct 01, 2003
Double Dirt Bike Backflip - Mike Metzger is the only motocross rider in the world who can perform two consecutive backflips in a row.
Baby Ruth - Pitcher Anthony Ippolito Jr. can throw
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Double Dirt Bike Backflip - Mike Metzger is the only motocross rider in the world who can perform two consecutive backflips in a row.
Baby Ruth - Pitcher Anthony Ippolito Jr. can throw a baseball almost 40 miles per hour and he's only three years old.
Jump Rope Unicycle - Chad Marquette will jump rope will standing on top of a nine-foot unicycle.
Reed City - The indigenous Totora Indians use boats made from reeds, have houses made from reeds, and even live on floating islands in Lake Titicaca which are made entirely of reeds.
Liver Baby - Baby Nhlahla was born after developing in her mother's liver. She's only the fourth baby to ever survive such a pregnancy.
Inflatable Church - Michael Gill has invented a blow-up church complete with an altar and an organ.
Human Chain Escape - Scott Hammell will attempt to free himself from a straight jacket wrapped in fifty feet of chain, while hanging by his ankles fifteen feet under a hot air balloon.
Body Sushi Update - The exotic dining experienc
Fecha de emisión
Oct 08, 2003
Billboard Lego Man - Eric Harshbarger will create a mosaic of Dean Cain out of 40,000 lego pieces that will cover a quarter of the Ripley's billboard.
Thigh Masters - Personal trainers
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Billboard Lego Man - Eric Harshbarger will create a mosaic of Dean Cain out of 40,000 lego pieces that will cover a quarter of the Ripley's billboard.
Thigh Masters - Personal trainers Steve Carrier and Herman King will compete in this Ripley's Challenge to see how many Louisville Slugger baseball bats they can break over their thigh.
Speed Climbing Kid - Tori Allen can climb a rock wall faster than many adult men, and she's just fourteen years old.
Beetle Boy - A thirteen-year-old has been excreting winged beetles in his urine. Beetle eggs have hatched inside his body and are being expelled when he urinates.
Scissors In Stomach - This woman lived 21 years with a pair of scissors in her stomach that she never knew was there.
World's Most Unbelievable Animals (Niagara Falls) - Julia Smilly and her pint-size horse Peanut.
Toothpaste Collection - Dr. Valkopolkov of Saginaw, Michigan, has 800 tubes of toothpaste, including toothpastes flavored with tuna and scotch.
Bigger Rubberband Ball U
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Oct 15, 2003
Breath Hold Challenge - Mandy-Rae Cruikshank and Jessica Wilson will face off in this Ripley's Challenge to see who can hold her breath underwater the longest. They're both expert ""free
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Breath Hold Challenge - Mandy-Rae Cruikshank and Jessica Wilson will face off in this Ripley's Challenge to see who can hold her breath underwater the longest. They're both expert ""free divers"" that don't use scuba gear or air tanks. The current record is 13 minutes and 42.5 seconds set by Robert Frost in 1959.
World's Tallest Kid - Vika Sopol is seventeen years old and eight-feet tall.
Knife-Throwing Mama - Nouella Gallagher tosses kitchen knives at a wooden board with her children standing in front of it.
Caffeinated Soap - Shower shock soap provides one cup of coffee per shower.
Head Binding - On the Tomman Island in the South Pacific, a person with a finely-elongated head is thought to be smarter, of higher status, and close to the world of the spirits. To achieve this ""conehead"" effect, heads are bound with a soft bandage and woven basket for approximately six months.
Acupuncture Darts - Instead of gently applying acupuncture pins, Masahiko fires them with a blow dart gun.
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