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Temporada 1
Fecha de emisión
Ene 12, 2000
Half Woman Rosemarie Siggins has amazed the medical world her whole life. First, doctors were amazed at her basic good health despite a severe birth defect that left her without a
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Half Woman Rosemarie Siggins has amazed the medical world her whole life. First, doctors were amazed at her basic good health despite a severe birth defect that left her without a lower torso and legs. Two years ago, Rosemarie met David Siggins in an auto parts store he managed, and they fell in love. Now, Rosemarie has amazed everyone, especially her doctors, by giving birth to a healthy baby boy.
The Suspension Club Inspired by the ancient Hindu ceremony Thai Pusam, in which devotees insert large steel rods into their skin, members of the Texas-based Suspension Club insert multiple hooks into their skin. The hooks are then attached to ropes, cables, pulleys and anything else available. In some cases, members are then hoisted into the air, attached by the hooks they have pierced through their skin.
Etch-A-Sketch He's a sports fan with VIP access to any dugout or locker room in pro ball. His unique talent has opened the door to meeting superstars like Michael Jordan. So what d
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Ene 19, 2000
Cut-Away Bungee Ron Jones can jump from a platform 225 feet in the air, attached to a cut-away bungee cord that allows him to release from the bungee as he reaches the ground. He then
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Cut-Away Bungee Ron Jones can jump from a platform 225 feet in the air, attached to a cut-away bungee cord that allows him to release from the bungee as he reaches the ground. He then walks away unharmed.
Lizard Man Erik Sprague doesn't just like lizards. he's actually turning into one. He is altering his body to become as reptilian as possible through a series of tattoos, implants and permanent cosmetic changes.
Bionic Man Tony Volpentest was born without hands and feet and with only partially formed legs. Today, with the help of mechanical legs, he is a world-class runner.
Pool Playing Dogs Larry Grindiger has taught his two dogs how to play pool. These amazing mutts can even call shot by barking out the ball numbers.
Flame Throwing Car South Africans fearful of car-jacking can now legally install a device which throws flames onto any threatening characters!
Human Jack-O-Lantern When Scott Sabala lost an eye to cancer, he was left with a large, circular hole in his face.
Fecha de emisión
Ene 26, 2000
Pyro Boy
For Ripley's, Walley will attempt to do something he' s never done before... walk through rings of fire while he's loaded with twenty pounds of explosives strapped on his body.
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Pyro Boy
For Ripley's, Walley will attempt to do something he' s never done before... walk through rings of fire while he's loaded with twenty pounds of explosives strapped on his body. If the rings ignite the charges, it could be Pyro Boy's last stand...
Millenium Force Meet the man who, believe it or not, actually makes a living being shot at by lazers, phazers or maced! He's the human guinea pig for a company that has developed non-lethal weapons of the future.
Shark Tourists Believe it or not, there's no shortage of tourists who pay big bucks to visit South Africa's notorious ""Shark Alley"" and get up close and personal with the most feared and deadly creatures on earth-- the Great White Shark!
Cyborg Kevin Warwick is part man, part computer... the world's first cyborg. Believe it or not, this professor from England has implanted a microchip into his body that can open doors and downlaod his e-mail!
Fecha de emisión
Feb 02, 2000
Human Stun Gun
Tom Cameron and his teenage daughters can perform a death touch, which can stop a person's heart instantly using an ancient martial arts secret. Believe it or not, Tom
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Human Stun Gun
Tom Cameron and his teenage daughters can perform a death touch, which can stop a person's heart instantly using an ancient martial arts secret. Believe it or not, Tom Cameron can knock out 25 men in a minute using the secrets he has learned from Chinese martial arts masters.
Buried Alive Geoff Smith's brilliant idea was simple. Climb into a coffin sized box, and have himself buried 6 feet under ground in the yard behind his local pub. Believe it or not, that's just where he remained... for 147 days! In a Ripley's exclusive, we'll go with Geoff under the earth to find out how he survived and why he did it. We'll show our viewers the never-before-seen footage documenting Geoff's 147-day ordeal!
Quick Draw Bob Bob Munden is the fastest gun in the Wst, or anywhere else, for that matter. Believe it or not, this pistol-packin' Montana cowboy can unholster his Colt .45 and plug a target as small as a half dollar in a mere two-one hundredths of a second -- seven times fast
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Feb 09, 2000
Neck Kabob
Young Neil Pearson (age 25) impaled himself on a stake in his mum's garden... and lives to tell about it! He tripped on frosty paving stones, tripping in his mother's sweet
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Neck Kabob
Young Neil Pearson (age 25) impaled himself on a stake in his mum's garden... and lives to tell about it! He tripped on frosty paving stones, tripping in his mother's sweet pea garden and falling on one of the long stakes she had used to support the plants. Amazingly, it missed all of his vital organs, received no major injuries and remained conscious throughout the ordeal.
Lightning Stalker David Stillings risks his life on a regular basis in order to take photos. He races out into approaching thunderstorms in hopes of capturing one of the most powerful things in nature... lightning.
Ark of the Covenant The Ark of the Covenant is the stuff legends are made of. The ornate gold box in which the tablets bearing the Ten Commandments were held, disappeared long ago, and no-one claimed to know where... until now. Meet archeologist Bob Cornuke who, believe or not, has discovered what experts are beginning to agree is the secret location of the Ark of the Covenant in a remote
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Feb 16, 2000
Zamora - Torture King
A human voodoo doll, Tim Cridland can withstand incredible amounts of pain.In front of the Ripley's Museum, Cridland will perform a feat that has never been
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Zamora - Torture King
A human voodoo doll, Tim Cridland can withstand incredible amounts of pain.In front of the Ripley's Museum, Cridland will perform a feat that has never been attempted before -- he will lay on a bed of nails while a small truck drives over him!
Snake Milker
Bill Haast began injecting himself with snake venom in the late 1950s, because he believed this would build an immunity and help him survive deadly snake bites in the future. His own blood has actually been used to save the lives of snake bite victims.
Gentle Giant Known as the ""Gentle Giant"", Robert was 5' 4"" at age 5. By age 10 he was 6' 5"", and at 8' 11"", 22-year-old Robert Wadlow was, and remains, the tallest man in recorded history! Clean Escape Rick Maisel is the only man who can free himself from six pairs of handcuffs and two pairs of leg-irons while spinning around in a soap and water-filled front-loading washing machine. Believe It or Not!
Fecha de emisión
Feb 23, 2000
Wrecking Ball Man
Ken Richmond will stun spectators as he withstands the force of a 4,000 pound wrecking ball slamming through a concrete wall and into Ken's amazing abdominals! The
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Wrecking Ball Man
Ken Richmond will stun spectators as he withstands the force of a 4,000 pound wrecking ball slamming through a concrete wall and into Ken's amazing abdominals! The Modern Primitive
The Godfather of the Body Modification scene, Fakir Musafar has been shocking audiences since the 1950's. He has hung himself from hooks in a Native American ritual and pierced himself with 30+ skewers!
Mole Town This may be the most unusual city in the world, with more than 2,000 residents living, shopping, dining, and even going to church in an amazing underground tunnel and cave world!
Mighty Mouth Waiter Pete Tsarnas amazes diners when he dances holding a dinner table with a belly dancer on top... with his teeth! Or, if that's not enough, try two tables and a chair!
Fecha de emisión
Mar 01, 2000
Indestructible Man Troy Hurtubise, nature photographer, has created an indestructible suit that can resist any form of punishment. His latest creation is a new formula that when
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Indestructible Man Troy Hurtubise, nature photographer, has created an indestructible suit that can resist any form of punishment. His latest creation is a new formula that when applied, makes anything 50 times stronger than steel.
Combat Ki
Rod Sacharnoski does more than just shock people. The retired police officer developed a style of martial arts called ""Combat Ki"". Using his techniques and 50 years of martial arts experience, Sacharnoski will challenge an NFL football player or heavyweight boxer to punch him in the neck, kick him between the legs, or punch him in the chest without getting hurt!
Blind Bowling Granny Cee Cee Clark really bowls 'em over! This grandmother scored a perfect 300 game. That's remarkable in itself, but believe it or not, she is also blind!
Thai Pusam A three-day Hindu festival highlighted by 4,500 devotees who carry ""Kavadi"" to the Lord Murugan in order to ward off any future bad karma.
Fecha de emisión
Mar 08, 2000
Free Dive Mehgan Heany-Grier, one of the world's most beautiful women risks her life by plunging 165 ft. deep into the ocean, on a single breath of air! Now, she would like to go on
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Free Dive Mehgan Heany-Grier, one of the world's most beautiful women risks her life by plunging 165 ft. deep into the ocean, on a single breath of air! Now, she would like to go on and attempt to dive over 200 ft.
The Biggest Little Train Set Bill Williams Zaccagnino has always been obsessed with trains. Twenty-five years and nine million dollars later, he's created the world's largest HO-scale model railroad!
Roller Man Jean Yves Bondeau can go places the way no one else can go. Covering his body with over 30 wheels, he becomes a human rollerball and speeds through Paris as fast as 30 mph!
Leech Surgery Respected surgeons around the world are re-discovering the benefits of these slimy, little bloodsuckers. From folks with circulation problems to re-attachment surgery patients, leaches are regarded as a true miracle cure!
Toe Nail Diva
Anthropologist Dr. Kathy Hayes is your average working wife and mother... except for her obsession with her toenails. In fact, she's grown the
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Mar 15, 2000
Corset Woman Move over Scarlett O'Hara! Extreme corseting has made its way back into fashion. We'll meet a young woman with a 15 inch waist and a man whose waist is only 18 inches!
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Corset Woman Move over Scarlett O'Hara! Extreme corseting has made its way back into fashion. We'll meet a young woman with a 15 inch waist and a man whose waist is only 18 inches! Odd Couple New Yorkers Fred Kahl and his wife Kiva Kahl are truly an odd couple with a mission - proving that ancient art forms like sword swallowing and fire eating aren'tillusions or magic tricks. Fred will swallow an endoscopic camera with a small light source and then he'll swallow live cockroaches! Next, he'll stand in front of a flouroscopic machine, which is a moving x-ray and swallow a sword! Fastest Brain Bob Gray, a.k.a. ""Backwards Bob,"" can write backwards and upside with both hands simultaneously on 4 quadrants. He is also the only person who can speak backwards phonetically. Check out Bob's website at Baby Signing There is a doctor teaching babies as young as 3 months old to use sign language to communicate everything from ""I'm hungry"" to ""I want to go outside.
Fecha de emisión
Mar 22, 2000
Mexican Cave jump The Sontana de las Golandrinas (Cave of the Swallows) in Mexico is a quarter of a mile deep. The only way in is to jump down in it with a parachute. But, if you
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Mexican Cave jump The Sontana de las Golandrinas (Cave of the Swallows) in Mexico is a quarter of a mile deep. The only way in is to jump down in it with a parachute. But, if you happen to startle the more than 100,000 swallows that live in there, you could be killed as they swarm out and become tangled in the chute lines. But even that doesn't stop the curious from literally taking the leap just to see what's down below! Cheapskate Roy Haynes is so cheap that he loves to split his 2ply toliet paper into 2 rolls of 1ply toliet paper, and he dries out and reuses paper towels again and again. We'll take a tour through the Haynes household as Roy shows us the many outrageous ways he saves money. Pirahna It's feeding time! Or is it? Dr. David Schlese, a noted biologist, will submerge himself into a tank full of hungry flesh-eating with razor-sharp teeth, wearing nothing more than a snorkel mask and swimming trunks! Microscopic Artist At first glance, it looks like an empty
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Mar 29, 2000
Stretchy Man Gary Turner is known to all his friends as ""Stretch,"" and for good reason! Because of an extremely rare medical problem (fortunately, Gary's life is not threatened)
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Stretchy Man Gary Turner is known to all his friends as ""Stretch,"" and for good reason! Because of an extremely rare medical problem (fortunately, Gary's life is not threatened) this 30 year-old man's skin is virtually like rubber. He can actually cover his face completely--simply by pulling the skin of his neck up and the skin of his forehead down! Left Turn Louise Louise Lynes can turn a 3-mile drive into an hour-long nightmare. Ever since she was involved in a traffic accident ten years ago, Louise drives miles out of her way to avoid making any right hand turns. Her problem is so extreme, British TV featured her on a special called ""Bad Drivers."" Super Human Memory Tatiana Cooley has a memory like no other. When this secretary needs a phone number, she doesn't need to consult her rolodex, because she has all the numbers in her head. And if you give the reigning and only USA National Memory Champion strings of 4,000 numbers, ""70093518555899..."" or 500 words: ""liquid, da
Fecha de emisión
Abr 05, 2000
Grand Master Zhou Grand Master Zhou has learned to harness the power of the mind and body and use it to perform exercises that push the limits. With the point of a sharp spear nested
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Grand Master Zhou Grand Master Zhou has learned to harness the power of the mind and body and use it to perform exercises that push the limits. With the point of a sharp spear nested in the soft tissue of his throat, and the other on the bumper he will push a Volkswagon Beetle. Volcano Chasers When a volcano blows its top, people naturally run the other way. But not the O'Mearas. Meet the only living married couple on the planet who travel the world to chase erupting volcanoes, risking their lives and coming within 10 feet of the rushing molten lava to film it. Man's Best Friend This dog goes above and beyond the call of duty as ""man's best friend."" In fact this amazing pooch helps his disabled master by getting items off grocery shelves, picking up around the house and even using a cash machine. Sand Hogs
More than 500 feet down, and far below the busy streets of New York, is a secret world inhabited by the Sandhogs--a brotherhood of 120 macho men who risk their lives
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Ago 02, 2000
Little Hercules Seven-year-old Richard was born with extra muscle mass and keen interest for weightlifting. This combination has made this little boy so buff that he looks like a
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Little Hercules Seven-year-old Richard was born with extra muscle mass and keen interest for weightlifting. This combination has made this little boy so buff that he looks like a mini-Arnold Schwarzeneggar-- with huge biceps, ripped abs and bulging leg muscles. Believe it or not! Cliff Hanger Belive it or not, Henrys Rechatan gets his kicks by sitting on a plain straight-back wooden chair, balanced on top of another chair, standingon top of upturned drinkging glasses -- all balanced tenuously on the very ege of a 2,000- foot-rock cliff! Its his special sensitivity and skill at finding the balancing point between objects that keeps hi m alive as he practices his very scary hobby. Canine Calculator Three-year-old Isaac is a math whiz. He can add subtract, multiply, divide and even tell you the square root of a number. That's amazing enough for anyone one of his age, but, believe it or not, Isaac is a dog! Modern Crucifixion This modern day ritual is held each year in th
Fecha de emisión
Ago 16, 2000
Death Dive Robert Gallup will handcuff himself and then get inside a mail bag locked inside a jail cell. His assistants will push the cell out of a cargo plane at 18,000 feet! Robert
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Death Dive Robert Gallup will handcuff himself and then get inside a mail bag locked inside a jail cell. His assistants will push the cell out of a cargo plane at 18,000 feet! Robert will escape from the cell before it smashes into the ground! He's so proud of the fact that his escapes are real, Gallup will even tell us how he does it! Mexican Mummies In Guanajuato, Mexico, if a relative can't afford the tax on a grave plot they dig up the body and place them in the mummy museum. There, they are put on display, and tourists go and visit the dearly departed.
Supermarket Rollercoaster Customers ride on rollercoasters along aisles in order to shop in this grocery store! One in a Billion Mates
Ian Fleming fell in love with Teresa for their common interests, but in a bizarre twist of fate, when she was near death from kidney disease, they later discovered he was the perfect match as a donor... a one-in-a-billion chance.
Fecha de emisión
Ago 23, 2000
Sarah Donohue
When Sarah Donohue died in a horrific power boat crash, her friend Enrico refused to accept it and continued performing CPR after everyone else had given up. Although she
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Sarah Donohue
When Sarah Donohue died in a horrific power boat crash, her friend Enrico refused to accept it and continued performing CPR after everyone else had given up. Although she was clinically dead for four minutes Sarah came back to life! Snake Head/Millionaire
Millionaire Bill Shirk will hang upside down beneath a crane wearing two straight assistant will cover Bill with a boa constrictor! He'll attempt to get out of the jackets without being strangled or falling to his death!
Bulldozer King
Edmond Nussbaumer is known as the Bulldozer King because of his love for tractors. As a matter of fact, he has even built his three-story, 200 ton home on top of a bulldozer.
Waterfall Jumper
21 year-old marketing student Tao Berman loves plunging over a 98-foot raging waterfall at over 55 m.p.h., a maneuver that could kill even an experienced kayaker!
Fecha de emisión
Ago 30, 2000
Body Painter
Joanne Gair can make people disappear by painting them right into a background or paint clothing on a human body that is virtually undistinguishable from actual fabric!
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Body Painter
Joanne Gair can make people disappear by painting them right into a background or paint clothing on a human body that is virtually undistinguishable from actual fabric! Beetle Mania
When one of the world's foremost beetle hunters was lost deep in the Amazon forest, his knowledge of insects ended up saving his life! This entomologist was able to live on bugs for 2 months until rescuers finally succeeded and found him! He now has one of the most extensive giant beetle collections in the world, including some species that grow up to a foot long!
Human Crash Test Dummy Rusty Haight jumps in a car, straps himself in, hits the gas and runs head-on into a brick wall -- just to make sure the air bag will work. This father aof three has been in over 500 violent car crashes and never been seriously injured. Meet the human crash test dummy.
Fecha de emisión
Sept 06, 2000
Moab Desert Tragedy The passengers of this 4-wheel-drive vehicle walk away after their car loses control and plummets down a steep slope in Utah's Moab Desert!
Driving Blind Since
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Moab Desert Tragedy The passengers of this 4-wheel-drive vehicle walk away after their car loses control and plummets down a steep slope in Utah's Moab Desert!
Driving Blind Since losing his sight eight years ago, Ken Moss hasn't been alone in a car, let alone behind dhte wheel. But this completely blind man will drive a car around a race track 200 mph!
Needle Throwing Man This specially trained agent against terrorism for the Chinese government defies the laws of nature by throwing up to six needles like darts through glass. You can even see the pinholes where the needles have penetrated!
Homing Pigeons
In the age of one hour photos, there is a photographer who would rather use homing pigeons to develop instant photographs for his clients.
Fecha de emisión
Sept 08, 2000
Enigma and Katzen This husband and wife have found a permanent way to express and share their love for each other by tattooing their entire bodies. In an ultimate act of marital trust
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Enigma and Katzen This husband and wife have found a permanent way to express and share their love for each other by tattooing their entire bodies. In an ultimate act of marital trust ""Enigma"" will put his neck on the end of a pitchfork, and his wife will attempt to slice a watermelon on his back... with a hatchet, believe it or not! Cable Crossing In the remote jungles of Columbia, children like 11-year-old Lourdes have only one option to get to school - ride a cable suspended 1,200 feet over the raging river below - using nothing but a simple pulley and a stick to navigate the dangerous ride. Banana George
Believe it or not, at 85-year-old, George Blair is the oldest and the greatest master of ""Barefoot-Rope-In-The-Teeth"" water-skiing. That means, no skiis, no hands, and he must rely on only his teeth to keep upright. Thai Taoist Ritual On the tiny island of Phuket, in their own ceremony to the gods, participants don't just hang objects from their skin. They shove ob
Fecha de emisión
Sept 13, 2000
Snake Charmer
Johnny Tong has a unique nasal cavity. He has trained his pet snake to crawl in his mouth and out his nose! Construction Worker King
A construction worker went on a
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Snake Charmer
Johnny Tong has a unique nasal cavity. He has trained his pet snake to crawl in his mouth and out his nose! Construction Worker King
A construction worker went on a long-awaited vacation to Africa and ended up becoming King of the country!
Secret Lap Top Graffiti
Each and every Lap Top has an art gallery hidden under the keyboard. In fact anything with a micro chip in it, contains hundreds of pieces of art, invisible to the naked eye! Bug Splat
Mark Hostetler is so obsessed with the gunk left on your car when a bug goes splat! on your winshield, that he's researched it, catalogued it, and even written a book about it called ""That Gunk on Your Car.""
The Invisibles
Like foot binding, this ancient tradition is chilling...castrating males in Indian society. But, these eunuchs, known as ""the Invisibles"" are thought to hold strange powers to bless and to curse, and Indian citizens readily pay money to stay in their good favor.
Fecha de emisión
Sept 27, 2000
Body Boarder Shark Attack
After body boarder Neal Stephenson had his leg ripped off by a great white shark, he went right back into the water to practice his favorite sport -- while he
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Body Boarder Shark Attack
After body boarder Neal Stephenson had his leg ripped off by a great white shark, he went right back into the water to practice his favorite sport -- while he still had the bangages on!
Gut Camera Imagine a way to actually see what goes on in your stomach & intestines and watch what happens in your digestive tract all the way from end to end. Israeli and British scientists have developed an entirely self contained pill sized device to do just that!
Rocket Man When Ky Michaelson was a kid, teachers mistook his dyslexia for inability. But that didn't stop this high school dropout from following his dream. He's going to be the first civilian to build and launch a personal rocket into outer space!
Fecha de emisión
Ene 10, 2001
Fear of Flying
A 29 year old father of 2 will stand up to his lifelong fear of heights by inserting hooks into his back and dangling from a helicopter flying over the city of Los
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Fear of Flying
A 29 year old father of 2 will stand up to his lifelong fear of heights by inserting hooks into his back and dangling from a helicopter flying over the city of Los Angeles!
Ammo Farmers
This young man leaves his wife and baby each morning risking life and limb to crawl on his hands and knees combing school yards and fields for live ammo rounds left over from WWI.
Card Stacker
Architect Bryan Berg builds incredible recreations of the world's most famous structures that can hold up to a ton of weight when placed on top of them. And, they're only made of ordinary playing cards!
Fry Car Roadtrip
3 college students are driving from Massachusetts to Los Angeles fueling their car at fast food restaurants along the way. They are using recycled French fry oil instead of gas!
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