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Season 3
The limits of healing are regularly reached. Doctors then work to relieve and support their patients. But what happens when suffering, physical and moral, becomes unbearable? Medical
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The limits of healing are regularly reached. Doctors then work to relieve and support their patients. But what happens when suffering, physical and moral, becomes unbearable? Medical assistance in dying now pushes the boundaries of the vocation. An extreme solution, it is for Dr François Marquis, the ultimate reflection of compassion.
They work long hours at a hectic pace, and the conditions they deal with are not always optimal. When doctors feel the first signs of stress and fatigue, they increase their vigilance
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They work long hours at a hectic pace, and the conditions they deal with are not always optimal. When doctors feel the first signs of stress and fatigue, they increase their vigilance and concentration. While teamwork and priority management help prevent burnout, it is the feeling of truly helping their patients that makes them draw on their last reserves of energy. Is this the definition of a vocation?
Resuscitating a deceased patient is the ultimate rescue. In the hospital, however, saving lives takes several forms. It also means healing a mother suffering from cancer to enable her to
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Resuscitating a deceased patient is the ultimate rescue. In the hospital, however, saving lives takes several forms. It also means healing a mother suffering from cancer to enable her to raise her child or agreeing to amputate a patient's leg to prevent him from dying. Regardless of their role, doctors are aware of the power of science, but also of life: whether fragile or surprisingly resilient, it remains stronger than everything else.
In medicine, doubt goes hand in hand with humility. Everything is never black or white and those who practice must learn to navigate the gray area on a daily basis. Accepting that there
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In medicine, doubt goes hand in hand with humility. Everything is never black or white and those who practice must learn to navigate the gray area on a daily basis. Accepting that there remains a part of the unknown, dealing with uncertainty, this is the daily lot of doctors and nurses. If doubt allows us to remain vigilant, it can nevertheless have a paralyzing effect on those who are just starting out or who have difficulty accepting making mistakes.
Even if the disease does not take a vacation, all hospitals operate slowly during the summer. The staff on duty are working extra hard to compensate for absences. Everyone picks up the
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Even if the disease does not take a vacation, all hospitals operate slowly during the summer. The staff on duty are working extra hard to compensate for absences. Everyone picks up the pace despite the excessive heat felt in the establishment, which is not air-conditioned. Temperature also affects the health and comfort of patients.
Reassuring the patient occupies an important part of the workload of health professionals. Even when the news is less good, they make it their duty to give them the truth, but also to
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Reassuring the patient occupies an important part of the workload of health professionals. Even when the news is less good, they make it their duty to give them the truth, but also to listen to their concerns and ease their anxiety by taking the time to answer their questions. Supporting the patient and being positive is a way for many professionals to embody hope.
Fridays at the hospital are not easy. Many interventions can no longer be postponed until the next day, and everyone tries to settle their files to leave with peace of mind. The more the
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Fridays at the hospital are not easy. Many interventions can no longer be postponed until the next day, and everyone tries to settle their files to leave with peace of mind. The more the day progresses, the more staff are required and the fewer resources are available. Before everything slows down for the weekend, doctors try to plan for the unexpected and ensure their patients' stability until Monday.
At what cost should we keep a person alive? When do the negative effects of a treatment take precedence over the prospect of recovery or survival? What is a satisfactory quality of life?
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At what cost should we keep a person alive? When do the negative effects of a treatment take precedence over the prospect of recovery or survival? What is a satisfactory quality of life? The answers to these questions differ considerably from case to case. Every day, medical staff support patients and their families so that they make informed personal decisions.
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