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Staffel 75
Jun 13, 2020
Sonic games always bring out something from deep inside Arin and Dan... emotions, thoughts, confessions, fanfiction... maybe even fluids!
Sonic games always bring out something from deep inside Arin and Dan... emotions, thoughts, confessions, fanfiction... maybe even fluids!
Jun 14, 2020
And thus, the question is presented: does Sonic go as fast as possible, or does he slow down so Knuckles and Tails can keep up??
And thus, the question is presented: does Sonic go as fast as possible, or does he slow down so Knuckles and Tails can keep up??
Sonic Heroes: The Backstreet Boys Tour RUINED fast food for us
Episode overview
Jun 15, 2020
Fast food...? Gotta go fast....? There's a joke somewhere in here
Fast food...? Gotta go fast....? There's a joke somewhere in here
Jun 16, 2020
Sonic Heroes: it's a game that's purchasable!
Sonic Heroes: it's a game that's purchasable!
Jun 17, 2020
This game is a bleak vision of a dystopian future in which the world has run out of pinballs, and hedgehogs are utilized in their place to satiate our crippling gambling addictions!
This game is a bleak vision of a dystopian future in which the world has run out of pinballs, and hedgehogs are utilized in their place to satiate our crippling gambling addictions!
Jun 18, 2020
Strap in and get ready for a dizzying ride on a Sonic-themed nightmare coaster! A glossy photo will be available for purchase at the end.
Strap in and get ready for a dizzying ride on a Sonic-themed nightmare coaster! A glossy photo will be available for purchase at the end.
Jun 19, 2020
In which Arin vows to personally beat the crap out of every single person that leaves a negative comment about his gameplay. So BE NICE!!!!!
In which Arin vows to personally beat the crap out of every single person that leaves a negative comment about his gameplay. So BE NICE!!!!!
Jun 27, 2020
Arin lives out his worst Sonic-related nightmare in real time as Dan sagely postulates as to what Jesus would say if he read YouTube comments.
Arin lives out his worst Sonic-related nightmare in real time as Dan sagely postulates as to what Jesus would say if he read YouTube comments.
Jun 28, 2020
If there's one thing we're known for besides epic gaming, it's our passionate love for all species of frogs big and small. We encounter many of them in this particular stage of SONIC:
.. show full overview
If there's one thing we're known for besides epic gaming, it's our passionate love for all species of frogs big and small. We encounter many of them in this particular stage of SONIC: HEROES, and while we're not scientists, it's possible that they might have something to do with why we're warming up to this game.
Jun 29, 2020
What is this...strange sensation... is it...joy?? While playing a SONIC GAME!?!? Couldn't be...
What is this...strange sensation... is it...joy?? While playing a SONIC GAME!?!? Couldn't be...
Jun 30, 2020
But I guess without pain, there can be no joy... right?
But I guess without pain, there can be no joy... right?
Jul 01, 2020
Those subject to motion sickness might want to watch this one next to your nearest trash bin or vomitorium!
Those subject to motion sickness might want to watch this one next to your nearest trash bin or vomitorium!
Sonic Heroes: Arin shares a PRIVATE NOTE from a Sonic Heroes developer!
Episode overview
Jul 02, 2020
...and let's just say it shares some fairly...illuminating information about why this game BITES EPIC CHEESECAKE!!!!!!!!
...and let's just say it shares some fairly...illuminating information about why this game BITES EPIC CHEESECAKE!!!!!!!!
Jul 03, 2020
Spoiler alert: IT'S NOT DAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cue endless stream of surprised pikachus*
Spoiler alert: IT'S NOT DAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cue endless stream of surprised pikachus*
Jul 04, 2020
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
Jul 05, 2020
And it doesn't go over easy! Ayyyyyyylmao
And it doesn't go over easy! Ayyyyyyylmao
Mär 07, 2021
Arin and Dan join Team Rose and embark on a brand new nightmare all over again!
Arin and Dan join Team Rose and embark on a brand new nightmare all over again!
Mär 09, 2021
We hope every Sonic Heroes player out there has a solid support system around them. You are not alone.
We hope every Sonic Heroes player out there has a solid support system around them. You are not alone.
Mär 10, 2021
Is Sonic Heroes really different when you play as a different team? Well, that depends on what your definition of "is" is....
Is Sonic Heroes really different when you play as a different team? Well, that depends on what your definition of "is" is....
Sonic Heroes: The Grumps Annual Artificial Intelligence Semenar
Episode overview
Mär 11, 2021
Featured Speakers:
Arlo Hammond - "Bicycles: Are they or are they not?"
Drain Avatian - "Ethics: Becoming Detroit: Become Human"
Featured Speakers:
Arlo Hammond - "Bicycles: Are they or are they not?"
Drain Avatian - "Ethics: Becoming Detroit: Become Human"
Mär 12, 2021
Sometimes you don't have all the tools you need to accomplish a task. Don't let that stop you though. It is those moments where the forsaken are separated from the survivors.
Sometimes you don't have all the tools you need to accomplish a task. Don't let that stop you though. It is those moments where the forsaken are separated from the survivors.
Mär 13, 2021
But can he clown plow his way to the ultimate victory? Exclusive details inside!
But can he clown plow his way to the ultimate victory? Exclusive details inside!
Mär 14, 2021
Team Dark, that is!
Team Dark, that is!
Sonic Heroes: Deep conversations with magical space rodents
Episode overview
Mär 15, 2021
Everybody be sure to get your earmuffs so we don't have to listen to the Backstreet Boys anymore!
Everybody be sure to get your earmuffs so we don't have to listen to the Backstreet Boys anymore!
Apr 03, 2021
We LAVA YOU Lovelys!
We LAVA YOU Lovelys!
Sonic Heroes: Sonic Heros OST (Original Sound TORMENT) Track 10
Episode overview
Apr 04, 2021
Biggest Grammy snub EVER.
Biggest Grammy snub EVER.
Sonic Heroes: Invest in #soniccoin before it's too late!!!!
Episode overview
Apr 23, 2021
The Grumps return to their old less-than-favorite, and get sent into a tailspin of existential despair.
The Grumps return to their old less-than-favorite, and get sent into a tailspin of existential despair.
Apr 24, 2021
Would you get a colonic with sonic? I sure would, doggone it
Would you get a colonic with sonic? I sure would, doggone it
Sonic Heroes: The Snyder Cut is Arin's Joker origin story
Episode overview
Apr 25, 2021
Once again, this special game throws the Video Game Boy into an existential tailspin
Once again, this special game throws the Video Game Boy into an existential tailspin
Apr 26, 2021
Sometimes fisting turtles isn't the best idea.
Sometimes fisting turtles isn't the best idea.
Apr 27, 2021
The magical time when it was a badge of honor to get seriously injured on a poorly designed water attraction.
The magical time when it was a badge of honor to get seriously injured on a poorly designed water attraction.
Apr 28, 2021
I just pictured Sonic dressed up as an elf wearing Link's clothing and.... do NOT get me started!!!
I just pictured Sonic dressed up as an elf wearing Link's clothing and.... do NOT get me started!!!
Apr 29, 2021
One of the biggest mysteries in Game Grumps lore finally revealed.....
One of the biggest mysteries in Game Grumps lore finally revealed.....
Apr 30, 2021
In the Spring of 2021, the "Game Grumps" left Super Rubber World and headed for the fishing grounds of Sonic Heros. Two weeks later, an event took place that had never occurred in recorded history. And then it happened again. And again.
In the Spring of 2021, the "Game Grumps" left Super Rubber World and headed for the fishing grounds of Sonic Heros. Two weeks later, an event took place that had never occurred in recorded history. And then it happened again. And again.
Mai 01, 2021
If Mr. Hanson doesn’t want to take his medication orally, I’m sure we can arrange that he can have it some other way. But I don’t think that he would like it.
If Mr. Hanson doesn’t want to take his medication orally, I’m sure we can arrange that he can have it some other way. But I don’t think that he would like it.
Mai 02, 2021
The Algorithm's here to PUMP UP your harmless tweet amongst friends! So many people are going to want to ruin your life! It's gonna be awesome.
The Algorithm's here to PUMP UP your harmless tweet amongst friends! So many people are going to want to ruin your life! It's gonna be awesome.
Mai 03, 2021
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
Sonic Heroes: Sonic Heroes causes Arin to devolve, reverts back into monkey man
Episode overview
Mai 04, 2021
The guttural noises Arin makes in this episode should be extracted and preserved in the Library of Congress for all of eternity. Contact your senator today!
The guttural noises Arin makes in this episode should be extracted and preserved in the Library of Congress for all of eternity. Contact your senator today!
Mai 05, 2021
Don't worry, Lovelies, after scouring the depths of human emotion in the last episode, the vibes are back to being decent/lukewarm in this one! Small victories!
Don't worry, Lovelies, after scouring the depths of human emotion in the last episode, the vibes are back to being decent/lukewarm in this one! Small victories!
Mai 06, 2021
If you thought the eulogy was great, just WAIT for the wake.
If you thought the eulogy was great, just WAIT for the wake.
Mai 07, 2021
Are you cock of the walk when you're walking alone?
Because smegmacles are and smegmacles do!
Are you cock of the walk when you're walking alone?
Because smegmacles are and smegmacles do!
Mai 08, 2021
When writing implements would match your mood and pants were as big as your heart.
When writing implements would match your mood and pants were as big as your heart.
Mai 09, 2021
Plus: Arin pinches a loaf LIVE during this episode!!! You don't wanna miss this one!!!!!!!
Plus: Arin pinches a loaf LIVE during this episode!!! You don't wanna miss this one!!!!!!!
Sonic Heroes: We don't have time for this $#!%, we're adults
Episode overview
Mai 10, 2021
At this point, Sonic Heroes is probably going to have long term psychiatric effects for Arin and Dan, and frankly all of us as well if we're being honest
At this point, Sonic Heroes is probably going to have long term psychiatric effects for Arin and Dan, and frankly all of us as well if we're being honest
Sonic Heroes: Crazy man yells at hedgehog for half an hour
Episode overview
Mai 11, 2021
Don't blame me, I'm just the messenger!
Don't blame me, I'm just the messenger!
Mai 12, 2021
As we fly high above the puritanical regime, anointed by the oil of our Beast Lord singing, "We're the Kings of the Castle. And You're the Dirty Rascal. Crash into me, crash into me."
As we fly high above the puritanical regime, anointed by the oil of our Beast Lord singing, "We're the Kings of the Castle. And You're the Dirty Rascal. Crash into me, crash into me."
Mai 13, 2021
Today, Feel Dee is victor. Today, Feel Dee is king.
Today, Feel Dee is victor. Today, Feel Dee is king.
Mai 14, 2021
partake this.
partake this.
Sonic Heroes: Arin's huge, messy completion!
Episode overview
Mai 15, 2021
For those in the splash zone, you may need a poncho!
"I'm happy to put this one in the 'completed' pile." - Dan Avidan, 2021
For those in the splash zone, you may need a poncho!
"I'm happy to put this one in the 'completed' pile." - Dan Avidan, 2021
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