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Staffel 369
Jun 23, 2022
Sonic and his son, also named Sonic, start a new adventure.
Sonic and his son, also named Sonic, start a new adventure.
Jun 25, 2022
This is the last episode we recorded before Arin's permanent brain damage!
This is the last episode we recorded before Arin's permanent brain damage!
Sonic Generations: This game is either wonderful or it sucks.
Episode overview
Jun 28, 2022
The episode in which Sonic barters for the door code to a Starbucks bathroom.
The episode in which Sonic barters for the door code to a Starbucks bathroom.
Sonic Generations: The City Escape song has us losing our MINDS
Episode overview
Jun 30, 2022
So, tail butt plugs. Where do they sell those?
So, tail butt plugs. Where do they sell those?
Sonic Generations: It's time for Shadow to... finish Sonic
Episode overview
Jul 02, 2022
Live and Learn... that we've got to stay together for the kids.
Live and Learn... that we've got to stay together for the kids.
Jul 05, 2022
Of anyone we know, our lives are the hardest.
Of anyone we know, our lives are the hardest.
Jul 07, 2022
Introducing the Game Grumps laugh track!
Introducing the Game Grumps laugh track!
Jul 09, 2022
And Arin doubles back to his dislike of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
And Arin doubles back to his dislike of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Sonic Generations: Is a hot dog a sandwich? Answer wisely.
Episode overview
Jul 12, 2022
We might boost a noot at this rate.
We might boost a noot at this rate.
Jul 14, 2022
Make a compilation of this - the worst Game Grumps moment. Or another fabulous one, depending on your taste.
Make a compilation of this - the worst Game Grumps moment. Or another fabulous one, depending on your taste.
Sonic Generations: What is going on with this FINAL BOSS?
Episode overview
Jul 16, 2022
We're undoing our questionable Tumblr posts... YES! It's finally time to unleash the butt rock.
We're undoing our questionable Tumblr posts... YES! It's finally time to unleash the butt rock.
Jun 06, 2023
Stop yelling at me, monster!
Stop yelling at me, monster!
Giraffe Town: The final boss... is impossible.
Episode overview
Jun 08, 2023
Arin's got that giraffe in him.
Arin's got that giraffe in him.
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