And Then There Were None

  • Premiere: Dez 2015
  • Episoden: 3
  • Anhänger: 406
  • Geendet
  • BBC One
  • Sonntag um 21
  • Crime Drama History Mini-series Mystery Thriller


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Staffel 1
Episode 1
Episode overview
Dez 26, 2015
1939. As civilization teeters on the brink of war, ten strangers are persuaded to retreat from their troubled lives to Soldier Island, an isolated rock off the Devon coast.
Episode 2
Episode overview
Dez 27, 2015
As the sun rises and sets on the island and its solitary mansion, the number of guests is whittled down by their invisible enemy – to seven, to six, to five…
1x3 Serienfinale
Episode 3
Episode overview
Dez 28, 2015
Cut down to half their original number, the guests of Soldier Island are in danger of losing their minds to fear and anxiety.

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