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Brooke checks out Matt, who obviously belongs to Ashley. Dylan faces off with Matt. Sparks fly. Brooke tries to flirt with Dylan, but it falls flat, and she’s back to plotting with
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Brooke checks out Matt, who obviously belongs to Ashley. Dylan faces off with Matt. Sparks fly. Brooke tries to flirt with Dylan, but it falls flat, and she’s back to plotting with Kelly. After Courtney hems and haws, she finally drops a bombshell on Billy.
Courtney confides in Jake about her parents’ problems. Matt and Ashley are doing just fine until Brooke tries to stir up trouble. Trouble is brewing for Matt with Coach Williams but
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Courtney confides in Jake about her parents’ problems. Matt and Ashley are doing just fine until Brooke tries to stir up trouble. Trouble is brewing for Matt with Coach Williams but we’re not sure why at first. Billy’s sucking up to Dylan until Matt interrupts.
Matt and Ashley try to put the pieces back together while Brooke plots furiously. Olaf “dislocates” himself. Jake tries to get up the nerve to ask Courtney out. Matt finds Dylan talking
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Matt and Ashley try to put the pieces back together while Brooke plots furiously. Olaf “dislocates” himself. Jake tries to get up the nerve to ask Courtney out. Matt finds Dylan talking to Ashley. Dylan lets Billy try his drums. Ashley is shocked to find Matt at the Avalon with Brooke.
Billy and Courtney wrestle with their parents’ issues. Ashley is torn up over her doubts about Matt. Jake tries to help Matt sort things out. Courtney’s not sure it’s good for Billy to
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Billy and Courtney wrestle with their parents’ issues. Ashley is torn up over her doubts about Matt. Jake tries to help Matt sort things out. Courtney’s not sure it’s good for Billy to be “hanging around Dylan.” Brooke blames her dirty tricks on Kelly. Courtney thinks she has a chance with Dylan.
Matt takes heat from Coach Williams. Theresa bugs Brooke. Courtney falls for Dylan. Brooke can’t resist sticking her nose in again. Jake wants desperately to tell Courtney how he feels.
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Matt takes heat from Coach Williams. Theresa bugs Brooke. Courtney falls for Dylan. Brooke can’t resist sticking her nose in again. Jake wants desperately to tell Courtney how he feels. Now Theresa fantasizes about Dylan. Courtney and Billy’s parents make it final. Ashley makes a shocking discovery.
Matt's drinking raises new questions. Does Ashley dare confront him? Courtney and Billy compete for Dylan's attention. But Jake's in the wings wishing Courtney would notice him. Dylan's
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Matt's drinking raises new questions. Does Ashley dare confront him? Courtney and Billy compete for Dylan's attention. But Jake's in the wings wishing Courtney would notice him. Dylan's upcoming school concert creates new tensions. Courtney surprises Brooke over at Dylan's.
Matt gets benched. Brooke brags to Kelly how she upstaged Courtney with Dylan. Billy can’t find anyone to talk to but Olaf. Courtney asks Ashley for advice. Matt tries to start a fight
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Matt gets benched. Brooke brags to Kelly how she upstaged Courtney with Dylan. Billy can’t find anyone to talk to but Olaf. Courtney asks Ashley for advice. Matt tries to start a fight with Dylan. Matt hides a problem at school and Ashley confronts him. Courtney’s fantasy life flourishes.
Ashley leans on Jake for help with Matt but how’s he supposed to help. Courtney provokes a fight with Dylan. Cyndi and Olaf’s attempts to save the environment meet with a feeble response
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Ashley leans on Jake for help with Matt but how’s he supposed to help. Courtney provokes a fight with Dylan. Cyndi and Olaf’s attempts to save the environment meet with a feeble response at Hillside. Courtney makes up with Dylan and she and Billy plan to throw a party. Naturally, Brooke tosses a grenade into the plans and Jake has to pick up the pieces.
Billy defends his dad with Courtney. Jake confides in Ashley. Matt makes fun of the “Environmental Police,” while Brooke uses the cause for her own ends. Billy isn’t sure whether to be
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Billy defends his dad with Courtney. Jake confides in Ashley. Matt makes fun of the “Environmental Police,” while Brooke uses the cause for her own ends. Billy isn’t sure whether to be friends with Olaf. Dylan’s concert is cancelled and Billy is responsible. Ashley’s feeling sorry for Dylan makes Matt jealous.
Matt’s tension with the Coach worsens and, unlikely as it is, Matt tries to give Jake romantic advice. Olaf has a theory about Bart Simpson. Jake tries a new approach with Courtney.
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Matt’s tension with the Coach worsens and, unlikely as it is, Matt tries to give Jake romantic advice. Olaf has a theory about Bart Simpson. Jake tries a new approach with Courtney. Brook pursues her ambition to be Student Council President. Ashley tries to help Matt but Matt hits a wall with the coach. The Party at Courtney and Billy’s ends with a shock.
There’s a need for damage control after the Party but Brooke still has her eye on the election. Matt and Ashley have different takes on his “falling down drunk.” Jake finally asks
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There’s a need for damage control after the Party but Brooke still has her eye on the election. Matt and Ashley have different takes on his “falling down drunk.” Jake finally asks Courtney out and tries to help Ashley with Matt. Cyndi gives Dylan some advice. Ashley wants to help Matt but Brooke manages to get there first.
Ashley and Matt’s relationship is on the rocks. Matt loses his patience with Jake and their friendship is put to the test. Brooke pretends to sympathize with Ashley. Courtney rejects
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Ashley and Matt’s relationship is on the rocks. Matt loses his patience with Jake and their friendship is put to the test. Brooke pretends to sympathize with Ashley. Courtney rejects Dylan’s attempts to make up. Ashley cheats on a test and Brook and Kelly are quick to rub it in. Billy gets back in with Dylan.
Everyone’s worried about Ashley and her parents are about to ruin her life. Brooke ramps up her campaign for Student Council President. To help matters, Kelly starts flirting with Dylan.
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Everyone’s worried about Ashley and her parents are about to ruin her life. Brooke ramps up her campaign for Student Council President. To help matters, Kelly starts flirting with Dylan. Billy does a double take when Theresa takes an interest in him. Dylan surprises Billy with a major offer. Jake hasn’t given up on helping Matt. Kelly sets Brooke up for a fall. Dylan’s determined to build up his band.
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Season two begins at Ashley's house...Courtney, who by now has gotten some fashion sense but has suddenly obtained red, Medusa-like hair, is about to head off and leave Miss Ash in the
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Season two begins at Ashley's house...Courtney, who by now has gotten some fashion sense but has suddenly obtained red, Medusa-like hair, is about to head off and leave Miss Ash in the basement. Ashley doesn't believe she's coming back to school anytime soon. Courtney says she's got a letter from Jake and it was quite weird. Jake is apparently in China for the next six weeks (i.e., this season), and Courtney thinks it's quite odd that their friendship has escalated to...""something else."" Ashley is rather out of it, and tells Courtney to say ""hi"" to Jake for her. Courtney then commits an anachronism by telling Ashley that Jake still thinks Matt and Ashley are together (although we'll recall that the two broke up two full episodes before the season finale). Ashley's apparently been out of school ever since the cheating incident (last week)...and it seems like she's going to private school!
At the Avalon, Matt sees his old teammates show up from the game...Matt finds it quite interesting
""It's not like grade school!"" That's Erin, Matt's sister talking as we start a new episode. The bro and sis are at the Avalon, and Erin is just a bit scared about making the big leap
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""It's not like grade school!"" That's Erin, Matt's sister talking as we start a new episode. The bro and sis are at the Avalon, and Erin is just a bit scared about making the big leap to Hillside. Matt assures her that life will go on normal (basically, not like his). Dylan makes an appearance soon after and chides Matt for finding such a young girlfriend. Matt assures our rock star that this isn't Kentucky, and there a'int no incest going on here. Matt tells his sister that Dylan is the resident jerk.
Back at Hillside, Brooke is struggling with math homework, and Janice attempts again to make a new friend, this time by giving Brooke some assistance. Brooke's ego doesn't like that, so Janice gets dissed again. Brooke moves on to Dylan, and wonders if he has anything to apologize about (remember the toilet flushing comment?) Well, Dylan is not about to do that. In fact, he'd like to know if Brooke thinks that anyone still ""buys her act.""
It's Courtney and Billy at the Avalon. Uh oh, Bill
Morning at the Avalon, Matt and Dave are engaged in some small talk. Poor Matt is upset that he's already been relegated to the ranks of the ""armchair athlete"" at age 15. Dave is there
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Morning at the Avalon, Matt and Dave are engaged in some small talk. Poor Matt is upset that he's already been relegated to the ranks of the ""armchair athlete"" at age 15. Dave is there to give him the pep talk he needs (basically, a letter-jacket-wearing version of Jake). Oh God, then Dave babbles some more about how there's no glory in being the trainer. I mean, give me a break kid, it's not like you're a slave; I'm sure you volunteered. So just shut up! ""At least you're still part of the team,"" Matt reminds him. Dave again suggests that Matt talk to the coach blah blah blah...we had this scene last episode.
Back at Brooke's house, Brooke is still finish up that nasty geometry. Amanda busts in her to remind her that it's time to go to school. Brooke sees no point in going to class since she has geometry first period and she hasn't finished her homework. Then Amanda pipes in, ""That's not surprising, Dad says he's never met a girl who's been good at math."" Hello! What a great guy he mus
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This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
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