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Temporada 10
Disney continues their quest to live-action every single animated movie they've ever made, with this dull and boring Mulan movie. The magic is missing here, folks, and it's not just because there's no Mushu. And we count the sins to prove why.
Disney continues their quest to live-action every single animated movie they've ever made, with this dull and boring Mulan movie. The magic is missing here, folks, and it's not just because there's no Mushu. And we count the sins to prove why.
Horrible Bosses was a surprise hit at the box office, enough to spawn a sequel that some believe is even funnier than the original. Regardless... this thing has sins like crazy! So we counted them.
Horrible Bosses was a surprise hit at the box office, enough to spawn a sequel that some believe is even funnier than the original. Regardless... this thing has sins like crazy! So we counted them.
A beloved children's book. An acclaimed director. What could go wrong?
Where the Wild Things Are suffers from bloat first and foremost. But also it has lots of sins! And that's what we do here: we count sins!
A beloved children's book. An acclaimed director. What could go wrong?
Where the Wild Things Are suffers from bloat first and foremost. But also it has lots of sins! And that's what we do here: we count sins!
Mr. & Mrs. Smith is a fun movie that is not great, and ultimately will be more remembered for breaking up a Hollywood couple than for anything contained inside the film itself.
Oh, and it has sins. So we counted them.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith is a fun movie that is not great, and ultimately will be more remembered for breaking up a Hollywood couple than for anything contained inside the film itself.
Oh, and it has sins. So we counted them.
Yes they DID make a second Happy Feet movie, and it's okay. If you like that sort of thing. I'm not here to judge movie quality, I'm here to count sins.
Yes they DID make a second Happy Feet movie, and it's okay. If you like that sort of thing. I'm not here to judge movie quality, I'm here to count sins.
DC's animated division has been cranking out films for years, and most of them are better than the live action DC films. Is Batman: Assault on Arkham one of them? Who cares?! It has sins and that's why you're here.
DC's animated division has been cranking out films for years, and most of them are better than the live action DC films. Is Batman: Assault on Arkham one of them? Who cares?! It has sins and that's why you're here.
Everything Wrong With Starship Troopers
Everything Wrong With Starship Troopers
Ready or Not was a pleasant surprise in 2019. This movie rocks! But it's not perfect, and it definitely has sins. So let's get to it.
Ready or Not was a pleasant surprise in 2019. This movie rocks! But it's not perfect, and it definitely has sins. So let's get to it.
Guess what day it is! GUESS what DAY it IS!!! No, it's not Hump Day. It's GROUNDHOG DAY!! So we went looking for sins in the movie Groundhog Day. Seemed like a good idea.
Guess what day it is! GUESS what DAY it IS!!! No, it's not Hump Day. It's GROUNDHOG DAY!! So we went looking for sins in the movie Groundhog Day. Seemed like a good idea.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame is an animated Disney film based on a classic piece of literature. And the movie's just okay. It's kind of a mess, really. And DAMN does it have sins! So we counted them.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame is an animated Disney film based on a classic piece of literature. And the movie's just okay. It's kind of a mess, really. And DAMN does it have sins! So we counted them.
500 Days of Summer is a cute movie about a doomed relationship. That is, until you start looking for sins. Then you find all kinds of issues--like THE TITLE!!
500 Days of Summer is a cute movie about a doomed relationship. That is, until you start looking for sins. Then you find all kinds of issues--like THE TITLE!!
The Phantom of the Opera is certainly a movie. And there is "singing" at times. The plot is pretty darn confusing. I guess people love the original stage show and music so much they don't care. But we care! We count sins, dammit!
The Phantom of the Opera is certainly a movie. And there is "singing" at times. The plot is pretty darn confusing. I guess people love the original stage show and music so much they don't care. But we care! We count sins, dammit!
Friday is a '90s comedy classic!! It's awesome. But it still has plenty of sins, so we went to work.
Friday is a '90s comedy classic!! It's awesome. But it still has plenty of sins, so we went to work.
Tenet has sins, then it has reverse sins, and... f*ck this movie is confusing. We did our best to sin it, though. :)
Tenet has sins, then it has reverse sins, and... f*ck this movie is confusing. We did our best to sin it, though. :)
Donnie Darko is unique, captivating, and eminently discuss-able. We love it. Doesn't mean it doesn't have sins though!
Donnie Darko is unique, captivating, and eminently discuss-able. We love it. Doesn't mean it doesn't have sins though!
This f*cking movie.
This f*cking movie.
With Coming to America 2 on the way, we thought it was time to go back and search the original for sins. Found a bunch!!
With Coming to America 2 on the way, we thought it was time to go back and search the original for sins. Found a bunch!!
Everything Wrong With The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Episode overview
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is a bad movie. It's every bit as bad as you've heard, yet somehow still worse than that. You just can't believe how bad it is. So naturally it has a lot of sins.
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is a bad movie. It's every bit as bad as you've heard, yet somehow still worse than that. You just can't believe how bad it is. So naturally it has a lot of sins.
Last Action Hero is known as a relative flop, commercially and critically, but the movie's actually pretty fun. Far from perfect though... and FULL of sins.
Last Action Hero is known as a relative flop, commercially and critically, but the movie's actually pretty fun. Far from perfect though... and FULL of sins.
Superman III is just not good. I'm sorry. The first two are great. This one is just not great. I'm sorry if you are only just now finding out. Oh, and it has sins, too.
Superman III is just not good. I'm sorry. The first two are great. This one is just not great. I'm sorry if you are only just now finding out. Oh, and it has sins, too.
Office Space is an all-time classic and one of the most quotable movies ever. Still has sins.
Office Space is an all-time classic and one of the most quotable movies ever. Still has sins.
Deja Vu is utterly preposterous and yet completely watchable fun. Sins like crazy though.
Deja Vu is utterly preposterous and yet completely watchable fun. Sins like crazy though.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
Everything Wrong With Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole
Episode overview
Before the Snyder Cut... there was Legend of the Guardians: the Owls of Ga'Hoole, an animated adventure that is pretty confusing but not terrible. Shoot... I don't review movies; I count sins. And I did that, so here we go.
Before the Snyder Cut... there was Legend of the Guardians: the Owls of Ga'Hoole, an animated adventure that is pretty confusing but not terrible. Shoot... I don't review movies; I count sins. And I did that, so here we go.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
Galaxy Quest is so good it hurts. It's one of the best Star Trek movies ever made. It's hilarious. We love it.
Still has sins.
Galaxy Quest is so good it hurts. It's one of the best Star Trek movies ever made. It's hilarious. We love it.
Still has sins.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
Napoleon Dynamite was a surprise hit and still has devoted fans to this day. We thought we'd piss those fans off by counting its sins. So we did.
Napoleon Dynamite was a surprise hit and still has devoted fans to this day. We thought we'd piss those fans off by counting its sins. So we did.
The Mighty Ducks sure is a movie that people love. It had a couple sequels and is now back as a Disney+ TV show. Despite all that, the original movie is kind of enjoyably terrible. Cute kids, but that's about it. And sins galore.
The Mighty Ducks sure is a movie that people love. It had a couple sequels and is now back as a Disney+ TV show. Despite all that, the original movie is kind of enjoyably terrible. Cute kids, but that's about it. And sins galore.
Prince of Persia is a movie based on a video game, so right out of the gate you should lower your expectations. Then... lower them some more. We counted all the sins so you don't have to.
Prince of Persia is a movie based on a video game, so right out of the gate you should lower your expectations. Then... lower them some more. We counted all the sins so you don't have to.
Enchanted is a crowd-pleasing Disney musical about a cartoon princess who gets banished by the evil lady to our real, non-cartoon world. It's enjoyable enough, as long as you don't pay much attention to all the sins.
Enchanted is a crowd-pleasing Disney musical about a cartoon princess who gets banished by the evil lady to our real, non-cartoon world. It's enjoyable enough, as long as you don't pay much attention to all the sins.
Speed Racer is beloved by some, derided by others. So we put the sin hat on and went digging.
Speed Racer is beloved by some, derided by others. So we put the sin hat on and went digging.
Alien vs. Predator is what happens when you team up two beloved sci-fi creatures in the most boring way possible. It's terrible. And it has sins to spare.
Alien vs. Predator is what happens when you team up two beloved sci-fi creatures in the most boring way possible. It's terrible. And it has sins to spare.
Everything Wrong With Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
Episode overview
We decided to sin Harold & Kumar go to White Castle because of 4/20... a date that has no particular special meaning at all. Anyway, movie's got sins, yo.
We decided to sin Harold & Kumar go to White Castle because of 4/20... a date that has no particular special meaning at all. Anyway, movie's got sins, yo.
Pixar's Soul was well-received and it's pretty creative and charming. But it has sins just like any other movie, so we counted 'em.
Pixar's Soul was well-received and it's pretty creative and charming. But it has sins just like any other movie, so we counted 'em.
Wonder Woman 1984. Or, if you prefer, WW84. It was certainly a movie. A movie that happened. Many of you saw it. Let's just say it isn't exactly great. And it's got sins like you wouldn't believe.
Wonder Woman 1984. Or, if you prefer, WW84. It was certainly a movie. A movie that happened. Many of you saw it. Let's just say it isn't exactly great. And it's got sins like you wouldn't believe.
Jerry Maguire is full of now-iconic lines and moments and we pretty much love it. But we had to do our job, so we counted the sins.
Jerry Maguire is full of now-iconic lines and moments and we pretty much love it. But we had to do our job, so we counted the sins.
Resident Evil: Afterlife is the... wait... how many of these things did they make?! Anyway, this is another one of them, and it has sins, like all the rest of them.
Resident Evil: Afterlife is the... wait... how many of these things did they make?! Anyway, this is another one of them, and it has sins, like all the rest of them.
A Scanner Darkly is one of Richard Linklater's two rotoscoped films. Some people love it. It's pretty weird, though. Oh, and it has sins and stuff.
A Scanner Darkly is one of Richard Linklater's two rotoscoped films. Some people love it. It's pretty weird, though. Oh, and it has sins and stuff.
Saw VI is--holy sh*t how many of these things are there?! This is one of them, and there are torture puzzle things and weird reveals that make no sense. And sins, of course. Can't forget about the sins.
Saw VI is--holy sh*t how many of these things are there?! This is one of them, and there are torture puzzle things and weird reveals that make no sense. And sins, of course. Can't forget about the sins.
10 Things I Hate About You was pretty well-received when it came out. And I'm sure lots of folks still love it. It's charming... I get it. But it has sins, man. So many sins.
10 Things I Hate About You was pretty well-received when it came out. And I'm sure lots of folks still love it. It's charming... I get it. But it has sins, man. So many sins.
Isle of Dogs is a movie that many people love and many people scratch their heads at. It's got lots of dogs, though, and that's good. But it also has sins. That's bad.
Isle of Dogs is a movie that many people love and many people scratch their heads at. It's got lots of dogs, though, and that's good. But it also has sins. That's bad.
Prince Caspian is one of them there Narnia movies. And I'll be honest with you: it's not very good. But it does have sins, and checking out those is always fun!
Prince Caspian is one of them there Narnia movies. And I'll be honest with you: it's not very good. But it does have sins, and checking out those is always fun!
101 Dalmations is a Disney animated classic. There's been a live-action remake with Glenn Close, and now we're getting Cruella with Emma Stone. Seemed like a good time to go sin-diving in the original. So we did.
101 Dalmations is a Disney animated classic. There's been a live-action remake with Glenn Close, and now we're getting Cruella with Emma Stone. Seemed like a good time to go sin-diving in the original. So we did.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the movie, is not really too much like the later TV show you probably know. It goes for a very specific tone... and doesn't really stick the landing. The sins are pretty in-your-face in this one.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the movie, is not really too much like the later TV show you probably know. It goes for a very specific tone... and doesn't really stick the landing. The sins are pretty in-your-face in this one.
This episode has no summary.
This episode has no summary.
Brother Bear is a Disney animated film about a boy who turns into a bear. It's terrible, but people like it. Whatever, there's no shame in enjoying a terrible movie. But terrible movies have the most sins, FYI.
Brother Bear is a Disney animated film about a boy who turns into a bear. It's terrible, but people like it. Whatever, there's no shame in enjoying a terrible movie. But terrible movies have the most sins, FYI.
Heavy Metal is certainly a movie. You might have been unaware of it, or forgotten it, but boy howdy does it have sins.
Heavy Metal is certainly a movie. You might have been unaware of it, or forgotten it, but boy howdy does it have sins.
Judge Dredd is an absolutely awful comic book movie from the '90s that you would be forgiven for forgetting or never even watching in the first place. The sins! My God, the sins!!
Judge Dredd is an absolutely awful comic book movie from the '90s that you would be forgiven for forgetting or never even watching in the first place. The sins! My God, the sins!!
With the US Open golf tournament upon us... "why not sin a golf movie?" we thought. And so we did. And it's Happy Gilmore, an early zany-era Adam Sandler movie that is stupid and funny and sinful as hell.
With the US Open golf tournament upon us... "why not sin a golf movie?" we thought. And so we did. And it's Happy Gilmore, an early zany-era Adam Sandler movie that is stupid and funny and sinful as hell.
Angry Birds 2 happened. We can't any of us undo it or take it back. It's a stain on humanity's legacy forever. Because Angry Birds 2 SUUUUUUUUCKS!!
Angry Birds 2 happened. We can't any of us undo it or take it back. It's a stain on humanity's legacy forever. Because Angry Birds 2 SUUUUUUUUCKS!!
Everything Wrong With Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
Episode overview
Yes, they made more of these "museum exhibits come to life" movies. This one is Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. Which is weird, because the Smithsonian is, like, more
.. show full overview
Yes, they made more of these "museum exhibits come to life" movies. This one is Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. Which is weird, because the Smithsonian is, like, more than a dozen different museums and not just one centralized thing like the movie suggests. Also, there are so many sins here you won't believe it!!!
Raya and the Last Dragon has a lot of cool elements and interesting ideas. It's definitely a Disney movie. Oh well, it's got plenty of sins.
Raya and the Last Dragon has a lot of cool elements and interesting ideas. It's definitely a Disney movie. Oh well, it's got plenty of sins.
Godzilla vs. Kong is a movie. It happened. You saw it. Most of us saw it. Kong grew ten times his height, got tranq'd on a ship, went to super middle earth... Jesus, this movie is kind of weird!
Godzilla vs. Kong is a movie. It happened. You saw it. Most of us saw it. Kong grew ten times his height, got tranq'd on a ship, went to super middle earth... Jesus, this movie is kind of weird!
Epic is an animated movie with Beyonce in it that somehow got lost to time. It's not amazing. It's not terrible. But it didn't deserve to get forgotten. Anyway, we counted the sins.
Epic is an animated movie with Beyonce in it that somehow got lost to time. It's not amazing. It's not terrible. But it didn't deserve to get forgotten. Anyway, we counted the sins.
Everything Wrong With Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (1971)
Episode overview
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is a classic. It's great. Gene Wilder gives a career performance, the songs are fun, but hey... this movie still has sins!
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is a classic. It's great. Gene Wilder gives a career performance, the songs are fun, but hey... this movie still has sins!
Cloud Atlas is an unfilmable book, so of course someone filmed it. And it's beautiful and aspirational and messy and disjointed and... well... some folks think it's a masterpiece. We just counted the sins, man.
Cloud Atlas is an unfilmable book, so of course someone filmed it. And it's beautiful and aspirational and messy and disjointed and... well... some folks think it's a masterpiece. We just counted the sins, man.
With the new Space Jam movie upon us soon, it's time folks. It's finally time to go back to the original that so many of you love so much and find all the sins. We're gonna slam dunk this thing.
With the new Space Jam movie upon us soon, it's time folks. It's finally time to go back to the original that so many of you love so much and find all the sins. We're gonna slam dunk this thing.
Wedding Crashers was a huge hit and continues to be popular today. It maybe didn't age very well, but what from this era did? Here are all the sins we found in Wedding Crashers.
Wedding Crashers was a huge hit and continues to be popular today. It maybe didn't age very well, but what from this era did? Here are all the sins we found in Wedding Crashers.
G.I. Joe: Retaliation is certainly a movie that happened. Pretty sure Bruce Willis is even in it. Oy. Anyway, we counted the sins, like we do.
This video has outtakes at the end
.. show full overview
G.I. Joe: Retaliation is certainly a movie that happened. Pretty sure Bruce Willis is even in it. Oy. Anyway, we counted the sins, like we do.
This video has outtakes at the end again because we finished it a few weeks ago (before we started separating the outtakes).
Lady in the Water is just awful. It's just a bunch of talky nonsense followed by more talky nonsense and sometimes someone jumps in a pool. It's got loads of sins.
Lady in the Water is just awful. It's just a bunch of talky nonsense followed by more talky nonsense and sometimes someone jumps in a pool. It's got loads of sins.
Horton Hears A Who is not a terrible movie. It's not amazing, but it's fun. But it also has sins.
Horton Hears A Who is not a terrible movie. It's not amazing, but it's fun. But it also has sins.
Mortal Kombat is a violent ode to the video game that inspired it. And, hey, we like violence. It's just hard to enjoy it when there are so many sins.
Mortal Kombat is a violent ode to the video game that inspired it. And, hey, we like violence. It's just hard to enjoy it when there are so many sins.
With the new The Suicide Squad upon us, we turned to the animated Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay to look for sins. And we found some--aren't you surprised?!
With the new The Suicide Squad upon us, we turned to the animated Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay to look for sins. And we found some--aren't you surprised?!
Tron was a pretty revolutionary movie for its time, and even if the graphics are dated, the themes are still solid. Got lots of sins though.
Tron was a pretty revolutionary movie for its time, and even if the graphics are dated, the themes are still solid. Got lots of sins though.
Tom & Jerry is a movie that happened, despite common sense. It is predictably bad and SUPER sinful. So we counted them sh*ts.
Tom & Jerry is a movie that happened, despite common sense. It is predictably bad and SUPER sinful. So we counted them sh*ts.
X-Files: Fight the Future is the first of two X-Files films... I think. I honestly can never remember which one is which. Anyway, this has sins, so we counted them.
X-Files: Fight the Future is the first of two X-Files films... I think. I honestly can never remember which one is which. Anyway, this has sins, so we counted them.
Under Siege is an action film with LOTS of sins. My God, the sins.
Under Siege is an action film with LOTS of sins. My God, the sins.
Everything Wrong With Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2
Episode overview
Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2 takes all the cleverness & originality of the first one and throws it out the window! It's not anywhere near as good. You're probably only here for the sins anyway. And there are many.
Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2 takes all the cleverness & originality of the first one and throws it out the window! It's not anywhere near as good. You're probably only here for the sins anyway. And there are many.
The Hangover Part II certainly is a movie. Unfortunately, it's the same movie as the original Hangover... only less funny. And more sinful.
The Hangover Part II certainly is a movie. Unfortunately, it's the same movie as the original Hangover... only less funny. And more sinful.
Pretty Woman is a Richard Gere & Julia Roberts classic! Does it hold up? Eh. I'll tell you this much: it's got sins. Lots of 'em.
Pretty Woman is a Richard Gere & Julia Roberts classic! Does it hold up? Eh. I'll tell you this much: it's got sins. Lots of 'em.
Ocean's Thirteen is the movie they made to make up for Ocean's Twelve. I guess they... succeeded? Shrug. Got sins like crazy, of course.
Ocean's Thirteen is the movie they made to make up for Ocean's Twelve. I guess they... succeeded? Shrug. Got sins like crazy, of course.
The Croods 2: A New Age continues to saga of the Croods that--oh, who am I kidding? I don't remember the first one at all. But this one is alright. Not bad. Still has sins.
The Croods 2: A New Age continues to saga of the Croods that--oh, who am I kidding? I don't remember the first one at all. But this one is alright. Not bad. Still has sins.
Diamonds are Forever is one of them there James Bond movies. Sean Connery this time. Guns, sexy time, silly code names. You know... James Bond! Oh, and sins too!
Diamonds are Forever is one of them there James Bond movies. Sean Connery this time. Guns, sexy time, silly code names. You know... James Bond! Oh, and sins too!
Gamer is a movie about video gamers controlling real people, or something like that. It's a confusing mess of average action. Sins out the wazoo.
Gamer is a movie about video gamers controlling real people, or something like that. It's a confusing mess of average action. Sins out the wazoo.
A View To A Kill. Honestly a lot of these Bond movies are starting to run together for me. Pretty sure there's a pretty girl in this one, and a fancy spy gadget. Oh, and sins. Lots of sins.
A View To A Kill. Honestly a lot of these Bond movies are starting to run together for me. Pretty sure there's a pretty girl in this one, and a fancy spy gadget. Oh, and sins. Lots of sins.
The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard. Oy, now the hitman has a wife that needs a bodyguard too! The first one was kind of a surprise, enjoyable but not amazing. This one does what a lot of unnecessary sequels does and just sins all over the place.
The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard. Oy, now the hitman has a wife that needs a bodyguard too! The first one was kind of a surprise, enjoyable but not amazing. This one does what a lot of unnecessary sequels does and just sins all over the place.
James Bond has a Licence to Kill, even though he spells License wrong. That's a sin right in the movie's TITLE!
James Bond has a Licence to Kill, even though he spells License wrong. That's a sin right in the movie's TITLE!
Everything Wrong With Zack Snyder's Justice League Part 1
Episode overview
Justice League was a movie. But now we have Zack Snyder's Justice League, in which we are treated to his original 4-hour 6-part version of the film. It's pretty different, so we went counting sins again.
Justice League was a movie. But now we have Zack Snyder's Justice League, in which we are treated to his original 4-hour 6-part version of the film. It's pretty different, so we went counting sins again.
Everything Wrong With Zack Snyder's Justice League Part 2
Episode overview
Zack Snyder's Justice League is so long we had to split the sins video into two parts. This is that second part. On with the sins!!
Zack Snyder's Justice League is so long we had to split the sins video into two parts. This is that second part. On with the sins!!
I guess they keep making new Addams Family movies, so we went looking for sins in the live-action sequel from... Jesus, a long time ago. It's got lots of sins.
I guess they keep making new Addams Family movies, so we went looking for sins in the live-action sequel from... Jesus, a long time ago. It's got lots of sins.
Die Another Day might be one of the most ridiculous Bond movies ever, and that's saying something. Anyway, like the rest, there's lots of sins.
Die Another Day might be one of the most ridiculous Bond movies ever, and that's saying something. Anyway, like the rest, there's lots of sins.
Interview with the Vampire is not your average vampire movie. Well, actually, it's pretty average. It's brooding and sinful.
Interview with the Vampire is not your average vampire movie. Well, actually, it's pretty average. It's brooding and sinful.
Everything Wrong With The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It
Episode overview
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It is the... wait, how many Conjuring movies have there been?! Feels like a lot. Oh well, this is one of them. And it has lots of sins.
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It is the... wait, how many Conjuring movies have there been?! Feels like a lot. Oh well, this is one of them. And it has lots of sins.
Halloween II. Well, the original Halloween II. Let's be honest, there are a lot of these freaking movies. This is the very second one ever. And it has gobs of sins, let me tell you.
Halloween II. Well, the original Halloween II. Let's be honest, there are a lot of these freaking movies. This is the very second one ever. And it has gobs of sins, let me tell you.
Dune is one of the most beloved science fiction novels of all time. It was adapted for film in 1984 and, well, it's just not all that great. But now Denis Villeneuve has remade it, so we
.. show full overview
Dune is one of the most beloved science fiction novels of all time. It was adapted for film in 1984 and, well, it's just not all that great. But now Denis Villeneuve has remade it, so we figured it was time to finally comb through the original for sins.
Fantastic Mr. Fox is just damn delightful. We love it. But we still have a job to do here, so we sinned it.
Fantastic Mr. Fox is just damn delightful. We love it. But we still have a job to do here, so we sinned it.
Rocky Horror Picture Show is the true definition of a cult classic. Beloved by many, bewildering to others, but an undeniable classic. As with all movies, it has sins.
Rocky Horror Picture Show is the true definition of a cult classic. Beloved by many, bewildering to others, but an undeniable classic. As with all movies, it has sins.
A Quiet Place Part II is really good. It's quite good, much like the first one. But quality doesn't determine a movie's sin count.
A Quiet Place Part II is really good. It's quite good, much like the first one. But quality doesn't determine a movie's sin count.
Black Widow finally got her own movie, and it's pretty awesome. Still has sins though.
Black Widow finally got her own movie, and it's pretty awesome. Still has sins though.
Space Jam is beloved by '90s kids who have bad taste. It's not very good. So the sequel had a very low bar to clear... and it still failed. This is some sinny sh*t!!
Space Jam is beloved by '90s kids who have bad taste. It's not very good. So the sequel had a very low bar to clear... and it still failed. This is some sinny sh*t!!
Free Guy was a pretty delightful surprise in the hellscape that was 2021. But it still has sins, so we counted 'em.
Free Guy was a pretty delightful surprise in the hellscape that was 2021. But it still has sins, so we counted 'em.
Rounders is a movie that a lot of people love, especially poker players. It's certainly compelling. And sinful. So sinful.
Rounders is a movie that a lot of people love, especially poker players. It's certainly compelling. And sinful. So sinful.
With the new Ghostbusters: Afterlife movie upon us, you bet your bippy we went and looked for sins in the original Ghostbusters film.
With the new Ghostbusters: Afterlife movie upon us, you bet your bippy we went and looked for sins in the original Ghostbusters film.
In The Heights was a successful Broadway show and now it's a movie. A movie with sins. Singable sins.
In The Heights was a successful Broadway show and now it's a movie. A movie with sins. Singable sins.
Resident Evil: Retribution sure is a movie they made. About some stuff. It's all very confusing at this point, which is probably why they are rebooting the series. Anywho... onto the sins.
Resident Evil: Retribution sure is a movie they made. About some stuff. It's all very confusing at this point, which is probably why they are rebooting the series. Anywho... onto the sins.
Luca is a Pixar movie you may not have even realized came out this year, because it basically went straight to Disney+. Anywho, we got sins for you!
Luca is a Pixar movie you may not have even realized came out this year, because it basically went straight to Disney+. Anywho, we got sins for you!
Cruella is a wild, messy good time. With sins all over the place.
Cruella is a wild, messy good time. With sins all over the place.
Boss Baby did so well they went ahead and made a second one and it is predictably terrible. You're welcome, moviegoers. Anyway, we counted the sins of Boss Baby: Family Business because it is our damn job.
Boss Baby did so well they went ahead and made a second one and it is predictably terrible. You're welcome, moviegoers. Anyway, we counted the sins of Boss Baby: Family Business because it is our damn job.
With Spielberg's new version of West Side Story upon us, it was time for us to go sin hunting in the original. And we found a LOT!
With Spielberg's new version of West Side Story upon us, it was time for us to go sin hunting in the original. And we found a LOT!
F9. This freaking movie. Jesus.
F9. This freaking movie. Jesus.
The Suicide Squad is pretty great. We enjoyed it. Doesn't mean it's free of sin though.
The Suicide Squad is pretty great. We enjoyed it. Doesn't mean it's free of sin though.
The Santa Clause, the first one, was a pleasant if harmlessly fun Christmas movie. The sequel, however, is just atrocious. It's so bad. You won't even believe how bad this movie is.
The Santa Clause, the first one, was a pleasant if harmlessly fun Christmas movie. The sequel, however, is just atrocious. It's so bad. You won't even believe how bad this movie is.
Yo, Jungle Cruise is a terrible movie that blatantly steals from 5-10 previous and much better movies, offering up not a single original idea throughout. Oh, and it has a lot of sins.
Yo, Jungle Cruise is a terrible movie that blatantly steals from 5-10 previous and much better movies, offering up not a single original idea throughout. Oh, and it has a lot of sins.
For years you've been asking for it, and now we've finally caved and done it: the sins of A Christmas Story, an all-timer Christmas movie classic. But as you know, no movie is without sin...
For years you've been asking for it, and now we've finally caved and done it: the sins of A Christmas Story, an all-timer Christmas movie classic. But as you know, no movie is without sin...
Meet the Robinsons is an okay little animated family film that I honestly forgot about. Anyway, it has sins, as all movies do, so we counted 'em.
Meet the Robinsons is an okay little animated family film that I honestly forgot about. Anyway, it has sins, as all movies do, so we counted 'em.
Final da Temporada
Everything Wrong With Escape Room: Tournament Of Champions
Episode overview
The first Escape Room was kind of fun. Escape Room: Tournament of Champions veers hard into bonkers territory. It's got sins, y'all.
The first Escape Room was kind of fun. Escape Room: Tournament of Champions veers hard into bonkers territory. It's got sins, y'all.
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