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Sezon 28
Yayınlanma tarihi
Oca 05, 1987
Terry is very hung-over and can't remember anything. When Curly tells him about the shop break-in he realises that he did it. Rita wonders how the car turned over as Martin wasn't drunk.
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Terry is very hung-over and can't remember anything. When Curly tells him about the shop break-in he realises that he did it. Rita wonders how the car turned over as Martin wasn't drunk. Curly and the Websters worry for Hilda's sake as there's a load of drink left over. They tell her they've returned them to the people who bought them. Terry empties the booze down the drain. Hilda is furious when Alf insinuates the thief was one of her party guests. Rita feels that Jenny is lying to cover up for Martin speeding. Alf recognises one of his boxes in Hilda's bin. He takes it as evidence.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Oca 07, 1987
Jenny agrees to help Gail out at the cafe but Rita refuses to let her; she doesn't want her going anywhere near Martin. Hilda confronts the lads and Sally and demands to know what's been
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Jenny agrees to help Gail out at the cafe but Rita refuses to let her; she doesn't want her going anywhere near Martin. Hilda confronts the lads and Sally and demands to know what's been going on. Terry swears that he doesn't know anything about the break-in. Martin is discharged from hospital. Rita rows with him for wrecking her car and nearly killing Jenny. She tells him to stay out of Jenny's life. Jenny is upset. Alf decides to inform the Police about finding the box. Hilda is upset that she's involved. Martin calls on Jenny in secret. She wants to continue seeing him but he thinks that she's too much trouble. She convinces him that they have to see each other until the Police stop their enquiries. Kevin hates seeing Hilda worried and tells Terry that he has to do something; for Hilda's sake. Terry tells Alf he broke into the shop. He apologises and tells him that he was drunk and says he'll pay for all the damage. Alf still feels the Police should be brought in.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Oca 12, 1987
Vera is upset when Terry confesses to robbing Alf. Whilst telling him that he deserves all he gets, she pleads with Alf not to inform the Police. Audrey feels that Ian Latimer should be
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Vera is upset when Terry confesses to robbing Alf. Whilst telling him that he deserves all he gets, she pleads with Alf not to inform the Police. Audrey feels that Ian Latimer should be told about Gail's pregnancy as he might be able to help. Rita is delighted when Alan returns on leave. She tells him about the car crash and how Jenny covered up for Martin speeding. Knowing that Alan has an aggressive streak, Martin worries when he hears of his return. Hilda is hurt that Terry lied to her over the break-in and tells him that she's disappointed in him. Alf decides not to report Terry to the Police but refuses to tell the Duckworths as he wants to make them sweat. Alan goes for Martin, accusing him of nearly killing Jenny. Jenny breaks down and confesses that she was driving the car.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Oca 14, 1987
Alan tells Rita that it's obvious she can't control Jenny as she can so easily lie to Rita. He drags Jenny and Martin to the police station and makes them tell the truth. Gail tells
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Alan tells Rita that it's obvious she can't control Jenny as she can so easily lie to Rita. He drags Jenny and Martin to the police station and makes them tell the truth. Gail tells Audrey that she doesn't want Ian Latimer to know anything about the baby. The Police give Jenny and Martin a dressing-down, listing the offences they have committed. They are frightened when they are threatened with legal action. Vera gives Alf £100 to not call the Police. He takes the money before telling the Duckworths that he's not pressing charges. The Police agree to drop the crash-case if Rita won't press charges. She agrees to drop the whole matter. Alan swears that he'll give her the £1,500 he earned in Dubai in compensation. Audrey writes to Ian, telling him about Gail's pregnancy and divorce.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Oca 19, 1987
Gail receives her decree nisi. She is upset and breaks down in tears. Martin comforts her. Susan asks Ken for discount on an advertisement. He refuses to give her discount just because
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Gail receives her decree nisi. She is upset and breaks down in tears. Martin comforts her. Susan asks Ken for discount on an advertisement. He refuses to give her discount just because she's his daughter; he knows Mike will be paying. Gail realises that she was happy being married to Brian and now feels abandoned. She doesn't know what's to become of her. Mike refuses to let Susan spend another £200 on advertising, telling her that she's over budget. Susan feels that both Ken and Mike are pathetic for not having faith in her. Alan entertains Rita at his hotel. He tells her that he's not going back to Dubai and asks her to marry him. She tells him that she doesn't want to commit herself to marriage again. She wants to go on as they are. He doesn't understand; he didn't think she could be choosy as she's getting on. She is hurt.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Oca 21, 1987
Susan reads about a house fire in the Gazette which has left a young family homeless. She sees an opportunity to get some publicity. Rita feels that Alan has a cheek when she learns from
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Susan reads about a house fire in the Gazette which has left a young family homeless. She sees an opportunity to get some publicity. Rita feels that Alan has a cheek when she learns from Mavis that Alan is going to return to Dubai and expects her to look after Jenny. She accuses Alan of taking her for granted. She tells him that she likes looking after Jenny as she makes her feel young. He apologises to her for upsetting her and is relieved when she finds the situation amusing. Susan has her photograph taken presenting the fire children with Hopscotch clothes. She gives Ken the picture and a covering article, telling him it's a human interest story. She tells him that one of the children led the family to safety through the flames. Ken is interested as the Gazette did not mention this. Rita tells Alan that she loves him but wants to keep her independence. She tells him if he doesn't return to Dubai she'd like him to move in with her at No.7. Gail is stunned when Ian Latimer arrives on her doorstep.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Oca 26, 1987
Gail is furious that Audrey wrote to Ian Latimer, prompting his return from Australia. He blames himself for the Tilsleys' break up. He tells her that he'll do whatever she wants him to
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Gail is furious that Audrey wrote to Ian Latimer, prompting his return from Australia. He blames himself for the Tilsleys' break up. He tells her that he'll do whatever she wants him to do. She tells him to go home - she doesn't need him. He offers to marry her but she doesn't want him; she can cope on her own. She doesn't love him. Sally gets Tom Hopwood to visit Hilda to cheer her up. Audrey can't believe Gail has turned Ian's proposal down. She tells her that she's stupid. Tom asks Hilda out to a Co-op dance. She wants to go but isn't sure about his feelings. Audrey lets Ian stay at No.11. She tells him to work on Gail; she'll accept him in the end. Ivy calls on Audrey and finds Ian there. She is furious to see him and tells him that he'll get his comeuppance. Hilda agrees to go dancing. Doctor Lowther calls to see if she can help out at a party he's holding but Hilda is out and Tom tells him that she is going dancing with him. Ivy tells Brian that Ian is back.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Oca 28, 1987
Hilda is horrified that Tom Hopwood put Doctor Lowther off. Ian Latimer wants to talk to Brian so he doesn't return to Australia feeling like a coward. Ken prints the article about Susan
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Hilda is horrified that Tom Hopwood put Doctor Lowther off. Ian Latimer wants to talk to Brian so he doesn't return to Australia feeling like a coward. Ken prints the article about Susan and the Norbury children. Hilda tells Tom that she doesn't want him interfering in her life. She fears the Lowthers will think she's let them down. Brian tells Gail that he won't let her take Nicky to Australia. She tells him that she's turned Ian down. Ken hears from the Chief Fire Officer, discovering there was only a little fire. He accuses Susan of exaggerating the story to sell her clothes. He's sickened that she hasn't got any standards anymore. Ian calls on Gail to say goodbye whilst Brian is there. Ian apologises to Brian but Brian accuses him of ruining his life. He tells Ian that there's no way he's taking his son from him and thumps him. Gail becomes distraught and suffers stomach pains. Doctor Lowther tells Hilda that it's obvious they've been working her too hard and tells her to rest; they can't do without her. Ian calls for an ambulance when Gail realises the baby is on its way at thirty-five weeks. She struggles to keep calm. Ian goes with her to the hospital.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Şub 02, 1987
Gail's contractions are slowed down as the doctor tries to delay labour. Ian hopes that she'll want him around once the baby is born. Gail's contractions get worse and she is rushed to
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Gail's contractions are slowed down as the doctor tries to delay labour. Ian hopes that she'll want him around once the baby is born. Gail's contractions get worse and she is rushed to the delivery room. Audrey encourages Ian to hang around the hospital to prove to Gail that he cares and Brian doesn't. Ivy waits at the hospital with Audrey. The news that Gail is in labour unites them. They fear the baby won't be alright. Susan apologises to Ken for stretching the truth over the fire. Gail gives birth to a girl. She calls her Sarah Louise. She is too small and has to go into the baby care unit in an incubator. Susan talks the Barlows into coming to dinner. Ivy feels Gail should have Sarah baptised in case she dies. Brian has no plans to visit either Gail or Sarah.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Şub 04, 1987
Gail feels helpless watching Sarah in the incubator. Martin finds it hard to cope at the cafe with Phyllis off and Gail in hospital. Percy helps him out. Ian Latimer has a blood test at
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Gail feels helpless watching Sarah in the incubator. Martin finds it hard to cope at the cafe with Phyllis off and Gail in hospital. Percy helps him out. Ian Latimer has a blood test at the hospital to see if he's Sarah's father. Brian worries about Gail and Sarah but refuses to visit them. Ian's blood test proves that he isn't Sarah's father. He tells Gail he's afraid Brian is the father. She asks him not to tell anyone else. Phyllis takes Edwina Turner on at the cafe as she doesn't want to work with Percy. Ken and Mike are uncomfortable as they eat together. Ian returns to Australia. Audrey is furious that Alf let him go. Mike and Ken agree to disagree about business matters. Gail swears that she'll get by on her own with her children.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Şub 09, 1987
Alan pays Rita £1,500 for her car. Terry gets a load of household goods to sell door to door. Alan and Rita are amused by the residents' reaction to him spending the night at her house.
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Alan pays Rita £1,500 for her car. Terry gets a load of household goods to sell door to door. Alan and Rita are amused by the residents' reaction to him spending the night at her house. Rita tells him to give them something to talk about - pay off his hotel and move in. Curly is stunned by Terry's tactics as he sells the goods with hard luck stories of struggling on the dole. Jenny is delighted that Alan and Rita are going to live together. Tom apologises to Hilda and they are reconciled. Alan moves into No.7 and spends his first night with Rita.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Şub 11, 1987
Terry makes Curly see that it pays to lie a bit in order to sell their wares. Rita publicly announces that Alan is her "common-law husband". Hilda is worried that Tom fancies her. He
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Terry makes Curly see that it pays to lie a bit in order to sell their wares. Rita publicly announces that Alan is her "common-law husband". Hilda is worried that Tom fancies her. He tells her about an over-sixtie's club holiday to Rhyl he's going on. He invites her to go on the holiday. He assures her that it would all be responsible and above board. She agrees. Emily is shocked to discover Curly is telling housewives that he's unemployed to get them to buy his goods. She tells Curly that she's disgusted and disappointed in him.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Şub 16, 1987
Gail leaves hospital with Sarah Louise. Selling door-to-door in Cromwell Street, Terry meets Dulcie Froggatt. She takes a shine to him and invites him in. He can't believe his luck.
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Gail leaves hospital with Sarah Louise. Selling door-to-door in Cromwell Street, Terry meets Dulcie Froggatt. She takes a shine to him and invites him in. He can't believe his luck. Mavis is annoyed to find that Alan has talked Rita into shutting down the record section in favour of a video library. She feels that Alan is taking over and taking her for granted. She summons Derek and tells him that she needs his help to deal with Alan; he's the man in her life and she has nobody else to turn to.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Şub 18, 1987
Terry spends the morning in Dulcie Froggatt's bed. Alan installs an electric till at The Kabin. Mavis feels left out of all the new arrangements. Ralph Froggatt is suspicious of the
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Terry spends the morning in Dulcie Froggatt's bed. Alan installs an electric till at The Kabin. Mavis feels left out of all the new arrangements. Ralph Froggatt is suspicious of the 'Duckworth & Watt' van outside the house and knows Dulcie is canoodling with someone. Brian gets emotional when he sees Gail with Sarah Louise but can't bring himself to express his feelings. Rita tries to convince Mavis that Alan is not trying to push her out of things. Derek introduces himself to Alan and tells him Mavis fears he's taking over The Kabin in the same way he's taken over Rita. Alan is furious and tells Derek to keep out of his affairs and to tell that to his "bit on the side" Mavis. Gail tells Audrey that Sarah is definitely Brian's baby but swears her to secrecy. Brian tells Ian he was upset to see the baby and wants to get away. He plans to go fishing in Scotland but upsets her by saying he'll take Liz Turnbull with him. Ralph confronts Jack in the Rovers and thumps him for playing around with Dulcie.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Şub 23, 1987
Jack realises that Terry must have been seeing Dulcie Froggatt. Terry admits he's right but doesn't see there's anything he can do. Jack orders him to confess to Vera, but Terry doesn't
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Jack realises that Terry must have been seeing Dulcie Froggatt. Terry admits he's right but doesn't see there's anything he can do. Jack orders him to confess to Vera, but Terry doesn't want to. Terry also realises that Dulcie is Jack's bit on the side and feels sick. Rita is worried to hear that Alan has threatened Derek. The brewery does an audit report at the Rovers. Vera throws Jack's clothes at him in the Rovers, threatening to change the locks. Jack threatens to tell Ralph Froggatt about Terry seeing Dulcie. The brewery tells Bet that they want her to make more profits. Vera packs Jack's bags. Terry is forced to confess to her that he's been seeing Dulcie. He tells her that Dulcie seduced him. Vera is ashamed of him and tells Jack she's sorry. Bet doesn't like having the brewery on her back all the time and she wants the tenancy.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Şub 25, 1987
Alan is surprised to find that it's Rita's birthday as she didn't tell him. He agrees to cook her a special meal. Bet goes to the brewery about taking over the tenancy. Vera is upset
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Alan is surprised to find that it's Rita's birthday as she didn't tell him. He agrees to cook her a special meal. Bet goes to the brewery about taking over the tenancy. Vera is upset that she laid into Jack. She blames Dulcie for luring Terry into her web and marches off to Dulcie's house. The brewery wants £15,000 for the tenancy of the Rovers. Bet becomes despondent. Vera confronts Dulcie and tells her to keep her hands off Terry. She calls her a trollop. Dulcie tells her to keep Terry and randy Jack out of her life because she's sick of them both. Vera is horrified. She confronts Jack, calling him a rat. She throws him out of the house and chucks his clothes out of the window. Alan is annoyed when Derek pompously tells him that the video trade will soon be dead. Alan turns on him and says he's sick of him telling him what to do. Jack tells Vera that Dulcie made his life a misery, always after him. He says he couldn't tell her the truth as Vera wouldn't believe him. He points out that Dulcie is jealous of their happy marriage. Vera feels awful and apologises. Mavis spoils Rita's birthday meal by telling her that she's upset by Alan making Derek feel humiliated. She accuses Rita of trying to get rid of her and pushing her out of The Kabin. She tells her that she's had enough - she's leaving The Kabin and the flat.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Mar 02, 1987
Jenny plans a party for her sixteenth, hoping she can re-interest Martin in her. Rita doesn't know how to handle Mavis. Ken takes a complaint from a local resident, Mrs Tattersall, about
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Jenny plans a party for her sixteenth, hoping she can re-interest Martin in her. Rita doesn't know how to handle Mavis. Ken takes a complaint from a local resident, Mrs Tattersall, about a garage taking over the place and upsetting everyone. She tells him the Council won't help her. Mavis is certain Alan is after her job and Rita is under his thumb. Alf is furious to read Ken criticising Councillors for not being interested in the people they represent. Jenny talks Terry and Curly into letting her hold the party in the Yard. Alf rows with Ken for saying the Independents on the council aren't doing their jobs properly. He tells Ken the article is libellous and accuses him of stabbing him in the back. Ken maintains it is fair comment. Alan installs the video library in The Kabin. Rita makes Mavis see they're stupid to fall out over men. She assures her that Alan is no threat to her. Mavis is let down by Derek after cooking a meal for him as he rings to say he has to go to the ballet with Angela. Mavis feels lonely and confused. Rita tells her it won't be the last time Derek will let her down. Mavis tells her it's obvious she doesn't like Derek - or her. She refuses to stay where she's not wanted and resigns.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Mar 04, 1987
Deirdre suffers bad atmosphere at work and is caught up in the row between Ken and Alf. Rita tells Mavis that she needs her and doesn't want her to leave The Kabin. Mavis feels humble.
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Deirdre suffers bad atmosphere at work and is caught up in the row between Ken and Alf. Rita tells Mavis that she needs her and doesn't want her to leave The Kabin. Mavis feels humble. Deirdre makes Alf see she that had nothing to do with Ken's article. Rita stands by Mavis and tells Alan that The Kabin is her business and she doesn't want him to get involved in it. Jenny is upset at her party when Martin snubs her for Edwina Turner. Mavis is pleased that she's sorted things out with Rita. The local labour party asks Ken to contest the ward in the elections, opposing Alf.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Mar 09, 1987
Alec returns from touring Spain with a cabaret package. Brian returns from Scotland. Ken decides to stand for the Labour party and tells Alf that he'll be opposing him in the elections.
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Alec returns from touring Spain with a cabaret package. Brian returns from Scotland. Ken decides to stand for the Labour party and tells Alf that he'll be opposing him in the elections. Bet asks the bank for a loan of £12,000 as she has £3,000 saved. Liz Turnbull tries to win Ivy over, saying she's not a scarlet woman. Ivy tells her that in her eyes, Brian will always be married to Gail. Alec tells Bet it's a good idea to buy the tenancy. Alf and Ken agree on a good clean fight in the elections. Brian stuns Ivy by telling her that he's going to move in with Liz.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Mar 11, 1987
Ivy tells Brian that he should be ashamed of himself - everything he's done has been wrong. She tries to stop him leaving by washing all his shirts. Bet entertains her bank manager, Mr
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Ivy tells Brian that he should be ashamed of himself - everything he's done has been wrong. She tries to stop him leaving by washing all his shirts. Bet entertains her bank manager, Mr Pollard. He tells her that the repayments would be around £300 a month on a £12,000 loan. She realises she'd have no money to live on. Alf reads in the Weatherfield Recorder that Ken has put a load of letters slamming him in the letter page. Alf tells Deirdre that from now on the gloves are off. Brian packs and leaves, asking Ivy to let him get on with his life. Audrey is stunned when Ivy tells her Brian has moved in with Liz Turnbull. Ivy feels she's lost her husband, her son, her daughter-in-law and her grandchildren. She feels she has nothing left. Alec tells Bet he could lend her the money.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Mar 16, 1987
Alf writes to "the editor" at the Weatherfield Recorder answering the damaging letters against him and putting the record straight. Audrey is furious that Brian is having a ball whilst
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Alf writes to "the editor" at the Weatherfield Recorder answering the damaging letters against him and putting the record straight. Audrey is furious that Brian is having a ball whilst Gail struggles with dirty nappies. Deirdre enjoys seeing the new caddish side of Ken and it reminds her of Billy Walker and Ray Langton. Alec assures Bet that he can afford to lend her the money. She thanks him but tells him that she can't accept it; it's too much money. Ken accepts Alf's letter and promises to print it. The brewery isn't happy when Bet tells them that she doesn't want the tenancy. George Newton tells her that she's not positive enough and tells her that he no longer wants a manager at the Rovers - it must be a tenancy.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Mar 18, 1987
Hugh Ridley calls on Bet and tells her that the Rovers is definitely going to be a tenancy. She is stunned that they have received an application for the tenancy. Bet accuses him of
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Hugh Ridley calls on Bet and tells her that the Rovers is definitely going to be a tenancy. She is stunned that they have received an application for the tenancy. Bet accuses him of kicking her out and becomes aggressive. Alan shows off his musical skills on the Rovers' piano. Bet's contract is up in four weeks and knows the brewery won't renew it. Alf is furious to find Ken has cut his letter to a minimum in the paper. He accuses Ken of editing it towards his own means and tells him it's his turn to turn nasty. Bet explains her situation to Alec and asks him to lend her the £12,000. He tells her that he'd want 10% interest on it and they agree. He tells her that he doesn't want the brewery to know about the arrangement. Betty thinks that Bet's out of her mind borrowing money from Alec. Alec gives Bet a cheque for £12,000. Alf decides to contact Bob Statham and tell him that Ken is using the Recorder to further his own political career.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Mar 23, 1987
Percy starts up an over-sixties' tea dance session at the Community Centre. Alf gets his friends at the Town Hall to contact Bob Statham. Brian is embarrassed when the drinkers at The
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Percy starts up an over-sixties' tea dance session at the Community Centre. Alf gets his friends at the Town Hall to contact Bob Statham. Brian is embarrassed when the drinkers at The Rovers give Liz Turnbull the cold shoulder. Statham is told by shop-keeping Councillors, who advertise with the Weatherfield Recorder, that they are angry at Ken's editing. He accuses Ken of upsetting influential people. Ken tells Alf that he's not going to be blackmailed by him; he will continue to criticise him for not doing his job. Gail leaves the children with Ivy whilst she has her hair done. She is annoyed to find Brian and Liz playing with Nicky when she returns. Brian is left alone with Sarah for a minute and can't help cooing over her.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Mar 25, 1987
Gail tells Brian that she doesn't want Nicky growing up with a string of "aunties". Brian worries that Gail will limit his access to Nicky. Deirdre tells Alf that she's had enough of him
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Gail tells Brian that she doesn't want Nicky growing up with a string of "aunties". Brian worries that Gail will limit his access to Nicky. Deirdre tells Alf that she's had enough of him getting at Ken and storms out of the shop, giving her job up. Tom Hopwood takes Hilda to the tea dance. Hilda is annoyed when Phyllis turns up in an identical dress. Percy enjoys leading the dances. Hilda refuses to dance with Phyllis in the room so Phyllis snatches Tom as her partner. Hilda is furious. When a Councillor withdraws his advertising from the Weatherfield Recorder, Bob Statham tells Ken that he must decide if he wants to be a newspaper man or a politician; he can't be both.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Mar 30, 1987
Tom Hopwood is puzzled when Hilda refuses to go dancing again. Ken realises that he can't give up his job but badly wants to be a Councillor. Hilda accuses Tom of enjoying having Phyllis
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Tom Hopwood is puzzled when Hilda refuses to go dancing again. Ken realises that he can't give up his job but badly wants to be a Councillor. Hilda accuses Tom of enjoying having Phyllis flirting with him. He tells her that she's acting stupidly and tells her that he'll go dancing on his own. Gail agrees to let Brian have Nicky for tea on the condition they have it with Ivy, without Liz Turnbull. Brian feels frustrated but agrees. Deirdre is shocked when Ken withdraws from the elections. Liz calls on Brian at No.5 whilst he's with Nicky. Gail arrives and finds her there. She is furious and accuses Ivy of setting the whole thing up. She threatens to stop bringing Nicky round.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Nis 01, 1987
Hilda feels that her sharp tongue has ruined her relationship with Tom Hopwood. Alf is interested to learn Ken has had to drop out of the election. Deirdre is annoyed that Alf has won.
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Hilda feels that her sharp tongue has ruined her relationship with Tom Hopwood. Alf is interested to learn Ken has had to drop out of the election. Deirdre is annoyed that Alf has won. Tom and Hilda are reconciled, deciding that it's stupid to argue. Betty is talked into joining the tea dance. Ivy tries to explain to Gail that she didn't invite Liz Turnbull round but Gail doesn't believe her. She tells him that she's not bringing Nicky round to No.5 as long as there's the chance of Liz popping round. Ivy lays into her, accusing her of being a bad mother in the first place for having an affair. Phyllis makes the most of the tea dances to capture new men. Betty meets George Daly at the dance and agrees to be his partner. Alf expects Deirdre to return to work now Ken is out of the elections. She tells him that he's underhand and will never work for him again. Betty and George enjoy dancing together. Phyllis is annoyed as George was her partner and is glad when Sam Tindall turns up. Percy is furious when his "God Save The Queen" record goes missing. He finds it hidden under the tea urn. Gail is upset that Ivy has turned on her. Audrey is furious. Deirdre tells Ken she'd like to stand in the election. Ken thinks it's a brilliant idea as he can be her right-hand man. She tells Alf that she's going to oppose him as an independent. Gloria returns from Canada. Audrey lays into Ivy for upsetting Gail. She tells her that she's stupid - Brian is Sarah's father and that can be proved in court. Ivy is stunned.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Nis 06, 1987
Audrey pleads with Ivy not to tell Brian that Sarah is his child; Gail wants it kept a secret. Ken encourages Deirdre in her campaign, telling her that together they can beat Alf. Alf
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Audrey pleads with Ivy not to tell Brian that Sarah is his child; Gail wants it kept a secret. Ken encourages Deirdre in her campaign, telling her that together they can beat Alf. Alf thinks Deirdre is wasting her time opposing him. Emily pledges to support Deirdre in the election and Deirdre fills in a nomination form. Ken proposes her and Emily seconds her. Bet tells Gloria that now she's got the tenancy she can't afford to take her on as barmaid. She is disappointed. Gail is furious when Audrey confesses that she told Ivy the truth. The Gazette tells Deirdre they want to interview her; there is a lot of interest in her as she is the only woman standing.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Nis 08, 1987
Ivy is upset when Brian forgets her birthday. The Gazette jumps on the fact that Alf used to be Deirdre's boss. Betty tells Bet that she should re-employ Gloria, pointing out that
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Ivy is upset when Brian forgets her birthday. The Gazette jumps on the fact that Alf used to be Deirdre's boss. Betty tells Bet that she should re-employ Gloria, pointing out that although she was only meant to do lunchtimes she's ended up serving evenings as well. Alf is frustrated as he can't campaign as Audrey spends all her time comforting Gail and he's stuck in the shop. Gail gives Ivy a birthday present as a peace offering. She tells Ivy that Brian is Sarah's father. Ivy tells her that Brian has a right to know. Deirdre appoints Emily her campaign manager. Gloria is delighted when Bet takes her back on. Gail realises that she's going to have to tell Brian the truth.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Nis 13, 1987
Gail tells Brian that Ian Latimer had a blood test and it proved Brian is Sarah's father. Brian tells her that Sarah is nothing to do with him. She tells him it's obvious he's too afraid
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Gail tells Brian that Ian Latimer had a blood test and it proved Brian is Sarah's father. Brian tells her that Sarah is nothing to do with him. She tells him it's obvious he's too afraid and dares him to pick his child up. She slaps his face, telling him that he should be in the pram. Susan, Sally and Emily help Deirdre with her campaign when they distribute leaflets. Percy tells his dancers they're competition material and plans to start his own old-time dance troupe. Brian accepts that Sarah is his and offers Gail financial support. She tells him that she's not after money so he accuses her of wanting him back. She tells him they've gone too far to get back together. Radio Weatherfield invites Deirdre to talk live to the people. She is surprised at all the attention she's getting. Percy is disappointed when his dancers don't fancy the idea of entering competitions. Brian tells Ivy she must accept the fact that he and Gail are finished.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Nis 15, 1987
Ken gives Deirdre notes to help her interview on Radio Weatherfield and is put out when she refuses his help - she has to stand on her own feet. Alf is outraged to hear Deirdre
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Ken gives Deirdre notes to help her interview on Radio Weatherfield and is put out when she refuses his help - she has to stand on her own feet. Alf is outraged to hear Deirdre criticising him on the radio. Alec offers his services to Alf as his campaign manager in return for favours once he's been elected in. Alf refuses. Percy holds auditions for his dance troupe. Gail decides that it's time she returned to the cafe. Audrey agrees to look after Sarah for her. Deirdre hears that Alf thinks Ken is supporting her not because he wants her to win, but he wants Alf to lose; giving the main vote to the Labour party. Deirdre tackles Ken and he admits that this was his first thought but he's changed his mind. Deirdre is furious and accuses him of treachery.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Nis 20, 1987
Gail returns to work and misses Sarah Louise. Audrey looks after Sarah all day and tells Alf that she can't help him out at the shop anymore. He doesn't know how he will cope. Alec takes
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Gail returns to work and misses Sarah Louise. Audrey looks after Sarah all day and tells Alf that she can't help him out at the shop anymore. He doesn't know how he will cope. Alec takes Bet out for a meal to celebrate her getting the tenancy of the Rovers. Alf tells Audrey that she can't look after Sarah as he needs her at the shop. She tells him that she's not having Sarah looked after by strangers and says he'll have to find someone to help him out.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Nis 22, 1987
Alf pays Terry and Curly to deliver his election leaflets. Martin is disappointed when Gail tells Edwina Turner that there's not enough work for her. Edwina leaves the cafe. Terry
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Alf pays Terry and Curly to deliver his election leaflets. Martin is disappointed when Gail tells Edwina Turner that there's not enough work for her. Edwina leaves the cafe. Terry follows the Barlow supporters around, putting Alf's election leaflets in the houses after them. Alf takes Sally on at the shop. She is thrilled at the work but upset that she's having to let Deirdre down. Deirdre understands though. Percy is annoyed when his dancers feel that Sam Tindall is a better teacher and he is challenged for the leadership.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Nis 27, 1987
Gloria tells Bet that she doesn't like the way Alec throws his weight about at the Rovers. Bet annoys Alec by telling him that she's the boss of the Rovers, not him. In Edward Street,
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Gloria tells Bet that she doesn't like the way Alec throws his weight about at the Rovers. Bet annoys Alec by telling him that she's the boss of the Rovers, not him. In Edward Street, Terry finds his old army mate Pete Jackson. He encourages Pete and Linda who are depressed at being unemployed. Linda tells Pete that she's sick of his lax attitude in looking for work. Percy tells Hilda that Tom Hopwood isn't a good enough partner for her. She tells him that she'll leave if Tom leaves. Mavis tells Sally that Alf has a flat above the shop going vacant. Sally wants to ask Alf to rent it but Kevin tells her that the situation won't work; he doesn't want her to be at Alf's beck and call.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Nis 29, 1987
Sally makes Kevin see that they need to have a place of their own. She asks Alf but he tells her that he wants the flat as a store room. Linda Jackson doesn't like Pete spending his time
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Sally makes Kevin see that they need to have a place of their own. She asks Alf but he tells her that he wants the flat as a store room. Linda Jackson doesn't like Pete spending his time drinking with Terry. Alec tries to get Alan to stock blue videos as he has a lot. Sally enlists Hilda's help to get the flat. Pete feels sure that Terry will take him on at the Builder's Yard. Linda doesn't want him to get involved with him. Alec uses the Rovers as his office, annoying Bet. Hilda tells Alf that the Websters are moving to Partington and Sally will be leaving the shop immediately. Alf realises that he can't campaign without Sally's help. He offers Sally the shop flat. The Websters celebrate and thank Hilda for conning Alf into an agreement. Bet tells Alec that he's just a customer as far as she's concerned. Linda makes it clear to Terry that she doesn't like him. Terry invites Pete to join the firm. Pete is keen but Linda tells Terry they're not interested.
Yayınlanma tarihi
May 04, 1987
Sally gathers bits of furniture together from friends and neighbours. Hilda gives her a bed. Terry tells Linda Jackson that he realises she doesn't like him but she's got him wrong; he
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Sally gathers bits of furniture together from friends and neighbours. Hilda gives her a bed. Terry tells Linda Jackson that he realises she doesn't like him but she's got him wrong; he just wants to help Pete out. Audrey begins to like canvassing for Alf when the male householders chat her up. Terry invites the Jacksons out for the day. They agree to go to Blackpool. Deirdre campaigns for a crossing on Rosamund Street. Hilda helps the Websters move into the flat. They are furious when Terry takes the van to Blackpool so they can't pick up their furniture from an elderly lady. Deirdre is upset when Gary Willis is knocked down on Rosamund Street, it doesn't make her feel any better that she's been proved right. Ken advises her to turn the accident to her advantage and use the issue to win the election. Then she can get a crossing before there's another accident. Tom Hopwood comes to the Websters' aid and picks up the furniture in his van. Mrs Willis calls on Deirdre and tells her that Gary's leg is broken and she will be voting for her as she knows she is campaigning for a crossing. Terry and the Jacksons have a great time. Audrey tells Alf he'll regret letting the flat to the Websters; they're too irresponsible.
Yayınlanma tarihi
May 06, 1987
Pete Jackson joins Terry and Curly selling door to door. Ken writes an article, with a photograph, in the Weatherfield Recorder about Deirdre and Gary Willis. Curly is annoyed when Terry
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Pete Jackson joins Terry and Curly selling door to door. Ken writes an article, with a photograph, in the Weatherfield Recorder about Deirdre and Gary Willis. Curly is annoyed when Terry and Pete cut him off and treat him like a slave. The factory girls tackle Deirdre about the poor housing situation. Alf joins in the debate. Shirley tackles him about her family - nine of them living in the same house. Deirdre impresses them by promising to listen to them. Linda Jackson is furious when Terry brings Pete home drunk. Linda tells Terry she wants him out of their lives. Deirdre doesn't feel she's assertive enough to be a Councillor. Linda tells Terry that Pete needs discipline to make something of himself. To prove to her that he has feelings, Terry tells her about Andrea Clayton rejecting him and taking his baby.
Yayınlanma tarihi
May 11, 1987
Percy enjoys having a polling station at the Community Centre, ordering the voters around. Linda Jackson is confused by her feelings towards Terry. Emily, Ken and Susan rally the voters
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Percy enjoys having a polling station at the Community Centre, ordering the voters around. Linda Jackson is confused by her feelings towards Terry. Emily, Ken and Susan rally the voters to get them to the polling station to vote for Deirdre. Mavis is in turmoil over who to vote for. In the end she votes for Alf because he's a man. Alec pays Terry and Curly £15 to move a jukebox. Linda gets upset when Pete and Curly get drunk together in the Rovers. She is upset that he hasn't got any self-control. She walks out of the pub when they decide to go to a nightclub. Alf realises that he hasn't canvassed Crimea Street and fears he'll lose to Labour and Ken will have won. Percy is refused entrance to the Centre for the vote counting as he hasn't got a pass. He is devastated. Terry calls on Linda knowing she's alone and makes a pass at her. She tells him that he's got the wrong idea and accuses him of having a one-track mind. He apologises. Alf gets 804 votes, losing to Deirdre who gets 811 votes. The Barlows celebrate.
Yayınlanma tarihi
May 13, 1987
Terry avoids Pete Jackson, fearing that he'll hit him for making the pass. Alf is depressed that he's lost his seat. The Baldwins celebrate their first wedding anniversary. Mike pays for
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Terry avoids Pete Jackson, fearing that he'll hit him for making the pass. Alf is depressed that he's lost his seat. The Baldwins celebrate their first wedding anniversary. Mike pays for a celebration party at the Rovers for Deirdre. Terry is puzzled when Pete knows nothing of his pass. Ken refuses to let Mike pay for Deirdre's party and pays himself. Deirdre tells Alf that she wants them to remain friends and invites him to her party. Audrey thinks it's a good idea, telling Alf that life goes on. Terry tells Linda Jackson he knows that she didn't tell Pete as she wants him as much as he wants her. He tells her that he's never felt like this before and can't handle it; Pete's his best mate. Linda tells him that she's sick of being fancied by Pete's army pals - she's not a tart. She tries to fight her feelings but they end up in bed together. Alec asks the lads to hang onto the jukebox when they tell him the new owner has disappeared. Mavis tries to explain to Deirdre why she voted for Alf; she was frightened of change. Alf can't bring himself to celebrate with Deirdre and leaves the party early. Audrey stays as she's enjoying herself. Linda is devastated with guilt. On his own at No.11, Alf suffers a heart attack.
Yayınlanma tarihi
May 18, 1987
Audrey finds Alf in No.11 fighting for breath and calls an ambulance. He is rushed to hospital. Deirdre feels that she's caused Alf to have a heart attack and breaks down. Ken tells her
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Audrey finds Alf in No.11 fighting for breath and calls an ambulance. He is rushed to hospital. Deirdre feels that she's caused Alf to have a heart attack and breaks down. Ken tells her that Alf must have been ill anyway. Rita supports Audrey at the hospital. Dr McLean tells Audrey that Alf has suffered a minor heart attack. Deirdre offers to help Audrey out at the shop. Audrey yells at her that she's got a nerve; she's hounded Alf out of office and into a hospital bed. Deirdre breaks down. The doctor tells Alf he has to change his lifestyle and take things easy.
Yayınlanma tarihi
May 20, 1987
Alf feels that he'll never be his old self again. Hilda fears she'll get gossiped about if people know she's going to Rhyl with Tom Hopwood. Sam Tindall is annoyed that he's only a
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Alf feels that he'll never be his old self again. Hilda fears she'll get gossiped about if people know she's going to Rhyl with Tom Hopwood. Sam Tindall is annoyed that he's only a reserve in the formation team. Audrey brings Alf home and refuses to let him do anything. Alf assures Deirdre that she isn't to blame for his heart attack. Linda Jackson tells Terry they can't see each other again; she loves Pete and doesn't want to lose him. Hilda and Tom go on the over-sixties' week in Rhyl. Terry wears down Linda's defences and kisses her. They are interrupted by Curly. Curly tells Terry what he thinks of him.
Yayınlanma tarihi
May 25, 1987
Terry tells Curly that the affair is over so it's not worth him being bothered about it. Alec has the jukebox moved into the Rovers' yard, planning to persuade Bet to take it. Alf
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Terry tells Curly that the affair is over so it's not worth him being bothered about it. Alec has the jukebox moved into the Rovers' yard, planning to persuade Bet to take it. Alf doesn't like having the shop closed on the Bank Holiday. Betty doesn't know where Bet is. Terry tells Linda Jackson that he can't keep away from her no matter how he tries. She admits she feels the same.
Yayınlanma tarihi
May 27, 1987
Pete Jackson doesn't understand why Linda is so moody. Betty and Gloria worry about Bet's whereabouts as she hasn't been seen for two days. Pete tries to cheer Linda up but she breaks
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Pete Jackson doesn't understand why Linda is so moody. Betty and Gloria worry about Bet's whereabouts as she hasn't been seen for two days. Pete tries to cheer Linda up but she breaks down, upset by his kindness. The brewery accountant looks for Bet as they're concerned about her. Alec receives a letter from Bet, telling him that she's left for good - she knows she'll never make the Rovers pay. He wishes she'd told him that she couldn't cope. Betty blames Alec for putting Bet into a position where she couldn't cope. He takes the jukebox to another pub. Terry gets Pete and Curly to do a job so he can see Linda. Alec discovers that Bet was paying the £15,000 in three instalments and was due to pay the last £5,000 when she disappeared. Pete returns home to find Linda and Terry on the sofa. He tells Terry that he's a bastard and Linda tells Terry to leave.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Haz 01, 1987
Curly can't believe that Terry is still in love with Linda Jackson even though Pete knows about their affair. Betty and Gloria fear for their jobs. Hugh Ridley puts Betty in charge of
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Curly can't believe that Terry is still in love with Linda Jackson even though Pete knows about their affair. Betty and Gloria fear for their jobs. Hugh Ridley puts Betty in charge of the pub. Pete fears he's going to lose Linda so promises to change his lifestyle. He breaks down and begs her not to leave him. She is moved by his tears and breaks down herself. Pete tells Terry to stay away from Linda; she's decided that she's staying with him. Terry rings Linda who tells him she never wants to see him again. He is shattered. Alec tells Hugh he wants his money back. Hugh tells him the brewery owes him nothing, Bet does.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Haz 03, 1987
Alf enjoys taking Sarah for walks in the park. He gets annoyed when Sam Tindall offers to be his companion now they're retired. Alf maintains he's not retired; he's not even sixty yet!
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Alf enjoys taking Sarah for walks in the park. He gets annoyed when Sam Tindall offers to be his companion now they're retired. Alf maintains he's not retired; he's not even sixty yet! Terry gives Curly £250, buying the van off him, telling him that he's leaving Weatherfield. He tells Curly whatever's left of the business he can have. He's decided he's not going to hang around and feel sorry for himself. Alec visits Cecil Newton and tells him that he wants what he's owed. Cecil promises him the £10,000 the brewery has received once they've found someone else to buy the tenancy. Alec tells him that he'd settle for the tenancy. Alf feels more stressed as a retired man so decides to return to the shop. He admits to Audrey that he can't manage without the shop. Cecil offers Alec the job of temporary manager so he can keep an eye on his interests. Terry tells the Jacksons he's leaving and he wants Linda to come with him. Pete can't believe it. Terry declares his love for Linda telling her that she can't stay with Pete just because she feels sorry for him. She knows he's right and packs. Pete pleads with her to stay but she leaves with Terry. Vera is distraught to read a note from Terry telling her that he's fed up and he's moving on. She fears he's in trouble with the Police.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Haz 08, 1987
Betty and Gloria are horrified that Alec is now their boss. Joiner Jeff Singleton sorts out odd jobs at the cafe. Curly forces himself to feel optimistic about the future. Alec moves
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Betty and Gloria are horrified that Alec is now their boss. Joiner Jeff Singleton sorts out odd jobs at the cafe. Curly forces himself to feel optimistic about the future. Alec moves into the Rovers. Kevin is overworked at the garage as Brian's heart isn't in the business and he spends all his time with Liz Turnbull. Curly offers Pete Jackson the chance to be his new partner but Pete tells him that Terry took Linda with him and he never wants to see anyone connected with Terry again. Curly breaks the news to Vera that Terry has run off with a married woman. Vera is ashamed. Sally thinks Kevin should have a rise. Jeff invites Gail out for a drink. She refuses although she enjoyed being asked.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Haz 10, 1987
Alec tells Betty that her job is safe as she's too good a cook to lose. Emily urges Curly to make a fresh start. He feels depressed in the empty yard and feels a failure. Phyllis tries
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Alec tells Betty that her job is safe as she's too good a cook to lose. Emily urges Curly to make a fresh start. He feels depressed in the empty yard and feels a failure. Phyllis tries to match-make between Gail and Jeff Singleton. Jeff is encouraged to ask Gail out again. She agrees on the condition that he takes her to a disco. Curly has a good day at work. He looks over a van. Jeff takes Gail to a disco. She enjoys it. Kevin tackles Brian about a rise. Brian shocks him by telling him that he's selling the garage and moving down south with Liz Turnbull.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Haz 15, 1987
Sally pushes Kevin to buy the garage off Brian but he isn't keen. Curly buys an Escort van from Luke Bradbury for £370. Brian wants £18,000. Liz Turnbull tells Brian that she wants them
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Sally pushes Kevin to buy the garage off Brian but he isn't keen. Curly buys an Escort van from Luke Bradbury for £370. Brian wants £18,000. Liz Turnbull tells Brian that she wants them to settle in Weston-Super-Mare. Curly is proud of the van but Kevin points out it's a wreck and isn't roadworthy. Gail confesses to Jeff Singleton that she's got children but he tells her that he doesn't mind. Curly returns the van and asks Bradbury for his money back. Bradbury refuses and threatens him with a crowbar.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Haz 17, 1987
Gail is stunned to hear that Brian is moving away. George Daly goes down with appendicitis so Betty has to drop out of the dance contest. Percy refuses to bring reserve Sam Tindall into
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Gail is stunned to hear that Brian is moving away. George Daly goes down with appendicitis so Betty has to drop out of the dance contest. Percy refuses to bring reserve Sam Tindall into the team. Sam demands to be put on the main team now George is out. The others back him up against Percy. He is annoyed when they all vote Sam in and vote Percy out of charge. Kevin tells Sally that he's not going to ask for a bank loan; he's an employee not an employer and if she doesn't like him like that she shouldn't have married him. Percy tells the dancers he's cancelled their entry in the dance contest and he's cancelled their evening suits as they've dropped him. Emily threatens Luke Bradbury with the Police if he doesn't repay Curly, accusing him of fraud. Bradbury is frightened by her and gives Curly his money back. She tells Curly that she's going to take him in hand. Brian realises he's not going to see much of Nicky if he moves away. Gail kisses Jeff Singleton. She is glad that he likes Nicky.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Haz 22, 1987
Curly doesn't know what he wants from the future. Alan is interested in buying the garage for £18,000. Brian hears of a garage with accommodation in Macclesfield but Liz Turnbull refuses
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Curly doesn't know what he wants from the future. Alan is interested in buying the garage for £18,000. Brian hears of a garage with accommodation in Macclesfield but Liz Turnbull refuses to move there, accusing him of not wanting to leave Gail, Nicky and Ivy. She tells him if he goes to Macclesfield he goes alone; she can't handle his past. He tells her that he's frightened of losing Nicky. Emily gets Curly a job interview with an insurance friend but Curly isn't keen about being an insurance clerk. Alan asks Rita to help him buy the garage. She agrees. Brian is surprised to find Gail has a man friend - Jeff Singleton.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Haz 24, 1987
Alan tells Brian that he's interested in the garage. Ivy is horrified to hear from Kevin that Brian is selling up and moving south. She confronts Brian, telling him that he'll never see
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Alan tells Brian that he's interested in the garage. Ivy is horrified to hear from Kevin that Brian is selling up and moving south. She confronts Brian, telling him that he'll never see Nicky; there's no way Gail will let him and Liz Turnbull have Nicky in the holidays. Alan pushes Brian for a quick sale, telling Kevin he'll make him manager. Alan offers Brian £16,500 telling him that he's got the money ready. Brian feels things are moving too quickly. Ivy calls on Liz and accuses her of wrecking Brian's life. She warns Liz that Brian will never forgive her if she drags him away from Nicky. Liz throws her out. Brian tells her that he doesn't like the way she's pushing him to move right away. She realises he can't move away and Nicky means more to him than she does so she asks him to leave; she wants him out of her life. Curly doesn't go for the job interview, telling Emily that he's signed up for a full-time business studies course at the Tech as a mature student. Brian is tormented watching Gail, Jeff Singleton and the children behaving like a happy family. When Nicky plays outside, Brian takes him off in the van.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Haz 29, 1987
Gail finds that Nicky is missing and begins to panic. Jeff helps her look for him around the estate. Mike and Susan decide to open a Factory Shop in the loading bay. Gail contacts Ivy
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Gail finds that Nicky is missing and begins to panic. Jeff helps her look for him around the estate. Mike and Susan decide to open a Factory Shop in the loading bay. Gail contacts Ivy and the Roberts. Audrey comforts her as she breaks down. Brian drives Nicky into the country. Nicky feels he should go home but Brian tells him it'll be alright as he's with his dad. When Nicky's been gone an hour and a half Alf calls the Police. They put out a general alert on the radio. When they discover Brian has left Liz Turnbull, the family realise Brian might have Nicky. Gail hopes he has. Brian phones Gail to let her know that he's got Nicky.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Tem 01, 1987
Gail tries to convince herself that Brian won't harm Nicky. Brian contacts Alan, saying he can have the garage if he can raise £2,000 immediately. Mike opens the "Factory Shop". Jack is
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Gail tries to convince herself that Brian won't harm Nicky. Brian contacts Alan, saying he can have the garage if he can raise £2,000 immediately. Mike opens the "Factory Shop". Jack is ill so Alec has to man the cellar. He tries to get Betty to help with the barrels but she refuses. Brian rents a caravan in the Lake District. He arranges to meet Alan at the Anderton Service Station on the M61 with £2,000 in cash. Rita tells Alan he must tell Gail. Alan tells Gail about meeting Brian. Gail decides to go with him and not bring the Police in.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Tem 06, 1987
Mike's neon sign for the "Factory Shop" flashes on and off all night keeping the residents awake. Nicky becomes homesick. Jeff Singleton thinks Gail should contact the police so they can
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Mike's neon sign for the "Factory Shop" flashes on and off all night keeping the residents awake. Nicky becomes homesick. Jeff Singleton thinks Gail should contact the police so they can be at the Services but Gail doesn't want to upset Nicky by having the police arrest Brian. Percy complains to Deirdre about Mike's sign. Deirdre discovers Mike needed Council permission to put the sign up. Betty gets sick of Alec watching her every time she goes near the till. She walks out, telling Alec she's had enough of him. Alan takes Gail to the services. Brian arrives but when he sees Gail he runs away. She races after him, seeing Nicky in the van but Brian drives off.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Tem 08, 1987
Gail contacts the Police, telling them about Brian. They tell her off for not telling them about meeting him and put out a search for Brian's van. Brian trades in the van for an old car.
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Gail contacts the Police, telling them about Brian. They tell her off for not telling them about meeting him and put out a search for Brian's van. Brian trades in the van for an old car. Deirdre discovers that Mike didn't get planning permission for the "Factory Shop" as he couldn't be bothered. Emily helps Susan run the shop. Alec reprimands Hilda for being disrespectful and threatens to fire her. She tells him exactly what she thinks of him and resigns. Gail is grateful that Jeff is so supportive. Brian decides to take Nicky to Ireland.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Tem 13, 1987
Nicky doesn't want to go to Ireland and becomes subdued and upset. Gail gets sick of everyone asking her for news and she panics every time the phone rings or there's a knock on the
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Nicky doesn't want to go to Ireland and becomes subdued and upset. Gail gets sick of everyone asking her for news and she panics every time the phone rings or there's a knock on the door. Brian goes to join the Belfast ferry but Nicky tells him that he doesn't want to go on the ferry - he wants to go home to mum. Audrey and Ivy are worried sick about Nicky. Alec has to clean the pub himself. Brian brings Nicky back to Gail. After she's overcome her emotions she lays into Brian, calling him a rotten sod. She accuses him of putting her through four days of hell. She tells him that the Police are looking for him and tells him that he'll have to explain why he kidnapped Nicky. Brian is confused as he didn't kidnap Nicky; he's his son. Mike asks Deirdre to take the blame for him not getting planning permission; that she forgot to sort it out. She is amused when he suggests she flutters her eyelashes at her boss. Audrey and Ivy are thrilled to see Nicky again. Hilda misses working at the Rovers and is pleased when Alec offers her her job back. The Police tell Brian that he's wasted their time and advise him to sort things out with Gail. He tells Gail he's sorry. He tells her that he felt excluded from everyone and has nothing left. Gail lets him sleep in the spare room. He holds Sarah for the first time.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Tem 15, 1987
Gloria tries to make the peace between Betty and Alec but neither will make the first move. Alec tells Betty he needs support, not aggro. He knows she's a good cook but that isn't good
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Gloria tries to make the peace between Betty and Alec but neither will make the first move. Alec tells Betty he needs support, not aggro. He knows she's a good cook but that isn't good enough. Betty realises she's not wanted in the Rovers anymore and leaves. Betty warns Gloria that she could be next. Alec introduces Gloria to Margo Richardson, the new barmaid. He assures Gloria her job is safe. Deirdre tells Mike that he must get planning permission and she's informed the planning department about the sign. They will investigate. Mike is annoyed that she hasn't cooperated. Gail tells Jeff Singleton that she doesn't want to see him again; she likes him but she feels that she wants some time to think - Brian might be returning to her. Jeff takes it badly. Alec is pleased he's managed to get rid of Betty. Brian is surprised to hear Gail has finished with Jeff. She tells him that she wants him to come back. They embrace.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Tem 20, 1987
Gail and Brian are close but don't know what the future holds. Alan celebrates his birthday but feels bored. Vera decides she'd like the job of Susan's assistant at the Factory Shop. Ivy
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Gail and Brian are close but don't know what the future holds. Alan celebrates his birthday but feels bored. Vera decides she'd like the job of Susan's assistant at the Factory Shop. Ivy and Audrey are thrilled that the Tilsleys are reconciled. Rita tells Alan that she wants the £2,000 she loaned him back as he's not using it now. Susan doesn't want to spend her time running the shop. Alan considers proposing to Rita but doesn't want to be turned down again. Susan gives Linda Norton from the packing department the job of her assistant. Mike tells her that he's not sacrificing one of his workers in the factory - it's her place to run the shop.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Tem 22, 1987
Susan is furious that Mike wants her to stop being his sales manager but be a shop assistant. She is annoyed when Mike makes a meal of Hopscotch's figures being down. Mike tells Linda
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Susan is furious that Mike wants her to stop being his sales manager but be a shop assistant. She is annoyed when Mike makes a meal of Hopscotch's figures being down. Mike tells Linda Norton that there's no job for her at the Factory Shop. Alan takes up Jenny's idea and plans a secret wedding to spring on Rita. He takes Len's death certificate and his divorce papers to the Registrar. Susan accuses Mike of running Hopscotch into the ground and trapping her in a shop so that that the prospect of motherhood will seem inviting. Alan books his wedding at the Register Office. Jenny can't believe it.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Tem 27, 1987
Mike tells Susan that the time has come for her to become pregnant; he doesn't want to wait any longer. Alan has second thoughts and considers cancelling the wedding but Jenny tells him
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Mike tells Susan that the time has come for her to become pregnant; he doesn't want to wait any longer. Alan has second thoughts and considers cancelling the wedding but Jenny tells him that he must go through with it. She makes him see that Mavis will have to be told. Susan tells Mike that she's not ready for motherhood; she wants to achieve something first. Sally decides she wants a housewarming. Alan tells Mavis about his wedding. She thinks it's romantic. Susan tells Mike she won't be blackmailed into motherhood; as far as she's concerned she won't be ready for ten years. Alf is worried to hear that the Websters are planning a party. Rita feels that Mavis and Alan are acting strangely. Mike goes to a nightclub to drown his sorrows and have a good time.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Tem 29, 1987
Mike stays out all night. Mavis finds it hard keeping the secret from Rita and she feels Rita thinks she's bothered with Derek. Susan runs the factory in Mike's absence. He returns and
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Mike stays out all night. Mavis finds it hard keeping the secret from Rita and she feels Rita thinks she's bothered with Derek. Susan runs the factory in Mike's absence. He returns and tells her that he wants children before he's too old to enjoy them. Curly is granted a place on the Business and Management Studies course, starting in September. Sally is annoyed when Kevin invites Hilda and Tom Hopwood to the party. Susan stops Prescotts' order from leaving the factory as Prescotts haven't settled their last two accounts. Kevin and Sally go shopping for a sofa to brighten the flat up. Kevin is pressurised by Sally and the salesman into buying one. He refuses to let her have the two matching chairs. Alan tells Rita that an old colleague has invited them to his wedding. Mike is furious that Susan has stopped the Prescott order and tells her in front of the workforce that she's sacked.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ağu 03, 1987
Sally is busy in the shop when the delivery man brings the sofa. Mike tells Susan his firing her was not personal. The furniture shop delivers the chairs as well as the sofa. Kevin
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Sally is busy in the shop when the delivery man brings the sofa. Mike tells Susan his firing her was not personal. The furniture shop delivers the chairs as well as the sofa. Kevin accuses Sally of setting him up. He tells her that they can't keep them. Mavis tells the Roberts about the wedding as they're invited. Emily is furious that Mike has sacked Susan. Sally decides to hang onto the chairs until after the party. Susan cleans the flat and cooks Mike a meal telling him that he's not going to break her spirit. He calls her a spoilt brat. Alan takes Rita shopping. She is surprised when Alan buys her an expensive outfit. Susan leaves Mike and returns to No.1.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ağu 05, 1987
Ken refuses to let Susan stay at No.1 as it won't help her marriage. He tells her she must stand for herself. Susan returns to Mike. Mike is surprised but grateful that Ken threw her
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Ken refuses to let Susan stay at No.1 as it won't help her marriage. He tells her she must stand for herself. Susan returns to Mike. Mike is surprised but grateful that Ken threw her out. Alan gets Rita to the register office. She is stunned to find the Roberts and Mavis there - although Hilda nearly gives the game away when she can't buy a card for Damian. Alan tells Rita it's her wedding. Rather than agree, she is furious and accuses him of taking her for granted. She goes home. Mavis can't believe Rita turned Alan down and fears people will think she influenced her. Jenny is upset as Rita verbally attacks Alan, telling him he's childish and stupid. He maintains all he wanted was for her to be his wife. She tells him it's obvious he doesn't know her at all. Mike tells Susan she shouldn't fight her natural instincts and have children. She tells him she hasn't returned in order to become pregnant. Alan tells Rita he now knows she'll never marry him and must hate the idea of being married to him. Martin and Jenny arrange a date. Shirley chats Curly up at the Websters' party. He arranges to take her out. Alf gets merry at the party and spills red wine over one of Sally's chairs. Mike tells Susan they're not going to have a happy marriage until they have children. He tells her they'll have to finish if she doesn't agree.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ağu 10, 1987
Sally confesses to Kevin that she didn't contact Fletchers to get them to take the chairs back. Alf tells her that he'll have the chair cleaned for her. Cecil Newton tells Alec they've
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Sally confesses to Kevin that she didn't contact Fletchers to get them to take the chairs back. Alf tells her that he'll have the chair cleaned for her. Cecil Newton tells Alec they've been in contact with Bet and the tenancy will be given back to the brewery as they're paying her money back. Cecil tells Alec it's up to him to contact Bet and get his money back. Cecil lets it slip that Bet is working in a bar in Torremolinos. Susan tells Ken that she and Mike are splitting. She asks his advice, he tells her one of them will have to compromise. Alec decides to go to Spain to get his money from Bet. He also wants to know if she ran away from her debts or him. Fletchers contact Sally and tell her they're coming for the chairs. Kevin realises they won't take back a damaged chair and he'll end up paying for it. Susan tells Mike she's going away to Newcastle to see how she feels when she's missing him. Alec flies out to Spain.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ağu 12, 1987
Alec searches for Bet in the hundreds of bars in Torremolinos. Gloria covers for Alec. Alec finds Bet waiting on at Mac's Bar. She is stunned to see him. The delivery men refuse to take
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Alec searches for Bet in the hundreds of bars in Torremolinos. Gloria covers for Alec. Alec finds Bet waiting on at Mac's Bar. She is stunned to see him. The delivery men refuse to take the chairs from No.13 as one's damaged. Bet tells Alec she had to get out of the Rovers as she couldn't cope with the finances. She didn't ask him for help as she didn't want to admit she'd failed. Fletchers refuse to take the chairs back. Kevin refuses to pay for the chairs and says he's happy to go to court over the incident. Bet tells Alec he can have his money back as soon as she's signed the tenancy over. She tells him that she's spent all her savings but hasn't touched the £2,000 of his that she still has. Susan decides not to go to Newcastle. She gets a job interview in Salford and tells Mike she'll have children; he's won. The Websters celebrate when Fletchers let them have both chairs for the price of one. Alec tells Bet he intends to make the Rovers work. She regrets the fact that she'll never have her own pub again. He tells her there's one way that she can have a pub and that's if she marries him.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ağu 17, 1987
Martin wins £250 on a scratchcard but he refuses to save the money. Emily introduces Deirdre to Jean Meredith whose son Sean has Retinopathy of Pre-maturity and unless he's treated he
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Martin wins £250 on a scratchcard but he refuses to save the money. Emily introduces Deirdre to Jean Meredith whose son Sean has Retinopathy of Pre-maturity and unless he's treated he will lose his sight for good. He can only have treatment in America and Emily and the Friends of Weatherfield Hospital have launched an appeal. Emily asks Deirdre for the Council's help. Bet and Alec return to the Rovers, engaged. Bet has to put on a brave face. The regulars are stunned. Martin decides to put his savings towards his winnings and buy a car. Bet isn't happy to see Margo Richardson behind the bar instead of Betty. She tells Alec that she wants a proper wedding, in church.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ağu 19, 1987
Alec tells Cecil Newton that he expects to be given the tenancy. Cecil reluctantly agrees to back Alec's claim at the board meeting. Brian sells Martin a car. Bet interrupts Alec's
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Alec tells Cecil Newton that he expects to be given the tenancy. Cecil reluctantly agrees to back Alec's claim at the board meeting. Brian sells Martin a car. Bet interrupts Alec's meeting with Cecil to apologise to Cecil for running off. She tells Cecil she's marrying Alec. Alec thinks she's ruining their chances of getting the Rovers. Jenny passes all her 'O' Levels, getting four 'A's, three 'B's and a 'C'. Alan is delighted. Cecil stuns Alec by saying that he wasn't going to give him the tenancy as he's a businessman and not a host, however, as he's marrying Bet there'll be no problem as she's a natural. Cecil tells him the tenancy is definitely his. Alec and Bet celebrate.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ağu 24, 1987
Alan wants Jenny to stay on at school to get 'A' Levels. Bet tells Alec that they can't afford to keep Margo Richardson on. Martin tells Gail that he's leaving the cafe and is going to
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Alan wants Jenny to stay on at school to get 'A' Levels. Bet tells Alec that they can't afford to keep Margo Richardson on. Martin tells Gail that he's leaving the cafe and is going to France. Alec tells Margo she has to go. Margo is furious and starts insulting Bet so she gives Margo her coat and tells her to leave. Alec isn't happy that she took the lead. Bet arranges a meeting with the Reverend Rawlinson. Alec isn't keen. Alan buys Jenny a watch as he's proud of her. Jenny is embarrassed as she's decided not to return to school.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ağu 26, 1987
Jenny tells Alan that she's sick of school and won't be going back. Rita feels sorry for Jenny as Alan launches in on an attack as to why she isn't returning to school. Jenny is envious
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Jenny tells Alan that she's sick of school and won't be going back. Rita feels sorry for Jenny as Alan launches in on an attack as to why she isn't returning to school. Jenny is envious of Martin going grape-picking in the sunshine. Percy helps Emily with the Sean Meredith charity appeal. They decide to hold an event. Bet and Alec go to All Saints Church. Alec hopes he won't be able to marry in church as he's divorced but the Reverend Rawlinson doesn't mind. They set the date for 9th September. Mike gives Emily a cheque for £500 for the appeal, anonymously. Jenny tells Martin that she's packed her bag and she's coming to France with him. He tries to talk her out of it but she is adamant. They set off. Deirdre and Emily decide to hold a fete in the Street for the appeal. Brian and Gail go on holiday to Greece. Alan and Rita find a note from Jenny saying she's going to France. Alan is furious and calls the police.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ağu 31, 1987
The Street is closed off as the fete takes over. Percy takes charge of the targetometer. Emily runs the refreshments stall, Rita and Mavis the toy stall, Curly and the Websters on the
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The Street is closed off as the fete takes over. Percy takes charge of the targetometer. Emily runs the refreshments stall, Rita and Mavis the toy stall, Curly and the Websters on the stocks, Ivy on the cake stall, Deirdre on the tombola whilst Jack provides a bouncy castle. Curly and Kevin take it in turns to sit in the stocks and have wet sponges thrown at them. Susan forces Mike into the stocks where the factory girls gleefully throw sponges at him. Alec doesn't like the way Bet is spending all his money on the wedding. He tells her that they'll have to wait a bit for a honeymoon as they'll have to organise relief. Sam Tindall wins a cake for guessing its weight correctly. Percy keeps adding up all the totals wrong, over-estimating the targetometer. He announces that they've reached the £500 target. Jenny phones Rita, telling her that she's having a wonderful time. Emily counts the money and finds they've raised £435 not the £500 Percy announced.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Eyl 02, 1987
Emily investigates the missing £65. Percy swears that it's been stolen and suspects Sam. Bet tells Alec that she's booking into the Woodlands Hotel as she doesn't think it's right them
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Emily investigates the missing £65. Percy swears that it's been stolen and suspects Sam. Bet tells Alec that she's booking into the Woodlands Hotel as she doesn't think it's right them both being married from the Rovers. He gets Gloria to invite her to stay at her flat. Tracy tells Emily that Percy never added the totals up correctly. She discovers Jack took £30 for expenses. Alan decides to go to France to find Jenny. Emily makes up the appeal money herself and gives Mrs Meredith £500. Bet moves in with Gloria.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Eyl 07, 1987
Vera is depressed that Jack isn't celebrating her birthday. Gloria tries to get Bet to change her mind, telling her that Alec won't be good for her. Ivy agrees to go out to a club with
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Vera is depressed that Jack isn't celebrating her birthday. Gloria tries to get Bet to change her mind, telling her that Alec won't be good for her. Ivy agrees to go out to a club with Vera to cheer her up. Alec is worried when Gloria admits to him that she's tried to talk Bet out of marrying him. Tom Hopwood tells Hilda that he's selling his shop and is going to retire. Taxi driver Don Brennan takes Vera and Ivy to The Pink Flamingo. Bet wants an early night but Gloria invites the girls round for a hen party. Ivy leaves Vera at the club trying to chat up a barman. She is surprised when Don is her taxi driver again. They get chatting. Alec has a miserable stag night as best man Charles Halliday tries to put him off marriage.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Eyl 09, 1987
Bet is adamant she's going to enjoy her wedding although she's wracked with nerves. Gloria prepares her. Alec is so hung-over and spends the night on the sofa. Charles Halliday urges him
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Bet is adamant she's going to enjoy her wedding although she's wracked with nerves. Gloria prepares her. Alec is so hung-over and spends the night on the sofa. Charles Halliday urges him not to get married. Alec becomes suspicious about Bet's past relationships as Jack, Mike and Alf drop heavy hints. Bet wears a full ivory gown. Left in charge of the Rovers, Jack flirts with caterer Di Halliday. Betty, Hilda, Mike, Susan, Rita, Ivy and Vera attend the wedding. Gloria is bridesmaid and Alf gives Bet away as she marries Alec. Jack is annoyed to discover Di is Charlie's wife. Ivy is surprised when Don Brennan calls on her and asks her out for a drink. She is thrilled. Tom Hopwood tells Hilda he's thinking of buying a bungalow in Formby and asks her to view it with him.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Eyl 14, 1987
Curly starts at the Tech. Tom Hopwood and Hilda view the bungalow in Formby. She agrees with him that it's wonderful. Deirdre has her first Environmental Health committee and finds it
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Curly starts at the Tech. Tom Hopwood and Hilda view the bungalow in Formby. She agrees with him that it's wonderful. Deirdre has her first Environmental Health committee and finds it hard-going. Tom tells Hilda he wants her to come to live in Formby with him. She is shocked but he assures her that he wants to marry her. She asks for time to think things over. Don Brennan takes Ivy out for a drink. She introduces him to the Duckworths who force them into a foursome. Sally tells Hilda she'd be a fool not to marry Tom; he worships her.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Eyl 16, 1987
Sally considers buying No.13 when Hilda marries Tom Hopwood. Ivy is annoyed when Vera spreads it around that she's courting. Tom tells Hilda that he's moving to Formby with or without
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Sally considers buying No.13 when Hilda marries Tom Hopwood. Ivy is annoyed when Vera spreads it around that she's courting. Tom tells Hilda that he's moving to Formby with or without her. Don Brennan and Ivy arrange another date. She is relieved he wasn't put off her by the Duckworths. Hilda realises she misses having someone to talk to but doesn't know what to do. Alec gives Bet the Rovers as a wedding present. He tells her that it's hers to do with as she pleases and she's the boss. Hilda tells Tom she can't marry him; everything important that's ever happened to her has happened in Coronation Street and she can't leave. She is sad that he's leaving anyway and they part company.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Eyl 21, 1987
Vera feels that No.9 needs decorating. Sally is upset that Hilda turned Tom Hopwood down. Bet overhears some of the residents gossiping about how they feel that she'll be an awful
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Vera feels that No.9 needs decorating. Sally is upset that Hilda turned Tom Hopwood down. Bet overhears some of the residents gossiping about how they feel that she'll be an awful housewife and it upsets her. Tracy complains of stomachaches but Deirdre hasn't got time to worry about her, thinking she just wants to get off school. Bet tries to prove herself to Alec. Vera buys an imitation fur coat. Jack decides to treat Vera to a new gas fire as it will be cheaper than decorating. He buys a living-flame fire on the cheap. Tracy is sent home from school. Ken is furious as Deirdre can't be contacted. The Doctor diagnoses appendicitis and phones for an ambulance. Tracy is rushed to hospital and operated on just in time. Ken lays into Deirdre for not taking notice of her. Bet spends all her time laying on a meal for Alec, telling him that she intends to be the ideal wife.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Eyl 23, 1987
Bet plans an exotic dinner party. Jack gets Vera to agree to settle with just a fire. Bet annoys Alec by spending all day preparing for the dinner party. Jack takes possession of the
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Bet plans an exotic dinner party. Jack gets Vera to agree to settle with just a fire. Bet annoys Alec by spending all day preparing for the dinner party. Jack takes possession of the fire and decides to install it himself to save money. Ken is furious when Deirdre is too busy to visit Tracy. Bet is upset when Rita and the Hallidays have to call off the dinner party. She forces Emily and Mavis to take their places. Tracy understands that Deirdre is busy but Ken makes the most of the situation to call Deirdre a bad mother. Bet is upset when the meal is a flop as she's such a bad cook. Alec asks her to stick to her lipstick in future.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Eyl 28, 1987
Alan gets a letter from Jenny in Bordeaux and decides that he's had enough. He leaves for France. Deirdre is bothered by a Mrs Driscoll whose husband has deserted her. She is worried
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Alan gets a letter from Jenny in Bordeaux and decides that he's had enough. He leaves for France. Deirdre is bothered by a Mrs Driscoll whose husband has deserted her. She is worried that her children will be taken into care and begs Deirdre to help her. Jack installs the fire. Vera loves it but Ivy thinks she can smell gas from it. She tells Jack that it's illegal to install gas appliances. Ken is annoyed that Deirdre is too busy running Weatherfield to visit Tracy.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Eyl 30, 1987
Deirdre tells Ken she's sick of his nagging her over her work and accuses him of being jealous. Rita is stunned to see Martin driving his car in Weatherfield. Deirdre organises Emily and
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Deirdre tells Ken she's sick of his nagging her over her work and accuses him of being jealous. Rita is stunned to see Martin driving his car in Weatherfield. Deirdre organises Emily and Susan to babysit Tracy when she returns home. Ken is angry as he thinks Deirdre should give up her Council work until Tracy is better. Jack feels that all the fire needs is having the chimney swept. Tracy returns home. Jack borrows the tools and sweeps the chimney himself. He brings down a load of soot, covering the room, himself and Vera. He then uses Vera's new coat to wipe his face. Rita calls at Martin's house and learns from his father that Martin's been back a while.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Eki 05, 1987
Vera spends hours cleaning the soot up. She tells Jack that they'll have to redecorate now. She can't get the soot out of her dentures. Martin tells Rita that Jenny is still in France;
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Vera spends hours cleaning the soot up. She tells Jack that they'll have to redecorate now. She can't get the soot out of her dentures. Martin tells Rita that Jenny is still in France; she went off with a load of French students when he decided to return. Someone reports a gas leak at No.9 so the Gasboard Man calls. Ken tells Deirdre that she should be looking after Tracy. Deirdre suggests he takes time off work to look after her but he tells her that she's being stupid. The Gasboard Man clears the fire after giving Jack a ticking-off. Alan returns home. He goes for Martin, accusing him of abandoning Jenny. Martin tells him that Jenny went off with a Frenchman to Paris, declaring that she was in love.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Eki 07, 1987
Rita talks Alan out of rushing back to France to search for Jenny. She is sure Jenny will get in contact. Jack suspects Percy of reporting him to the gas board. Percy tells him if he had
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Rita talks Alan out of rushing back to France to search for Jenny. She is sure Jenny will get in contact. Jack suspects Percy of reporting him to the gas board. Percy tells him if he had reported him then he'd have made sure everyone knew. Ken apologises to Deirdre for being so intense. She breaks the news that she wants to go as a delegate at an Environmental Health Conference in Bournemouth. He tells her that he's astonished she's even contemplating going; Tracy is ill and he doesn't want Emily and Susan running his home. Deirdre wants to go to the conference to prove herself. Vera pays £10 deposit for a wallpaper sample book, she is horrified when Jack tears the samples out and pins them on the wall for effect. Ivy tells the Duckworths she reported them. Jenny returns home. She tells Alan and Rita that she's going to marry the man she has met - Patrice Podevin - and live in France.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Eki 12, 1987
Alan tries to talk Jenny into marrying after her 'A' Levels, she refuses - she loves Patrice Podevin and isn't going to wait. Alec is ill with flu so Bet forces him to stay in bed. As
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Alan tries to talk Jenny into marrying after her 'A' Levels, she refuses - she loves Patrice Podevin and isn't going to wait. Alec is ill with flu so Bet forces him to stay in bed. As she's short-staffed, Bet contacts Betty who agrees to return whilst Alec's ill. Deirdre tells Ken that she's going to make a success of being a Councillor and he'd better come to terms with it. Alan feels Jenny is too young to marry. He gets her to agree to think seriously about the future. Alec hates staying in bed and worries that the Rovers will go under.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Eki 14, 1987
Betty returns to the Rovers as a temporary measure to help Bet. Jenny annoys Alan by deciding to return to Paris. Alec is horrified to find Betty back in the Rovers. Bet antagonises him
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Betty returns to the Rovers as a temporary measure to help Bet. Jenny annoys Alan by deciding to return to Paris. Alec is horrified to find Betty back in the Rovers. Bet antagonises him by getting Betty to look after him. Patrice Podevin phones Jenny and tells her that he's arriving to meet Alan. Deirdre leaves for Bournemouth but Ken refuses to wish her luck. Susan takes Tracy in whilst Deirdre's away. Betty tells Bet that she's not staying where she's not wanted. Bet orders Alec to be nice to Betty as they need her. Jenny is delighted when Patrice arrives. Alan finds it hard to be civil to him.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Eki 19, 1987
Alan is not happy to see Jenny all over Patrice Podevin. Nevertheless, he tells Patrice that he wants him to stay around as he wants to get to know him. Alec rents Patrice a room in the
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Alan is not happy to see Jenny all over Patrice Podevin. Nevertheless, he tells Patrice that he wants him to stay around as he wants to get to know him. Alec rents Patrice a room in the Rovers for £20 a night. Bet is annoyed and tells him that she's not cooking breakfasts for him. Alan tells Patrice he's not against Jenny marrying him but is worried they're rushing things. Patrice tells him that his father has suggested they wait until after his law studies have finished so he could marry in two years. He wants to tell Jenny this is what he's decided. Ken discovers that Deirdre didn't have to go to Bournemouth but she volunteered to go. Bet talks Betty into staying on permanently. Jenny accuses Patrice of being scared when he tells her that he wants them to wait two years before they marry. She accuses him of not loving her anymore.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Eki 21, 1987
Jenny refuses to speak to Patrice Podevin. Alec grudgingly admits that Betty is worth keeping on as her cooking is so popular. He tells Bet that if she stays Gloria will have to go.
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Jenny refuses to speak to Patrice Podevin. Alec grudgingly admits that Betty is worth keeping on as her cooking is so popular. He tells Bet that if she stays Gloria will have to go. Ken's still smarting following Audrey's revelation that Deirdre went on the course through choice not obligation. Susan tells him that it's his own fault for pushing her into the council job. Rita tries to make Jenny see that Patrice's feelings haven't changed and that if she really loves him she'll stand by him. She apologises to Patrice for acting like a child. Alf's furious with Audrey for blabbing to Ken. Patrice takes Jenny to a park and gives her an engagement ring. Bet refuses to sack Betty or Gloria. Alec tells her not to be so sentimental. Rita encourages Alan to celebrate Jenny's engagement, since it may not last.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Eki 26, 1987
Gloria returns from her holiday in Portugal. Jenny can't wait to be Patrice's wife. He returns to France to complete his studies and they vow to write every day. Deirdre returns from
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Gloria returns from her holiday in Portugal. Jenny can't wait to be Patrice's wife. He returns to France to complete his studies and they vow to write every day. Deirdre returns from Bournemouth after having a wonderful time. Bet realises that there's nothing she can do to save Gloria's job. Ken receives letters from the public criticising the Council trip. He decides to print some in the Recorder. Jenny's friends throw a surprise engagement party for her. Betty tells Bet that she'll work lunchtimes only so Gloria can keep her job. Alec agrees. Susan tells Mike she thinks that she's pregnant. He is overcome with emotion.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Eki 28, 1987
Martin's dad gets him a job interview at the printing works where he works but he doesn't want the job. Deirdre gives Ken a report she has written on the conference for him to print in
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Martin's dad gets him a job interview at the printing works where he works but he doesn't want the job. Deirdre gives Ken a report she has written on the conference for him to print in the Recorder. Alec is given the job of assembling a troupe to entertain the British Army in Germany. Ken finds Deirdre's report tedious and egotistical. Alec asks Betty to put more salt in her hotpot to make the customers thirsty but she refuses to change her recipe. The doctor tells Susan that she's definitely pregnant. Mike celebrates. Deirdre is enraged to read letters criticising her council trip on the ratepayers money. She asks Ken how he could criticise her so publicly. He tells her that he knows she was never picked to go on the trip but volunteered. He refuses to print her article, telling her that it's boring. Alec tells Bet he's going to have to go with the troupe to Germany. She is annoyed that she's going to be stuck in the Rovers. Deirdre tells Ken she didn't tell him she volunteered as she knew he'd have been horrid about it. He assures her that he's proud of her. Susan is embarrassed when Mike tells the Barlows about her pregnancy. Ken is pleased.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Kas 02, 1987
Mavis panics when she is ordered up for jury service. Vera worries about her mother Amy Burton's health. Mike drives Susan into Derbyshire and shows her an isolated farm cottage, telling
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Mavis panics when she is ordered up for jury service. Vera worries about her mother Amy Burton's health. Mike drives Susan into Derbyshire and shows her an isolated farm cottage, telling her that he's going to buy it so their child can grow up in the country. They go around the house but Susan isn't keen. Vera doesn't like the thought of Amy living on her own. Percy tells Mavis horror stories about jury service. She dreads it and gets drunk. Susan tells Deirdre that all Mike wants is a nursery maid. She realises that she's going to be stuck in Glossop all day changing nappies.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Kas 04, 1987
Vera suggests to Jack that they decorate the back bedroom and bring in a lodger. Susan tells Mike that she's frightened and doesn't want to live in the country. Jack is against having a
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Vera suggests to Jack that they decorate the back bedroom and bring in a lodger. Susan tells Mike that she's frightened and doesn't want to live in the country. Jack is against having a lodger. Mike is puzzled when Susan tells him that she needs some space and wants to get away for a while. Mavis goes to court but isn't allowed to serve on the jury as the defence council objected to her. She doesn't know why he objected and takes it personally. Mike tells Deirdre that he's worried about Susan's state of mind. He tries to stop Susan but she goes to Newcastle. Alec goes to Germany. Jack accuses Vera of wanting to have a man in the house and is surprised when she tells him that she wants a female lodger.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Kas 09, 1987
Jack tells Vera that she's right; they should have a lodger. Hilda is depressed to hear the Lowthers are retiring to Hartington. Jack suggests to Gloria that she becomes the Duckworths'
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Jack tells Vera that she's right; they should have a lodger. Hilda is depressed to hear the Lowthers are retiring to Hartington. Jack suggests to Gloria that she becomes the Duckworths' lodger but she is horrified at the thought. Vera enjoys seeing Jack lusting at the prospect of a young female lodger as she's planning to move her mother in. Bet is surprised to find she's missing Alec. Susan returns to Weatherfield but calls on the Barlows instead of going home. She tells them that she's been to London and had an abortion.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Kas 11, 1987
Susan stays the night at No.1. Ken doesn't know how to treat her. She wants time before seeing Mike but Mike hears that she's back and calls at No.1. Susan is forced to face him. Susan
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Susan stays the night at No.1. Ken doesn't know how to treat her. She wants time before seeing Mike but Mike hears that she's back and calls at No.1. Susan is forced to face him. Susan calmly tells Mike she's had an abortion - there were no complications and she did it deliberately. He angrily calls her a murdering bitch. Jack redecorates the back bedroom. Mike tells Susan she had no right to kill his child. He tells her that she can't be normal. She tells him that she married him because she loved him and she thought he'd make life exciting and help her develop as a person. She admits she's never wanted children. He tells her that she's killed their marriage. Nurse Wendy Farmer answers Jack's advertisement. Mike turns to drink. Susan leaves Mike and returns to Newcastle. Ken is upset to see her go. He tells her that he doesn't approve but he respects her right to do what she did. She tells him that she should have listened to him in the first place and never married Mike. Vera tells Jack that Wendy can't have the room - her mother is having it. He is horrified.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Kas 16, 1987
Mike licks his wounds. When Hilda tries to help he accuses her of interfering and sacks her. Amy Burton moves into No.9. Deirdre feels sorry for Mike and visits him to try and help. He
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Mike licks his wounds. When Hilda tries to help he accuses her of interfering and sacks her. Amy Burton moves into No.9. Deirdre feels sorry for Mike and visits him to try and help. He feels nothing matters anymore. Jack tries to get Amy to see she doesn't want to lose her independence and move away from Rusholme but she tells him that she intends to stay at No.9 until she dies. Hilda helps the Lowthers pack away their belongings. She is sad that she'll never polish the fine furniture again. Joan Lowther presents her with some expensive outfits she no longer wants. Ken is annoyed that Deirdre has tried to help Mike. He tells her that Mike is nothing to do with them anymore.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Kas 18, 1987
Amy Burton is nagging Jack about having pigeons in the house. Because Mike's phone has been off the hook, Emily and Ivy call round to sort out some business. Susan phones to say that she
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Amy Burton is nagging Jack about having pigeons in the house. Because Mike's phone has been off the hook, Emily and Ivy call round to sort out some business. Susan phones to say that she needs a folder from the flat - Ken insists on going to get it. Vera tells Amy not to leave her bag around when Jack's about. Ken and Mike have an argument over Susan. While Hilda and Mrs Lowther are packing, they are viscously attacked by burglars. Hilda is knocked to the floor - her head badly cut.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Kas 23, 1987
Doctor Lowther discovers Hilda and his wife battered on floor. They are both taken to Casualty and later Hilda is put in Intensive Care. Kevin and Sally learn of the news and visit the
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Doctor Lowther discovers Hilda and his wife battered on floor. They are both taken to Casualty and later Hilda is put in Intensive Care. Kevin and Sally learn of the news and visit the hospital. Bet is informed of the attack and she decides to visit Hilda. Derek turns up at Mavis' flat and tells her that his marriage to Angela is over - he has left her a note and left her.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Kas 25, 1987
Lowther breaks down when the Consultant tells him that Joan has died. Mavis hardly sleeps knowing Derek is only the other side of the door. He tells her that he has to face Angela like a
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Lowther breaks down when the Consultant tells him that Joan has died. Mavis hardly sleeps knowing Derek is only the other side of the door. He tells her that he has to face Angela like a man and not rely on notes. Hilda regains consciousness. Derek returns home to find Angela hasn't read the note. He has second thoughts and decides it would be stupid to leave - he has too much to lose work-wise. He tells Mavis that he's returning to Angela. Mavis is devastated. Kevin is forced to break the news to Hilda that Joan Lowther is dead. Hilda is heartbroken.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Kas 30, 1987
Still in hospital, Hilda is very down and depressed at the thought of Mrs Lowther's funeral. Everyone tells her that she has to think of herself now. Alec returns from Germany. Hilda is
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Still in hospital, Hilda is very down and depressed at the thought of Mrs Lowther's funeral. Everyone tells her that she has to think of herself now. Alec returns from Germany. Hilda is delighted when Eddie Yeats visits her. He cheers her up and makes her laugh again. He apologises for not keeping in touch but tells her that he always thinks of her. Vera is upset that Jack and Amy Burton don't get on. Mavis tells Derek she doesn't believe that he'll ever change; he moans about Angela but is too afraid of losing his job and pension to leave her. He tells her that she's wrong; Angela is seeing another man. He tells her all that he needs is proof and then he can be rid of her but keep his job. He tells Mavis that he needs her help. Eddie drops by the Rovers for a drink with Curly, Kevin and Sally. Amy tells Vera she has no intention of staying where she's not wanted. Vera refuses to throw her into the Street and pleads with Jack to give her another chance. When he refuses she tells him that he'll have to go - not her mother.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ara 02, 1987
Alec tells Bet that he doesn't like seeing her in an apron cleaning the pub whilst Hilda's in hospital. Jack realises that he's trapped as he doesn't want to move out. Jenny is thrilled
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Alec tells Bet that he doesn't like seeing her in an apron cleaning the pub whilst Hilda's in hospital. Jack realises that he's trapped as he doesn't want to move out. Jenny is thrilled that Patrice Podevin is coming to stay for Christmas. Jack suggests to Amy Burton that she needs a part-time job to get her out of the house. Derek follows Angela to a pub in Worsley. He summons Mavis as he is certain that Angela is with a man. Hilda comforts Doctor Lowther, telling him that Joan knew how much he loved her. He tells her that he's going ahead with the move. She is sad when he says goodbye. Mavis is horrified when Derek asks her to spy on Angela at the pub as Angela's never seen her. Mavis goes into the pub to spy out for Derek and confirms that Angela is with a man. Derek is furious. Vera tells Jack that he's a rat for trying to send Amy out to work and accuses him of just being after the money. She forces him to sleep on the sofa. Hilda doesn't want to leave hospital as she feels she has nothing to go home for.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ara 07, 1987
Hilda returns home. The Websters look after her and Mike offers her her job back. Mavis has a panic attack when Angela's boyfriend shops at The Kabin. She fears he's traced her and wants
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Hilda returns home. The Websters look after her and Mike offers her her job back. Mavis has a panic attack when Angela's boyfriend shops at The Kabin. She fears he's traced her and wants to silence her. Alec presses Hilda to return to the Rovers but she doesn't think she's up to it. Gloria refuses to clean anymore. Hilda doesn't feel that her ordeal has ended. Derek is astonished when Mavis tells him that Angela's boyfriend has called. Rita can't believe it when Derek agrees with Mavis that he might be out to silence her. Rita tells Derek that he has to get Mavis out of the mess and he has to stand up to Angela. Derek promises to confront Angela with his suspicions. Amy Burton tells Vera that she's been taken on as cleaner at the Rovers.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ara 09, 1987
Not knowing where she is going to be working, Jack is delighted that Amy has got a job as he thinks it will get her out of his way for a bit. Derek convinces himself that Angela hasn't
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Not knowing where she is going to be working, Jack is delighted that Amy has got a job as he thinks it will get her out of his way for a bit. Derek convinces himself that Angela hasn't got a boyfriend but has been seeing her brother Donald. Jack is horrified to find Amy working at the Rovers. Derek is distraught when Mavis points out the mystery man to him whilst they're in the Rovers together; it isn't Donald. He talks Mavis into following the man in Rita's car. Hilda is dispirited and doesn't want to leave the house. She is relieved to hear the Police have captured both the youths. She is upset to discover that she knows the gran of one of them. Mavis tells Derek that she followed the man and he was obviously following Derek.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ara 14, 1987
Jack tries to get Hilda to return to work and is stunned when she tells him that she doesn't think she will ever return. Ivy invites Don to have his Christmas dinner with her as she's
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Jack tries to get Hilda to return to work and is stunned when she tells him that she doesn't think she will ever return. Ivy invites Don to have his Christmas dinner with her as she's going to have to cook for the Tilsleys. Don tells her that he feels lonely as his girls are married and his son's in France. Hilda gets Kevin to put new bolts and locks on her doors. Percy is upset when Amy Burton keeps accusing him of being lecherous and undressing her with his eyes. Derek is outraged to discover the mystery man is a detective Angela has hired to follow him. He tells Mavis that Angela is suing him for divorce, on the grounds of adultery and citing Mavis as co-respondent.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ara 16, 1987
Hilda locks herself away with Rommel, refusing to answer the door to anyone. Mavis is distraught that she's involved in a divorce case. She hates the idea of being branded a scarlet
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Hilda locks herself away with Rommel, refusing to answer the door to anyone. Mavis is distraught that she's involved in a divorce case. She hates the idea of being branded a scarlet woman. Amy startles Sam by telling him that he's gorgeous. He decides she may be worth pursuing. Hilda visits Stan's grave. Derek leaves Angela and moves into a bedsit in Withington. He tells Mavis that Angela knows that he spent the night in The Kabin flat. Hilda builds up courage and drinks in the Rovers.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ara 21, 1987
Hilda tells Bet that she doesn't want her job back. She knows nobody needs her anymore and is no use to anyone. Mrs Lowther's sister calls on Hilda and asks her to visit Doctor Lowther
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Hilda tells Bet that she doesn't want her job back. She knows nobody needs her anymore and is no use to anyone. Mrs Lowther's sister calls on Hilda and asks her to visit Doctor Lowther with her as he wants to see her. Audrey doesn't like the way Ivy is going to have the grandchildren for Christmas. Mavis is outraged when Derek suggests that as they're being cast as lovers they may as well be. She refuses to lose her self-respect, although Rita is impressed. Hilda visits Doctor Lowther in Hartington. He asks her to keep house for him there and live in a flat attached to the cottage. She agrees. She tells Sally that she'll be taking good memories with her and leaving bad ones behind.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ara 23, 1987
Alec is put out when Bet has secret talks with Mike. Bet tells Alec that they're planning a good send off for Hilda but Alec is certain there's more to it. Sally tells Kevin she wants
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Alec is put out when Bet has secret talks with Mike. Bet tells Alec that they're planning a good send off for Hilda but Alec is certain there's more to it. Sally tells Kevin she wants No.13 and asks him to buy it from Hilda. Kevin isn't keen to have a mortgage. Fearing Mavis is going to confront Angela, Derek makes the ultimate sacrifice and tells Angela that he won't contest the divorce, losing his job, car and pension but Mavis's name will be kept out of the divorce. Mavis is delighted. Audrey works on Brian and gets him to get Ivy to invite the Roberts to Christmas dinner. Ivy feels put on but agrees. Patrice Podevin contacts Jenny and tells her that he can't come for Christmas - she is devastated.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ara 26, 1987
Christmas Day: The Bradleys are depressed as they have to spend Christmas with Mavis. Audrey gets out of doing any cooking or washing up, letting Ivy and Gail do everything. The Websters
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Christmas Day: The Bradleys are depressed as they have to spend Christmas with Mavis. Audrey gets out of doing any cooking or washing up, letting Ivy and Gail do everything. The Websters spend Christmas with Hilda who is sentimental about leaving No.13. Mavis gets drunk and maudlin. She likens herself and Derek to Edward and Mrs Simpson. Don enjoys meeting Ivy's family. Hilda is stunned when all the residents throw a surprise farewell party for her in the Rovers. Lisa Woods and her boyfriend Gary Grimshaw bring Jenny out of herself by taking her to a party. Hilda innocently tells Alec that Bet once lived with Mike. Bet presents Hilda with some heated rollers as a present from the Street residents and thanks them for being good neighbours and friends and that a part of her will always remain on Coronation Street. Hilda then leads everyone in singing Wish Me Luck as You Wave Me Goodbye...
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ara 28, 1987
Alec sleeps in the spare room, accusing Bet of flirting with Mike. She tells him that her relationship with Mike is well in the past. Mavis worries as she hasn't heard from Derek. She
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Alec sleeps in the spare room, accusing Bet of flirting with Mike. She tells him that her relationship with Mike is well in the past. Mavis worries as she hasn't heard from Derek. She contacts Edith Wilton but she hasn't seen him. Kevin clears No.13 of Hilda's furniture and agrees to hold a party in the empty house. Bet is upset when Alec asks her how he's to know which of their customers she's slept with. Mavis learns that Derek hasn't been at his bedsit since before Christmas. She fears something awful's happened. Jenny takes off Patrice's ring and goes to the Websters' party. She is pleased when Gary Grimshaw dumps Lisa Woods and makes a play for her. She encourages him. Shirley and Curly become close at the party and he walks her home. Lisa is horrified to find Jenny kissing Gary. She calls Jenny a rotten bitch.
Yayınlanma tarihi
Ara 30, 1987
The tension between Alec and Bet drives customers away, and Derek has some explaining to do about his mysterious disappearance. Gary surprises Jenny by asking her out, but she also has to face the wrath of Lisa.
The tension between Alec and Bet drives customers away, and Derek has some explaining to do about his mysterious disappearance. Gary surprises Jenny by asking her out, but she also has to face the wrath of Lisa.
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