Yowamushi Pedal

  • :
  • : 137
  • : 98
  • TV Tokyo
  • Måndag 0
  • Animation Anime Comedy Drama Sport



The Final Day Begins!!
Episode overview
The 3rd and final day of the tournament in which Sakamichi and Team Sohoku compete for their second consecutive championship arrives, and Sakamichi pedals as hard as he can to catch up to Imaizumi as quickly as possible.
Episode overview
As Sohoku and Hakone Academy temporarily work together to catch up to the aces leading the race, Kyoto Fushimi’s Midousuji and Mizuta who were racing ahead fall back to their position. .. show full overview
The Power to Move Forward Together
Episode overview
Midousuji’s strategy turns the rear pack into a giant swarm of piranhas. They swallow up riders one after another and eventually begin attacking the Sohoku and Hakone Academy teams that .. show full overview
Two-Man Team
Episode overview
Teshima and Aoyagi break away from the pack to pursue the riders ahead of them, but Kyoto Fushimi stands in their way. In order to complete the objective given to him by Midousuji, .. show full overview
Episode overview
Teshima and Aoyagi win their sprint race against Kyoto Fushimi and rejoin their team. Sakamichi enjoys racing with all six of his team members, but it doesn’t last long. Aoyagi’s legs, .. show full overview
Doubashi Masakiyo's Inter-High
Episode overview
Both Kaburagi and Doubashi are exhausted, but they find the strength to single-mindedly pull their teams even as they threaten to lose consciousness.
Episode overview
Sent off by their sprinters, both teams enter the final mountains. Sohoku suffers repeated attacks from Hakone Academy and its four climbers, but through the efforts of .. show full overview
Teshima's Orders
Episode overview
Before the race, Captain Teshima told Sakamichi that he wouldn’t be the mountain ace at this Inter-High so the team could focus on taking out Hakone Academy’s formidable climber Manami .. show full overview
Transfer Student
Episode overview
Teshima and Ashikiba reflect on their shared history as they prepare to race for the mountain result line.
Resonating Vibrations
Episode overview
Neither Teshima nor Ashikiba back down in their intense battle for the King of the Mountain. Though Teshima desperately clings to Ashikiba, his legs are approaching their limit. Teshima .. show full overview
The Skies Above
Episode overview
Sohoku and Hakone Academy begin making moves towards the final finish line. As Hakone Academy accelerates due to climber Shinkai’s attack, sprinter-turned-allrounder Naruko fights back .. show full overview
Episode overview
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Shinkai Yuuto's Resolve
Episode overview
The race to the finish is thrown into chaos by Kyoto Fushimi’s sudden attack. In order to stop Midousuji from reaching the front, Shinkai Yuto stands in his way. Though normally .. show full overview
Naruko vs. Manami: A Tense Battle
Episode overview
Naruko challenges ace climber Manami to a race on the climb so his teammates can hold onto their lead.
Downhill Attacking and Defending!!
Episode overview
Naruko defeats Manami and catches up to lead riders Sakamichi and Imaizumi. With their dream of finishing the race together so close to coming true, Sakamichi is elated. However, Naruko .. show full overview
The Naruko Super Express!!
Episode overview
Midousuji leaps into first with a desperate diving turn. More than 200 meters behind in the final stages of the race, Sohoku chases after Midousuji on the Naruko Super Express' final .. show full overview
Shifting Wind
Episode overview
It's the last day of the Inter-High, and the lead riders are 4.5 kilometers away from the finish line. In order to defend their lead position won by Naruko's desperate resolve, Imaizumi .. show full overview
Water Gate Dive
Episode overview
Imaizumi and Midousuji engage in a high-risk downhill battle in the sudden rain. Meanwhile, Sakamichi does his best to catch up to Imaizumi while struggling with the unfamiliar rainy .. show full overview
Final Orders
Episode overview
Imaizumi wins the battle in the rain and rides in the lead. Sakamichi catches up to him, and Sugimoto and the other supporting members cheer for Team Sohoku as they ride alone in the .. show full overview
At the Aquarium in May
Episode overview
Two kilometers from the finish line, Sakamichi receives his final orders from Imaizumi and is entrusted with winning the race. He steels his resolve and chases after Manami. In early .. show full overview
Switches and Humming
Episode overview
Just before Sakamichi and Manami's race to the finish, Kuroda pulls for Manami from their position behind the lead riders. One year ago, after falling into a depression when he was .. show full overview
Let My Voice Reach You
Episode overview
The class rep waits for Manami at the finish line in the mountains in order to show her support. When Manami was distraught over losing to Sohoku at last year's Inter-High, she didn't .. show full overview
Kinjou's Final Job
Episode overview
After the day Kinjou reminded Sakamichi that Team Sohoku support each other when times are tough and he learned Makishima is reading his letters in England, he begins recovering at a .. show full overview
Their Last Sprint
Episode overview
This episode has no summary.
The Man Who Raised His Hands Up to the Sky
Episode overview
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