Worlds Beyond Number

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  • : 42
  • : 0
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  • Adventure Podcast



Hold On Tight
Episode overview
Everything that rises must converge, and baby, we are FLYING. It's good to be back.
Episode overview
Reunited, the gang must now face, waste, and taste de avalanche of revelation and experience that the Citadel provides. This is why we run.
Say My Name
Episode overview
Names are great. They let people know what to call things. You can read them, write them, put them on a list. If you know someone's name you can send them things, invite them places, say .. show full overview
Between the Lines
Episode overview
Wars and rumors of wars. Thrilling new weapons to titillate the thanatos urge of even the most inured imperial citizen. Heroes-to-be assemble and depart. While the Citadel mobilizes for .. show full overview
Kith and Kin
Episode overview
History, almost everybody's got some. Very hard to get rid of. Keeps repeating itself. If you're lucky, and work hard, you can just maybe learn from it, but you're gonna need a team. A .. show full overview
Later Than You Think
Episode overview
Tick tock. Tick tock. What time is it? How much is left? Can we have five more minutes? The gang's investigation has pierced the veil of the Citadel, and peering back at them through the .. show full overview
The Taboo of Passage
Episode overview
Mom's home.
Bring Them to Me
Episode overview
When there is no path, you make a path by walking. The rest of us are just following orders. Slow down, you're moving too fast, you got to make the moment last. Is a trap a trap if you like it? Bad news kiddo, wherever you go, there you are.
On Your Way
Episode overview
The gang is scattered. Bridges are burned. Where friends falter, new allies grow like mighty oaks. There are wars and rumors of wars, but be not afraid, sisters. We are all on our way to somewhere. Whether we like it or not.
