Today's Close-Up

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  • Documentary News


New Year, New Society? — Key Figures Share their Thoughts
Episode overview
For our first episode of 2022, we interviewed two internationally prominent figures. One is Maria Ressa, the Philippine journalist who received the Nobel Peace Prize last year. She .. show full overview
Young Survivors Find Their Voice: 27 Years since Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
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January 17, 1995, a magnitude-7.3 earthquake strikes the southern part of Hyogo Prefecture, Western Japan, leaving 6,434 people dead. Twenty-seven years on, many survivors who .. show full overview
Cybercrime Thriving in Pandemic: Japan a Major Target
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Cybercrime gangs around the world are flourishing during the pandemic era. They are benefiting from a sharp increase in the number of people putting their personal information on the .. show full overview
Japan's Elderly Care Going Digital
Episode overview
An AI-equipped robot checking on people at night in a nursing home, a sensor detecting unexpected behavior in elderly residents at night, another sensor predicting the need for restroom .. show full overview
Confessions of an Ex-Radical: Fifty Years after the Asama Sanso Incident
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In February 1972, the Asama Sanso incident captured the attention of Japan. The country watched on television as the radical militant United Red Army took a hostage at a mountain lodge .. show full overview
11 Years After Great East Japan Earthquake: Young Survivors Open Up to Families
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The devastating 2011 earthquake and tsunami upended the lives of countless people across northeastern Japan. Many of them were young people who struggled to process their experience of .. show full overview
11 Years After Great East Japan Earthquake: School Ruins Reconnect Survivors
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The devastating 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi power plant changed the lives of countless people. In this episode, we focus on Ukedo Elementary School .. show full overview
Information War in Ukraine: The Battle for Truth
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With no end in sight to the war in Ukraine and major infrastructure such as TV broadcast towers being attacked, journalists in the country are struggling to report what is really .. show full overview
North Korea Ramps up Missile Program: Global Divisions Fuel Urge to Arm
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North Korea has alarmed the international community with a flurry of missile launches, and now appears to be preparing to resume nuclear tests. Some experts believe Pyongyang's quest for .. show full overview
From Kids' Comics to Black Comedy: The Life of Fujiko Fujio (A)
Episode overview
Renowned manga artist Fujiko Fujio (A)* died in early April at the age of 88, leaving behind a vast body of work that includes some of Japan's most beloved children's cartoons. But he .. show full overview
Changing Gender Stereotypes via Education
Episode overview
Have you ever said or heard the expression, "You are a girl, so you should be more like this, or like that?" It has long been clear that sexism, however well intentioned, has serious .. show full overview
The Murky World of "No. 1" Rankings: How Marketing Misleads Consumers
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Businesses across Japan are increasingly touting the "No. 1" credentials of their products and services, typically putting up signs in shopfronts or posting ads on websites. But a closer .. show full overview
50 Years Since Okinawa's Reversion to Japan: Bridging History with the Future
Episode overview
It's been 50 years since Okinawa was reverted to Japan from U.S. control. Using documents and reporting, NHK has recreated the downtown Okinawa of 1972 in a virtual reality space. Seven .. show full overview
Japan's Fried Chicken Craze: What's Behind the 'Karaage' Business Boom?
Episode overview
Have you ever tried 'karaage,' or Japanese style fried chicken? These days, there are lots of options. The number of specialty shops in Japan has increased 10-fold in the past decade. .. show full overview
Ant Attack: Fight Against Invasive Species
Episode overview
A tiny creature experts say poses a huge threat around the world has been reproducing in large numbers in Japan. It's the Argentine ant, a native of South America. As their numbers grow .. show full overview
Secret Power of Bacteria: How Gut Health Shapes Our Well-being
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Growing interest in gut health has spawned a field of research that continues to make important discoveries about how previously little-understood microbes shape the well-being of the .. show full overview
Ukraine Cyberwar: Battlefield With No Borders
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Months into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, another, invisible war is becoming apparent — the war in cyberspace. As Russia had launched cyberattacks on Ukraine's infrastructure before .. show full overview
Waste Not, Want Not: Unused Fish Find Favor at Dinner Table
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Japan's seafood culture is famous around the world. But the range of fish available to consumers represents just a fraction of what can be found in local waters, and the most popular .. show full overview
Heatstroke Misconceptions: Beat the Heat with the Right Knowledge
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Higher than average temperatures and a shorter rainy season mean people across Japan face a heightened risk of heatstroke this summer. But many don't know how to recognize the warning .. show full overview
Ties Revealed: Former Unification Church and Japan's Politicians
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The killing of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has revealed previously overlooked ties between politicians and the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, formerly known as .. show full overview
A New Generation of Idols: How Tech is Bridging the Gap with Fans
Episode overview
Japan's music idols once occupied a world far removed from their fans, who could only watch them on television or up on stage. In recent years, however, social media and livestreaming .. show full overview
Spousal Organ Transplants: New Option Leads to New Challenges
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In the past, most organ transplants were from dead donors or between parents and children. But in recent years, medical progress has made transplants possible between people with no .. show full overview
20 Years after Japan-North Korea Summit: Can Lessons Help Bring Home All Abductees?
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A summit meeting was held for the first time between Japan and North Korea in September 2002, after which five of the Japanese nationals abducted by North Korea were able to return home. .. show full overview
Vacant House Investment: Finding Value in Abandoned Homes
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The number of vacant houses is on the rise in Japan. Abandoned properties left to decay are potential arson risks for nearby residents. But now, investors—many of them young company .. show full overview
Russia Turns to Africa: New Ties in Face of Global Isolation
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At a UN General Assembly meeting in March, 26 countries from Africa were against, abstained, or absent in a vote to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It suggests Moscow's recent .. show full overview
Authentic Chinese Cuisine Arrives in Japan: A Sign of a New Age in Bilateral Ties?
Episode overview
Grilled catfish with chili pepper. Crayfish simmered with garlic. These dishes aren't from restaurants in China, but Japan. A growing number of "authentic Chinese" restaurants are .. show full overview
Are We as Eco-friendly as We Think? — The True Cost of Going Green
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Are you shifting away from plastic shopping bags to reusable alternatives? Perhaps turning to reusable cups at coffee shops? Practices you think of as eco-friendly may not necessarily be .. show full overview
Is Free Delivery Truly "Free"? — Truckers Struggle with Long Hours, Low Pay
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Consumers and companies across Japan enjoy a world where deliveries are often advertised as "free," and products are dropped to their door around the clock. But beyond this life of .. show full overview
Anatomy of a Flawed Investigation: Machine Maker Snared in Export Control Net
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A machine maker based in Yokohama City found itself in the headlines in 2020 when police arrested the president and two other men for allegedly exporting a device that was subject to .. show full overview
Digging for Answers: The Growing Threat to Japan's Onsen
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Hot springs are an integral part of Japanese culture. Since ancient times, people have sought out the soothing waters of onsen hot spring baths for their power to restore the body and .. show full overview
Turning Back to Nuclear Power? ― Debate Over Japan's Energy Mix
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Electricity bills are soaring due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and for other reasons. Partly in response, the Japanese government has said it wants to extend the operational life of .. show full overview
Anime Director Makoto Shinkai: Depicting Disasters Through Storytelling
Episode overview
The animated film "Suzume" is turning into a huge box-office hit in Japan. In the movie, 17-year-old Suzume "locks out" sources of natural disasters across Japan before they occur. .. show full overview