The Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories

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Introduction to the Idea of God
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In this lecture, I describe what I consider to be the idea of God, which is at least partly the notion of sovereignty and power, divorced from any concrete sovereign or particular, .. show full overview
Genesis 1: Chaos & Order
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In this lecture, I present Genesis 1, which presents the idea that a pre-existent cognitive structure (God the Father) uses the Logos, the Christian Word, the second Person of the .. show full overview
God and the Hierarchy of Authority
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In this lecture, I tried to outline something like this: for anything to be, there has to be a substrate (call it a potential) from which it emerges, a structure that provides the .. show full overview
Adam and Eve: Self-Consciousness, Evil, and Death
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I turned my attention in this lecture to the older of the two creation accounts in Genesis: the story of Adam and Eve.
Cain and Abel: The Hostile Brothers
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The account of Cain and Abel is remarkable for its unique combination of brevity and depth. In a few short sentences, it outlines two diametrically opposed modes of being -- both .. show full overview
The Psychology of the Flood
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The story of Noah and the Ark is next in the Genesis sequence. This is a more elaborated tale than the initial creation account, or the story of Adam and Eve or Cain and Abel. However, .. show full overview
Walking with God: Noah and the Flood
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Life at the individual and the societal level is punctuated by crisis and catastrophe. This stark truth finds its narrative representation in the widely-distributed universal motif of .. show full overview
The Phenomenology of the Divine
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In the next series of stories, the Biblical patriarch Abram (later: Abraham) enters into a covenant with God. The history of Israel proper begins with these stories. Abram heeds the call .. show full overview
The Call to Abraham
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In this lecture, I tell the story of Abraham, who heeds the call of God to leave what was familiar behind and to journey into unknown lands. The man portrayed in the Bible as the father .. show full overview
Abraham: Father of Nations
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The Abrahamic adventures continue with this, the tenth lecture in my 12-part initial Biblical lecture series. Abraham's life is presented as a series of encapsulated narratives, .. show full overview
Sodom and Gomorrah
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Often interpreted as an injunction against homosexuality (particularly by those simultaneously claiming identity as Christians and opposed to that orientation), the stories of the angels .. show full overview
The Great Sacrifice: Abraham and Isaac
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In this, the final lecture of the Summer 2017 12-part series The Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories, we encounter, first, Hagar's banishment to the desert with Ishmael .. show full overview
Jacob's Ladder
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The Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories starts up after a two month hiatus with the first half of the story of Jacob, the founder of Israel ("those who wrestle with God"), .. show full overview
Jacob: Wrestling with God
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In this lecture, I present the second half of the story of Jacob, later Israel (he who struggles with God). After serving his time with his uncle Laban, and being deceived by him in the .. show full overview
Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors
Episode overview
This lecture closes the 2017, and the book of Genesis. In it, I present the story of Joseph who, as the wearer of the coat of many colors, is profoundly adaptable, courageous, adaptable, .. show full overview