The Nature of Things

  • :
  • : 1057
  • : 14
  • CBC
  • 20
  • Documentary


Sex, Lies and Secrecy: Dissecting Hysterectomy
Episode overview
Three-quarters of a million hysterectomies are performed annually in North America. In close to 80% of these the ovaries are removed at the time of surgery, which robs women of a natural .. show full overview
Terrible Lizards of Oz
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Selling Sickness
Episode overview
Selling Sickness explores the unhealthy relationships between society, medical science and the pharmaceutical industry as they promote their new miracle cures - selling not just drugs .. show full overview
ARKTIKA: The Russian Dream That Failed
Episode overview
ARKTIKA: The Russian Dream That Failed traces the ambitious and disasterous Soviet attempt to conquer a vast arctic region spanning half of the top of the world. A veil of secrecy that .. show full overview
Episode overview
Shipbreakers takes audiences to a remote stretch of beach on the Arabian Sea where obsolete ships are disassembled into smouldering scrap metal and toxic waste.
Clot Busters
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Killed By Care: Making Medicine Safe
Episode overview
In Canada alone it's estimated that between 9,000 and 24,000 people die every year as a result of medical error. The Nature of Things presents Killed By Care: Making Medicine Safe a one .. show full overview
Tale of a Tiny Bird
Episode overview
Magic and understanding blossom when an imaginative young girl meets the King of the Songbirds. Travelling with him, to his kingdom among the dunes of Courland on the Baltic, she is .. show full overview
Apocalypse Cow: The Mad Cow Story (Part 1)
Episode overview
APOCALYPSE COW is a two-part story about Mad Cow Disease - a rare brain disorder of cattle that has the ability to jump species. The Mad Cow epidemic started in the United Kingdom and .. show full overview
Apocalypse Cow: The Mad Cow Story (Part 2)
Episode overview
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Bhopal: The Search for Justice
Episode overview
Bhopal: The Search for Justice looks at the 1984 chemical leak in Bhopal, India, which killed fifteen thousand people at the time and continues to have severe health effects on people .. show full overview
Forbidden Forest
Episode overview
Two men concerned about forestry policies on New Brunswick lands urge company officials and the New Brunswick government to practice responsible forestry, and they propose a new, .. show full overview
Fighting Fire with Fire
Episode overview
Two men concerned about forestry policies on New Brunswick lands urge company officials and the New Brunswick government to practice responsible forestry, and they propose a new, .. show full overview
Being Caribou: Part 1
Episode overview
Hoping to raise awareness of the threat to the survival of the Porcupine caribou herd presented by the proposed exploitation of the oil and gas reserves in the Arctic National Wildlife .. show full overview
Being Caribou: Part 2
Episode overview
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Whale Mission: The Last Giants
Episode overview
Climb aboard the sailboat Sedna IV with Jean Lemire, and navigate due north in the waters of the perilous Atlantic Ocean to reach the distant Cape Farewell, where the captain and his crew hope to find the whales.
Whale Mission: Keepers of Memory
Episode overview
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Origins of Human Aggression: The Other Story
Episode overview
Examines the complex factors that affect the socialization of aggressive behavior among humans. Biological, environmental and psychological components are addressed, and guidelines for the prevention of human violence are provided.
Five Seasons
Episode overview
The Numurindi people from Australia's South East Arnemland have developed a culture where all things past and present, including the weather, are interrelated. This relationship extends .. show full overview
