The Donna Reed Show

  • :
  • : 275
  • : 8
  • ABC (US)
  • Comedy Family



Weekend Trip
Episode overview
This is the very first episode of the long-running series, in which audiences were introduced to the beloved Stone family. In this episode, we get a glimpse of the sometimes chaotic .. show full overview
Pardon My Gloves
Episode overview
Jeff gets a black eye from a boy who mocked Donna's acting in a local play, so Donna tries to teach Jeff how to box.
The Hike
Episode overview
Donna tries to prove women can out smart men when Dr. Stone is called away to treat a patient.
Male Ego
Episode overview
Alex feels bad about his ego and proves his independence when Donna buys the suit he wants.
The Football Uniform
Episode overview
Jeff wants a uniform for the team picture. Jeff must work for the money to buy it.
The Foundling
Episode overview
A woman abandones her child at the Stones place. Attached to the baby is a note, that upsets the entire household, including their Irish maid: Dear Mrs.Stone, His name is Willie. He's .. show full overview
Three Part Mother
Episode overview
Donna tries to go to 3 places on the same night.
Change Partners and Dance
Episode overview
Mary has a crush on George the basketball star George who wants to take her to the varsity Prom but can't dance.
Dough Re-Mi
Episode overview
Donna tries to get a concert pianist to perform at a benefit at the same time Jeff is trying to raise money for a football tackling dummy.
Guest in the House
Episode overview
An ex-patient seeks refuge at the stones.
The Baby Contest
Episode overview
Alex is judge at a Beautiful Baby contest run by Donna's club.
The Beaded Bag
Episode overview
Donna tries to get an expensive bag for birthday.
The Busy Body
Episode overview
Uncle Fred brings trouble to the stones.
A Very Merry Christmas
Episode overview
Donna searches for the person who gave money for the hospital party.
Mary's Double Date
Episode overview
Mary's Junior prom is coming up, She feels two boys on the football team are two possible dates to choose from. She waits until the day of the prom to decide.
Jeff's Double Life
Episode overview
After nosy neighbor Mrs. Wilgus (the inimitable Kathleen Freeman) alerts Donna and Alex about Mary having a noisy party while they were out, the kids get lectured about being the .. show full overview
Nothing But the Truth
Episode overview
David Barker returns to the Stones home for his birthday.
It's the Principle of the Thing
Episode overview
Mr. Popkin won't let Alex treat Joey because he has no money. Donna hires him to repairs around the house, Later Alex fires him. Donna sees that he is an inventor and helps Mr. Popkin market his product.
Jeff vs. Mary
Episode overview
Jeff fells Donna and Alex love Mary more than Jeff. Donna and Alex turn on an intercom after finding out the information and hope Jeff listens.
Have Fun
Episode overview
Mary comes home from a date in tears. Donna And Alex tell 2 different stories on how they met each other on there first date.
Donna Plays Cupid
Episode overview
Donna Tries to get Bo and Celia to fall in love.
Love Thy Neighbor
Episode overview
Donna And Alex help celebrate the 20th anniversary of Willber & Celia Wilgus only to find that Celia walked out.
The Report Card
Episode overview
Donna feels that Jeff is just an average Student.
Boys Will Be Boys
Episode overview
David Barker is brought to Alex to be treated for rabies only to learn that student bit David.
The Ideal Wife
Episode overview
Everyone praises Donna,""the ideal wife,""so much that she goes on a rampage and purposely loses her temper at people.After a day of this she regrets her tirage and apologizes to all.
Mary's Campaign
Episode overview
Marry is elected class secretary, and may drive her family crazy trying to Win the election.
The Flowered Print Dress
Episode overview
Donna Tries to make her marriage more romantic.
April Fool
Episode overview
Buzz Barry America's Idol comes to Hildale to sing at a school Dance but then is ill with the measles.
The Parting of the Ways
Episode overview
The Stones campaign to help the Kelppers marrige backfires on them!
The Hero
Episode overview
Alex's roommate Biff Jameson comes to Hilldale but Alex and Donna have trouble finding out what he does for a living.
Do You Trust Your Child?
Episode overview
Donna gives advice on how raise children.
Grateful Patient
Episode overview
Alex takes advantage of a tip on the market.
The Testimonial
Episode overview
Donna plans a speech for Dr. Jason
Miss Lovelace Comes to Tea
Episode overview
A housekeeper is hired to help Donna.
Tomorrow Comes Too Soon
Episode overview
Donna wants a day alone without kids. But is she and Alex ready for that?
Advice to Young Lovers
Episode overview
Mary gets advice on how to handle love.
Operation Deadbeat
Episode overview
Alex collects money Jeff owes.
